
Universal Benefit Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"I genuinely believe that anyone can benefit from therapy, whether or not you quote unquote need it."
"Designing for accessibility benefits everyone, not just those who are differently abled."
"This is really good news that we've now got a treatment that almost every patient can take and they will get benefit from it."
"Every single person is going to get a stimulus check."
"It's a great day for everybody, in terms of equality."
"If we understood the logos, that understanding would be universally and individually beneficial."
"The silver lining has to be something that benefits everybody."
"The point of all of this is to show how simple and how universal uh yield could be and how 7.8 billion people can join and all benefit no one loses."
"No. The future will be electric in the passenger car world for sure."
"We got to really think about what's best for everybody. What's good for black people is good for everybody."
"Peace for yourself is peace for everyone, right?"
"Indiana started sending $125 dollar payments to all residents regardless of income."
"Safety is probably the thing they increased most and everyone profits from that definitely."
"There's not a single person on the planet that couldn't benefit from having therapy."
"That's value. You don't stop value. Value always finds its way to happen."
"Universal healthcare is an advantage in keeping public support for programs once they're in place."
"It's just really, in terms of universal benefit, it's just kind of unbeatable in my opinion."
"It made a huge difference for me, and I know for a fact it would make a huge difference for everyone."
"Equality works for everyone... it's good for all people."
"Therapy is my safe place to verbally process my inner thoughts, and I feel like that's something that virtually everybody can benefit from."
"Universal policies that can be framed broadly benefit anyone."
"If there's one supplement that pretty much everyone can, slash, maybe should take, it is creatine."
"Raising the quality of life for one group raises the quality of everyone."
"Accessibility is awesome for everyone, not just for disabled people."
"Share your spiritual gifts at whatever level they have because they're beneficial to everybody."
"Anyone could benefit from strength training."
"How do we center ourselves in a way that contributes to all of humanity benefiting?"
"I feel like everybody can benefit from therapy honestly."
"Anyone and everyone can benefit from this video."
"Everyone can benefit from watching this, the wisdom of the womb."
"It's like literally good for everyone all around."
"I think it's going to be great for just about everybody."
"Plants may not be for everyone but they work for everyone and I feel everyone has a right to know."
"There's enough generosity for everyone."
"Meditation seems to be like a Panacea, it's kind of like exercise where it helps everything."
"It's really across the board that everybody can benefit from a method that will help them to train their awareness and develop a more positive mind state."
"The properties of the island should benefit all of mankind, not just a select few."
"Pre-K is not just a benefit that should be afforded to some but entitlement that should be available to all."
"Socrates himself has no enemies; he benefits those people that like him but he also does his best to benefit those people that don't like him."
"Dew is good for everyone; no one suffered from it."
"There is no disease for which exercise isn't good."
"Everyone gets it means that programs are much less likely to be cut."
"Educate everybody, and that's everybody. You want to live in a good world? Educate everybody."
"Everybody can benefit from therapy."
"The profit or the increase of the earth is for everybody."
"It's almost like everyone would benefit from this."
"I practice for the benefit of all beings."
"Therapy is something that absolutely every single human being on this planet can benefit from."
"Nature provides mental health not just for neurodiverse people but for all sorts of reasons."
"It's really something that everyone can benefit from."
"Exercise seems like it just helps with everything."
"The bigger picture is that everyone could benefit from improving these abilities."
"Niacinamide is a fantastic ingredient and really all of us should be using it."
"Anyone can benefit from doing these exercises."
"I truly believe that everybody can use a little organization in their life."
"Benefits everybody, hurts nobody."