
Stargazing Quotes

There are 455 quotes

"It's a thing to celebrate for us astronomers, at least in the Northern Hemisphere anyway, because it means longer nights to come and that means more time to stargaze."
"A stargazing date will have me teleporting. It's cute. You're sitting down, you're just looking up, looking at the stars."
"We were just chilling, looking up at the clear night sky, looking for shooting stars."
"Stargazing is one of the most profoundly human things one can do, but perhaps we must more frequently tear ourselves away from the mystery and beauty of the starry heavens above and rank, admire, and foster the moral law within."
"The Canadian prairies are some of the best wide open spaces to witness incredible phenomenon in the nighttime skies."
"The universe: what could be more magical than gazing at the star-studded night sky on a balmy summer night and making a wish after each shooting star?"
"Those stars are more than I'll ever see, and I feel peaceful with that."
"Being out in places like this in these dark sky areas it's usually some of the best stargazing in America"
"I think she'd probably like to look at the stars, so I might suggest we stargaze."
"Literally look at the stars straight from your bed."
"Your relationship with your crush has grown. You can now start stargazing with your crush."
"When I stargaze and I look out into the vastness of space, I don't really feel insignificant. If anything, I feel hope."
"The price of being able to look at the stars at night is you can't really put a price on that."
"They do not want people to go out under the stars and do what we're recommending; they're going to find that nobody's being harmed."
"Now go outside with your friends, family... and look up into the sky together."
"While the big telescopes have eclipsed the Mark 1 eyeball, they still haven't taken away the simple joys of being able to look up at the dark sky."
"It's not even true because... Russian arsenals are growing." - Analyst
"I remember the first time I was somewhere that was sort of remote and in the middle of nowhere and you could really see the sky and I was like oh that's what stars are."
"Every night as long as they're up there seeing stars."
"Truck bed mattress: Ever dreamed of sitting on a truck and looking up at the night stars? You're not the only one."
"Everybody should once in a while go out and look up at a clear midnight sky and wonder."
"I love going outside at night because the stars are beautiful."
"It's kind of like looking up into the sky at night and looking at all the stars and just realizing how small you actually are."
"Without you here, I would never see the stars."
"The stars are really out tonight, look at how gorgeous this is."
"If you're out stargazing... just keep an eye out for a few shooting stars."
"Grab a blanket, pop it on the floor, lie down, and enjoy the show."
"Thanks for watching and don't forget to keep looking up. You never know what secrets the next night's sky might hold."
"The night sky graphics are inspired by stargazing with her mother."
"After dinner, the couple decided to go and see the stars."
"Go during the day to see mountain goats or go at night to see the Milky Way galaxy."
"A fantastic view you'll get when you're laying in your bed and checking out the starlit skies."
"After spending the next hours looking at the satellites orbiting Earth and the stars with the occasional quasars, I was in my hammock drifting off to sleep."
"It's just so cool to drive out to the middle of nowhere and look up."
"Just laying down here looking up at the stars is a really special thing for me."
"Hey, look, why don't we start the date over at the food and fuel? We can sit on my dumpster lid and look up at the stars."
"So yeah, that's our Skylight. We love that stargazing."
"It's so quiet. This is the kind of place that at night, you'll be able to see millions of stars."
"Those Utah mountains are stunning in the daytime and at night you have one of the clearest views of the stars you can find."
"The plan was to camp out under the stars and head back in the morning."
"Since this is surrounded by trees on three sides, there's not near as much light pollution and the stars are absolutely amazing."
"Stargazing turns into a communion, a time of silent conversation with the cosmos."
"Focus at a bright star or a distant light."
"Wow, there's a Galaxy and stuff too. You want to lay down here with me so we can both watch the Galaxy together?"
"Camping under the stars is one of my favorite aspects of bike touring."
"If you guys live in an area that's not super city-like, go outside and look at the stars."
"To the people who look at stars and wish."
"If you enjoy stargazing and have at least $43,000 to spare, Primo Lusay Lab offers you the opportunity to own the observatory with a dome."
"The sight of stars always made Vincent dream."
"Tonight I'm gonna have a relaxing bath, stare at the stars, that rhymes."
"The best stargazing I've seen in Arizona is probably Kaibab."
"I remember coming home late one night with my boyfriend at the time and another friend and we pulled over for some reason, something compelled me to get out of the car and look up to the stars."
"Seeing them for the first time without any light pollution to obscure them and being so stunned by their beauty that my heart nearly stopped."
"Be sure you do something fun for yourself today, like going out there and looking at the stars, or maybe getting yourself a star projector."
"I've never seen the Milky Way so clear like that, just looks like this cloud across the sky, it was so cool."
"Where's the best place to catch a shooting star? Out on the hills," Michael said.
"Stargazing here is the undisputed best in my opinion."
"The stars are truly big and bright. Big Bend Ranch State Park is recognized as an International Dark Sky Park."
"We sleep on our backs at night. What are you looking at? The night sky, the lights in the void of darkness."
"I'm looking up and the Big Dipper is right above me."
"This has been really helpful and it's nice when it rains you can see the stars and stuff without having to go outside."
"One of the real pleasures in life is to just relax under the stars with a cup of tea."
"Anyway, I'm looking forward to my next adventure out there somewhere under the stars."
"...the elevation and very clean air make this a great place for stargazing."
"...you get to sit out here and take advantage of what I was talking about earlier that night sky reserve."
"I thought we'd never see those stars up there again."
"It's nine o'clock now. Do you want to go and do some star watching on the trampoline? Yeah, yeah."
"Last night there were so many stars you could even see the milky way, it was definitely a moment of pure awe."
"Can't see it on camera, but there are so many stars in the sky, it's beautiful."
"Welcome to our Loft. We wanted to be sure that there was plenty of light and we love the idea of being able to look up at night and see the stars."
"Looking up and finding stars and constellations in the night sky was the perfect end to our perfect summer."
"...it's a great way to start especially if you love stars and especially if you're a beginner."
"This is amazing. You can see like all the stars. It's so pretty, right?"
"It's like the perfect thing because you can actually sit outside and sit here and you can look at the stars at the same time."
"As they lay side by side, gazing up at the glittering stars, they playfully teased each other, feeling their love grow stronger with every passing moment."
"It's just been my dream to sit in bed, look at the stars at night, drink my coffee."
"When you get a chance, head outside the city where there are no lights and gaze at the night sky."
"Stars out tonight, I don't care if it's cloudy or bright, 'cause I'm blind."
"...you'll definitely double your fun under the stars using binoculars... and prepare to be amazed if you crank it up a notch with these larger pairs."
"Hopefully tonight, I can get a clear sky so I can see the stars."
"Anyone can step outside and appreciate the beauty of the night sky."
"But you shouldn't let light pollution stop you from stargazing altogether."
"There are so many different wonders in our night sky that you can appreciate without spending any money whatsoever."
"I think a trip to a national park or state park in the darkest sky place is the best way to do this because many of the national parks in the US and Canada are dark sky designated locations."
"Just yourself and a sense of enthusiasm. That's all you need because we got all the other equipment, we've got all the knowledge, and we'd love to share it. So, it makes it really easy for people to come and experience the night sky."
"So, the bigger the number, the darker the sky. The darker, that's correct. Just in case that was not clear, okay. Absolutely got it."
"If you're an amateur astronomer, it's a really great thing to get out to because you can get paid for being an amateur astronomer. That's right, that's right. Which would that make you a professional astronomer? I guess."
"A clear night is perfect for searching in the sky for constellations."
"Wow, you can see stars better in Dark Places."
"It truly feels and looks wonderful, I mean you just feel like you're looking at the stars."
"Mom and dad should go stargazing in the new truck. That is so cute, I love that one."
"We looked at the stars for like 45 minutes."
"I need to take pictures for stars actually to remember this."
"What's cool though is you could stargaze at the sky."
"The night sky is crystal clear, you won't find a better place to take Astro Stills."
"...a million stars in a cloudless sky and a few cold beers around the campfire, this is what we live for."
"He gazed up at the stars. There was little light in his town, resulting in beautiful galactical arrays projected into the night sky."
"When I'm out in the woods, I mean it's peaceful, it's a pretty unique environment, and I like to just look at the stars."
"I love looking at the stars. I could be out there all night and do that."
"we were looking up at the stars enjoying the quiet atmosphere of the Crickets."
"Get to a dark sky. It's going to help you quite a bit."
"Look at how insane the stars are because where I live you can't see the stars like that."
"No star watching tonight, too cloudy, but we'll try again tomorrow."
"How did you like star gazing yesterday? Amazing."
"Hey, hopefully we'll have a good night, maybe the stars will be out tonight, and we'll catch you in the AM."
"It's actually pitch black, there's no light pollution here, and we could see millions and millions of stars."
"Watching the sky for an occasional shooting star to watch streaking across."
"So now we're enjoying looking up at the stars."
"It's really nice to just kind of lay there and see the stars at night."
"The crystal clear night sky is something amazing; you can see every single star."
"The awesome beauty of the clear night sky over the desert, with its billions of stars twinkling in the black sky above, is something I'll never tire of."
"I was thinking we could take a walk by the seaside and look at the stars like we've always talked about."
"A grand array stars and planets filled the empties of the night sky."
"They would gaze about the stars that night before falling into a deep, graceful slumber."
"You can see the stars which I can never see in London."
"Sleeping in the country under the stars by the river... How wonderful this is."
"The best thing to do is to go to a location with as less light pollution as possible."
"Don't forget to get out under the stars real soon."
"You can bring your little character outside on a clear night, and there are shooting stars."
"The darkness of your skies is more important than your telescope."
"The stars belong to everyone, so get out there and enjoy them."
"Observe the 110 Messier objects, the world's most famous list of stargazing targets."
"Take your time. Stargazing should never be frustrating."
"You might be able to still catch the planet parade if you download the app called Night Sky."
"I'm all set as soon as it gets dark; I'll be able to start my long exposures and then I can just lay down on a rock and enjoy the stars."
"Look to the west, you'll see two stars; the brighter one will be Venus."
"Most binoculars are actually perfect for stargazing."
"A regular pair of like seven by fifties will give you seven times what you can normally see with your unaided eye."
"The Pleiades are people called the Seven Sisters cluster; it looks like a mini dipper."
"We sat here the other night and watched the stars."
"Sometimes, the best nights are the ones spent under a blanket of stars."
"I saw the stars like clear as ever, and I was just like... I forgot where I was for a second."
"It's really nice before you go to bed, you know it's winter, it gets dark early, you put the tarp out, throw your sleeping bags, sleeping pads down, everything, and just lay out under the stars."
"Stargazing in Zion National Park is a magical experience with a clear view of the Milky Way and countless stars twinkling overhead."
"It's so nice just enjoying the night sky, seeing the stars out in nature."
"Don't forget to reach for the stars."
"Did you ever go out in the night, Chester, and look at the stars? Did you ever watch them and feel close to nature and enjoy the great and wondrous beauty of it all?"
"One lockhead has been designated as a dark sky village, so it's a great location for stargazing."
"Go somewhere isolated enough at night that you can see a full skyscape."
"If you go out to enjoy the night sky anytime soon, I wish you good luck and clear skies."
"You don't need a huge great telescope to see amazing things in the night sky."
"I've had my head tilted up to the stars for as long as I can remember."
"We're gonna watch the glow of the fire and we are going to gaze at the stars."
"I'm pretty full; we're gonna check out some stars, burn some firewood, and wind down."
"Stellarium Mobile is a fully featured planetarium for your phone."
"We have an absolutely amazing view of the Milky Way and all of the constellations pretty much from February through to October."
"It's fantastic for finding the Milky Way."
"Nights are under the sky, watching stars."
"You can have a look at the stars and get a little bit romantic and cozy."
"Wow, look here, you can see the Milky Way."
"Look up into the sky some clear starlit night and allow yourself the freedom to wonder."
"Nothing like sleeping out under the stars, sea otter style."
"The morning sky becomes the canvas for a celestial ballet as Venus, Neptune, Saturn, and Mars will all align in a captivating display."
"We have this beautiful sunroof, and the back passengers will get also more light, look in the stars, and look in the sky, have a nice view."
"It has a full-size bed where you could literally lie down and stargaze through the panoramic windows."
"This is one of the island's dark zones, so there's no light pollution at all, really good for stargazing."
"I was hoping to stay up and wait until the stars came out so I could do some stargazing away from town."
"Visibility of the stars in the sky, pretty good, 10 out of 10."
"It was a really nice night out actually, as I was walking along the Town Street, the sky was extremely clear and I found myself constantly looking up at the constellations."
"Here at the very end of the world, the very southern edge of the Iron Lands, she looks out now under a night sky, the stars twinkling in the heavens above."
"The most important thing is it doesn't matter how small your room is, just as long as you can have a window that sees the stars."
"This season is going to be a great season for stargazing."
"Gazing will immediately have the telescope move to point to that target and center it."
"It's just been rad to see the stars moving in the sky."
"Look up at the sky, Rosie. The sky is full of stars tonight. If you don't like that, then you're not living on this planet."
"Somewhere where we can see the stars, that's a great idea."
"We made a super awesome star-watching shelter!"
"It's perfect if you want to sleep with your head at that end and gaze straight up at the stars."
"If it's too much light, turn the lights off, and we can see the stars, right?"
"When you're laying in bed at night, you can look straight up and see all the stars in the sky."
"It's really nice walking through the forest in the middle of the night when the stars are out."
"You are peaceful and alone, in the sky above you, is a wash with what looks like millions of stars."
"I'd love to see the stars with you. It's one of my simple dreams."
"Through binoculars, the Beehive cluster looks spectacular; it practically glitters."
"As a kid, I would sometimes go out in the backyard at night and just lay back and look at the stars."
"We're under the stars and just enjoying each other's company."
"It's amazing what a night under the stars will do."
"It's a nice evening," he looked up at the stars.
"I hope that you will remember Mike the next time you look up into space on a clear night."
"I spent the last ten years looking at the stars, and I don't even know if this is of our universe."
"Looking up, Stella had never seen the Milky Way so clearly before."
"If you want, you can open this up and kind of look at the stars at night which is really nice."
"As day gives way to the night, the celestial display continues with the park's designation as an International Dark Sky Park."
"Allowing for a breathtaking view of the stars emerging in the pristine night sky."
"Light pollution robs us of some amazing views."
"He can't sleep and wanders outside to look at the stars."
"Now let's find something easy, Cor Caroli, a beautiful double star."
"Get outside and enjoy the night sky. Dark skies forever, Sula signing off."
"It's some of the best stargazing in the world."
"When you stargaze, it's almost like you're looking into the past."
"It's got a skylight which is great for moon gazing."
"The clear mountain skies provide an ideal backdrop for stargazing."
"As the sun finally dips below the horizon, you'll be greeted by a night sky filled with the best and brightest stars you'll see anywhere in the world."
"Sometimes I go out at night and look up at the stars, I think of Penny, this one, and if I look hard enough, I can see her flying with her mother."
"A couple of nights stargazing with your partner or with your family, nice, very very nice."
"The further you get from the city lights, the more of the night sky you get to see."
"The sky out here is really clear at night; there are stars everywhere."
"Turn the light off so we can see our twin constellation."
"Your mother was a brave woman. Before you were born, we would sit down each night and look at the stars. Nothing made her happier."
"Clean country air, no light pollution so you can see all the stars at night."