
Industry Leadership Quotes

There are 439 quotes

"OpenAI is still ahead of the open source models."
"If you're an industry leader and you're not growing and developing, you're dying."
"Our job as industry leaders is to make sure we're shepherding this industry in the right way so that 10, 20, 30 years from now, it's not 3 billion people playing, it's 5 billion, 6 billion people playing."
"Nvidia is a behemoth; it operates on a completely different planet from most of the other companies."
"Binance, though, is really the king of crypto exchanges."
"Tesla is definitely the leader in electric vehicles."
"Transcontinental records is not just a leader in the music industry, it's a key player in the business world."
"Samsung makes displays for almost every phone manufacturer for a reason, they are absolutely incredible."
"NVIDIA today truly is a full-stack computing company."
"NVIDIA continues to be the number one accelerated computing platform."
"Fortnite hands down has the best cosmetics in the gaming industry for both looks and function."
"Medical research shows a clear link between exercise and mood, as well as various health benefits."
"From an accuracy standpoint the GPS is on point just like like it was in the past continues to be industry leading across the board."
"Huawei is now the world leader in telecommunications hardware and equipment."
"Tesla will always have the best driving assistant technology in the industry."
"After 22 years, this series has undergone some substantial changes, always leading the industry with its groundbreaking gameplay mechanics and creative survival horror."
"Fast Company named Google the design company of the year."
"They have made it so that they will remain the largest in the field."
"Tesla today is making twice as many as anyone else."
"We reached the highest operating margin in the industry at over 14%."
"We are light years ahead of the competition."
"Microsoft has really proven for so long now that they are a titan of the industry."
"Supercell has made it their mission to be the best company to work with for creators."
"You're definitely one of the most influential people in this industry."
"Tesla is dominating on everything that matters... not most things, not some things, everything that matters."
"Tesla's lead is extending, they're getting further and further ahead."
"MAC was literally the standard. It really was the standard."
"Nobody will argue that we make the best handgun in the world."
"Based on our lead in the industry as evidenced by our certification progress, your comparison is so tight they won't even let me fly a toy drone."
"Tesla is melting the ice age. There is no question in my mind that if you don't benchmark a Tesla's, you're going to wind up dead in the water."
"Tesla is out in a league of their own. They're making the best technology and they're doing it more profitably than anyone else."
"Solana's industry-leading technology and capabilities make it a standout in the crypto realm."
"He was not only a pioneer, I believed him to be one of the pillars of the industry."
"Apple is just flexing on the rest of the industry at this point."
"Our company is driven by passion. We have probably the biggest reach in the world in our industry."
"Tesla is far and away the leading manufacturer of electric vehicles in the United States."
"I think SpaceX is currently about five years ahead publicly."
"Tesla isn't just a strong disruptive company, Tesla is elite."
"Donatella Versace is an influential figure in the Fashion World, continuing to shape trends and inspire designers worldwide."
"Tesla seems to be at the forefront with their self-driving beta showing some insane results."
"Tesla is king when it comes to electric cars."
"The Model Y literally wins in pretty much every department."
"Toyota has vowed to be the world's first carmaker to guarantee its EV battery to retain 90 percent of its rated range after 10 years."
"Nintendo is the most beloved and iconic video game company of all time."
"Byd currently has the cheapest electric vehicle battery in the industry."
"Byd may actually be the biggest and most important company that you don't know anything about."
"Ford once again leading the way for EV adoption."
"It's not an exaggeration to say that with Starship in the future SpaceX will be a dominant force in the global Aerospace industry."
"We intend to continue to be a bold pioneer and lead the industry in marketing, driving audiences to our theaters."
"My vision is for Sweet Mickey to be the next leading dessert and gift brand."
"This solidifies Tesla's position forever as a leader in EV and batteries."
"Coinbase is calling for this. At this point, this seems to be the first time we've been hearing a major player start to do this."
"Becoming the top name in an industry on purpose: expert positioning."
"Poland is excelling in the area of aerospace."
"Kevin Feige managed to say in his place because he does really good at that... this is all about the balancing of telling creatively fulfilling stories against some of the biggest business backdrops in the entire world."
"I can't emphasize the importance of personnel because I think it finally has become clear to the strongest AI technologists in the world that Tesla is among the very best."
"I think this will be the electric truck to beat and also I think this truck is further along than the others in development."
"We seek to be the first company to do this as a software prime."
"Data is the new oil, and Tesla is the leader in the United States."
"Holy man, you are a titan of the industry. Thank you."
"We still are The Little Engine That Could... proving ourselves in an industry where we are the first of Our Kind."
"It takes two is a master class of a studio planting a flag in the sand."
"This period of time when people could say 'Hey AMD is leading,' that's over. We're back with a very defined view of what it requires to be leadership in every dimension." - Intel
"I'm changing my tune on Dent. I do think they're killing it, definitely a leader in their space."
"Walt Disney was the master of animated feature films."
"He's here not to promote any specific event or not to promote any specific movie, but really as a thought leader in the industry."
"AMD is beating Intel on all the metrics that matter."
"Makita is an innovator and leader in oil pulse technology, changing the game in fastening with their precision, power, and low noise."
"AMD has been pioneering chiplet design since Ryzen's inception in 2017." - Narrator
"Forrester ranks UiPath as the leader when it comes to AI with the best mix of strategy current offerings and overall Market presence."
"Volvo has arguably been pushing harder at this goal than just about everybody else."
"Tesla's lead is unassailable they are in a league of their own and they have won the decade."
"One of the most influential money managers in the world."
"Unbounce is the number one landing page platform for over 15,000 brands."
"Tesla is the best positioned in terms of AI and Robotics, Manufacturing, and Financing to increase the global output of raw materials."
"Tesla's technology and their manufacturing lead is so far ahead of everybody else that is not going to be possible for any automotive manufacturer to release a compelling competitor to any of Tesla's vehicles in the next few years."
"Go and create content that's better than your competitors and be proud to share it with others in your industry."
"Tesla is years ahead in AI scale... so much further ahead."
"Tesla still dominates on literally everything that matters."
"We have the better product than Sony does not just on Hardware but equally important on the software platform and services on top of the hardware we have the ingredients of a winning plan." - Phil Spencer
"Blender's cloth brush: innovative, original, and leading the industry."
"Tesla is years ahead of the competition there... automakers aren't even close."
"Riot is absolutely Riot is basically what blizzard was 15 years ago a blank chat right like I have to prove and the team has to prove that whatever ride is putting into it is worth it."
"Why they are both the greatest and most beloved animation studio of all time."
"Circuit City was known for its level of customer service, becoming an industry leader in tech."
"Palantir stays about five years ahead of their competition."
"Tesla wins in almost all categories against competitors."
"Tesla is in the pole position to dominate two multi-trillion dollar industries."
"It's never going to be perfect but she is the most revolutionary designer in the industry currently."
"Tesla's lead is unassailable; they have won the decade."
"The Apple Watch is just so far ahead in the SmartWatch industry that's honestly kind of comical."
"Phil Spencer may not be leading the Xbox platform forever, but his impact on the console, PC, and cloud gaming space will forever shape the way we buy, access, and play our games." - Narrator
"Despite nickel's critical importance... Alaska Energy Metals is stepping up to liberate America from foreign nickel dependence."
"This has allowed TSMC to surpass Intel to become the world's greatest manufacturing technology on the planet."
"Magria's long-term goal is to become one of the largest producers of magnesium in the world."
"Twitch is still the biggest platform in the world."
"The reality is Tesla's customer retention is among the best and highest in the industry."
"But as Cinema and aircraft Rose to new heights... one company managed to rise to leadership in both industries."
"It's no secret that Shounen Jump is the most popular name in the manga industry."
"I think Tesla is still at least three years ahead of the competition on all fronts."
"Netflix leading all studios and nominations."
"China has become the world's largest car manufacturer in just three years."
"One of the UK games industry's few prominent female leaders."
"Mercedes always has the best in the business."
"By 1964, Honda became the world's largest manufacturer of motorcycles."
"Robinhood for all of its faults has been the trendsetter."
"Feige has his power back, and all this kind of stuff. I fully expect to see Marvel get back to their winning ways."
"AMD is delivering the best to the industry. We want to thank all of you for your passion and enthusiasm and for always pushing us to be the best."
"This is something that's going to separate Cadillac from the rest of the Auto industry."
"Their channel is like the holy grail in the family channel content industry."
"Tesla will be one of the
leading battery cell manufacturers."
"Tesla now competitively has more advantage in the transition to electric vehicles."
"VeChain is positioned to be the number one choice for businesses building real-world products and solutions across numerous industries."
"It's so obvious that Tesla is in the lead and is in a commanding lead with the consumer market autonomous driving."
"Toyota has emerged as the leader of the plug-in hybrids."
"He's earned a spot on the Mount Rushmore of the industry."
"AMC has become the clear undisputed leader in our industry."
"Marvel Studios is like read they're the Pixar of the 21st century."
"Tesla's Gigafactory in Nevada is their asset that everyone is desperate to replicate."
"If this all happens, this will be a dramatic shift for the world, actually tackling the climate crisis."
"Nintendo was the undisputed king of not just family games, not just platformers, but ALL VIDEO GAMES."
"It's a huge credit to Jeff Bezos and his team that they got out in front and with AWS did the best cloud product today."
"Warner Brothers may be the best complete package of a studio out there today."
"I do have to commend Nvidia for pushing the boundaries of computer graphics."
"Apple is killing it at that. Other brands may continue to exist but Apple is the golden standard of smart watches."
"In an android world huawei is in a different league in terms of building an ecosystem of devices, apps, and services that work together."
"I do feel that I am the mother of the industry. I don't just speak for us, I speak for the industry."
"It's John Galliano and the rest of the team doing some of the best fashion storytelling right now. Period."
"Last January was incredible with 'The Last of Us' and James Gunn taking over DC."
"We are now the first and only medium-duty battery electric vehicle OEM to receive approvals from both the EPA as well as CARB."
"Tesla has all the A players and everyone else now scrambling to catch up."
"Nobody is ever going to catch Tesla without at least redoing what Tesla is doing here from scratch."
"The musk companies are going to be talked about at an order of magnitude beyond what we thought was cool about Silicon Valley."
"China has a head start, a massive head start."
"China is leading this industry... inventing truly amazing things."
"I still believe DraftKings will be your winner in the gambling industry overall."
"Tesla's busy extending their unassailable lead when it comes to autonomous vehicles."
"There is basically no more impactful or better place to apply some of that expertise than at Tesla today."
"Tesla still remains today in a truly dominant position."
"Tesla has the best real-world AI team on Earth, period."
"Nobody's going to do it better than Tesla, not by a long shot."
"The longest range EV on the planet currently."
"Riot to lead the industry as the first-ever company to hire an expansive and inclusive diversity department."
"Tesla is a world leader in energy storage, industrial robotics, and various fields within artificial intelligence."
"Tesla will be dictating terms in the automotive industry as far as pricing goes."
"One year later, I have built the biggest brand in my industry."
"There's literally no one else out there that's able or willing or will do what Elon and Tesla are doing."
"Sony is the best in the business at making these large games."
"AMD just reckoning the field when it comes to laptops."
"The winners in EVs will be those who can guarantee battery supply at scale and low cost. Tesla is miles ahead."
"Premium tier consumers demand the best experiences, and Snapdragon 8 series continues to lead the industry."
"We're really celebrating a history of innovation and being a forerunner in the industry and transforming the industry over two hundred seventy five years."
"Pixar, that I still consider to be the best... movie producing studio in the business."
"He's been a top guy in the biggest company in the world."
"Tesla's execution and performance are currently off the charts."
"If Benny can go in a room with them and say, 'Yo I got 26, 27 to the number 1s,' that's why he has more number ones than anybody in the industry."
"Autonomy is an insanely fundamental breakthrough and no one is even close to Tesla for solving generalized autonomy."
"I think they totally set the standard for a new style of transparency in corporate reporting that nobody in the auto industry and pretty much any other industry has ever done."
"Tesla has set the bar for a bunch of other companies here, love it, awesome work by Tesla Martin Elon the whole team."
"It's why Kevin Feige is just so far ahead of everyone else."
"Kraken is the most secure player in the industry."
"I don't have any major concerns because Tesla continues to be several years ahead."
"Tesla is the only company that is already able to check all of the boxes."
"Disney does animation better than anyone else."
"For nearly the last 50 years the BMW 7 Series has carried the torch as the flagship executive sedan..."
"You're teaching them so much by being the best in this industry."
"Elon said if you're trying to compete with us you're gonna have to spend billions more because we have the data and you don't."
"It seems Tesla is getting close and they could soon have a breakthrough that no other company is close to."
"Owners and investors can breathe a little easier atop the throne as the unquestionable leader of the EV industry."
"The Green Star Elite juicer has a 12 year warranty and that’s the longest warranty on any gear juicer in the entire industry."
"Welcome to Marco Island and the 2023 IAB annual leadership meeting. Thank you for making the time to be here and be present."
"Apple is not only failing to lead in terms of design trends, they're becoming a follower."
"Tesla is the best and likely most profitable AI company to exist."
"Tesla is about, from the chemistry standpoint, probably five years ahead of everybody and they're not standing still, they're going to be doing more."
"Right from beginning to end we are committed to being leaders with these vehicles."
"What David Zasloff's doing with Warner Bros. Discovery makes it pinnacle clear to me the Snyder verse will be returning."
"You're standing out from the crowd, above the competition."
"Tesla today is like Google running away with Search in 2000 or Amazon running away with ecommerce in 2008."
"Tesla has successfully led the way with Austin, Texas."
"Despite being massively down, Tesla's margins are still industry-leading."
"this is building into a giant in this industry."
"In a world where IP is king, Nintendo is top dog."
"Favreau is like the kingpin of that whole thing."
"By 2031, it still may not be obvious that Tesla is in the lead and ultimately on the path to creating artificial general intelligence but mark my words they are."
"The iPhone 4 in 2010 wasn't just miles ahead of anyone else; it was in a separate league of its own with its class-leading Retina Display and unbelievably premium hardware."
"I think hard work is one thing that will get you to the top of any industry."
"Filecoin, I don't think Filecoins will go away anytime soon. I mean, they're the biggest decentralized storage player out there."
"I think Naughty Dog makes the most visually impressive games that there are, full stop."
"The leader in the space usually produces the highest returns."
"From a technology standpoint, they're years ahead of their competition."
"Nintendo's fiscal quarter: Breaking records and paving the way for the future."
"Tesla's lead is unassailable. No one is catching up. Period."
"I doubt traditional automakers can develop the kinds of EV systems that Tesla has over its 19-year history."
"AMD deserves strong recognition for maintaining such a powerful footing in efficiency."
"Their technology is embarrassingly far ahead of everyone else."
"Tesla’s more than 5 years ahead of most competitors."
"This earnings report shows that ChargePoint is not just making dramatic progress but it's also keeping its leadership position in this niche."
"Tesla has an enormous lead over all the competitors."
"Tesla, once one of the auto industry's biggest money losers, has over the past year built a commanding lead over most major rivals in profit per vehicle."
"Tesla's number one priority... safest in the world."