
Financial Insecurity Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"The majority of people in this country cannot afford a $300 emergency. In fact, the majority of the people in this country are living paycheck to paycheck."
"I'm over sixty years of age and I've got no superannuation. No bank accounts, no assets, no visible means of support."
"All of the underlying metrics of economic anxiety were still there, like the jobs being outsourced, the collapse of the manufacturing industry, underemployment, the fact that most Americans can't afford an emergency of $300, the medical debt."
"Somewhere between 1/2 and 3/4 of all Americans were living paycheck to paycheck, and that was before the pandemic."
"Most Americans can't afford a $300 emergency without going into debt."
"57% of people in this country cannot put their hands on a thousand dollars if they have an emergency."
"63% of working adults say they couldn't handle a $500 emergency. There's not much standing between being housed and being homeless for a huge portion of people in this country."
"Half of the people in this country are living paycheck to paycheck, and paychecks are stopping."
"We're not great when half of our people today are living paycheck to paycheck."
"Someone who is ill as a result of the coronavirus, or for any other reason, should not be pushed into poverty and left worrying about how they will cope financially."
"You can't just take people's bare budget survival money income away and then expect that they're supposed to survive."
"74 percent of those with incomes between $60,000 and $100,000 are unable to save for their future."
"Only 44% of Americans can cover a thousand dollar expense. That's insane to me."
"We're the only country where people can work their entire lives and have their savings wiped out by a single illness."
"Stagnant wages, housing affordability, and rising debt levels paint a grim picture."
"Recent reports have found that less than 30% of American workers are on track to retire at all, and even fewer think they will have a comfortable retirement and they might be right."
"Forty percent of American families couldn't raise $2,000 in the event of an emergency."
"40% of Americans lack $400 for emergencies, while 70% have less than $1,000 in savings."
"You may have been feeling financially vulnerable or worried about your path, but change is happening. You have the capability, talent, and drive to make your dreams a reality."
"We don't have the pensions, we don't have the defined benefits anymore."
"76 percent of Americans live paycheck to paycheck."
"Millions tens of millions maybe hundreds of millions of people live paycheck to paycheck in this country."
"They may feel like you just returned because of financial insecurity."
"They have us on a planned trajectory for 30 years for my daughters and sons to be broke."
"Your 401ks, your money markets, your pensions, your stocks, everything, paying you in US dollars, it's all worthless."
"It's hard to feel patriotic or desire to have children when you live in financial precarity."
"The economy is not booming for the nearly 80 percent of American workers who live paycheck to paycheck."
"What if we get an emp around this [] and all my money is stuck on my goddamn crypto [] and [] we ain't got no electricity [] I want my [__] bread."
"Only 44% of Americans can cover an unplanned emergency expense of one thousand dollars with 35% saying they need to borrow that money to get by."
"Having less than one thousand dollars in savings is not a trait associated with the middle class."
"They're financially insecure, reckless with their money."
"More and more Americans are living paycheck to paycheck..."
"I know I can lose everything I have in a minute."
"If there's one thing in life that I don't like feeling it's poor."
"But I think there are people who aren't able to pay their bills... If people felt comfortable staying home and not working if they knew that they were taken care of, I think that this would be less of an issue."
"Retirement is not even seen as a positive nowadays because Social Security doesn't make up enough."
"You think your money is safe in the bank, you think your job is safe, you think your 401k and your pension is safe, you think Social Security's safe, you are living in dreamland America."
"More than half of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck."
"More than half of Americans are paying unaffordable levels of rent, that means they're just one missed paycheck, one broken down car away from..."
"The more money you save, the more financially insecure you feel."
"A lot of people are only one paycheck away from being here."
"No one wants to work anymore because there's no reward. Half of us are living paycheck to paycheck, straight up two paychecks away from living on the street."
"Being homeless has become such a... I hate the word problem but it became such a problem that most people are one paycheck away from maybe becoming homeless."
"The reality is that the vast majority of people are actually one accident or bout of bad luck away from homelessness or financial ruin."
"Roughly 80% of American households are just one paycheck away from not being able to pay their bills."
"You'd be surprised how many people are only two or three paychecks away from being out on the street."
"88% of people in the West are two paychecks away from homelessness."
"Even those who used to have some sense of financial security are now having to make some difficult choices."
"Millions of middle-class workers can no longer afford to save for retirement."
"When you're living paycheck to paycheck, that is really scary, really, really scary."
"Thirty-one percent of the population over 65 has less than one thousand dollars in savings."