
Seasons Quotes

There are 4806 quotes

"I think paying attention to the seasons, and taking time to appreciate the little things, the simple things is what makes a meaningful life."
"There's a divine abundance which ebbs and flows through our lives as the seasons do."
"We made it to spring. Spring has sprung, good job, boys."
"There's just so much life still left in the garden, even when everything else is kind of dormant."
"The entire farm exterior was finished, and so was spring. Summertime, baby!"
"It's summer here in the southern hemisphere, so it's just been warm and beautiful, and the days are really long."
"But there's hope because spring, even if it's not here yet, will come and melt the ice."
"To everything, there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted."
"It's sweater weather. We're loving life. Sweaty Emma is long gone. It's time for shivery grandma Emma."
"It's vernal equinox, this only happens twice a year, and it signals the beginning of Spring."
"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven."
"It's officially everyone's favorite time of year. I'm more of a Christmas guy myself, but with Halloween right around the corner, it's the season of all things scary."
"Winter has brought you the worst it can bring, and now it will give you the promise of spring."
"The stars and planets allow us to tell the progression of the seasons, which are important for essentially the basic survival skills you need to live."
"Animal behaviors will change during a specific season... during midwinter, they encountered a bear that was extremely hungry and more hostile than usual."
"Spring is the season that the Flower Capital represents."
"There's at least one good holiday every season."
"I think spring is without a doubt my absolute favorite season, especially when it comes to fashion and trends."
"March is a time where Persephone is finally coming out from the underworld of Hades and blessing us with her presence yet again."
"If this isn't a sign of spring, I don't know what is."
"Seasons cannot be avoided, they must be managed."
"I'm loving the season change... there's a real feeling of self-change and self-improvement."
"Spring is a time for a growth renewal and The Awakening of Nature's Beauty."
"I like that concept a lot because the season resolves and it will affect future things."
"No matter what you're going through, I hope you feel a sense of peace and comfort this season."
"There's nothing more important than the season we're going into."
"Just when the dreariness of winter is getting to be too much, the forest blooms into an array of brilliant colors."
"Seasons will still change every week, and with that, so will the weather and the world around you."
"Seasons change everything: visuals, gameplay, driving experience, events, and championships."
"Every season takes over, there's gonna be changes in the world, new opportunities, and different things that you can do and see."
"I prefer fall, fall is my number one favorite season."
"I'm on that vibe. Spring and summer, you can't get me in enough Blazers."
"Just because it's summer does not mean that politics stops by any means."
"Things are moving forward, seasons are changing."
"Winter is coming, and it causes changes in many things."
"Stay away from crowds, stay away from being in restaurants and outdoor cafes, especially now that it's springtime."
"Spring is the season of meeting and parting."
"My favorite time of the year is the fall. It is so, so nice."
"Everywhere is really beautiful almost every time of year if you know how to look at it."
"There's something cozy about knowing that it's warm in here but like freezing cold right on the other side of the door."
"We see the seasons as a real opportunity to tell the story as well."
"God does everything in its own time and in its own season."
"Life is a series of seasons, and enjoy the seasons. That's what's going to actually allow you to play the game for a long time but also do your greatest work."
"When we fall away from the sun or tilt away from the sun, know that things will soon be done. Winter solstice."
"You need to know that it's your season of going up and everything that you put in the ground is coming back up."
"Football season brings back many traditions."
"I just love spring, it's my favorite season by far."
"Arizona is fun when it's not summer you know I've been in there in the spring beautiful but spring is Summer and summer there is like summer plus summer ex if you will."
"Seasons it's always there whether you're playing it or not."
"Goodbye, so boy, I'm going through the four seasons."
"I hope you guys are as excited for spring as I am."
"Autumn shows how beautiful it is to let things go."
"The Sun's annual journey from tropic to tropic, solstice to solstice, is what determines the length and character of days, nights, and seasons."
"Spring brings productivity, but mental health is a priority."
"Liquid water even in the winter is superior."
"I feel like I haven't been here forever. It's already August."
"I think the war on leaves has officially ended because there were no leaves this morning."
"Every person that comes into your life has a time, a season, and a purpose."
"October, November, December are typically quite bullish months."
"Chapter two season three, one of my all-time favorite seasons."
"Fall is my favorite freaking season, and Halloween is my favorite holiday."
"It'll soon be summer here in the northern hemisphere... plenty of things change with the seasons."
"This is genuinely my favorite time of the year."
"Hot girl summer is over, time for a classic girl summer."
"Historically, the winner of each contest would swap depending on which half of the year it was, with 3700-1 consistently winning during the Northern Hemisphere’s spring and summer and 3700-2 winning during the fall and winter."
"It's May 1st, and I said, 'No, it's not. It's tourist season!'"
"Half the year, the crops are doing good; half the year, not as much. This is how ancient Greeks made sense of the seasons."
"It's that season that reminds you to be kind to those you love and appreciate the time you get to spend with others."
"Spring fashion is my thing, it's where I'm most in my element and I just can't wait."
"No season is wasted. God prepares us in seasons that don't look like what we've dreamed."
"There's still part of the Oregon coastal picking season."
"I need you, like the winter needs the spring, like the summer needs the rain, I need you."
"It's a beautiful temperature, summer's coming."
"So, I think we have to demand integration and make it possible and push them into it."
"Having seasons in your game enhances everything you do in gameplay. It makes time more interesting, keeps you engaged, and brings in more challenges."
"Winter's not forever and always after winter is an incredible springtime of optimism and change."
"It's all about the short-term goals. We don't know how it's going to be after the end of this season."
"I started channeling this year out of the blue... I started to feel it. I'm glad summer's over."
"Every season I can't imagine that I've ever been as excited as I am now."
"They're very specific that the world was like an eternal summer and yet it was dark."
"But either way, there's still a lot to look forward to into this coming season."
"As long as the earth abides, four seasons will not cease."
"It'd be impossible to have a springtime and a summer if it weren't for fall and winter. Summer is summer in contrast to winter. Becoming comfortable with all seasons and recognizing their necessity seems to mark a significant leap forward."
"We have a lot to look forward to this fall season."
"Fall is the best season, and I challenge you to tell me otherwise."
"That's incorrect. The reason we have seasons is because the earth is tilted on an axis."
"You can honestly never go wrong with these in the summer time, fall time, winter time, happy time, sad time, whatever you want."
"Seasons change, the activities available to you change along with them."
"Everything has its season, and you need to know what to do with it during that season."
"Winter manifestation: what you've been working on will fully manifest in the winter."
"Come spring, it's a new opportunity to go into absurdity."
"Interchangeable decor for seasonal versatility."
"Spring is arriving on Wednesday and I am so darned excited."
"I love the seasonal colors when they pop up. It makes me happy, it brings me joy."
"Isn't spring just wonderful? I understand for many of you, it's still snowing. I promise you will have your spring. Okay, yes, it's beautiful and enjoying just enjoying the little things."
"Simulating seasons, witnessing records being shattered."
"You can grow a fall garden and you absolutely should."
"Blouse as Lady woman, I think is one of the most important pieces to have in your summer and spring wardrobes."
"How does a comet slay the seasons? By causing a long night of course."
"I'm loving that transition period between summer and fall."
"You're going through a shifting of cycles, a shifting of a season in your life."
"It is wisdom to understand that famines are inevitable, just like winter and summer are inevitable."
"August was great for me, it's typically our hottest month so I went swimming a lot."
"A good plaid pattern is classic and timeless and can really work well for every single season."
"Sometimes I just come to see the Autumn leaves. Winter will be here soon. Dust in the Wind."
"The dream was alive and well, and the season still had some incredible trips ahead as spring blossomed into summer."
"Thankfully it's fall in love always."
"He was a man of all seasons and a politician."
"Seek different seasons and enter into the unknown. When Love is the focus, foundation, and goal, blessed is the body, mind, and soul."
"I try and enjoy that season of the year and I don't just mean season in terms of holiday yes of course I'm like a Halloween Christmas gal through and through."
"A pond is for all seasons and it evolves over time; a swimming pool will never evolve."
"Creative expression has its seasons. Winter may seem like a void, but there is no endless summer. Recover, hibernate, prepare; spring thaws you out."
"It seems rather hard when spring is caressing the land, and when after the rigors of winter our fields and woodlands are reviving."
"It's our first winter here, so we're getting to see the property through all the seasons."
"Happy second Halloween, I guess it's first Halloween in the spring, second Halloween in October."
"The two seasons, autumn and spring, are very similar and there aren't many differences in my two wardrobes between those two seasons."
"Someone asked me if I had plans for the fall. It took me a moment to realize they meant autumn, not the collapse of civilization."
"Fall is so fun, I love fall, it's hitting this, this is my favorite season, cuffing season."
"It is seasonless, so for instance, I've got a trench for the springtime then I've got a wool coat for the winter months as well."
"The Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia are just absolutely beautiful this time of year."
"May is one of the best months of the year."
"It's as if there's a last final celebration."
"I'm so looking forward to that, that is an October project so we'll have a lot to look forward to this season."
"Summer is coming when the watermelon comes out."
"Spring's well advanced here now. The light is stretching well into the evenings."
"The coldest night of the year comes right before the spring."
"May is when we truly transition into the growing season."
"It's like winter to Spring; all of a sudden, boom, flowers start bursting out, colors are everywhere."
"You need to come at least during all four seasons because there's always something to see."
"There is a time for everything under the sun."
"Embrace each season... it is so easy to for example hate the winter."
"Why do leaves change color in the fall?... it reveals the yellows and the oranges, the carotenoids and the flavonoids."
"Remember, everything has a season; we can't rush anything."
"Spring is arriving, we are in that transitional period of changing seasons, and a trench coat becomes extremely useful in this time of the year."
"This hard track that you're going right now trying to break into this field... this is a very short season of your life."
"Spring and autumn boast pleasant weather, blooming flowers, and fewer tourists."
"Bring on spring and summer, I'm ready to get my Starbucks iced coffee and go sit in the pool."
"Metabolic winter, I think of dark, cool, still and scarce. Metabolic summer is bright, warm, active and abundant."
"May and June are beautiful months, you get to plant, the weather's beautiful, things are coming into bloom."
"It's been such a long winter here in the UK, and I finally feel like we're coming out of the woods."
"I love fall so much, just the vibe of fall."
"Some people come in your life for a season and a reason."
"Oregon has a very nice climate, marked by warm, dry summers and cool, rainy winters."
"Plan your wardrobe around Japan's distinctive seasons."
"It's not quite the same when summer nights are gone."
"Everything in May and early June is about bringing things into balance."
"Be adaptable and be able to identify the season that you're in."
"I just want to plan out the next season; fresh start for spring."
"Identify the season you're in so you can adapt to it."
"It's so beautiful; I love having all four seasons."
"Oh look, a dandelion, must be the last one this season."
"I love to curate my scents around the season."
"You guys don't get it, it is winter."
"I'm the first person that loves to put on her cashmere sweaters and pull out her jackets and her boots, but I'm also the first one to ditch them when March rolls into town."
"California kind of sucks. I like seasons a lot."
"It's gonna be springtime in a minute, so... it's already starting off just right, and I'm gonna be able to see it too when the part come out, I'm gonna be able to see it's coming."
"I love spring. I love Easter, the spring colors."
"Spring is definitely around the corner I can feel it everyone."
"Always loved taking the train around this time of year."
"Give me your love in the summertime, I want your love in the wintertime."
"I'm ready for the fall, I'm ready for the whole life, I'm ready for the four vibes."
"It's okay if not all friendships end up being lifetime friendships; appreciate that some are only meant for a season."
"I miss home, and it's becoming fall, and I just want to go home."
"The winter is over, and the time of new beginnings has come."
"It feels like summertime outside."
"The maple tree is such a beloved symbol of beauty, resilience, and the changing of seasons."
"Are you ordering an iced drink or a hot drink? Iced all the way, it doesn't even matter if it's the middle of January."
"We're coming around the bend to holidays."
"What matters up here on the white peaks or down in the shadowy draws is having another season to make your way along the trails and tracks following the sun and the moon."
"I'm so ready to get into my summer Decor because then comes fall which is my favorite season."
"I think it's nice when people start getting all sick and the weather gets hot, it's like people get better again, you know what I mean?"
"We have joy, we have fun, we have seasons in the sun."
"She hates being cooped up in the cold, so when Springtime arrives, she loves to go outside and smell the fresh air."
"Autumn was my favorite season; to me, the temperature was perfect, and the scenery was at its most beautiful."
"I love this season so much... we have it all."
"Nothing will ever top seasons 5, 6, 7, 8."
"Spring has sprung new chapter, new life, new beginnings."
"The veil is thinnest during Springtime and Fall."
"Starting seed starting season is going to begin."
"I think it's more than that it's like 12 feels like a bit like 99 season don't it"
"You've always loved when winter comes you go. Why is it so?"
"Now the entire back porch is looking refreshed and ready for spring and summertime."
"Appreciate the daylight, get out in it, but equally if you're on the other side of the world and you're coming into Autumn, appreciate those colors and textures and that light, but just get out in the light."
"To me, the new year begins in September."
"Spring is ever a season of hope, rebirth, and renewal."
"spring is like it's here we're in the spring"
"Hot girl summer may be almost over but fun guy fall is upon us."
"I'm starting to understand how people can be outside in the summer more."
"By the time Autumn and early winter come along I am maybe a little bit carved out and all I can think about is getting onto flowing water and fishing for species like days perch."
"The character and atmosphere of the gardens change with the seasons."
"Beets do really well in a tunnel year-round."
"Summer is definitely better than winter."
"These lunar calendars were vital for predicting the shifting of the seasons, the migrations of herd animals, and the emergence of berries and plants."
"Summer is almost here so my brother and I are outside more we have a basketball hoop at the edge of the road right across from the house"
"What is the best thing about living in Montana for you? The seasons."
"I guess so I guess if I had to pick one if I was only allowed to scout spring summer or fall I would it would have to be fall because I'm not gonna go scout spring or summer and then go in blinds during deer season."
"...if we think about deer behavior across even October 1st to January 15th, you know, and the dramatic changes..."
"New York has the hottest summer coldest winter most temperate fall and spring months"
"After the snow always comes spring."
"August leads to September, where you start to think okay, you know October is coming, November good weather is coming, so you have some hope."