
Decades Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Our society has gotten better and better with each decade."
"For a long time now, the '80s and '90s have been the shorthand for creators trying to bring nostalgic feelings to their audience."
"On Mondays she was a flapper from the 1920s, on Wednesdays a hippie from the 60s, and on Fridays, she was a goth girl from the 1990s."
"This is why I'm going to open a hotel that's going to have four floors, and each one is a decade: the '90s, the '80s, the '70s, and the '60s. You'll go in, like the '90s hotel, and everything's from the '90s. You turn the TV on, it's good old '90s TV."
"This film spans decades... it's a real expression of humanity towards one another."
"The 90s gave us more memorable movies overall than the 2000s."
"Despite the suspicions of the police, it would still take decades before justice was served."
"I think we did come very close to that in the 1950s and 60s and again now in the 1980s."
"Movies from the 2000s or 2010s that really had an impact."
"The legacy of The Killing Joke has been massively felt in the 33 years after its release."
"Literally in this decade alone, like this decade is no less significant in my opinion than the 1960s."
"The 2000s: a reaction to the darkness of the '90s."
"The 2000s were a reaction to the darkness of the '90s."
"The '60s, '70s, '80s, '90s were probably the best times on Earth."
"The next couple of decades are going to be absolutely spectacular."
"The most recent one that they dealt with was during the fifties and sixties and seventies."
"A new decade dawned, and who could have imagined what would take place in the 1960s?"
"For a guy who's seen a lot of baseball in the last five decades he seems to have a special feeling for this current team."
"America's advancement in the last three decades is staggering."
"I started crying because it's decades of emotions."
"This is definitely a better decade than the 1910s."
"Every decade is defined by its engineering masterpieces."
"These post-war decades are interesting, a lot of parallels between the 20s and the 80s."
"It's so balmy that close to three decades later that we have yet to have seen any official releases from such a high-profile movie, especially one that really shook up the media industry."
"Ah, the '80s and '90s, the age of retro."
"I'm scarcely three decades old and I cannot imagine having been filming the same film for the last two decades of my life."
"So as you can probably see, Lego’s had a lot of... versatility over the decades."
"Aerosmith had the '70s then they had a bad decade and then they had a big comeback."
"...six Decades of history and Innovation..."
"The '90s, despite what people say, wasn't necessarily better than any other decade. It's just the one that I happened to be most carefree and fancy free."
"'90s and 2000s is the thing we love the most here."
"This is one of the best actress victories we have had in many, many, many years if not decades."
"It reminds me of 80s, 90s neon fashion."
"Each volume of the book kind of covers a new decade."
"I believe these were really popular in the 1930s, '40s, '50s."
"This is totally bringing me back to the '90s."
"We had a good series in the 60s, The Big Valley, hit series in the 70s, The Six Million Dollar Man, hit series in the 80s, the Fall Guy."
"Which decade had the most classic albums?"
"I love the vintage Halloween from the 40s and 50s, but as you guys know, I love the 90s too."
"I think the '90s is the new '80s."
"This album really is the perfect bridge between the 70s and the 80s."
"When it comes to music, I've been very fortunate that I've been able to see it evolve over the decades."
"The 90s were very much like the 70s, and that they were beginning to become very experimental."
"And yeah, the 90s were very cool."
"Within a week I was reunited with my parents for the first time in almost 20 years."
"I really like music from the '50s, the '60s, the '70s, the '80s."
"Many of these unsolved mysteries have remained dormant for decades despite the best efforts of everyone involved."
"I also like listening to like uh a lot of 80s, 70s and 80s."
"Honestly, I think early 2000s probably is better than the '90s."
"The 1970s and 1980s weren't just Decades of cinematic and televisual evolution; they were periods of societal change."
"It's the climax of a battle that has been raging for decades."
"This should have been told back in the 70s, it should have been told in the 80s, it should have been told in the 90s."
"It sort of takes advantage of the flowering of like the 70s and especially the 80s as this just decade of unparalleled creativity."