
Job Performance Quotes

There are 257 quotes

"Work in any warehouse; you do not get paid per box. Work at any fast food place; you do not get paid per burger that you flip. You get paid a wage. It's not your productivity that you're being paid for."
"Remember why you're good at that job and think of yourself doing that job in a way that is helpful to them."
"You're going to do better in any type of job if your communication skills are better."
"You do your job first, and then it'll fall in line."
"The success of someone in a job is less about that person than it is about the environment you create for that person once they take the job."
"If I misrepresent a game... then I have failed in my job."
"I just want people to take their job seriously and I want them to be passionate about what they're doing."
"Inspire the hire by demonstrating that you can deliver the result they want."
"Let them do their jobs; they are doing an amazing job."
"It's pretty clear that everyone... just wants President Biden to do his job and to protect Americans."
"At the end of the day I want to get the job done whatever that may be and I just do it and I'm good at it."
"They just know exactly what they're doing, they're like the perfect people for the job."
"That's just so irresponsible... snakes suck at your job."
"If you are able to perform well at whatever job or whatever thing you're doing, you will have confidence."
"You have to prove that you can do the job or 80 of the job."
"You're giving them great signal... if you would be a successful contributing member of the team or not."
"She's a tough negotiator, she doesn't suffer fools, she's incredibly effective at her job."
"I don't care if you have to dig ditches for a life, just be the best ditch digger you can."
"Respect is a two-way street, doesn't matter obviously, yeah they should do their job anyway but they don't."
"He's doing an amazing job, is what we're saying here."
"You killed a kid in the course of doing your job incorrectly and yet you get to keep that job and, you know, people watching this at home need to understand that."
"If you can't do your job, then you're fired. It's just simple as that."
"You just do a good job... you have your own place here in town."
"How do you make sure that you can actually just do your job no matter how unpopular the answer may be or the distribution of outcomes may be?"
"Everybody's doing different things... when it all comes together there's a great sense of accomplishment because you did your job."
"Success in your role is about creating tangible value for the company; prove your worth."
"This man is not good enough for the job. The job is too big for him, the job is clearly too big for him."
"Day trading and meteorology are the only jobs where you can be wrong 30 percent of the time and still get paid pretty well."
"The minute they gave him the job, it all went to crap."
"Why don't you do your job? If you're saying I'm not doing my job, how about you do your job like secure the southern border instead of shipping people with COVID into communities like McAllen, Texas? Why don't you get this border secure?"
"I'm a good teacher, no honestly, you did a really good job."
"He's not cut out for the job... it's a buildup because it's a second season... don't throw the game out."
"The amount of money you earn is in direct ratio to the need for what you do, your ability to do it, and the difficulty of replacing you."
"I would be surprised to see anyone doing the job better than Sylvia you can't have better servants when you have employees who care as much as she does."
"McClane is a guy who is good at his job and bad at his life."
"Dress for the job and bring the right tools."
"Oryx is literally the best operator for the job."
"Every job should have a much higher cap on how good you are at that thing, we should reward competence a lot more than we do right now."
"Making sure that everybody's focused on the job in hands."
"If you're being made to feel like a failure in a job you've otherwise been very effective in, you probably need to think about an exit strategy."
"Narcissists perform well under pressure... and are particularly well-suited to strenuous jobs."
"Validation comes from how good I am at the job I do."
"I could run it a little bit better... I'm a professional at my job."
"Focus on the fundamentals; that makes your job the easiest."
"I honestly think there's not a better man for the job."
"You are a girl boss and you're really good at your job."
"We are professional enough to just focus on the job."
"Do you want your club or country to be employed by a nice guy? Fine, keep him in the job."
"Your job performance last year was excellent, therefore we'd like to offer you a promotion."
"Props to the people that had to do their job and actually maybe rose above the propaganda opportunities."
"Health workers out there are doing an amazing job."
"If you're any good for the first like whatever three months or two it was like two and a half months you were not paying anything so you got to show up every day you got to work prove it."
"It's a performance-based industry, and I just didn't get enough consistent performances."
"You can't go to their job and do their job just by doing it once or twice a week."
"We're more informed on how we can best do our jobs to be the best news station that we can be for you."
"Let them have their beliefs as long as they're doing their damn job. Are they hurting you?"
"I will fulfill a job no matter what it takes."
"We want people who are the most capable to do the jobs. We want people from all backgrounds to have the opportunity to try."
"SpongeBob's Krusty Krab shift, in time, and we weren't fired by Mr. Krabs."
"If you're constantly worried if you're doing a good enough job, then you're doing better than most."
"It's like getting sent over the line is one thing but getting everything he needs to do the job is another thing."
"I believe you should hire me because I always excel in my work... I will work hard to ensure you see a positive return on your investment."
"The worst performers in each of these jobs were the givers."
"Every single person that green lighted this should lose their job because they're bad at it."
"All you can do is your job and try to apply the pressure."
"I don't think that United can sack a manager who finishes third and second. I think this season's huge and I think he deserves this season."
"I feel like that was a successful first day."
"But overall I'm a fan, I think James did a good job."
"Outshine every other job by such a large margin."
"It's impairing their ability to function at their job."
"Merit matters. If you can do the job, you're good to go."
"Instead of doing the job you've been hired to do, get on board and start fixing Puerto Rico."
"We're dealing with people who are horrible, horrible, rancid folks who have no business doing what their job is."
"I cannot do my job without understanding... the institutional issues that lead to... the issues that my job deals with."
"I'm the boss here and you don't deserve to be here you should have at least tried to do your work well"
"You only have two choices, you will either change the way that you think about yourself or you won't."
"As long as you get your work done and you're getting what you need to do at the quality you need to get it done then you're good."
"You don't do your job, I'll shoot you." - Ace
"Donald Trump is a habitual liar and a grade-a chuckle [ __ ] who is bad at his job."
"Thad Williams: doing a great job as the Schmoedown commissioner."
"For employees, they are much more productive and happier."
"Now it's up to me to go out there and do my job and not let all these people down."
"This for all intents and purposes, as far as I can tell, this is likely layoffs and her team just wasn't performing as well as some other team."
"Third quarter starts and I continue to do my job."
"You can never get in trouble for doing more you can only get in trouble for doing less."
"It is okay to only have one job and do that one job really well."
"To be wealthy and happy, learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job."
"The better we do our jobs the less people realize we're doing the job." - Micah
"Here are some things that are not actually signs of an abusive workplace: being fired when you're not doing a good job, some people getting the job due to pre-existing friendships, not getting an explanation why you weren't hired." - Sam Haft
"Balancing the two jobs became an issue, as buffing one would affect the other, leading to confusion and inefficiency."
"That's what I'm supposed to do, that's what you're paying me for."
"Dominic, you did a fantastic job. This is a model example of how you want to have your experience."
"If you can hold down two or more jobs and your boss doesn't even know because your performance is the same, shut the [ __ ] up about stealing."
"Just do what you are able to do, do your job, you know."
"You might be on the clock every four months if every four months you don't come with some as opposed to like you're not gonna say that again being a war wasn't the best example."
"He deserves all the praise. He has gone into a job that nobody thought he could do."
"The faster people can move around to their different respective jobs, the better things are going to be."
"You can only succeed. Everything you put your hands to, something good has happened." - "You are not going to be a failure in your job."
"I understand that because I was so focused on trying to do the best job I could do."
"Guess what happens to a Replicant who does his job really well? Early retirement, baby!"
"You're not good at your job bro, you get an F, you fail, you're fired."
"They did an outstanding damn job with this man."
"He's a terrible member of Congress in terms of what Congress is."
"Very little will cost you more than having to do a job a second time."
"Successful delivery had its moments but job delivered."
"If this was our job if part of our job was to play this game and do it in a great way you're gonna put so much more into that character."
"Struggling in an interview isn't a requirement, clear communication is."
"That is a problem that should potentially cost them their job."
"Is it morally acceptable to discriminate against someone whose views obfuscate their ability to do their job?"
"I'm just saying just be free... you don't have to dress like anyone, just be yourself."
"Just be a nice person, be respectful, do a good job and that's it."
"You've been doing this job long enough to know where it counts."
"Your labor is not your worth... How good you are at your job and how good you are are not synonymous."
"Our job is to make those breaks and stops as entertaining and engaging as possible."
"Keep up the good work because you're doing a fantastic work."
"It allows me to really concentrate on my job."
"Joe Biden has done an amazing job by any measure."
"You do a really great job getting those buttery fields of really light gray."
"You got to vote for who you think is going to do a job yes regardless of the color of the party."
"Making sure that you're a warm welcoming lovely person is kind of 80% of the job."
"When they do their job right, nobody bats an eye. But when they don't, everybody lets them know it."
"The best predictor of job performance is conscientiousness."
"Shame on the company if they don't notice your great job."
"I think they've done a very very very solid job of overhauling this roster."
"Jeremey loved Zach's Ferrari review. He's doing a good job at Hagerty."
"'If you know how to read, you’ll succeed in this job.'"
"It's not fun to lose a job because you have bad job performance."
"For them to be two most prominent characters be this effective and have people either latch on or despise them the way they have, I mean, they're doing a great job."
"You do a better job than most people I know."
"It's amazing how silent, you know, you've been asked to come out here and partake and do a job, and right, you're just can't help yourself, can you Jeff?"
"If I do a really good job here, this company grows."
"There's nothing worse than being bad at a job."
"If you're good at your job and you actually do good for people, I don't care what skin color you are."
"Change is good, the same people doing the same job over and over but you're going to get beaten."
"When I've got the right information to help the people here do their jobs, well, then I know I'm doing my job."
"Being a really practical, rounded-out person just helps you be better at this type of job."
"He's doing his job... we respect our elders."
"Was I scared of dying? Not necessarily, I was scared to do in my job poorly, right? I was afraid of letting my people down, um."
"utterly fascinating a job so supremely well done"
"He did a terrific job since coming in."
"Better to do a job properly than not do a job at all."
"There's something special about it and it works great, does its job perfectly."
"We're not here at all to Monday morning quarterback... we're here to say that the brothers did a fantastic job."
"Behaviours are the actions and activities that people do which result in effective performance in a job."
"Our main job is to react instead of predict."
"Anna Marie was known for having a passion for helping others, going above and beyond what was expected of her at her job."
"I got a certificate of achievement for going above and beyond my job duties."
"Paul is a trained physicist... he did a really good job, he was a very convincing candidate."
"Organizations should consider using multi-source feedback primarily as a developmental tool to enhance future job performance rather than using these appraisals for administrative decisions."
"It's perfectly acceptable and you shouldn't be criticized if you're doing your job and doing it well."
"Competence is really simple: does this person have the right competence to do the job effectively?"
"He was amazing at his job and it can't be overstated."
"I believe I am a model employee and someone who will definitely perform well within this role."
"All we care about is, can you do the job."
"Don't judge us; we're just doing our job."
"Your quality job and your quality is going to be based off your reviews."
"You're making my job very easy because you're a fantastic storyteller."
"You're doing an admirable job filling in."
"All I want to do is to do this job in a way that when I look at that bust of my grandfather overlooking me, know that he would say it's a job well done."
"It was my job to kick butt, and that's what I did."
"No one ever runs against me when it's time for an election. I'd like to think that means I'm doing my job pretty well."
"We have to allow you folks to do your jobs."
"You need to be successful; otherwise, you're not in a job long."
"What a good job this man has done."
"They have this job to do and they all work together as a team."
"A lot of people try hard to do their jobs well and carefully."
"What makes a great analyst is someone smart and proactive who can also stay positive when the job becomes demanding."
"Who the [__] are you? I'm the guy who does his job. You must be the other guy."
"Maybe there's some part of him that's wired to do the job better because he's always thinking about things in terms of risk."
"We should really start applauding people for just doing their jobs properly."
"This is the difference between doing the job and doing a nice job."
"If you're going to do a job, you may as well do it right."
"It's just their culture, they just know what their job is, no matter who's missing, they all do their job and they do it well."
"The closer you come to everything, the better you are at your job."
"We want people to be able to do things on the job, not just know things."
"Once you're sworn in, you're thrown in, and if you're told your job, you've got to carry out that job."
"Being able to handle a job that you're not used to and step into someone else's shoes and do really well for yourself."
"It makes it super easy for you to be very confident and less stressful on the job."
"As the complexity of the job increases, the predictive utility of IQ increases."
"Do your job well, know what your job entails, know what you're supposed to be doing, and you just execute."
"As an introvert, it may be uncomfortable, but for you to do the job well, you have to reach out to your stakeholders."
"The physical condition of the individual soldier is still of prime importance, no matter what his job."
"He's doing his job, don't be an idiot."
"It's not going to be an easy job no matter what I share with you, but I'm going to make it easier and get real close to easy."
"Hotel staff are much more confident at their jobs than people give them credit for."
"It's all business. That's what the guys have been doing, anticipating this start and now it's time to go do the job."
"Your job is to now improve this algorithm; that's exactly why they hired you."
"If you're nervous for your job, are you doing your job right?"
"Excellent job! You get a week off."
"You gotta stand your ground, know your job, and do it good."
"Being gay has no bearing on my job performance in business, in the military, or in my current role as mayor."
"If you've done your job, you don't need to coach them."
"Just does her job and really just a phenomenal play."
"It's our belief that the more that all of us know about the products, the more confidently we can all do our jobs."
"The intention is to so right that more week now the less you'll make in your actual job."
"Use all of your senses as you're doing your job."
"It sounds like she's doing her job right."
"You got to be quick on your feet if you want to last on this job."
"If you go up and beyond with these take-home assignments and you add things that they didn't ask for... it just shows that you're more like you know you're doing right."
"Hard work is putting a great deal of effort into getting a job done."