
Self-encouragement Quotes

There are 662 quotes

"We are our best source of encouragement, and we really have available to ourselves many kind words."
"Be your hype man if you need to, encourage yourself to do what you need to do, even if it feels like it's out of your nature."
"The cookie jar is a reminder of how badass you are in hard times."
"I do those affirmations... In the mirror, you got this."
"Dear Future Martin, remember your journey to the bottom of the world... You are capable of anything. Love, Martin aged 26."
"At the end of the day, you've got to find that motivation within yourself."
"Step outside of your comfort zone. You are closer than you think."
"Smack yourself around the face in the mirror, pour a bucket of ice water over your head and stop being so bloody defeatist."
"If you preach Christ to yourself, you'll get out of it, you'll get out of the trough and you'll be better for it."
"You can talk yourself out of your dreams or you can talk yourself into your dreams."
"You have got to encourage yourself and protect yourself from all the negativity."
"Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Encourage yourself with affirmations."
"Be proud of yourself, be proud of all of the work you've done and pat yourself on the frickin' back."
"Remember the fuel, the gasoline that comes from you feeding your motivation, feeding your positive energy, feeding your enthusiasm."
"If you made it this far, congratulations. Pat yourself on the back."
"When times are hardest, reminding myself that I'm not done yet gets me going, keeps me going."
"Your higher self is telling you, 'Yes, go ahead. You are going to triumph, you are going to have a victory.'"
"You have the strength to carry on, just keep going forward."
"You've given yourself a shot, you can give yourself a shot."
"You are amazing. You have got this, you've got it."
"You can have anxiety, you can feel overwhelmed, and you can still push yourself forward all the time."
"I tell myself every day, 'You will not give up in the face of adversity. You will look every obstacle, every hurdle, every demon in its face. You will lower your shoulders and drive through that [__] without hesitation or regret.'"
"Maybe quietly whisper to yourself, 'I got this.'"
"This is not a time to give on yourself, this is not a time to beat yourself up."
"You put on the dolly, that's the thing you put on and say I'm not, I'm not, I'm just worry, I have to go do something cool that's gonna at least do something cool."
"If you've made it this far, make sure you definitely give yourself a pat on the back."
"You don't need anybody to Pat you on the back you got two good damn hands pat yourself on the back."
"I started to encourage myself like, 'Tiff, you can do it.'"
"Don't write yourself off yet, it just takes some time."
"Encourage yourself and lift yourself up instead of ripping yourself apart."
"Don't give up, don't stop trying, don't sleep on yourself."
"Winners like you pick themselves up when they stumble and slip."
"We are almost there again, I have to keep telling myself this."
"Stop saying I can't, don't limit that mind and encourage yourself to get thinking outside of that box."
"There's no such thing as an excuse. Just pop up a Robert Frank video and get yourself motivated."
"When you wake up in the morning and you're breathing and you're standing in front of that mirror and you have survived, you not only deserve a high five, you need it."
"I love the self-talk though. Far superior to what you and I can provide."
"One last time Sarah tells herself she can do it and plays with all her heart."
"If you don't encourage me, I'll encourage myself. If you don't want me, I still want me."
"Back to winning ways, well done! Give yourself a round of applause."
"Be proud of yourself, friends, show up for yourself, love yourself and love yourself some more."
"Brave little face and see what I gotta do, you know? Just a brave, brave little boy."
"Feel proud of yourself. This is a hard journey, it's a difficult journey, it's a journey that not very many people undertake, but you have chosen to do so, and because of that, you are incredible and you are powerful and you are strong."
"Hard work pays off. Have patience with yourself and your visions."
"You got this! You got this! Oh, hell yeah, you got this, Sad!"
"I know that it's hard but you had to tell yourself that whatever comes next it's not the end."
"It's gonna be a good year I'm gonna keep saying it until I believe it."
"Instead of thinking 'I can't,' this won't happen, or I did this to myself, focus on at least I'm doing it now."
"If you mess up one month just try to be better the next month."
"You need to be able to judge yourself harshly with everything and how you do everything but at the same time pat yourself on the back."
"So don't don't discourage yourself and don't screw yourself with some excuse."
"This is the time right here to just say you know what I'm proud of myself."
"Start maybe telling yourself, you know, it could go right. This could lead to something really positive."
"Literally everyone shit the bed in the past, but I can do this. I got this."
"Hey you watching right now are an amazing and incredible person. Trust me, you are going places. Just make sure you keep on being your incredible self."
"Celebrate yourself, Virgo. Look how far you've come, even though things may be a little rocky or distracting."
"You're never a failure as long as you try again."
"Well done, me! I guess I'm gonna give myself a pat on the back."
"Quit playing games with yourself, it's time to follow your heart."
"You always gotta tell yourself that the next phase is going to be better."
"Positivity is hard won, but it's crucial to give oneself credit for enduring life's trials."
"You are doing better than you think, better than you are capable of conceiving."
"Your future self is pretty passionate about you getting what you want."
"Smile for no reason, look at yourself in the mirror and smile for no reason. It'll change your mood."
"You've got to shake yourself and look yourself in there and say, you know what, if I want this, I'm gonna do whatever it takes to go get it."
"Just tell yourself proud of yourself. It's good. It's good. You need to build yourself up."
"Remember who you are... you're amazing, you're smart, you're wise."
"I think I need kind of a pep talk and to just try to put myself out there."
"You proved your medal to yourself. You got everything in front of you. Take it and run with it."
"I can't tell you how many times a day I would say to myself melon are you doing a great job I love you I'm so proud of you that's my constant self-talk."
"It's really nice to remember that you can survive."
"Optimism doesn't have to be just sunshine and smiling and happy all the time. Optimism is just you giving yourself another chance."
"You feel like the kid left after everyone paired up."
"you're doing more than you know be good to yourself you know you deserve it I know that and I'm gonna try doing the same thing for myself and we can do it you know we can do it."
"Take those little steps along the way and be proud of each accomplishment."
"Yes I can, yes I can, come on, say it! Yes you can!"
"You have to keep on clapping for yourself and seeing the impact you created."
"You can, you will, you are the best, baby. You're going to do this, you're going to do this."
"Always have a great day. Make sure you stay happy and yeah, yourself."
"If I can smile, I think I'll be able to do my best from now on."
"Remember to shine your light, remember your confidence."
"Just telling myself that like it's going to be hard and you're going to be able to make it you know yeah absolutely."
"If you're watching this, it means you have accomplished quite a bit already. You're very smart and talented, but you may have just hit a temporary rough patch."
"Pick yourself up and try again, dust yourself off and try again, try again."
"You can do it, you've got this, you are strong enough, it may seem scary, it may seem challenging, but you've got this, you're doing amazing work right now."
"Don't give up on yourself... Have faith in your dreams."
"Keep reminding yourself that you have tremendous reservoirs of potential within you."
"Your future self is telling you in the future you will make it happen."
"I think I had to learn to start encouraging myself when no one else would."
"Just do it all, just do it all. It will be a relief."
"Your higher self is letting you know: keep working at it, keep doing what you're doing, because you're doing an amazing job. Okay, and within divine timing, you're gonna see things grow and manifest for you."
"Give yourself the credit and give yourself the opportunity to just give it the best attempt possible because you may surprise yourself and succeed."
"Please never ever ever feel like you're not doing well enough, honestly and truly please don't."
"Fake it till you make it is no freaking myth it's real fake it till you make it until you actually think whoa I'm having a great day."
"Every morning, stand in front of the mirror and high-five the person you see."
"She seems like a scary person but she encourages herself by listening to her target’s voice."
"You gotta come out of your mind and encourage yourself."
"Keep going, do not doubt yourself; expect miracles."
"It's a great step to just go I'm just going to do that."
"Believe in luck, believe in me, believe in you."
"Pull yourself together, get a grip, you got it."
"You're never gonna feel mentally prepared. That's not how Earth Works. You just need to go, shut up and do it. Get out of your own way and commit. That's it."
"Find your own passion or rekindle that passion, it is there, I guarantee it."
"I'm so tired of counting myself out of things and not showing up for myself."
"Just try and rise, feel the fear and do it anyway."
"Gary, give yourself a pat on the back, you did pretty well today."
"Even if I did bomb it I would still figure out a way to Hype myself up to have a good lift."
"Take detailed hopium, write it down specifically. Put your self-doubt on mute for a short little while. Think about what it would feel like to live in that future."
"To encourage myself, I wrote in my diary: 'I have this dream too and desire to be an actor and it dwarfs me but it is my dream god damn it I made it up. How can what I dream defeat me?'"
"Keep your chin up, no need to let the darkness put out your light."
"You owe it to yourself to go big in this lifetime."
"Don't be immobilized, you need to do something, but don't let fear be what's motivating you. You got this."
"Make sure you keep that chin up, work hard, and believe in yourselves."
"I'm going to do it and I've used that on more than one occasion as motivation to keep on keeping on absolutely."
"Don't hold yourself back, don't miss this opportunity."
"Preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to yourself."
"You have to make it a habit, consistently encourage yourself."
"Know that you've got this, whatever this is for you."
"Just live. It's okay to be afraid... but don't live in that fear."
"Visualize your defeat and be motivated by the terror of failure."
"Keep spreading positivity, keep being yourselves, be confident, love yourself even when you don't like yourself."
"Don't you dare give up on your dreams. Don't you dare give up on yourself."
"That's the hardest part, just starting. You gotta give your own self a pat on the back because that's the hardest part."
"Tell yourself you're the greatest, and start to believe it."
"Be proud of yourself; you're actually strong and you've been through a lot."
"You can do this, Jeff, because you're good enough, you're smart enough, and gosh darn it, people like you."
"I just raised my hand and I high-fived my reflection."
"Be a copa. Tell yourself 'I can cope with whatever life throws at me'."
"Don't give up on yourself, don't give up hope."
"Be a coper, tell yourself I can cope with whatever life throws at me."
"Encourage yourself and you'll be a fortune."
"Being your own cheerleader means praising your own work, letting yourself make mistakes, and enjoying your wins."
"Sometimes you need to give yourself a carrot, sometimes you need to give yourself a fence, sometimes you need to give yourself a pat on the back."
"If you're facing an obstacle, praise yourself, love yourself, and move forward slowly."
"In this life you have to be your own biggest cheerleader."
"Overcoming the fear of doing something that I could easily talk myself out of was the turning point."
"You probably needed that little break to catch yourself like alright, you know, get your big girl pants on."
"We can be so hard on ourselves but look at how far you've come look at it the Lord is cheering us on."
"It was like therapy for me... there were times where I actually encouraged myself again. It helped me make the decision no matter what the fear of the unknown."
"I just say to myself, 'Amy, you've got through much worse than this before. You can do it.'"
"I kept telling myself in the mirror, 'I'm proud of myself for even moving my body at all, especially right now in this time.'"
"Any day I'm having a bad conference day I think myself tiger effing Woods thinks you're pretty good."
"Keep cheering yourself on. Positive self-talk is essential."
"The best piece of advice I've given myself is: do not pack any negative in your carry-on."
"Encouraging yourself was for alignment, inquiring to God was for advancement."
"Be proud of yourself once you do take the steps that you need to take and congratulate yourself for that."
"Encourage yourself all the way to that last second, all the way to the finishing line. Don't cheat yourself out of it."
"I can do that. It's going to take some getting used to, Keith. No, definitely, because it's going to do it, you can do it, be brave. I'm brave."
"I benefit from reminding myself that it is possible."
"Encouraging myself, remember I've talked before about emotional valence and we remember the bad stuff."
"I had to tell myself every day, 'Hey Joey, you didn't waste time, you learned a lot, and there were some things you did not know, so now that you know, it's gonna be another chance.'"
"Learn to be your own booster, start encouraging yourself."
"Encourage yourself instead of fighting with yourself."
"You are the bomb, don't give up on yourself."
"Lean towards that coach in your own head that pats you on the back and tells you that you can do it."
"Inquire of God after you have encouraged yourself in Him."
"Being your own cheerleader means acknowledging your efforts, forgiving your mistakes, and celebrating your victories."
"Encourage yourself to be proud of who you are, no matter what."
"No matter how many times I show up for myself in it I still have to fight the voice in my head that goes 'you don't have to do this you could be doing something more fun'"
"...just remind yourself you're doing everything you can and if you don't feel like you're doing everything you can, the only way to change that is by putting in some action."
"Sometimes you may have to encourage yourself in the Lord when no one else can or will."
"Remind yourself you're still a work in progress, and that's good. Congratulate yourself on the small wins."
"I believe you can start a new standard. You have to be your best cheerleader because you can't expect people to cheer you up. You've got to be able to, like David, encourage yourself through those difficult times."
"Encourage yourself, because if you don't, who might?"
"Allow yourself to feel good about this."
"Encourage yourself more and acknowledge your efforts."
"Give yourself a hug and a pat on the back."
"It's like you're giving yourself a pep talk your songs like I am the fire and I'm back from the dinner you're giving yourself a pet talk to try to bring yourself out of it and it's giving this inspiration for other people."
"Motivation is key. Sometimes you gotta motivate yourself."
"...you're doing the best that you can do, you're no one else but you..."
"Prove it to yourself right here, last five seconds."
"Yay, we need to give ourselves some applause."
"He encouraged himself in the Lord his God..."
"Learn to become your biggest fan, friend, and even take your own advice."
"Stop lying to yourself that don't nobody care, stop speaking hopelessness and start speaking hope."
"I gotta pick my head up, I gotta keep going forward."
"What you say to yourself matters, and we understand that from a common sense perspective, but somewhere along the line, we have all stopped saying 'You're going to make it, you got this' and we've started saying 'You're a piece of [__] you're not good enough, why even bother?'"
"Don't ever leave a bathroom without high-fiving yourself in the mirror, send yourself back into the game of life having your own back."
"So, if you found the correct moves in the correct plan, congratulations! Give yourself a pat on the back."
"Cheer yourself on, don't tear yourself down."
"And I think my 12-year-old self would be like, 'Cool. You go, girl.'"
"You've got this, you can do this, fight, strive, still, I do it, prove it over to yourself."
"Be nice, be nice, be nice," he coached himself as he shrugged into his lab coat and exited his office to take the 16 steps out to the reception area to get the chart for his first pet, and where he'd see Nicole.
"I need some positivity in my life... I'm taking Victory laps... I need something good."
"Use positive self-talk as you play the game."
"It's going to get better, whatever I'm doing. You know, stop being a baby. This will get better. Focus on that kernel of like where it will get better, and it always does."
"I had to tell myself to stay in it because I'm playing really well."
"I'm not trying to put myself down or say anything badly, because you know what? At least I'm doing it, so I'm already winning."
"I encourage myself, it's important to encourage yourself."
"Once you're your biggest cheerleader, your life is going to start to change. I know it to be true."
"keep pushing forward and don't let others discourage you"
"You absolutely should be proud of yourself for showing up today."
"I want to hear you say it to yourself, 'I've got this.'"
"Just remember how far you've come and how good you're doing. You're alive, that's great."
"Encourage yourself, talk to yourself in a kind, caring way."
"Can you dig deeper and remind yourself that you were built for this moment?"
"So I'm proud of you for that I'm proud of you for being here today I'm proud of you for not only spending this time with me but literally where you are being here showing up for yourself every single day doing that without fail doing it that without hesitation doing it for you."
"Remember, it's only step. You do the best you can. Whenever you're trying to learn something new, it can always be a challenge. So you always just do the best you can, right?"
"You just get on with it I think your mind is your weapon hmm I always try to tell myself it's not something to be scared of it's something I'm proud of."
"I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I'm gonna Lionel little train James, he can."