
Positive Psychology Quotes

There are 122 quotes

"Positive emotions are the fuel that drives the engine of human flourishing."
"When we take the time when we're willing to look for and find the things we appreciate about the people around us and let them know, it's one of the greatest gifts we can give to them and it's a gift for us as well."
"The positive emotion that we find sustaining is experienced in relationship to an unachieved goal."
"People don't do better when they feel worse."
"I just wanted to do something where we're looking at real facial expressions and body language of positive moments because I feel like we focus so much on what looks off that it would be nice to look at what looks right."
"You experience positive emotion when you see yourself moving towards a valued goal."
"I heard that people who get excited about the holidays like Christmas and stuff are happier."
"Positive psychology is most often defined as the study of what makes life worth living."
"Positive emotions, like hope and joy and love, are an essential daily requirement for survival."
"You cannot be seduced unless you are vulnerable...being vulnerable is actually a positive trait."
"One of the best things you can do that will change your life is to make praising yourself familiar and to make criticism unfamiliar."
"Just for today, I will be grateful. Gratitude is one of the most purest feelings."
"Positive psychology is a study of hope, of optimism, of goal setting, of intrinsic motivation, of resiliency."
"Stay in love and gratitude, and that literally changes your brain chemistry."
"Sending physical thank you notes feels really good for both the sender and the recipient."
"Being vulnerable and feeling is a good thing; it's the best thing in the entire world."
"Success makes you feel good, but it's actually that feeling good makes you successful."
"Feel good about yourself, it'll go a long ways."
"Laughing in the face of the Beast, there's nothing better than a good laugh, a good comedy."
"Flow is an innately positive experience it is known to produce intense feelings of enjoyment an experience that is so enjoyable that it leads to positive affect and happiness in the long run."
"Positive thinking and emotions will help you move mountains."
"Feeling good in the clothes that you wear is such an important part of having a positive self-image."
"When you're grateful, you vibrate at a higher frequency and attract bigger and better blessings."
"The alternative to self-love is self-destruction."
"Understand how kindness and gratitude and being happy, yeah you know for lack of a better word can help us lose weight."
"Joy is a vibration, it's a very high frequency."
"Laughter raises your vibration joy raises your vibration and it improves your health."
"You can wake up in the worst mood, but if you just write down the things that you were grateful for, you'll see how your mindset will change."
"It's a positive effect that you can measure and it's something that makes you feel good about yourself."
"When you look good, you feel good, and when you feel good, you do good."
"It's an asset-based perspective... people already kind of want to do well, they want to impress others, they want to be meaningful, they want to contribute."
"As soon as you establish a goal and move towards it, you feel positive emotion."
"Act from a position of gratitude like you already have what you want."
"The bottom line about the magic of appreciation is this: it makes you feel good."
"There's no self-help or self-improvement course that's taken seriously that like produces results for people that works that starts with making you feel bad."
"Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't kill."
"The unparalleled pleasure, the dopamine hit of the day, the thing that makes everything except the news better—it's called the simultaneous sip, and it happens now. Go!"
"Help someone to accept themselves, to understand who they actually are, and that it's good to be who they are."
"When you celebrate yourself, you do more things worth celebrating."
"Self-compassion is always a greater motivator than self-criticism because the driving force is love, not fear."
"Speaking positively to yourself is a superpower."
"You make yourself 31 percent smarter just being in a positive frame of mind."
"There's something profound about expressing gratitude that actually makes our brains happier."
"Gratitude really is the gift that keeps on giving."
"You have to enjoy it... the more you enjoy something, the more your energy increases."
"Don't overwhelm yourself with goals. You want them to feel good because if it feels good, you're going to manifest it."
"Transforming everyday chores into moments of joy."
"It actually helps us to step into our power even further."
"Positive thinking starts with positive actions."
"Life is about abundance... you all you have to learn is a new way to shift your thoughts."
"Once you start feeling happiness and joy from things you want to do, you'll forget about the negativity."
"One important part of happiness is the fairly frequent experience of positive emotions, less frequent experience of negative emotions."
"Gratitude is the Holy Grail, it is the secret ingredient."
"Give yourself permission to shine because when you do, you actually give other people permission to shine also."
"Positive thinking reduces stress and improves well-being."
"Positive thinking can change the outcome of your difficulties."
"Gratitude is more than a feeling, it's a powerful force that can transform our entire outlook on life."
"Celebrate little successes, reconnect with loved ones."
"You don't find happiness, you just are happy."
"Positive attitude changes your mood and improves your health."
"Create a state of consciousness rooted in happiness, it primes you to attract corresponding experiences." - Joanna
"Laughing and smiling makes the world seem just a little bit brighter."
"Gratitude is one of the best feelings we can have."
"Let's talk about the things that make people smile when things are hard."
"It's about understanding why the good things are good more than I guess it's useful to know why the bad things are bad."
"Keep a grateful journal. Every night list five things that happened this day that you are grateful for."
"Anger is not always bad, every emotion is valid and there is something really positive and empowering about each one."
"I'm starting to get into a good overwhelmed state where I'm excited for a lot of stuff."
"Those little wins they give you such a good feeling."
"The more you are in a habit for on purpose writing down the things you are grateful for, the more you are going to program your mind to be looking for the good things that are happening in your life."
"We have discovered that there are human strengths that act as buffers against mental illness: courage, future-mindedness, optimism, interpersonal skill, faith, work ethic, hope, honesty, perseverance, the capacity for flow and insight."
"The aim of positive psychology is to catalyze a change in psychology from a preoccupation only with repairing the worst things in life to also building the best qualities in life."
"Practice gratitude, reorganize distorted thinking."
"Positive psychology micro-practices are like candles in our window, lighting that which is good within us."
"There's been concerted effort to figure out the answer to that question, particularly in this field called positive psychology. Right now we have over 100,000 papers that have been written on the topic of what leads to happiness."
"We've seen the beginnings of a science of positive psychology, a science of what makes life worth living."
"If you're interested in more flow in your life, start with the positive psychology basics."
"The best criticism is that positive psychology says that it's in the head."
"Positive psychology says in addition to caring about relief of suffering, let's ask the question what builds the good life."
"Positive psychologists have also found that grateful people are not only happier but more popular than ungrateful people."
"People who report more positive emotions are more likely to receive social support."
"There are pathways by which positive affect can influence health and well-being."
"Living authentically increases happy feelings and positive thoughts and behaviors."
"You're up to 31% smarter in a positive frame of mind."
"In positive psychology, we try to make you be a better version of yourself."
"We did find that there was a positive correlation between happiness and health."
"The brain is wired to make us feel good about doing good things for other people."
"Rooted in positive psychology and personal transformation."
"Strong will is not a negative trait."
"Maybe a similar sort of power can be gained from positive emotion instead, and maybe that'll be like a big breakthrough, I think that would be cool."
"Flourishing is a term that's used a lot in positive psychology."
"Positive psychology coaching is the integration of what we know about positive psychology, using coaching as a framework."
"Positive psychology is the study of the conditions and processes that contribute to the flourishing or optimal functioning of people, groups, and institutions."
"Every single day we stopped our day and we practiced gratitude, empathy, and mindfulness."
"Hope, efficacy, resilience, and optimism are all malleable, which means you can teach someone how to be hopeful, how to have self-efficacy, how to be resilient, how to be optimistic."
"Positive emotion means when you have a simple pathway to your desired goals."
"We can choose to be happy. We're allowed to be happy."
"Playing always makes people happier, and how can you go wrong with that?"
"It is neurologically and scientifically impossible to raise your hand and high five your reflection and think 'gosh you suck'."
"The catalyst to getting things done is joy."
"The group that simply made a list of things that had made them happy for which they felt grateful were measurably happier four days afterwards."
"We explore mindfulness and positive psychology to help us figure out how we can live our best life."
"Gratitude, three minutes roughly a minute each, three different moments you can feel grateful for."
"Feeling bad is not going to produce long-term behavioral change; feeling good will."
"Positive psychology seeks to identify and promote qualities that lead to greater fulfillment in our lives."
"Your resource here is patience, a new word used in positive psychology is resilience."
"Savoring allows you to be more conscious of some of these positive emotions."
"It's very, very positive reinforcement; there's no punishment at all."
"What we're doing is doing the opposite, we're helping people get into a positive spiral."
"Write down three things you're grateful about. This activity helps rewire your brain to retain a pattern of scanning the world for the positive instead of the negative."
"Happiness leads to success, and that's fascinating."
"If you smile, it sends a message to your brain that we're okay."