
Human Limitations Quotes

There are 132 quotes

"It's so darn liberating to know that we're not machines wired to produce maximum results around the clock."
"It's like memorizing a giant web. I'm not a spider; I'm a human being."
"The flesh is weak. The limits and constraints imposed on us by our feeble organic bodies are simply unacceptable."
"We don't understand the concept of infinity. That's not something that we can understand."
"Humans just can't outwit the cleverness of mother nature."
"We do not have to be invincible, and being invincible denies the fact that it's okay to acknowledge we are not gods."
"We might not be smart enough to figure out a universe that could be trivial to the brain of a more intelligent species."
"Faith does not operate in the realm of the possible. There is no glory for God in that which is humanly possible. Faith begins where man's power ends."
"Human beings only have so much energy, so much time, so much wisdom to give."
"If we have an appreciation of the limitations of our own intelligence, how can we possibly have any confidence that we can create things that are far more intelligent than we are?"
"This game broke Kasparov and showed one of the weaknesses we humans have."
"People who know they are not God are by definition restrained."
"We organize our thoughts, but you and I are incapable when we speak of organizing our words based on what we're going to say later."
"It's always instances like this that remind you that we are kind of bound by our own physical entities to an extent."
"No one is this omniscient being who understands the kaleidoscope of society."
"Humans have spent many centuries trying to answer why the entity wants to destroy the planet, but the limits of their own rationality made it impossible."
"This recent incident reminds us just how unpredictable the ocean is and how we shouldn't, as humans, dare to explore its deepest depths where crushing pressure could easily destroy a machine with even the tiniest fault."
"He's got a supernatural advantage over the kind of knowledge any human would be able to obtain."
"Strength is super, but I'm still human, right?"
"We are still very much limited by our own personal experiences."
"Jesus was just a messenger, any person who is dependent on food and water and oxygen that person cannot be god."
"What's coming cannot be stopped by any human."
"With the limits of our time here and for many of you, the limits of a human bladder, it's a total honor to do this."
"Man cannot fix mankind's problems, only God can do something as big as that."
"Without you we can do nothing, for with man all things are impossible, but with God all things are possible."
"You're not gonna win this battle against the devil using human effort."
"From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh concerning the absolute inability of humans to clear this amoeba it disgusted me."
"One of the great tragedies of the human experience is the inability to read books and sew things."
"We are all... not limited by time space body or individual."
"It's okay to make mistakes in your life. You're doing the best that you can with the information that you've got."
"Let us fall into the hands of the Lord, not into the hands of mortals."
"Life only comes out of what God is doing, not out of what we are doing in our own strength."
"With all these amazing abilities, you might be sitting there feeling jealous of the animal kingdom and all its wonders."
"Despite her known limitations, she would still be used as a part of God's great plan."
"Unlimited possibilities are not suited to man, if they existed his life would only dissolve in the boundless. To become strong, a man's life needs limitation ordained by duty and voluntarily accepted."
"Man can modify weather, man can manipulate weather, but he cannot change the course of prophecy."
"You're only human man, you can only do so much, I'm only human."
"Our perception and comprehension probably have severe limits, including our comprehension of space and time."
"Not every idea that came out of Einstein's mouth was solid gold, people have limitations."
"The natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God."
"Nobody's god. You know, if you believe in god, god is god. Trump is not god."
"The most likely way that we won't become grabby is because we can't."
"The computer is not going to get tired, the humans will."
"Ethnic change can happen a lot faster than we think."
"The title simply means that humankind creating a consciousness will not exalt us into a higher position than them."
"Consistency is a good thing, you know, at least be as consistent as humanly possible."
"Boxes do not limit God, they limit our awareness of God's activity."
"Remember, humans are powerful, but we can't control time."
"We need our reason to teach us today that we are not, that we must not try to be lords of all we survey."
"Adapting to the pace of change will be a critical test for society."
"He's just a human, mate, and as a result when he's just having a normal game like this, BIG isn't a threat."
"None of these people are made of stone, we all have our limits."
"We were never very good in translating power into happiness."
"The ultimate frustration of life is that while we seem to be granted godlike powers... we are bound to physical forms that quickly decay."
"We can all understand our objective goals while recognizing that sometimes they're just incompatible with the human condition."
"Being human means you have limits, and the more you try to scheme and skirt around those limits, the more unexpected things will happen."
"True randomness is impossible for a human to achieve; there are always patterns."
"Godspeed kilawa is stated in the manga and the guide books afterward to then surpass human limitations."
"You cannot depend on a human being to love you the way that source or god loves you because god is love and humans are primitive."
"It took me 27 years to realize that no matter how much I studied no matter how much I prayed I was only human."
"God ended his work of creation by the seventh day... So that means Only God Can Make new stuff. We can rearrange what God made, but we can't make new mass or energy, we can't create like God does."
"...our human brains are fundamentally rather limited in a way that super intelligence just will not be."
"True limits of humanity: the final border we will never cross."
"Recognizing that we're just so limited in our understanding."
"Sometimes we need to just take a back seat. We're only human, and it's really, really difficult to keep on top of doing everything."
"God is always beyond what we can do as human beings."
"...who are we as feeble humans to try to understand the long-term repercussions of our actions decades later, centuries later? It just seems very difficult, right?"
"What if only robots were going to be doing these missions to Mars? Well, the entire reason why the author thinks that this space station is essential is because we are going to get medical knowledge about the limits of human capacities to live in spacecraft."
"Humans have profound limitations in their general intelligence."
"We have our weaknesses but the infinite God has none."
"It is through our limitations that God demonstrates his power."
"Humans like us were never meant to tamper with such powers. The moment we start meddling, we're punished."
"It's so much more beneficial to recognize the limits of free will."
"Zeus, yours is the power. What man on Earth can override it?"
"We see things only as we're constructed to see them, and can gain no idea of their absolute nature."
"The human brain is powerful, there's no doubt about that, but it has its limitations."
"The performance of the aircraft is going to be inhibited by the fact that humans can black out or can only look in one direction at a time."
"We don't have all the answers and that's okay. We're human beings, we've got limitations, but God has given each and every one of us just enough to keep putting one foot in front of the other."
"Nature will always, if pushed, be stronger than human advancements."
"Sometimes nature is so powerful and so strong, it's going to overcome even the best efforts of man."
"Man has learned to swim like a fish in water, he has learned to fly like a bird in air, but he has not learned to walk like a sane human being upon this earth."
"Our space agencies won't be able to push out farther into space to a destination like Mars until we can learn more about how to strengthen the weakest links in the chain that makes space flight possible: the human body and mind."
"As creatures go, these humans are relatively intelligent, but apparently not smart enough to know when to quit."
"We can't expect so much from each other, you know what I mean, because we're still only humans ourselves."
"I'm willing to admit it, even if I try my best, I may not make it, and to a degree, I will always be human and subconscious bias is by nature very hard to combat."
"If God intended man to fly, would have given him feathers."
"Our humanity, for all its brilliance, creativity, and supposed strength, had its limits after all."
"We think of ourselves as the most powerful beings in the universe; it's unsettling to discover that we're wrong."
"Nature taught us that no matter how many bridges we build or how many rigs we stab into the Earth, we are not the masters of the ocean or the land."
"As human beings with our limited minds, we cannot understand God who is without limits."
"We're getting to this range of diseases that are super biologically complicated and that humans are running up against their limits of what they can understand."
"Human hearing is really flawed, it's not perfect."
"But God's foolishness is wiser than human wisdom, and God's weakness is stronger than human strength."
"When human resources are gone, then divine resources can go to work on behalf of those that trust God."
"Again, just remember that it is not natural for earth-bound humans to think in terms of the absence of gravity and the absence of pressure."
"Even if mankind is capable of measuring time, he is limited to his conception of the future."
"Not by what we've done, not by our capabilities, but faith in His goodness for us, His steadfast love, His faithfulness."
"Man can never make even the foot of an insect, Then how can he create the light of truth?"
"You are not a superwoman, okay, you're not a Superman, and you deserve to explore all of those feelings and emotions with pride."
"An effective human factors program takes into account the limitations and characteristics of humans and shapes the job properly."
"If man was meant to fly, he'd have wings."
"What amazes me is that she boasts smell things and hear things and see things that we cannot."
"If we're simply following humans, we're actually only learning how well humans can do things, and we're leaving a lot on the table in terms of the potential of the car."
"No mortal should think that he is equal to God."
"We are very ineffective climbers even the best human tree climbers in the world cannot compare with a leopard, baboon, or a monkey."
"We are not machines, we are not robots, we are not made of metal; we are made of flesh and bone and blood, and all of these things take recovery and they're different for every person."
"Humans probably will not be able to monitor AIs because they're going to be thinking faster and more powerfully, but AIs can monitor AIs."
"And the best and worst of men won't change the Master's plan; it's God's and God's alone."
"Men have created many amazing technological inventions, but they cannot create solutions to their problems."
"No human being can be good 24 hours a day, seven days a week without a slip-up; it's humanly impossible."
"We humans don't possess that knowledge or the power."
"Humans aren't machines; we don't have a constant output per hour, we get tired."
"We have good reasons to believe in God and we're limited creatures and God is unlimited."
"What we can do by ourselves could never compare to what God can do for us."
"Acknowledge that humans have limited capacities and deserve compassion and a chance to awaken spiritually."
"The blessing is from God because no human being can bless another one."