
Resource Allocation Quotes

There are 605 quotes

"Economics is about using scarce resources to achieve specific goals."
"If our resources are finite, we give our money to causes which are going to help the most amount of people as quickly as possible."
"The time spent arguing about election modalities and the use of armed violence is time and resources lost to protecting the lives and livelihoods of Somalis."
"We only have a limited amount of resources, so let's make sure we focus those resources on the places where we can help the most. Where we can do the most good."
"Limited resources are often limited artificially by the choice to lower taxes to permit corporate tax avoidance or to just spend that money on other stuff."
"Imagine what we could do with that kind of money if it was being spent correctly."
"Economics is about the allocation of scarce resources."
"The incredible work of our healthcare providers and the system of each of these hospitals that have the resources and the ability to respond to the needs of the COVID-19 patients."
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."
"It's incredibly important that we have this conversation about saying, if you were to spend an extra dollar, would you do the most good if you spent it on tuberculosis, or on COVID, or on climate, or on infrastructure?"
"What would you do with a million dollars? For me, it's about putting those resources to use, benefiting humanity in some way."
"I just don't want to lose all the other space exploration we have because this one goal is immediate enough to be taking up so many of the already few resources we have for space exploration."
"There was $73 million to build the ark, I believe. Put that toward a cancer cure, you know what I mean?"
"If you care about education, if you care about health, if you care about science, if you care about space, if you care about equality, when there's no more money, when every dime of resources goes so we survive, what then?"
"The single most important thing going on here is, if you care about the future, when there's no more money, when every dime of resources goes just to pay interest, what then?"
"Sure, but what about all the problems on Earth? And I completely agree that the vast majority of resources should be dedicated to solving problems on Earth. Absolutely."
"The upfront money they're providing means we'll be able to afford more help and resources to start ramping up production."
"And instead of continuing to fight the wars of the past, we are fixing our eyes on devoting our resources to the challenges that hold the keys to our collective future."
"Economics is the study of how to allocate resources in a world in which not everyone gets what they want."
"Give them enough so that they can do anything, but not so much that they can do nothing."
"Housing first programs clearly require significant resources and funding, but it is not like our current approach is cheap."
"No more new drug injection sites. We're going to take the allocated resources, we're going to flip them into treatment centers to get these folks off of drugs."
"Aggressive protection of high-risk individuals and the vulnerable... allocate resources so that we prevent hospital overcrowding... and open schools, societies, and businesses because keeping them closed is enormously harmful."
"Let the free market function, and we will have an optimal allocation of resources, and we will all collectively benefit from a higher standard of living."
"Being able to efficiently and effectively allocate resources has been instrumental in lifting hundreds of millions of people out of absolute poverty over just the last five decades."
"We don't have infinite money; we don't have resources to just throw at everything. We really need to ask ourselves where can we do the most good."
"We should just be ready to make sure our scientists and the folks on the front line have the resources and support."
"This is an incredibly under-resourced medical system that has been stressed and strained, and it's doing amazing work in those conditions. But we should figure a way as a nation to make this better."
"We should allocate resources to protect those who are vulnerable."
"The entire structure of modern society is built around the idea that you have choices about where to allocate resources, and you should try to allocate them to places where the most good can be done."
"We've given out thousands and thousands of ventilators, but what we don't want is to distribute them all and then not have enough for a sudden rush in a particular area."
"Human beings only have so much energy, so much time, so much wisdom to give."
"We're gonna move resources into those areas where we see significant outbreak."
"Without vision, people perish, but without money, the vision perishes."
"Especially with me, nobody is spending more time and energy and resources trying to show people what to do."
"No one can efficiently do it all, not even the United States."
"It's not even that it's hard, it's just that all the energy goes to the wrong place."
"We are deploying every tool, resource, and power at our disposal to protect our seniors and Americans of every age and background."
"We will not be using my time, my energy, my resources to run around the world to fail."
"We're going to do whatever it takes to get them what they need when they need it."
"We need Congress to fund and build the wall, give us the resources to deal with this crisis, and terminate the Flores agreement."
"The president is 100 percent committed that we will provide whatever tools we need."
"Making games takes a lot more than having a lot of money."
"The reality is that the amount of funding available for generally left-wing community organizing and activism is enormous."
"You can't blanket treatment this whole thing, look at the economy, look at the elder, you have to look at the crime and then allocate resources."
"What helps us, what hurts us, identifying enemies, friends, and opponents, and then after six innings, you got some stuff to spread around."
"It's pretty obvious that this is the version that Square poured most of its time and money into."
"Let's allocate a fraction of the resources for risky propositions because we never know what we might find."
"Heavy fighters are a little bit odd; they do what fighters do, they're more expensive to build and they're not as fast, but they have much, much, much longer range."
"That's what we're gonna do like that's how we're gonna lay this out we need you to send us more."
"We will spare no resource in fighting so that every American child can grow up free from violence and fear."
"That money is wasted, you know we could be using that money to do some other amazing things."
"We gotta say, 'Hey, we're gonna put our resources behind this because this is ours.'"
"Under this new policy, the country's resources would no longer be used only for the armed forces."
"We want to make sure we have enough resources on the street to keep people safe."
"We are absolutely determined at the president's direction to make sure that you have the resources and the support as you see to the health and well-being of your communities."
"Black Lives Matter is for creating resources and uplifting the social status of black people."
"Balancing home life and work life is difficult."
"Most of the states in no way did they do anything wrong. They were stocked up. They were all equipped."
"Is it worth asking our dungeon artists or 3D artists to spend a few hundred hours rebuilding Stormwind?"
"No resource will be spared, nothing whatsoever."
"When your HRV is really high, that means that your body is sort of in a position where it can allocate those resources."
"We want the people on the ground, the decision-makers to have what they need."
"We are run way too thin... becoming perilously short."
"Life is life, and if I can't afford to spend my time doing this, then I'm gonna still do it."
"School has such a critical role... but we've asked schools to do more with less."
"We thank God for anointing this ministry with resources to raise up Christ-like leaders like yourself who will make an impact within your sphere of influence for the betterment of humanity."
"Why even have companies? A company has no value in and of itself; it only has value to the degree that it's an effective allocator of resources." - Elon Musk
"That is what happens when you have 1 million R&D points to spend, you can take Williams from the very bottom right to the top in only one season and two rounds."
"Communities are safer when they have more resources, not when they're over-policed."
"Focus on the why... allocate resources from police officers to reinvest in our communities."
"It was a crazy program because when they first started it was too much with too little."
"Game Freak focused an enormous amount of time and resources on just 1.5 people out of every 10."
"The government becoming the decider of where the resources go tends to be the least efficient."
"They had to spend time on this; they had to take time away from fixing really obvious glitches that needed to be fixed."
"C9 is asset-rich right now even if they're below in the standings."
"The pie doesn't get any bigger, it's the disciplined, desperate, dangerous mentality of an individual that says I'ma push whoever I gotta push out of my way to get my piece of the pie."
"There are a lot of people who understood that what people were trying to say was why don't we allocate resources away from police departments into things that could be more useful to people who are suffering."
"To have more for everybody to eat, you have to get rid of the greedy ones."
"What are we going to do for the ones who fought through the storm and are still alive? Because if they don't get the resources, they're going to die."
"If I buy a pizza today that doesn't mean that I took someone else's pizza right it's like that's just not how the economy and how the world works."
"Creative destruction allows resources to be efficiently allocated to more prudent entrepreneurs."
"So yeah only use the silver coins on stamina potions there sometimes i see people go for the fairy tickets or archangel tickets man it's not worth it it's really really not worth it."
"We are sparing no expense, we're doing whatever it takes, we're marshalling the full resources of the federal government to respond to the challenges facing communities impacted today by the coronavirus."
"The lesson here isn't 'oh, we need to make a million different kinds of boosters.' Maybe the lesson should be give suppliers what they need."
"Fill out your census form, it's crucial for resources."
"In any economy, you wanna go for the route that gives you more of the thing, that allows you to upgrade more."
"Our economies, our work practices, our social relations could all very easily shift to accommodate us, and yet we are told every day that this or that human need is unworkable or unreasonable because that's not how the system works."
"We are going to make a tremendous amount of resources available to companies to keep their workforce employed."
"Star Wars is the only franchise that has the resources to turn things around."
"China has always had the advantage of being able to focus resources on problems... they can develop a new system basically as fast as they want to."
"Money helps. With more money, you can immediately go out and hire more teachers, more support staff, buy supplies, improve facilities, etc."
"You've got to invest money to make money, that's what the police forces should think like."
"Ponds cost more to build than you get out of removing them."
"We are fixing our eyes on devoting our resources and the challenges that hold the keys to our collective future."
"The solution for inflation is not more money, it is more stuff."
"Here we are preparing to move six thousand miles away to deal with something that in strategic terms was a pimple."
"It's like Fox News, they have a wealth of resources and they can't even get it right."
"The truth is our time, attention and energy are limited. The more passionate we become about any one pursuit, the less of ourselves we have to offer to everything else."
"Would you really rather this shelter have fewer resources to help women than not help trans women, especially considering that trans women are such a small percentage of the population?"
"All of Economics is ultimately just about deciding the best way to allocate limited resources so that people can achieve the highest levels of material satisfaction."
"We should be spending more money and more time and more resources fighting white supremacism...it's not an either/or choice."
"If you do want to upgrade other characters a little bit less on artifacts what you can do is spread the resources from multiple characters."
"Scarcity means there's not enough for everyone, so we have to figure out the best way to allocate our scarce resources."
"It's all about where you invest your resources."
"Could he use that money for judgment on the last floor but hey here we are that was pretty good."
"Every dollar we spend towards one thing is a dollar that can't go to another. That's just how it works."
"The vast majority of Americans think our military is too overstretched."
"We're gonna have to drop one speed sharpening because we don't have that one slot."
"How can this benefit my students? Don't be selfish and try to limit your students' resources just so that you could benefit by keeping your job."
"You're gonna have causes that you're really passionate about and that's where most of your money and time goes."
"When assessing any policy, you have to ask who gets what and out of this policy."
"Your time and energy is your most valuable asset. Do not waste it."
"We're using every resource at our disposal to keep Angelenos safe."
"Taking away resources is only going to kick small businesses while they're already down."
"We have a bank of credits... we have to decide what we're going to use them for."
"You need to be very cautious and frugal with the gold that you have now."
"One of the best deals I've ever heard: free resources."
"Why are you hating on Earth 2? They can't put out the gems first before the resources."
"Please stop wasting time and energy and resources on this. It's done."
"It's the question of using our time and/or money to do one or more of the following things: to save the most number of lives, to reduce the most suffering, or to mitigate the worst risks of future death and suffering."
"We will continue to put all of our resources towards investigating and bringing this to a resolution."
"You always have money for what and who is important to you."
"We are now making 6.5 gold per month which is going to help a ton."
"It's the spending that has to be taken from somebody."
"I believe with the right resources and the right team that we can cure this disease by the end of this decade by 2030."
"Why is there piles of law enforcement ammo when cops can get it for free?"
"We have to find where the surplus is, get it to the most critical people in triage, get the training up, and produce more kind of instantly."
"We stand with the county, the city, our school district allies, and saying the state will bring all necessary resources to bear."
"Congratulations on that and you have a significant amount of free wage budget."
"My culture is not handing all of my resources over to the very same people who've been stealing from my people for 400 years."
"Is the benefit that Avangard gives Russian security really worth the resources that were directed towards it?"
"Fight the cold, we need to get the generator working."
"We're going to put our energy, our money, our huge resources into protecting human fertility."
"Can these resources not actually go into really helping those in need?"
"Having too much budget can also be a problem because you end up with this everything and the kitchen sink build."
"We will continue to cover any story anywhere anytime with more resources than anyone else."
"Unless we have a dynamic, capable, ambitious, and well-resourced public sector, it's very hard to get the kind of dynamic public-private partnerships that are ambitious and really focus on public goals." - Mariana Mazzucato
"Development of a battle royale would no doubt have resulted in less content in other parts of the game."
"Our investments in other games and trying to build other experiences does not in any way shape or form pull from the team that's focused on Pokémon GO."
"Decisions like these aren't easy to make mind you as they take up a lot of the studio's time and resources but if you want to ship the best game possible doing so sometimes becomes a necessity."
"As long as we're pouring so many resources into [the defense budget], it's going to make it extremely difficult if not impossible to even have fully funded social programs."
"Imagine if these pastors... just take 10 percent... for the upliftment of the black community."
"We can be better than this... reform education not by throwing more money at it but by focusing on things to make a difference for the ability of these kids to succeed."
"Efficiency was sacrificed for flashy, unreliable designs."
"Germans would have been better off in World War II if they had not built a Navy at all and devoted those resources to the Army and Luftwaffe."
"Capitalism drains a country's resources into recession or even total collapse."
"They're literally picking who lives and who dies, who gets the tests and who doesn't."
"We should be providing teachers with everything that you need to be able to do what you love."
"Every single cent that somebody is hoarding that means that somebody else now has less money because we like I said in the beginning of this video we don't live in a world with infinite resources."
"You have to know how and when to give those pieces of your time, energy, and love to others."
"People are smart enough to know when people have said 'defund the police,' they mean shifting of resources."
"All that money helps me be able to do things like get down for Starship, upgrade material, hire more people to make editing and the graphics better."
"Valve absolutely has the money and resources to fix Team Fortress 2; they're just choosing not to."
"The choice to both send people to the tent as well as build a den implies that either there was disagreement in the group or that the tent was accessible but too damaged to be usable."
"It now seems more plausible to me that saving a life in a rich country is substantially more important than saving a life in a poor country other things being equal."
"If the horrific pandemic we are now experiencing has taught us anything, it is that National Security is not just building bombs, missiles, jet fighters, tanks, submarines, nuclear warheads, and other weapons of mass destruction."
"There's like different percentages that he can pour into it."
"For the additional 40 points investment, you've gained around seven anti-infantry shots and about one and a half anti-tank shots."
"Tesla is spending an enormous amount of resources on safety."
"Making a difference starts with appropriating this money to the right people."
"The best solution to the everything shortage is to have a policy to make more of just about everything."
"If there are over 2,000 women shelters that turn away men and only one shelter for men, obviously the resources don't match the need."
"They poured as many resources as they could to get it out the door in a decent state."
"The reason gaming PCs don't need so much RAM, you're mostly loading in your graphics card dummy."
"Our function is number one to ultimately get to a point where we have the resources to make available to law enforcement agencies and victims' families the ability to ensure that there never will be a cold case."
"It's not about the spending, it's about the will to use it." - Economist John Cochran
"It's just the same pie, there's just going to be a lot more slices."
"Some of you say, 'I just want to help the poor and spread the gospel.' Well, if you had more time and more money, you could do more."
"It's important that we balance our production right now... artillery something we're severely lacking."
"Let's start trying to put resources to solve problems."
"High unpredictable fees can make crypto trading really dangerous for people who aren't rich."
"Spend time, effort, and money to invest in yourself."
"Big businesses should really infuse their resources and support into small businesses."
"People would love to spend as long as they possibly can receiving a pension, but somewhere in the economic system someone has to provide the resources to make that possible."
"We've included significant resources in order to ensure that those therapies and ultimately that vaccine can come online as quickly as possible."
"Inventory space matters, you don't want to leave stuff behind."
"Really the pursuit of this question would not be professionally economical."
"Investing in things that you support is far more powerful than boycotting things you hate because you give them more resources."
"Setting a budget just physically seeing how much you have coming in, how much you have going out, where it's going, allocating it, and then managing it."
"If Atlanta wants more voting resources maybe they should just declare that they're a country in the Middle East."
"Always have a stash of units saved for occasional challenges – they can give really nice rewards for minimal effort."
"Couldn't she have handed out 4,800 lunch pails to the homeless instead of spending all those dollars on a jumpsuit?"
"We must focus our energies and our resources on helping others."
"Legions require special laws to access but they work just like before you will spend manpower and a monthly maintenance cost in order to have a free roaming army that you can directly control."
"Holy [ __ ] my God, a high budget will increase the number of applicants."
"The trade-offs we need to make are in other departments."
"We're gonna use this money to get Yan Xiu back in the action."
"An improved European competition and more resources for the clubs will make the national leagues more balanced and competitive."
"We don't need to defund the police. We need to fund them with resources and training."
"Those in support of Housing First believe that more resources and support from the government are needed to truly end the crisis once and for all."
"With all of the talk you've heard where some states wanted 40,000 ventilators, I said that doesn't work."
"The Department of Justice under William Barr should be taking this up and should have tons of resources on it."
"As an assassin, you really should be spending your gold as you get it. If you're getting fed but you're not spending that gold, then it means nothing."
"We need to pool resources to fight our enemy, climate change, instead of spending trillions on weapons of destruction."
"The Asheville Police Department won't be responding to some calls anymore after losing 84 officers since 2020."
"Defund the police in the sense that take some of these responsibilities away from the cops and put it into other areas."
"Imagine being so deluded you believe things like we need to strip away resources from these people to give to these people based on race to prove how non-racist you are."
"This food isn't ours. Supplies aren't ours. Why should we take it?"