
Renunciation Quotes

There are 226 quotes

"The effort of renouncing, letting go, giving up, stop judging yourself, stop striving, be kind, is wonderful."
"The Buddha taught the middle way, letting go, renouncing, giving up."
"It is far easier to achieve your material desires than to renounce them."
"The highest renunciation is to see God in everything."
"What is renunciation in this paradigm? It is - renunciation, true renunciation, the highest renunciation is to see God in everything."
"Renunciation, therefore, is the basis of spirituality."
"I renounce I reject I disassociate myself from it because I refuse them the wrath and the negative consequences and Christmas were lost in my life dear indoors here you covered it we're going to believe me."
"They were in that perfect love with Jesus, that's why they could easily leave the world behind."
"The real power is actually the renunciation of those cities."
"Renunciation is not that you leave your family and your dear ones, but you even renounce this anandam business of spirituality."
"I renounce Satan and all his works, I want nothing to do with it."
"Over 400 million Chinese people have quit the Chinese Communist Party."
"Purified ones they are who have renounced the life of this sphere in order to guard and protect the flame that spiritual principle in man."
"He soon understands that no matter how hard he tries, his actions are futile; all living beings are manifestations of will."
"The only way the monkey can escape the thrashing of samsara is for the monkey to become a monk that means to let go to let go if you don't let go that's the problem."
"Faith can only exist when a man renounces his understanding."
"By renunciation protect this knowledge, that is one Consciousness pervades this entire universe and you are that Consciousness."
"You have to give up everything that's low, everything."
"The Initiates who took their oaths in the presence of the Flame renounced the lesser concerns of ordinary life."
"I resist and renounce the spirit of Pride from having a Dwelling Place in my life."
"So, a man who renounces the whole earth, lo, he be Lord of it, gives up little and receives a hundred fold in return."
"They are closer to God. They have an apprehension of the divine that causes them to renounce the world."
"Renunciation is a very interesting path. I'm going to push this away because I want this."
"True renunciation is giving up all desire for personal reward."
"Renunciation of the fruits of action is superior to meditation."
"It's terrible for fame and fortune and success, but through renunciation of those things, you can gain a type of spiritual mastery."
"As soon as we renounce something, we're forever tied to it."
"Break with every contact with the occult, renounce it, confess it, renounce it."
"He had to renounce Satan clearly and do what formally affiliate with God and say I belong to you, God. I renounce all this."
"Why do you whine for the old life? Why do you look back to the world? Why don't you forsake all of that in the name of Jesus?"
"The hard fact of the matter is that you can't make spiritual progress without renunciation."
"Give up sainthood, renounce wisdom, and it will be a hundred times better for everyone."
"The coupled relationship is more explicitly important than it could be within the Tibetan tradition because of the bias towards renunciation."
"The most basic form of renunciation is in the heart, the renunciation of grasping and greed."
"Renunciation is opening the windows and doors, making room for grace."
"Becoming a monk is all about renunciation, letting go of worldly life, letting go of one's identity in a very real way. It isn't superficial; you do abandon everything."
"There's something romantic about what Francis did, he renounced everything and just gave himself over to God."
"Grace trains us in godliness and teaches us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions."
"Spirituality is giving up that which you will always want."
"I officially renounced all of it. I went to her house that same week with all my stuff. I gathered all the crystals, I gathered all the old books, all my old journals, all my props, my decorations. We burned it all."
"Renunciation and action both lead to liberation, but of these two, Karma Yoga is superior to renunciation of action."
"Great God save me a sinner save me. I renounce all merit for I have none."
"Be someone who renounces, one who is frugal with words, who is content with little, and who abandons all views and opinions stemming from self-importance and conceit."
"It's not just about renunciation of lust and greed, but also renunciation of sectarianism, bigotry, and narrowness."
"Renunciation doesn't necessarily mean becoming monks and nuns and renouncing our families and living in a cave to meditate."
"To forsake the world and to embrace God Alone."
"Grace is actually renunciation of self the more you renunciate yourself the more God can implant his seed like the V tree."
"The giving up of self is not merely the renunciation of outward things."
"True spirituality is not about power; it's about renouncing power. That is where you gain a more sustainable and enduring self-renewing power. When you renounce it, not when you invest in it."
"Only by facing our desires directly and then giving them up can we return to simplicity and clarity."
"When one attains dispassion for this world, that moment itself one should renounce."
"The desire to give up all transitory enjoyments."
"But he comes finally to the still waters, he comes finally to the place of peace, and he suddenly discovers that he has achieved this peace by renouncing everything that was not peace."
"I will abandon the title and name and all that goes with it. I will renounce my lordship and my claims on Highgarden."
"Renounce and rebuke the thought of suicide."
"I want everyone to renounce in a second the spirit spouse that has a grip over your life and stop believing it has Authority because you've already given your authority to Jesus Christ you've given everything to Christ and he's given you his authority amen."
"I want you to renounce this curse. I want you to say Jesus heals me. I don't have lupus. Say I'm ready there it goes when did she receive this false diagnosis."
"Die to the world, live for Christ."
"To renounce liberty is to renounce being a man."
"Renunciation alone can give fearlessness."
"The unique characteristic of a sadhu is renunciation, internal and external."
"The Christian is of no use to God until he or she is dead to the things of the world."
"Renunciation of attachment to things and greed makes the heart happy."
"Renunciation of possessive love leads to true love."
"Renounce negative words spoken over you and declare freedom."
"As you renounce, God's going to begin to set you free."
"This, bhikkhus, is the noble truth of the cessation of dukkha: the fading and cessation, renunciation, relinquishment, and letting go of craving."
"May I always have the renunciation mind."
"By renouncing terra firma, they have found the space to be free."
"We therefore renounce with disdain our connection with a kingdom of slaves; we bid a final adieu to Britain."
"Come out of agreement with Satan with them words."
"Faith is not just a sort of irrational blind commitment; it is actually to renounce everything and get it back because it won't trust it to be willing."
"Since I have known the Savior's name and what for me He bore, no more I toil for empty fame, I thirst for gold no more."
"In the name of Jesus, we turn our back on worry and fear because God is our Shield and our very great reward."
"They are able to renunciate the life that they've been given for a life that's actually very different from what they were brought up in."
"Giving up wrongdoing in evil ways brings coolness, preventing harm or ill effects."
"The body and the soul must die to the things of this world."
"From now on, I'll devote my life to hard labor, to charity. I'll give up everything I used to live for, all the vanities of the world."
"Practicing generosity is giving up, letting go. Listening to teachings is for the purpose of gaining knowledge to give up and let go, to uproot clinging to what is good and what is bad."
"The lesson of the kite: renunciation, not possession, is the secret to survival."
"Beware, O monk, if you are a renunciate, you have to be... make sure that you have high thinking and plain living."
"If you're returning to the Lord with all your hearts, then rid yourselves of the foreign gods and commit yourselves to the Lord and serve him only."
"We owe God everything; we owe the flesh nothing."
"The flesh with its passions or affections and desires is dead to us."
"Surrender your life to Christ because that requires you giving up this world."
"I am no longer bound to this earth by worldly desires."
"They that name the name of the Lord must depart from iniquity."
"Renouncing means to abandon something you once claimed as your own."
"I have abandoned the mistaken grasping at pleasures that are superficial, fraught with danger and difficulty, deceptive, illusory, and ephemeral, for those that are deeper, safe and sure, for those that are true and lasting."
"We renounce and break all curses, spells, and assignments against me or this place."
"Attached to your loved ones, you're stirred up like water. Hating your enemies, you burn like fire. In the darkness of confusion, you forget what to adopt and discard. Give up your homeland; this is the practice of Bodhisattvas."
"I owe Jesus everything, the world nothing."
"The true freedom is an interior freedom and it comes, in fact, from renouncing those other freedoms."
"The essence of the Gita is renunciation, which means giving up all worldliness."
"The way to cure the disease of the Heart Is by renouncing one's desire."
"Based on a foundation of loving-kindness, a correct view of reality, and total renunciation."
"Comfort such of them as be in trouble, and now renounce corruption."
"I confess you as my Lord and as my savior. Satan, I renounce you, you are not my God from this day forward, I am a child of the king."
"He could have been King, he rejected it."
"If you want to return to the Lord with all your hearts, get rid of your foreign gods."
"I will walk away from everything in this world, I'll walk away from materialism, I'll walk away from anything that hinders me and my Christ."
"Therefore, renounce war and proclaim peace."
"Giving up the identity with the body and the mind is tapas, samadhi, dhyana, and nishta - abiding in and as the self."
"If you want the full Bliss of the self, and if you want to experience it permanently, you will have to give up all your desires and attachments."
"I renounce everything else gladly and give myself to the service of God."
"I don't want the wealth of the world, I don't want the honor of Egypt, I want the reproach of Christ."
"Almighty God, I renounce my involvement in all forms of the occult in Jesus' name, Amen."
"Almighty God, I renounce my involvement in every form of immorality in Jesus' name, Amen."
"Rare is he and blessed who observes the ways of men and gives up the desire for pleasure and knowledge."
"Renunciation is non-identification of the self with the non-self."
"Once they bless you into that side, they have you renounce your loyalty."
"If you give up 'I' and 'mine,' all is given up at a stroke."
"I wanted to live in caves and live in forests and renounce the world and achieve immortality."
"I turned my life around, gave my life to Christ, and burned the board."
"Let's just run away together and never use the Death Note again."
"The world has been crucified to me, and I have been crucified to the world."
"Kabir says: 'He who has found both love and renunciation never descends to death.'"
"We must all love and honor one God and completely cast out every heathen practice."
"Then I renounce my blood and proudly take up the Uzumaki name."
"Let whoever has power renounce and repent, and let him who knows seek and find and take delight."
"They have renounced for the sake of the beloved the world and all that is therein."
"Let go of all hatred right now in the name of Jesus."
"Lust for existence chains all bodied beings; addiction to cyclic pleasures is only cured by transcendent renunciation."
"When you experience transcendent renunciation, you will be really happy."
"We have to stop desire, not just for our environment but because it makes us miserable."
"True dervishes are revered people not only for their spiritual journey in life but also for their courage to strip off their titles and possessions."
"From now on, are we through with the world? Don't we just want Jesus?"
"To know that self is beyond the five elements is true renunciation."
"What is the use of this kingdom, what is the use of this body, I don't want anything, I just want my Lord, Atma Vedanam."
"The self alone is permanent. Renunciation is the non-identification of the self with the not-self."
"I'm addicted to serving, giving, letting go, renouncing."
"The Buddha does the same thing in India; he says we don't need gods, we don't even need the soul."
"Letting go is an act of renunciation, giving to other beings, and not really thinking too much about yourself."
"Having completely renounced all desires born of fancy, controlling well the senses from all sides by the mind alone, yoga should be practiced."
"With mine own hands I give away my crown, with mine own tongue deny my sacred state."
"Sannyasa is a person who renounces life, to ponder over the fundamental questions of human existence."
"This experience caused me to renounce my former beliefs."
"The renunciation of karma is to not stop doing action, but to keep on doing it but mentally offer everything to God."
"I don't want wealth. I don't want the opposite gender. I don't want so much popularity. I just want to serve you."
"I've repudiated all human heads and human names for the people of the Lord."
"You develop absence of worldly passion, leading to renunciation and ultimately to self-realization."
"I can renounce my brothers, I can renounce you, I can renounce my whole kingdom, I can renounce all my opulences, I can even give up this life for others."
"The significance of Lord Caitanya's renunciation is very deep."
"We will be able to see Krishna in daily activities, one will have extreme renunciation from things which are not useful."
"Do you renounce sin so as to live in the freedom of the children of God?"
"I renounce disease, I renounce all sickness, I renounce abuse."
"Everybody wants to abandon suffering. But very, very few people want to abandon samsara."
"Give your life to God, leave this alone."
"Forsake the transient and deceptive allure of this world and embrace the eternal and imperishable Kingdom of God."
"The greatest charity is the renunciation of the knowledge 'I am'."
"A sannyasi is not one that just renounces things or has some external symbols; they have no attachment in their heart to enjoy any of the things that they have in their life, they only use for service."
"So also the more perfectly a man renounces things of this world, and the more completely he dies to himself through contempt of self, the more quickly this great grace comes to him."
"Man draws nearer to God in proportion as he withdraws farther from all earthly comfort."
"Real renunciation is to understand and to live by the principles that Krishna is the proprietor, the controller, and the enjoyer."
"The way of the mystic is a way of renunciation till he breaks all the limitations of his lower nature and enters into freedom."
"He renounced Christianity and what he considered to be his slave name and embraced the Islamic faith."
"Neither the pleasures of the world nor the kingdoms of this age will be of any use to me; it is better for me to die in order to unite myself to Christ Jesus than to reign over the ends of the earth."
"The Lord of the Rings celebrates its renunciation."
"The real renouncer is the karma yogi; the real yogi is the karma yogi."
"When one habitually renounces all desires and is no more attached either to sense subjects or to actions, then one is said to have attained to yoga."
"Renunciation is not the goal. Renunciation is just a way of living, that may suit some people. But the purpose of it all is to develop the mood of selfless love."
"Many people asked me, Swamiji, why did you leave such a huge empire you built?"
"You are turning your back to seeing the world as the ultimate source of pleasure, and you are turning inwards."
"When you abandon the whole world, you don't lose anything; you gain everything."
"I renounce hopelessness. I close the door to that power and that presence."
"I prayed to my divine mother, saying, 'O mother, I do not desire material wealth or earthly prosperity, but only that thou dwell within my heart.'"
"Desires are not worth the suffering."
"Often to reach the need of self-actualization, people have renounced the world and skipped all these needs... and directly jumped from the basic needs to the needs of self-actualization."
"When the love of God touched me, I was like man, I don't need these things anymore."
"Renounce the empty avarice which will wreck you, for your true inheritance is eternal life."
"That is renunciation, it immediately gives liberation."
"The abandonment of the illusory universe by realizing that it is the all-conscious Atman, which is all consciousness, this is the real renunciation honored by the great, since it is the nature of immediate liberation."
"When absolute renunciation of society was a necessity, I had become diffident of myself and wearied of my kind."
"The happiness that arises from giving or from renouncing."
"The disadvantage of sensuality and then the benefits of renunciation."
"Then, in a gesture that would have done Thoreau and Tolstoy proud, he arranged all his paper currency in a pile on the sand, and put a match to it."
"It's about removing yourself from paganism, removing yourself from idol worship."
"I have been searching for truth, and in the search for a truly enlightened master, it so happened that I left all the worldly things."
"We should seek to renounce conflict and proclaim peace, even if that means bearing offenses patiently."
"We renounce conflict and proclaim peace, as much as is possible."
"Let go thy hold, Sannyasi bold! Let go thy hold."
"Ben makes his choice; he decides to renounce his absolute power, realizing that true strength lies not in the might one wields but the choices one makes."
"I've dumped it all in the trash so that I can embrace Christ and be embraced by Him."