
Autonomous Vehicles Quotes

There are 380 quotes

"There is an autonomous vehicle trudging along millions of miles away on planet Mars; its name is Perseverance."
"Almost every company now have promised that they will have full autonomous vehicles...this is a good example of the consequences of overhyping the capabilities of AI."
"The self-driving car is going to change society completely."
"Autonomous vehicles is incredibly hard to do, however, the impact on society is gigantic and enormous."
"This car is no longer just an autopilot but it's also a co-pilot, a copilot that watches after you."
"5G will be the reason that autonomous cars become real. Because the lag time will be zero."
"Once we have fully autonomous vehicles, you're going to be expecting artificial intelligence to make decisions literally about who lives and who dies."
"When did the first car go over 55 miles an hour for over 10 miles on a public freeway with other traffic around, driving completely autonomously?"
"I still believe that driver-like sensing and the interaction with the driver and studying the human factors psychology problem is essential."
"The nature of transportation changes if you have a large fleet of autonomous vehicles."
"In the future, every car is going to be self-driving."
"AV autonomous vehicles powered by deep learning and AI are going to revolutionize driving."
"Luminar's vision was to build a new type of LiDAR sensing system from the ground up to enable the autonomous vehicle industry."
"Every time we sell a car, it has the ability... to have full self-driving enabled."
"Germany will be the first country in the world to bring autonomous vehicles out of the research labs and onto the road."
"People do not yet understand how valuable an autonomous vehicle will be."
"A level five autonomous vehicle is really the highest level; that's a car that can drive from one point to any other point that you want. That car obviously won't need a steering wheel, but that's a long ways off in the future."
"There's going to be a dedicated robo-taxi that is going to look quite futuristic."
"Look at some of our projections; it would appear that a robo-taxi ride will cost less than a bus ticket."
"We never told the car what a lane marker was, what a road was, or how to even turn right or left or what's an intersection. It's able to learn all of this from data using convolutional neural networks."
"Level Four autonomy, what Ford was abandoning when it shut down Argo AI, is a vehicle that can drive itself in nearly all conditions."
"Part of me feels that self-driving is impossible, but things that I think are impossible are happening today."
"Experts predict that once successfully achieved, the technology could prevent 1.3 million estimated deaths worldwide per year caused by traffic accidents, as well as reduce congestion and emissions."
"Despite autonomous vehicles having the ability to react and make decisions faster than a human, the environmental perception foundation these decisions are based on are so distant from the capabilities of the average human that trust in them still lingers below the majority of the public."
"Self-driving cars could save more than two-thirds of those lives."
"I don't know if [autonomous vehicles] will usher in an era of new possibilities for mankind or could it be the flip side where it could really hamper our freedoms and safety."
"I'm about to go for my first ever ride in a fully autonomous vehicle. Whoa, no driver."
"With autonomous vehicles communicating with each other, optimally spacing and flowing together, you're going to be able to get much more throughput on those roads." - Larry Burns
"The important thing about an autonomous vehicle is it has to have a very good sense of its environment."
"The car sees with an array of cameras and radar sensors designed into the body, constantly scanning up to 600 feet in all directions."
"Seeing cars navigate busy city streets on their own feels like we've stepped into the future."
"Self-driving cars could generate billions in revenue."
"That's why everyone's like, 'You don't care.' I don't care."
"Safety becomes the focal point as data shows unequivocally that Tesla’s autonomous software is 10, 20, 30x safer than a human driver."
"Self-driving cars are happening, slowly but surely, filling the roads of the future."
"Autonomous vehicle technology has tremendous potential."
"Autonomous vehicles could save approximately 8,000 euros per single heavy-duty vehicle per year."
"There is going to be a point in time when it seems really stupid that we let people drive cars because people are so bad at it and the cars are so good at it."
"Driverless cars: the dream of a future where cars propel themselves without the need to observe surroundings."
"The world is about to change self-driving cars... how about self-owning cars?"
"I'm extremely confident that level 5 autonomy will happen, and it will happen very quickly."
"Tesla's prediction for completely autonomous cars... will come to fruition with vehicles able to complete round trips without any human input with 100 safety."
"Believe it or not, ninety percent of the time, that Tesla will drive you better than you could ever possibly hope to drive it."
"None of these packages come even close to making Tesla's vehicles autonomous."
"Public confusion over the availability of autonomous vehicle technology is also a problem."
"Self-driving cars that are also self-repairing."
"Larry Page and Sergey Brin saw that competition and believed in the technology, so the Google self-driving car project was born."
"Another application area that has led to a lot of excitement is in autonomous vehicles and self-driving cars."
"So yeah, I mean, if you think about the future where the car is often in autopilot or full self-driving mode, then entertainment is going to become increasingly important."
"If everyone drove a car with autopilot, we would save 900,000 lives globally every year."
"Get to superhuman as fast as we can, win self-driving cars."
"It's very difficult to have penalties without having a law to back that up or regulation to back that up. And what we have at the moment is kind of a wild west when it comes to fully autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicles."
"Autonomous vehicles are held to a higher standard than humans."
"Our Tesla cars, assuming we're driving the beta soon, are not only planning our own trajectories but are doing that for all of the other important agents in the scene."
"Tesla seems to be at the forefront with their self-driving beta showing some insane results."
"Tesla has been working crazy hard on self-driving, and it's a daunting task."
"Comparing an Apple self-driving system and a Tesla self-driving system sounds like a future I want to be in."
"This truck will actually just drive itself on the highway."
"The x-37b is a reusable spacecraft, autonomous, and flies without crew, rapidly reconfigurable to carry a wide variety of experiments."
"The robo taxi might actually be different than we've ever considered."
"Once you have autonomy of self-driving cars, you massively increase the utility of any given car."
"The economics of a fully autonomous vehicle are truly astounding in a positive way."
"Apple had to disclose that it had 66 road registered cars with 111 individuals trained to operate them on public roads."
"Our vehicles have now driven nearly 60 miles in full self-driving beta mode and this number continues to grow exponentially."
"Anyone who has driven full self-driving beta in the car can see the rate of improvement. We're almost there."
"So what Tesla is saying is they're saying we're okay with staying with level two let's say hands-on driving because we're getting the data that we need to massively improve the system over time."
"And I think autonomous driving has huge potential to actually make a big difference in safety in the world."
"Oh, it's one of those self-driving cars, you know these old Vulcans ingots."
"Autonomous ride-hailing will be approaching $4 trillion in market cap."
"Tesla's going to solve autonomy. They've won humanoid robots. They've won AGI."
"Tesla is going to have Robo taxis within the next few years."
"Autonomy will not only be solved but will scale."
"Elon has said that he thinks when the car is fully get to full self-driving, he thinks they'll be valued at $100,000."
"I think we're on the cusp of autonomy. I don't know for sure, but I get the feeling that Tesla's really, really setting up the new Model S to be a fully autonomous vehicle."
"EV autonomous trucks are going to be cost competitive with freight rails."
"People will be thinking back about the days when people actually drove their own cars as an unsafe period of time because the safety rates ultimately of this technology over the long term are much higher than human drive."
"Now you might be saying, well even if you reduce traffic because Robo taxis will reduce traffic, I still have to spend some time on the road. But you could be doing whatever you want."
"If we do have Robo taxis, then we won't have car ownership."
"The dream with self-driving cars would be... hang out in the backseat, watch YouTube videos, and let the car drive you."
"Very, very simple innovations like a self-driving car... could completely change this."
"It'll never tell me to put my hands on the wheel."
"Once regulators understand how much safer a robot taxi network is, they will stop allowing people to drive."
"The promise of full self-driving transformation to the business model is extreme."
"Tesla has this lead... I think that they could launch a ride hill Robo taxy service a lot sooner than people expect."
"We're looking at a range of 2025-2030 for much wider deployment of autonomous vehicles."
"We're definitely going to see autonomous aircraft well before autonomous driving at scale."
"Autonomous ride hailing is likely to dominate urban transport."
"Once you hit level three or higher up, that flips, and it's the car doing the driving. This is like sci-fi stuff, like driverless taxis that don't even have steering wheels."
"Introducing lidar technology into production vehicles is a breakthrough in popularizing autonomous driving." - X-pung
"The richer, deeper sensor is camera...camera is the way to go." - Lex Fridman
"Tesla's real-world AI doesn't need somebody ahead of time to tell it where the lines are, how many lines there are, which lanes can turn right or left, which lanes merge."
"During the 20-year period where America was focused on the global war on terror... our enemies saw the opportunity."
"Autonomous vehicles were one of the things that we looked at from day one. It was just a matter of proving it out."
"Testing autonomous vehicles in human environments involves risk, but innovation requires it."
"Autonomous flying, unleashing them in transportation logistics and so on, I think it's a lot harder than autonomous driving."
"The new generation of the Audi A8 will be the first vehicle on public roads with so-called level 3 autonomous driving."
"Tesla effectively has three thousand three hundred and thirty-three times more data than Waymo."
"A new software update that allows people to summon their empty Tesla to them from across a parking lot is just a perfect example of this and it's also an early glimpse at fully autonomous driving."
"It's so obvious that Tesla is in the lead and is in a commanding lead with the consumer market autonomous driving."
"The opportunity for Robotech for autonomous electric vehicles is a 20 or 30 trillion dollar business value creation event."
"Self-driving is one of the hardest technical problems that exists."
"Designing a robot that can make decisions on his own is a pretty scary prospect especially when we're talking about something as big as a car going 60 miles an hour."
"The company's G9 SUV was the first production commercial vehicle in China to pass the government autonomous driving test at a closed Proving Ground."
"Tens of thousands of self-driving cars off the streets."
"There were no safety issues, the car simply slowed to about two miles per hour."
"We're moving towards that sort of a future where you just tell a tank AI shoot that drive there and the AI does it."
"It's a little wandery but you know it's supposed to be an assist not your autopilot system those are coming later."
"Self-driving cars are already on the road and will be fully autonomous soon."
"It's capable of vastly more than almost anyone knows and the rate of improvement is exponential."
"Combining multiple sensors and modalities can make autonomous vehicles more resilient against attacks."
"Tesla will have level 3 by end of this year, early next year."
"Politically, if driverless cars kill a few people but save tens of thousands of people, that's a problem for the politicians."
"Autonomous cars are not real. They're like birds, they're not real."
"Tesla is on the cusp of unlocking a decade trillion dollar opportunity with their real world full self-driving AI."
"Tesla's busy extending their unassailable lead when it comes to autonomous vehicles."
"The reason Waymo and other autonomous cars that can use lidar can drive so well is that they know exactly where the vehicle is in three-dimensional space and can plan their path using the information from the lidar sensors along with the map."
"It will look like a drone is following the car behind you, mapping all the areas ahead and around your car."
"Tesla clearly on the cusp of solving autonomy again I still stand by my long-term prediction first Rover taxi probably late 2024."
"The future of transport is autonomous mobility as a service."
"The future of Tesla is self-driving cars and Robo taxi."
"Germany is the first country in the world to allow driverless vehicles in regular operation and in the entire national area of application."
"Cars will absolutely drive themselves better than any person could drive."
"Autonomous control technology has matured to a stage where we can put it to good use."
"The Terminator is out there, can't be bargained with, can't be reasoned with."
"Level 5 means that the car can drive on its own with absolutely zero need for driver monitoring or intervention."
"Self-driving cars must be conservative in their approach to their own conduct, and liberal in conduct they expect from others."
"Tesla is on the cusp of solving autonomy. The point isn't when they solve it, it's when anyone else even gets close."
"One of these days I'm just gonna get in my Tesla, and it's just gonna drive me right to the police station."
"Autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicle development is pretty heavily focused on rapid generational improvements."
"Almost every car made will be fully autonomous and almost every car made will be electric."
"Autonomous driving relies on a combination of algorithms, sensors, and machine learning."
"Self-driving cars will be a reality a lot sooner than you think."
"Driverless cars are gonna make us much more efficient."
"This will greatly increase public awareness that a Tesla can drive itself."
"It's going to be designed around the fact that autonomy is solved"
"Lots of skeptics had written off self-driving cars as a fool's errand."
"If I could spend 12 grand right now for my car to drive me from my house to work every day, I would pay that in an instant."
"Autopilot basically saved this guy from an accident."
"If your car brings in $30,000 a year on autopilot, it becomes a valuable asset."
"The biggest disruption I can think of in this decade or the next decade will be self-driving cars."
"In 2024 I am expecting the two biggest catalysts to date in the history of Tesla: robo taxis doing their first fully autonomous fares and the release of the $25,000 Tesla."
"Self-driving cars will remove human error and save thousands of lives."
"A self-driving watercraft cruises silently through Amsterdam's ancient canals."
"Real life kit now - introducing the Tesla Robo car."
"Autonomy is about controlling for the unpredictability of all the human-driven cars around it."
"The future of transportation is electric autonomous ride sharing."
"Tesla has clearly been delayed from their original plan for 1 million robo taxis in 2020."
"Tesla's deployed this full self-driving beta software to 2000 of its users... I feel like I'm living in the future."
"Neo has built up the full stack nad capability with developing perception algorithms, localization, control strategy, and platform software in-house."
"Honestly, when it's heavy rain, I like to enable autopilot because I do trust it more."
"I see a single passenger robo taxi with a 200-mile range for under 5,000."
"V12 is going to be over 100 times reduction in interventions compared to V11."
"Tesla is becoming less dependent on heuristic map-based planning."
"Autonomy is an insanely fundamental breakthrough...no one's even close to Tesla."
"The autonomous opportunity is literally worth multiple trillions of dollars."
"Aurora was founded in 2017 by several self-driving industry experts."
"Super Cruise is the best autonomous driving system on the market today... as long as you're still sitting there paying attention."
"Elon Musk just said that he believes that Tesla is going to have at least five years from the point that they solve autonomy before anyone else catches up."
"When you own Tesla, you own a call option on autonomous vehicle technology."
"I don't need self-driving cars to be better than humans to be on the road. I feel like they just need to be equivalent to humans."
"Tesla's plan to be extremely cashflow positive with its autonomy taxi network."
"Tesla knows they're on the cusp of solving autonomy it's a done deal they're almost there in a matter of months maybe a year or two absolute maximum."
"Cars will be able to drive themselves autonomously better than humans."
"Futuristic concept car meant to be both sustainable and autonomous."
"Autonomous vehicles are being tested... companies are rushing to be first or second."
"Long term, every car will have full self-driving."
"They've built a suite of tools for self-driving vehicles that will hit the road as early as next year."
"Driverless is not about tuning and training your neural network. It's a much broader, complex problem."
"Tesla wants their 25 000 car to be fully autonomous without a steering wheel."
"Elon said, 'We're making a car that, if autonomy pans out, the asset will be worth more in the future.'"
"Elon said, 'The car currently drives me around Austin most of the time with no interventions, and we have over 100,000 people in our full self-driving beta program.'"
"Robo-taxis will kill a lot of professions... new technology creates jobs too."
"Autonomous vehicles have made huge strides in just the past few years."
"Tesla believes it can get many of the cars in its over 5 million unit fleet and all new cars being sold today to become self-driving"
"2023 is when we might expect robo taxi profits to start to take off, and the margins on the robo taxi business are huge."
"Autonomous robotaxis could cost consumers as little as 25 cents per mile."
"Autonomy will become so safe that it will be unsafe to manually operate the car relatively speaking."
"We've now crossed over 150 million miles driven by full self-driving beta."
"If you've got at scale a statistically significant amount of data that shows conclusively that the autonomous car has half the accident rate of a human-driven car, it's difficult to ignore."
"I'm excited for the car to gain capabilities but I am also keeping in the back of my head the thought that the point of all of this what Tesla and Elon Musk want to do is make a Rob taxi so let's keep that in mind let's hope we get there very soon."
"Americans are gonna love it. Uber is declaring a full stop on autonomous Emmys."
"The value of a fully electric autonomous fleet is insanely gigantic, boggles the mind."
"Once we have full self-driving wisely deployed, then the value proposition will be clear."
"Germany aims to get self-driving cars on the roads in 2022."
"and by the way once you have that uber fleet of smart cars and you want to dial up your order yourself an uber to get somewhere."
"The probability of an accident on FSD will be less than that of the average human."
"How close to solving autonomy do you guys think Tesla actually is?"
"The fundamental utility of the vehicle will go up five X in theory with this Robo taxi disruption."
"When there's significant data that shows that autonomous cars have half the accident rate of human-driven cars, it will be very easy for regulatory approval."
"You really can't argue if something is twice as safe as a human to keep it off the road."
"Driverless cars are something that people have been dreaming about for a very long time."
"With technology advancing faster than ever, autonomous electric vehicles might be the next big thing in the automobile industry."
"Level 5 being fully automated with no need for manual inputs."
"...put autonomous electric vehicles at the Forefront of the future of the automobile industry."
"The car can be thought of as an animal; it moves around, it senses the environment, and acts autonomously and intelligently."
"All of the things that you're seeing here such as the road boundaries, the lane lines, vehicles including their position, orientation, velocity, all of it is produced by running algorithms and neural networks on our on-board computer."
"Connecting cars to real-life traffic data will also benefit the development of driverless cars."
"You don't even have to be in the car to watch it. You could send it out to pick up your kids, run errands for you. It sounds like science fiction, but look, it's doing everything."
"Imagine going to a beautiful place and instead of having to just stare at the road in front of you, you can scan around a little, you can turn your head, you can look around, and you can enjoy the scenery."
"So, what does it need to happen for you to really realize, 'Oh my gosh, there we are on path to robot taxi, it's inevitable it'll happen at some point in the future, you know, the high probability it will? What will need to happen?'"