
Body Care Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"Treat it with respect the way you would any other creature that depended upon you, you'll live better within your body, and your body will help you live better too."
"Think about your body as if it were a trusting innocent child that had to take into it anything you put into it, even if it were damaged by it."
"That's what you're going to do for your body."
"One year from now, it's like you don't even recognize your old self anymore... you're really connected to taking care of your body."
"All I ask is that you advocate for your body, after all, you only get the one."
"We view our bodies as temples, so taking care of them is part of the holistic health message."
"Your body is not a bank account. It is a chemistry lab."
"Investing in things that help you treat your body well, especially when it comes to things like your back positioning, is incredibly important, especially after 30."
"One of the most important things you can do is to make sure that your immune system, the terrain of your body, is as tuned up as it can be."
"I'm doing something good for my body... giving my body the nutrition it craves."
"The best thing you can do for your body is practice fasting and really resting your body."
"The best exfoliating body moisturizer goes to the drunk elephant TLC glycolic body lotion."
"Get into healthy routines... honor your body."
"Massages is a very sacred thing... your body deserves to be."
"Every body part deserves an equal amount of attention."
"Your body is made up of everything you put into it."
"Your body is a machine so make sure you're putting in it the things that it needs."
"Look after your body because it's the only place you have to live."
"Body care is essential, too. Exfoliate, moisturize, and don't forget the fragrance!"
"Your skin is your biggest organ of your body so you want to be treating it right."
"Your skin is the largest organ, what you put on your skin soaks in."
"These movements... should be nourishing for our bodies and not punishing for our bodies."
"I'm talking about a skincare routine for your body so that you can feel as smooth as I think a dolphin feels."
"Invest in your body. The best investment you're going to make is your body."
"Creatine dosing varies for different areas of the body. On average, 10 grams a day seems viable for whole-body benefits."
"If you give the body what it needs, the body responds better to everything."
"You can never go wrong by taking care of your body. God gave us this one body to have here on this earth while we're here."
"Your body is a bentley okay rolls-royce we don't put regular inside of rolls-royces we put high premium nine dollar quality fuel into luxury vehicles treat your body like a luxury vehicle."
"Detoxing is a very important thing your body should naturally detox itself but sometimes it's hard for your body to detox when you consume so much [ __ ]."
"It's okay to give your body a signal of abundance."
"If you feed your body healthy foods, your body's gonna love it."
"Ask yourself: are you cleansing your body or are you clogging your body?"
"Our job is to take care of the body and strengthen it and give it all the resources."
"Remember to look after your body because it's the only place you have to live."
"Your skin is your body's largest organ. It's hygiene, self-care, and it matters."
"You only get one body for this physical existence while we're here on the earth, try to treat it right."
"Your body I always feel it as is a multi-million dollar house that you get to live in so why the hell are you going to treat it badly."
"If you deal with body odor, it can actually cut down on body odor."
"It's a really intense body scrub."
"Fragrance is exploding as just a category and kind of body care in general, anything smell good."
"This Crystal bronze shimmering Body Oil was a good product for me. It detangles nicely and has a pleasant coconut scent."
"Join the Manscaped movement today. Your body and your balls will thank you."
"Never have I ever had something on my body waxed. Oh, come on. That's the other thing. It wasn't just the eyebrows and the lipstick. For Joker and for Rayon, in Dallas Buyers Club, I had to wax my entire body. Of course you did."
"Finding those all-natural non-toxic products that really are better for your body."
"That's a really great tip if you sell body care items."
"There is nothing more important as we go down this wonderful path in life than looking after our body and feeling we don't allow our body to control what we do. We have the freedom to like what we want to do."
"You don't have much back hair. We should probably take care of the back hair too."
"Layer it with the body cream, throw the fragrance on top of it, and then throw this on top of this."
"I'm hunting for some new body care. It's been a long time since I've really been excited about a new body care collection."
"I mostly only shave, like, my foreleg. Do you call it foreleg? My calf area."
"The first signs of aging is your neck and your hands."
"For generations, the Himba of Namibia have been making a strange paste called ojitse, which they smear on their bodies and hair."
"Because we are keeping body odor at bay."
"Spring is here and summer will be here before you know it, so body Rejuvenation is on everyone's mind."
"Anywhere where you feel like you need extra little oomph of odor protection, get you an all over body deodorant."
"I love a good body oil, this smells really good."
"If you can't pronounce it, shouldn't be in your body."
"Give the body what it needs, get rid of the things it doesn't need, the body heals itself."
"You want to make sure your knees are probably the second most comfortable part of your body."
"I'm really always interested in what goes into my body and what I put on my skin."
"Remember that you cannot do most things our bodies were designed for if you do not take care of your body."
"Hunger is not a bad thing; it is a way that your body is trying to take care of you."
"When it comes to body care, we Africans have mastered the art."
"If you're a bride, you need a lavish body care routine."
"Eventually, at the end of maybe 4 weeks to 6 weeks when you're trying to measure progress with your body care combination, you will see good results."
"Buff your body with a bakery fresh scent of vanilla absolute and hazelnut oil."
"It's the only body you have, you can't rent another one."
"You are what you eat and you are what you put into your body."
"If you guys are looking for a good body wash, I really recommend the native ones."
"If you want smooth skin on your body, you also need to exfoliate your skin on your body."
"Make fruits and vegetables a part of your daily diet; your body will thank you."
"Unlike a car in those oil changes, you only get one shot at a body."
"The drive to feed my kids healthy to eat healthy is to be a healthy person and to be responsible for this human body God gave me."
"I think you've got to take care of your body, it's really important."
"Think about your bloodstream as your house, because it's your temple, it's inside of you."
"I've been on a journey recently to take care of my body."
"Go beyond ordinary powder with new Gold Bond ultimate comfort body powder."
"We need to have a healthy diet to get that protein in that not only helps the skin but just helps your entire body."
"Our bodies are temples, so if you're putting poison in your temple, what's going to manifest?"
"We're allowing the body to heal itself."
"I highly recommend this one if you're trying to layer your body care products or you want to get your body care to last longer."
"Use a body wash to feel clean and refreshed all day."
"If you eat foods that are good for your body, your immune system is going to operate better."
"Food is fuel, and you've got to put good fuel in your body."
"The only proven way of getting rid of any cellulite is actually by dry body brushing."
"I use Dove on my body; it works really well for me and it's also suitable for sensitive skin."
"Giving my body a little bit of a rest and not always feeling like I have to kill myself in the gym every single day has been beneficial."
"A sign of loving your body is taking care of it."
"Our skin is our largest organ, we have to protect it."
"You only have one life, so you got to take care of the body that you got."
"It smells just like apples, like the Bath and Body Works Apple candle, but for your body instead."
"I felt madly, deeply in love with the Method Body Peony Rose Water Pink Sea Salt."
"It smells so good and this is one of those body butters that's like super, super, super emollient."
"Love this freaking body wash, it smells so heavenly."
"I'm so excited, I love that this is a body wash too. It smells so good."
"This is my all-time favorite body moisturizer. It smells amazing and moisturizes really well."
"They want you to treat your body like a temple."
"It's going to keep your body healthy, supple, strong, and resilient, avoiding injuries."
"I bought this for my body and I can tell you that I really do love the glow that it gives my body."
"When you put it on your body, it just morphs into this sweet succulent warm wash of heaven."
"Remember, it's not just about preventing aging; it's literally about the long-term health of our body's largest organ, our skin."
"Your health is everything. We only have one body, we only have one life to live."