
Housing Market Quotes

There are 550 quotes

"When all of the housing markets across the United States and really across the world started to explode, it became clear...that Florida was the clear winner when it comes to how high housing prices were going."
"The Millennials are facing extremely high pricing of houses as well as similar high disparity between poor and also extreme all-time high youth unemployment."
"The penthouse is now 2,800; the rent went up."
"The propaganda to buy a house or to follow a prescribed set of rules for the American dream is so powerful that even losing your own houses doesn't change people's perspective."
"There's still five million homes underwater in America today."
"Cost burdened in housing market lingo means they're paying more than 30% of their income toward rent."
"Florida is introducing new stimulus programs that are going to further fuel the housing market here."
"Governments at all levels need to just get out of the way, let private investors using their own money and their own land meet the market demand for increased housing."
"Around 90% of people in China own the houses that they live in, and this is one of the highest rates in the world."
"Home prices are rising faster than 80 percent of wages in the United States."
"It's like an oversupply of milk; milk can be dumped to maintain prices, but you can't demolish houses."
"When has housing gone down besides 2008 in like the entire history of America?"
"This is turning America into much more of a renter nation because now you have these huge institutions buying up homes and making homeownership way less affordable."
"I'm surprised there isn't more anger among younger people about the way in which the housing market has been rigged against them."
"Home prices are running at nearly triple the pace of wage growth, simply not sustainable."
"Housing affordability has started to crater."
"Housing crash might actually be very avoidable."
"I do feel people are really at their limit and borrowing up to their limit to get into the market."
"I'm desperate to get into the market, just want something for me and my son to call our own."
"House prices have increased nearly three times as much as wages and four times as much as other prices."
"The real problem in the housing market is that home prices are too high."
"This housing crash could be even worse than 2008."
"If people really like this, and it gets bazillions and bazillions of views, look, see, they're more wealthy people rising out of the underworld to take away the houses from the... these starter homes from the poor."
"Income and wages, that's the limiting factor on the U.S. housing market."
"Florida is going to be the top housing market in America in 2022."
"Housing is going to be more expensive, and I think people are going to be more renters than they're going to be owners."
"Lower interest rates incentivize people to go out and buy a home."
"Owning a home is more difficult now than before because home prices keep going up while wages don't keep up."
"The government is naturally concerned because nobody wants a repeat of 2008."
"Rents are exploding in every city; we have to do something to bring down rents."
"In the long run, historically that's what the data suggests, that's what matters for the housing market."
"There are empty homes piling up on the U.S. housing market right now... Inventory is surging, price cuts are surging, and the housing crash has started."
"The technology industry is crashing and as a result, any city that was basing its housing demand and economic growth off tech expansion in the last couple years is gonna get hit really hard."
"The problem is, though, over the last year or two, especially, the cost of rent, the cost of homes in the Sun Belt has surged significantly."
"Monthly mortgage payments are now 70% higher today than they were 2 years ago."
"Singapore has completely removed housing from the free market. Prices are set based on one’s ability to pay, individuals can’t own more than one public flat at a time."
"There is a globally synchronized housing crash occurring right before our eyes."
"We are now firmly in an era where home prices are going down in America, and people really need to start understanding that."
"Housing crashes historically last five years."
"Why hasn't the U.S housing market crashed yet, and could we be seeing a repeat of what happened right before 2008?"
"The housing market is massively overvalued with home prices about 31% overvalued compared to the level of incomes in America."
"This low inventory is what's causing prices in America's housing market to remain resilient."
"We are going to see mortgage defaults and foreclosures in this housing cycle."
"The only way this housing market has any chance of sustaining itself is if wages and incomes for Americans, renters and home buyers, start going up a lot."
"Every time in U.S. history that this has happened, that home prices have gone way above fundamentals, there's typically a housing crash."
"Market specialists warn that FOMO, or fear of missing out, is one of the top reasons home buyers make bad decisions."
"A perfect storm of economic, political, and societal conditions has led the U.S. housing market to act in some very strange ways."
"The reality is that what we see in the U.S. housing market isn’t a bubble about to burst but the natural economic process of supply and demand."
"Why were your parents or grandparents able to buy a 4-bedroom house for a goat and a smile while you're out here shelling out $2,600 a month for the Harry Potter room under the stairs?"
"Bring back the 20% down payment and your house prices will come down... it's a function of math."
"It's really important that you understand what's going on in your housing market."
"This is going to be a good thing for the U.S. housing market and society going forward."
"What's going on in the background in the mortgage industry is really, really important because mortgages, in the end, and the mortgage industry, and banks, that's the engine of the housing market."
"Housing, rent payments rose 25%, median mortgage payments up 85%, and very importantly, wage growth has trailed inflation consistently."
"You cannot have a housing market and no homeless people because if everybody has secure housing, you cannot sell them housing."
"It doesn't make sense that housing prices go up 10% year over year over year. It's not sustainable."
"There's a lot of misinformation over what's actually going to cause a housing market crash. In this video, I'm going to go argument by argument and provide facts to justify my response."
"It's very, very common to see individuals, especially on YouTube, fearmonger and post charts and say, 'Oh, look, housing prices are high.'"
"You face an economic and political choice when you're growing up: either you can stay in the town you grew up in and not necessarily get the job that you wanted, or you move to an urban center to pursue a career. However, your prospect of owning a home is very, very low in those kinds of places."
"If you're adding to America, right, we have a housing crisis in the United States, you're literally buying houses or even building new construction properties and you're providing housing for Americans."
"You go into any lender back in 0.506 and say 'I want to buy a house'... and there's no verification for that stuff whatsoever."
"Millennials are just generally not that interested in buying all of that absolutely hideous, cheaply made, way bigger than necessary McMansion housing stock."
"It drives me nuts when like boomers have that attitude about like young people are entitled when like they were able to like fall ass backwards into owning a home in their 20s because houses were just so much more affordable back then."
"Residential real estate is still reasonably attractive, especially in certain zip codes, especially in some of the Southern states that people are flocking to."
"If we do get continued-- a strong housing data, that tends to further support a bullish commodity thesis because homebuilding is one of the more commodity-intensive things in an economy."
"In a housing bubble, the place that you want to be is the place that other people aren't looking."
"High share of investor demand means more volatility, more up and down, bigger boom, worse bust."
"Becoming an influencer is actually one of the only ways that young people in this country can buy a one-bedroom property."
"The payment ratio spiked to 47 percent which is above what it was at the peak of the last housing bubble."
"The housing bubble is here, we are above 2006 levels when it comes to home affordability."
"We are at levels not seen since 1991 when it comes to home affordability."
"There's so much more demand for housing than there is supply."
"Owning the home builders is also a smart bet."
"The Dutch find themselves paying almost 16 times their take home pay to buy an average home."
"The US housing market right now is in uncharted territory with how fast home prices are growing."
"We're really getting close to a correction that's going to see prices for the housing market go down, good for possible buyers, not good for people who just recently bought."
"You want to hold on to it until a median price single-family home cost less than 40 ounces of gold."
"Prices will have to come down substantially in the future."
"The commodification of housing has been a disaster."
"If home prices start dropping, consumers' confidence goes down."
"Rental platform Zumper did a study and found that in 2022, rent prices jumped an average of 11.6% on a one-bedroom and a 13.6% increase for an average two-bedroom unit."
"When home buying demand falls off a cliff, you know what that means for home prices: they're going to go down."
"At some point, the higher down payments are going to push people out of the home buying market and lower demand for homes."
"Millennials now account for over 50% of all home purchase loans."
"I often say to clients if housing is not improving, nothing is."
"Right now, you'll pay more for a home than normal."
"If you only need to put a tiny deposit down, house prices can increase to many multiples of your income before it becomes impossible to buy a house."
"This is going to have a very big impact on the housing market."
"Individual landlords or mom-and-pop businesses own about 4 out of 10 rental units in the U.S."
"Mortgage rates are relatively low, which means you're paying less in interest."
"If you're telling me that the CPI rent index is under two percent, you're either a fool or a liar."
"Average person is doomed. They have bought a house and borrowed all the money to buy the house."
"The rental market's very strong here but do your best everybody to try to help each other out because it's a crazy time out there right now and it's tough for landlords and it's tough for tenants and a lot of it is just not fair."
"I come out typically with three data-driven videos per week and I will be doing a series now of housing market deep dives in 2022."
"There's one other thing they can do with that massive amount of income... they can buy your mom's house."
"There's just an absolute mad dash to buy houses."
"Home prices are up a record amount 24 year-over-year to a record high."
"Trying to buy a home these days is a real struggle."
"Good luck buying a home, good luck renting an apartment."
"2023 will be a better year for housing than many people think."
"The economy is tanking so why aren't home prices dropping?"
"In October the average U.S. 30-year mortgage rate surpassed 7% for the first time in twenty years."
"The number one thing that you want to pay attention to when it comes to the housing market... is equity."
"Who's moving in, who's moving out? It's squirrely, man."
"Rates hit 6%, people can't afford homes. Fear hits the market."
"Rates decline? Homes drop rapidly. The crash is coming, get ready."
"Low mortgage rates are great because now we're seeing the lowest mortgage rates ever again."
"Isn't this just gonna make the home affordability problem worse?"
"The first major concern in the housing market goes back to March 27, 2020, when President Donald Trump signed the CARES Act."
"Affording a home has become a major challenge for most workers in the USA."
"The housing sector remains very strong and business investment is increasing at a solid pace."
"Prices start in the low 200s... you can go up to 300 400 depending on the different options."
"You can't get no house for no four hundred thousand dollars in California."
"Houses are priced at the margin, and that will create a negative wealth effect."
"But I don't think this time around it's going to be that bad because homeowners have equity now."
"Is the housing market gonna collapse? Thanks for asking, Maxwell."
"Within the next 12 months, the world is going to wake up to the complete disintegration of the housing market."
"When everyone thinks that the housing market is going to crash, prices will inevitably crash."
"I think if you could figure out how to buy real estate, you don't have to necessarily live there, you could put it up on Airbnb."
"We have a huge homelessness issue... one tenth of the Australian property market."
"New home construction recently made a 13-year high."
"This dilemma is now pushing more people to rent than buy."
"The government is doing whatever they can to protect homeowners to protect people from going into foreclosure and at the same time they want to incentivize people to go out and buy a home."
"It is the cost of living skyrocketing, it is greedy landlords and landowners selling out to corporate real estate companies."
"They're saying that since early on in the pandemic government guidelines and regulations have drastically curtailed repossession actions."
"Governments are wising up to the free money they could be taking from Airbnb, with cities like Berlin all but banning empty Airbnb homes."
"The secret to getting an apartment here is getting it before it gets posted to all the sites."
"The market has changed, the most obvious thing is prices. Home prices have skyrocketed since this pandemic started."
"If you're in that situation, you're now to buy the average house, you would have to be making 10 to 20 times what you make a year."
"Billions of dollars from Wall Street are poured into the single-family housing market."
"They're trying to build more homes but... they start at like 500,000."
"Applications of refined home loan actually rose 10 percent for the week." - Steve Van Meter
"The most important factor in home affordability isn't the price of the house but the mortgage rate."
"The reality is everyone needs a place to live, housing is something that a new company can't just go and magically replace one day, can't be outsourced and it can't be made cheaper online."
"The short answer is I do think we can still have a housing crash, but this time it will be different."
"I'm not sitting here saying it's impossible to have a housing crash, but what I am saying is that the government and the FED are doing a pretty good job of preventing it."
"This seems like a great deal for homeowners and a way to wean Americans off their obsession with investing in crumbling piles of wood and appliances."
"Housing will be more abundant, more affordable, more beautiful."
"No housing market stays in one place forever; the economy moves in cycles."
"A declining housing market has a greater negative wealth effect on the economy than a market correction."
"Everybody buckle up, your house might fall substantially in price."
"If you're an aspiring homeowner, now might be a good time to wait."
"The beauty of this is you're gonna start out not actually having to buy a home you could control a home without owning it you could buy it later if you want to."
"The monthly mortgage payment that it takes to buy a typical home in the United States is now up by 55 percent compared from the start of last year."
"And it doesn't hurt that they're move-in ready 30% to 50% quicker than traditional houses."
"Home prices are really high and that all the other renters, the middle class renters especially, are just priced out of the home ownership market."
"We're experiencing in the housing market is... not in any way sustainable."
"What frustrates me about the conversations revolving around the housing market... doesn't give you a full picture."
"It's common sense. You don't have to have special knowledge to be able to understand that rising rates will affect the housing market."
"The median home price here is $135,000. That's it."
"The housing market is going up so much, housing prices are increasing so fast that people are refinancing their houses, taking out tens of thousands of dollars in cash."
"Economist warns that the U.S housing market is on the verge of a steep and sustained decline in home prices."
"The institutional side is just like the short-term rental side, where they're not a huge amount of the housing market but at the margin, they can have an impact."
"Housing market is a barometer for how the economy is responding."
"Housing market could help pull the economy out of recession in 2024."
"What's happened is a lot of people are just snapping up properties and renting them and as a result locals don't have enough properties to rent long term."
"Mortgage rates hit record low at 3.15% for 30-year fixed-rate."
"Instead, they call on city and state to raise taxes on the app Airbnb."
"Right now is literally the worst time to buy a brand new home."
"Nobody wants these 5,000 square foot houses out in western New Jersey."
"This is the biggest bubble in world history when it comes to the stock market and this housing market."
"That equals 63,000 home purchase agreements canceled in July, guys."
"Grant Cardone has consistently... owned single-family houses because they've enabled him to buy multifamily real estate."
"If there's something that creates additional inventory of existing homes for sale, we would expect that to lead to a correction."
"In a perfect future, there would be no market whatsoever when it comes to housing."
"The housing market just seems fake, and I'm tired of it!"
"U.S. home prices could plunge nearly 20% as erratic market activity and rising interest rates drive a risk of a deep global housing slide."
"Who's going to buy all these homes with mortgage rates now doubling?"
"Things start to get a little crazy... almost $5,000 a month for one bedroom."
"A lower substantially lower mortgage rate bumping house prices is probably not going to happen anytime super soon."
"It's a shame. It's not going to get any cheaper to live in the Bay Area; it's just going to get worse and worse."
"People just aren't selling, and the houses that do go up for sale are snapped up incredibly quickly."
"A big part of the problem is that the housing market is incredibly short on supply."
"After two years of lockdowns... the cost of housing has exploded."
"This building is asking for a 28% rent increase."
"Market rates in New York City are never going to create widely available affordable housing."
"Overall, the U.S. economy appears likely to expand at a moderate pace."
"The current slump is already on par with the deep housing downturn of the 1980s."
"Americans views of the housing market hit an all-time low this year with more than three quarters or more than 75 percent saying it's a bad time to buy a house."
"Americans are starting to get the big picture which means thank God a lot less people should get burned hopefully should get burned this time versus last time."
"Even if landlords eventually get government cash, they may forever be less willing to rent to low-income people at low prices because of the way they were treated by government policies."
"Home sold prices are up a record high up to 390,000 according to Redfin."
"The average loan size for brand new houses has reached an all-time record high of $436,000."
"The median sold price for brand new houses reached $400,600, a gain of about $100,000 ever since April of 2020."
"The fact is between quantitative tightening and raising rates, the mortgage Market in particular is going to be huge pressure on them."
"The large generation of potential first-time home buyers."
"Cutting back on the avocados... that's not going to find the extra hundred grand that you need to get on the property ladder."
"Understanding this data is going to help you make a much more informed decision about when and where to buy a house."
"When you have an affordability issue like we have now, that's going to drive a decrease in household formation."
"All the baby boomers who are now mortgage-free homeowners went through paying interest rates three times what they are now."
"There is still a housing shortage in many sought-after areas."
"So, where does this position the average American in 30 years when it's given that every new neighborhood is to be bought up whole so they can be utilized as SFRs?"
"I think it's okay for people to say I don't want to have to move to Cincinnati to be able to afford a home. I think that's okay."
"This home could be sitting right alongside those homes as well."
"Groceries continue to go up. Housing takes a long time to start going down."
"Higher mortgage rates may cool down the housing market but juice up the existing rental market."
"Home prices have been rising way faster than wages."
"If the RV ratio quite a bit lower than one point four point five it's a much better financial decision to rent."
"Buckle in for a brutal free fall in home prices."
"It's actually on balance a good thing if the value of the boomers' houses drops by 10 but the millennials can actually buy them."