
Mission Success Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"Everything so far in this mission has gone even better than planned."
"All the hard work that we all put into this mission can be a success if we just work together, if we just persevere."
"Right from the beginning of its mission on Mars, Perseverance was spectacular."
"The team has worked phenomenally on this mission, and I can't be more proud of them."
"Insight has been working marvelously for the last four years, we've gone well beyond the intended lifetime of the mission."
"Apart from that, it was actually a very successful Mission."
"She was one of the most vital parts of the mission."
"Every time we see a successful mission like this we are getting one step closer to achieve our common goals towards space exploration."
"This is awesome, it's all looking great! Another smooth achievement of our latest mission milestone."
"Full duration burn folks, we are headed to space."
"Another completely successful mission, absolutely bonkers!"
"Law enforcement authorities still have doubts about the success of his mission."
"The mission is a success, we got Chad the phone he needs."
"Rocket Lab's mission is to open access to space."
"We're very, very happy... flawless execution of both the chutes."
"The expedition now succeeds or fails by my efforts."
"Fortunately, Spirit and Opportunity were missions that got the needed investment because of that analysis..."
"They are made of the same strong stuff as the troops in this room, and I am absolutely confident that they will continue to succeed in the missions that we give them, in Afghanistan and beyond."
"They possess the steely resolve to see their mission through."
"You take everything in stride, stay focused on the mission, and shine."
"Most always the most important thing is Mission success."
"Ula is not satisfied until our customer has had a successful spacecraft separation."
"What a flawless start to a really, really, really exciting mission. Can't wait to continue watching this."
"Congratulations to all of you involved in this incredible mission."
"The entire mission has been an incredibly rewarding journey."
"Hard decisions have been forced to have been made for the survival and the success of this quest."
"This has been the best start to a Ghost Recon mission I could possibly ever imagine."
"Musk needs to accumulate that much wealth." - In order for his missions to succeed.
"Secondary objectives completed all of our agents were exfiltrated equipment acquired five-on-five classified documents acquired five-on-five beautiful start let's rock and roll now chapter one."
"With this splashdown signaling the successful completion of this crewed demonstration mission."
"Victory is a spoil truly enjoyed only by the masses who never see the horrors of war."
"No single person was more responsible for the success of this mission than he."
"R2-D2: always successfully completes missions using clever programming and a wide assortment of equipment."
"The mission was absolutely a success... mission completed boys."
"It was a tough day for our mission partners and our team, but we're excited to be back on the pad in record time with an even more reliable vehicle."
"The rocket kinda did what it's supposed to do."
"I thought I could get through one mission... two missions, two kills."
"NASA's Artemis one Orion spacecraft aced its moon mission despite heat shield issue."
"Yo, I didn't think this would be such a successful mission today, but you know what? We've absolutely smashed it!"
"Successful burn and checkout of ohms engine: all systems performing as expected."
"Quality over cost for critical items ensures mission success."
"There's something satisfying about a mission that just works."
"A big sigh of relief from the crew and Mission Control. The Dragon Capsule is docked and the crew has officially arrived at the International Space Station!"
"The mission accomplished. That's the goal: Whip ass and go home and make an epic trip."
"You really can't go wrong doing this mission."
"This truly was one of the greatest space missions of our time."
"This mission of course follows on from the success of the equally amazing Demo-2 mission on May 30th. This was the long-awaited first crewed mission of the commercial crew program launched from pad 39A at Kennedy Space Center."
"We accomplished the mission... gave purpose to the sacrifice made by those seven men."
"Maybe hopefully they'll pull together in the end and accomplish the mission."
"I think for both Doug and I, the thing that we're most excited about having accomplished with this mission is written right on that sign where it says launch America and then of course land America today."
"This evil force has allowed her to complete many of her missions."
"The fact that my launch vehicle was able to put our satellite in the right orbit at the right time was what mattered."
"We can only go for a big target if we know we're gonna get him."
"In combat there are no rules, there's only mission success."
"Marines do not stop until they have accomplished their mission, regardless of any monkey wrench that gets thrown into their plan."
"It's really like a cohesive team effort to make sure that the mission is done as effectively and as safely as possible."
"We didn't want to fail the mission if we had people standing around, you know what the hell, get them ready. So we always did it that way."
"Messenger made all its orbits correctly and without many complications, passing through the earth, Venus, and finally approaching Mercury 3 times until it managed to be captured by its gravity on March 11, 2011."
"It was spectacular, I mean you couldn't have asked for a better mission, we accomplished everything and everything on time."
"I really can't explain how good it is when you've got a mission like this where you honestly don't think you got that much of a chance of cracking it right on the nut and you do."
"There aren't words to express just how grateful we are to everybody that did so much to help this mission go successfully."
"Another element of that culture of mission success is really that commitment to continuous improvement."
"We did it! I call that a mission success."
"Every successful mission we had, it was very good, it had a great impact and with good results, we were hoping for a better future and peaceful Afghanistan."
"For any ninja, teamwork is essential on a mission. Success is achieved when all members are on the same page."
"The mission is considered to be a complete success."
"What matters is that we're getting the job done and that we're bringing more people home and executing the mission."
"Team 7 has shown great teamwork and I am confident that the mission will be a success."
"Once you have these young people working enthusiastically with you, clearly, there is no mission impossible. This is the real strength of our activity."
"From its very first mission, the highly complex system fulfilled performance objectives."
"I can't wait to watch the continued success of the Capstone mission."
"The mission went perfectly, and the folks back at the White House were proud of their success."
"Any successful advanced mission must begin with propulsion, the power to get there and back."
"The successful completion of the mission could be attributed to the teamwork, everyone working well together."
"We're happy to be back here at the cape... Atlantis is an incredible ship, she was absolutely perfect through this entire mission."
"Joseph would successfully complete this insane mission."
"If you're not moving towards your objective and defining clearly for your individual mission success, you're going to be compromised."
"We continue to adapt and evolve so that we can be successful wherever the mission takes us."
"The mission was successful, the scientists were very happy with the results."
"Joseph was confident that they would succeed in the mission because when they returned to Earth, he wanted to marry Michelle."
"You are not a liability to this mission; you are the reason it's going to succeed."
"What's a successful flight? I think the minimum that this mission has to do in SpaceX's mind is reach orbit."