
Personal Practice Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"Self-care has so many different faces and it's a practice of honesty."
"The practice is unconditional kindness, the practice is unconditional love."
"Wicca is such a diverse thing; everybody does things differently."
"Find your own individual tone of love and as often as you can through your day, just come back to that."
"Yoga is your commitment, your personal practice."
"Yoga is your commitment, your personal practice. This is the beginning of your own yoga journey."
"When you're ready to stop, just stop... and there's no need for you to do anything physically as you transition into meditation, simply stay still and begin profound meditation immediately."
"Meditation is building a bridge between your practice and your life."
"But in the process I really developed a beautiful relationship with it because it was just a gateway for me to develop a practice and a ritual around self love and self care."
"Practice giving unconditional love to yourself."
"So the you have to pray even when you don't feel like you should pray."
"In Islam, it should be between you and Allah."
"I really hope and pray that people are inspired to make prayer part of their life."
"And I know how hard it is to make your 5 prayers I know how hard it is but for the young people in the room even for the adults I'm not even gonna just put it to the youth."
"Are you kidding? Religion is not gonna save you. You can say you're Catholic, you can say you're conservative, you can say all these things, but half of these people that say this do not practice what they preach."
"We were witches. Me and Remy did this weird thing where we would just stare at each other and we would like manifest."
"Personally, I plan to follow the example of six current cabinet members, Vice President Pence, and President Trump himself and vote by mail."
"Something that I've tried to do is whenever the chalice is coming towards me, I think, 'Son of David, have mercy on me.'"
"I mean, I'm someone who, as much as possible, practices kindness. And we don't really see that much in the world today. So hearing those things, positive affirmations from people you just met, that's already something to me."
"Praying, reading the Bible, listening to the music, it really reminds me of the power of God."
"Meditation is a critical part of my daily practice."
"Holiness does not consist in this or that practice... but in a disposition of heart."
"Take every action consciously. Practice towards that. That is what mindfulness is."
"Fasting is a personal action between you and Allah."
"Music has always been a spiritual practice for me."
"I've been doing what my book says: decentralized. I've been doing decentralized media."
"Gratitude for me is... that's the first thing I do when I wake up, is I think of five things I'm grateful for."
"I've always watched myself and what I do and my form of channeling is more of what I would call an embodied channel."
"Instead of hoping for the law of attraction, I began to practice it."
"I prayed the Rosary every day. It brought me a sense of peace."
"Non-judgment is key, I really try to exercise non-judgment as best I can."
"Cultivating a practice of connection with your guides can be a huge part of that."
"It really helps us in our daily practice to remember, 'Okay, here's my friends in high places.'"
"I definitely try and practice self-love and body positivity."
"Practice what lights you up, resets you, calms you."
"Cultivating a home yoga practice is a great way to show up for yourself."
"Be gentle and kind and patient with yourself. Remember, all you need is a little bit of practice."
"I actually do talk to myself in my mirror all the time, try to give myself positive affirmations."
"I wouldn't be a successful businessman if that were my practice."
"I'll keep on doing my little tradition."
"Practice being very gentle and gracious towards yourself."
"Your practice should be highly individualistic, going your own way."
"The very best kind of meditation is the meditation that you actually do, whatever that might be."
"One thing my parents taught me is never go to bed mad, and it's something I honestly have always tried to live by."
"I Journal because I want to and because I'm a curious person."
"The whole point of meditation becomes a thing you love doing, simply because it's fun."
"There's no wrong way to meditate."
"If we do not have socially just practices in ourselves here in the silence, then it is impossible to have social justice in our world."
"I personally use Git to version control all of my code whenever I'm writing it."
"I purposely in my classes offer moments where I'm not telling you exactly what to do because I want you to make it your practice."
"Whenever somebody asks why I practice yoga, I reply for peace of mind."
"Set a little intention, feel the energy you've cultivated."
"Remember this is your practice, take the option that works for you today."
"Not only is my practice about love, but so is my home."
"The best Rya that you will ever come across is the Rya that you can do on yourself."
"We have to find a practice that really helps us personally begin to access these quieter, more content states of mind."
"Take care of yourself today, take care of your own energy, this is your practice."
"It's not just something that I practice and do by myself, but it's connected me to a group of just awesome and amazing people."
"I practice what I preach; this is the setup that I'm using for most everything."
"Notice that you have the opportunity to own your practice and to find the space that's speaking to you today."
"This is energy alchemy, this is a practice that I have used to manifest more than one thing in my life."
"Give yourself a moment here to really arrive, to settle into your space and into your practice."
"Remember why you started. We're gonna flow, but take breaks as you need. This is your practice."
"Welcome to your practice, whatever day it might be, whatever time it might be, from wherever you are joining."
"Transcendental Meditation from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi... I've been doing since December of '67."
"I practice out of love for myself."
"Find your rhythm again, don't make it fancy, it doesn't have to be."
"This practice is for you and only you."
"Tai Chi for a body mind balancing something I love and do regularly."
"Everybody has a way that they feed their soul; this is how I do it."
"Religion is what a person does with his solitude."
"And that is how you do glamour magic, at least that's how I do glamour magic."
"Take responsibility for your practice; remember it's your practice."
"I'm gonna go home and count my blessings every day."
"A spiritual practice is a practice that a person chooses for their own personal or spiritual growth."
"Ultimately, you know your body the best out of anyone in this world, and this practice is for you."
"It's completely meditational and I don't meditate, I don't know how to, but to me, that's my meditation."
"It is your practice, so explore with it."
"You know I love doing it, and you should do it too; seriously, in this day and age, it will very least just make you feel one with the universe."
"The practice of love should be directed to oneself first."
"Do what is loving to yourself, that's how you follow your path on your spiritual journey."
"Prayer is so vital, it's so awesome."