
Computer Science Quotes

There are 1013 quotes

"Be a good programmer who knows lots of frameworks, who knows lots of languages, who understands computer science intimately."
"The idea of universality is the most beautiful idea in computer science."
"Dynamic programming is one of the most powerful algorithmic techniques in computer science."
"Even in week zero, we saw the appreciable difference between these different categories of running times."
"A queue is a data structure that has certain properties... first in first out."
"A dictionary is an abstract data type that associates keys with values."
"A divide and conquer algorithm paradigm can solve a large problem by recursively breaking it down into smaller sub-problems."
"In computer science, all problems can be solved by another level of indirection, except for the problem of too many layers of indirection."
"Big O notation is used to classify algorithms based on how fast they grow or decline."
"Big O notation is used to analyze the efficiency of an algorithm as its input approaches infinity."
"In big O notation, when determining the efficiency of an algorithm, we only care about the worst case."
"Binary search will only work on ordered arrays."
"In an ideal world, we want our algorithms to be super fast and scalable and take a minimum amount of memory, but unfortunately, that hardly, if ever, happens."
"Neural networks are just mathematical expressions."
"Mathematics and computer science are the most imaginative art forms ever."
"I'm going to explore the traveling salesperson algorithm, a classical algorithm from the realm of computer science."
"Artificial intelligence is an area of computer science where the goal is to enable computers and machines to perform human-like tasks."
"That office was created, funded, advanced work in computer science, time-sharing systems, artificial intelligence, advanced graphics, new architectures, multi-processors, and so forth."
"The goal of a searching algorithm is simply to give the algorithm a string or object you want it to find and have it return the index of the array that contains that string or object as fast as possible."
"Recursion refers to functions that repeatedly call themselves."
"Data structures and algorithms strengthen some of your basics and fundamentals of computer science."
"There is diversity in languages, but DSA unites them."
"A computer scientist would say that that third algorithm was on the order of, that is, Big O of log n."
"Field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed."
"The instruction set is the vocabulary that the processor understands... software is written in that vocabulary so the processor can understand it."
"It's a fun problem to talk about, but it also has a lot of application in CS and engineering and elsewhere."
"He's the father of information theory, he wrote this absolutely seminal, super important paper about transmitting information and storing it and encoding it and things like that. It really gave birth to the information age and a lot of the foundations for computer science."
"Machine learning is a combination of techniques from statistics, computer, and computer science communities. And it's the idea of getting computers to program themselves."
"My definition of computer science is that it's a medium for problem-solving and self-expression."
"Computer scientists are second in terms of job satisfaction in this country."
"Everything that teenagers love is because of computer science: video games, Wikipedia, selfies."
"Computer science is about taking ideas and making them realities."
"Computer science is not about numbers or random symbols. It's not even really about code. It's about problem-solving and making really, really cool things."
"The father of computer science and not quite Benedict Cumberbatch lookalike, Alan Turing."
"Despite a life cut short, Alan inspired the first generation of computer scientists and laid key groundwork that enabled a digital era we get to enjoy today."
"I am very privileged because I chose a major, computer science, which gives you a higher package in tech as compared to other fields."
"The skill set that you learn and the technical abilities that you acquire from taking a computer science class is very critical, literally and metaphorically."
"Computer science is very theory-based, or it's practically a branch of mathematics. You'll learn algorithms, data structures, discrete math, theory of computation, and how efficiently computers can solve problems."
"Theory of Computation is a theory-heavy class that does involve math and proofs. This class won't help you write better code but will help you understand how computer science has been thought of as a science."
"I'm Josh from the YouTube channel JustJosh... I have two degrees in Computer Science and I did software development professionally in a number of different companies for close to 15 years."
"The GJK algorithm beautifully combines each of these perspectives to create an incredibly efficient solution to the problem of shape intersection."
"A machine that could defeat the world champion. In other words, I had a chance to pursue one of the oldest holy grails in computer science and possibly make history."
"High-level programming languages like Python and C++ provide instructions to computers in a way that both computers and people can understand."
"All right. This is CS50 and this is lecture 7 wherein we pick up where we left off last time in talking more about Python, but this time using Python for even more powerful purposes, an alliteration I didn't intend until I just said it there."
"To be a computer nerd has obviously turned out to be a pretty good place to be in life."
"The machine would come to be known as the computer, and the idea behind it came from a quite remarkable and visionary scientist."
"Huffman actually solved this problem as a graduate student, and his solution was the Huffman Encoding Algorithm."
"The importance of documentation is sort of unappreciated in the computer science world."
"A variable is a container for a value, which can be various types."
"The coolest parts about studying data structures and algorithms was you start to see that you can take the same data, represent it in a different structure, and solve problems easier or more difficultly."
"This is CS50, and this is week one, the one in which you learn a new language."
"So procedures are the spells, if you like, that control these magical spirits that are the processes."
"If you can write as a recursive procedure but run as an iterative process, you get the best of both worlds."
"A hash set is an extremely useful data structure."
"Procedural generation is fundamentally harnessing the properties of probability to generate interesting things."
"Generating high-quality and robust random numbers is a complete computer science and mathematics field in its own right."
"Computer Science: Software developers are making six figures right out of college easily."
"We want to help you think like a computer scientist."
"I think we're still at the very beginning, at least in certain respects, of computer science as a discipline."
"The plt is a section that is generated by the linker and every relocation to a function which is defined in a DLL, in a DSO, is given an entry and all of the calls to those functions that are defined elsewhere come through the plt entry instead."
"Randy Pausch was a computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon University when he was dealt news that would turn his life upside down in September of 2006."
"An intuitive progression of computer science lessons."
"I knew I want to study in the US. Because I knew if I can study in the US, I can easily pursue computer science."
"This reduce function is extremely extremely powerful."
"Data structures are essential, but they don't do anything by themselves. To do something useful, you'll need to code up an algorithm, which is just code that solves a problem."
"You've got these pointers, and pointers are really, really neat, and they're also very, very challenging."
"The garbage collector has it easy, somebody else has to tell us where the pointers are."
"No sorting algorithm can be considered the best or the fastest, as each is designed for specific types of data structures."
"No log n. Just constant time-- you want a word, go get it instantly."
"This is kind of thematic in computer science-- spend a little more space, and I bet I can decrease the amount of time it takes to find anyone."
"So a trie in some sense is this amazing holy grail in that, by combining these various data structures, now you get constant time, but you do pay a price."
"Linked lists have some advantages and disadvantages when compared to arrays."
"Traversal algorithms are algorithms used to traverse or visit nodes in a graph."
"Python's constructs are Turing complete, capable of computing anything algorithmically."
"Merge sort is a bit of a mind-bending one because it seems to sort of work magically but it really just works more intelligently."
"Linear search was big o of n, but binary search takes big o of log n."
"In the worst case, binary search takes big o of log n."
"A nerd with an amazing aptitude for computer science, a kind of dangerous genius befitting the role of any villain you might find in a James Bond movie."
"Ada Lovelace wrote the first-ever computer program for Babbage's analytical engine. Could set dials to compute Bernoulli numbers."
"Without a doubt, psychology and computer science are a potent combination, and have tremendous potential to affect our everyday lives."
"By the time Ed Catmull graduated from the computer science program at University of Utah, he was already considered a genius and pioneer in his field."
"Meaning if I double the length of the list in the worst case, it's going to take me twice as much time to find that it's not there."
"It's about algorithms--introduction to algorithms."
"What exactly is computable and what isn't? I mean?"
"So just by adding one new instruction our computer will be Turing-complete..."
"Dynamic Programming is a powerful way of solving complex optimization problems."
"This feature is going to pave the way for all new levels of computer science and research."
"Concurrency is about breaking up a program into independently executing tasks that could potentially run at the same time and still getting the right result at the end."
"Understanding computer science topics greatly simplifies coding projects."
"It's an engaging way to understand how computer algorithms work, and once you got that down, the coding syntax becomes a lot less intimidating."
"Red-black tree is more efficient than AVL tree."
"Rust is a statically typed language which means that it must know the types of all variables at the time of compile."
"Compiler optimizations involve finding higher-level properties of the program to improve performance."
"Binary search... takes something that's linear... and turns it into logarithmic search."
"Merge sort is also something that you've probably seen... it's a very pretty algorithm."
"The overall complexity of this algorithm is theta n log n."
"Dynamic programming: A magical guessing game with practical applications in solving complex problems efficiently."
"Learning how to deal with asymptotic complexity is the hardest and most important part of the whole course."
"Dynamic programming breaks down problems into smaller subproblems that we know the answer to."
"Hacking is interesting, addictive, and very rewarding."
"Indianapolis Colts get Super Bowl three Revenge."
"Computer science: god-tier degree, gateway to financial independence."
"Polymorphism just allows us to call a circle a shape or call a rectangular shape and refer to them as shapes however the correct area function is going to be executed."
"Bits: Packing multiple smaller numbers into one bigger number."
"Learning computer science has been so much easier and well, just fun."
"Recursion is the act of a function calling itself."
"Functions that can receive other functions as a parameter are known as higher-order functions."
"What the computer is doing instead is thinking about elliptic curves modulo primes."
"I've always been obsessed with computers and tech."
"We're forced to look at the L2 cache, it needs to get bigger, it needs to get faster."
"Program synthesis is about teaching computers to write code to program, and I think it has one of our ultimate dreams or goals."
"With computers, zeros and ones make a lot of sense."
"A* search is an algorithm that is known, and you could write the code fairly easily."
"A buffer is a region of memory that's used to store data."
"You're going to see a lot of zeros and ones for sure. So, yeah, let's jump into the metal parts. It's going to be an absolute blast!"
"The advantages of computer science jobs like programming are the high pay."
"One thing that you will do in this first week's problem set is write a function that lets you actually detect the edges in an image, which is pretty cool."
"For any set of preferences, a stable matching exists and can be computed by a simple algorithm."
"There's a magical thing about randomized algorithms."
"This whole game is dedicated to John Conway, the person who created the original Conway's Game of Life."
"Understanding a linked list overall, how it works, and how to create one is going to be crucial for pretty much any interview that you go into."
"Understanding how a graph is laid out, how it looks in code, and just in general how you can use them to do different calculations is super crucial."
"One of the most mysterious concepts in computer science, recursion leads to lots of really bad computer science jokes."
"This is a great example of recursion happening and is super satisfactory when it all works as intended."
"If it is accepted that real brains, as found in animals, and, in particular, in men, are a sort of machine, it will follow that our digital computer, suitably programmed, will behave like a brain."
"The strange machines imagined or inspired by Alan Turing are the basis for all computers today."
"Recognizing common patterns in algorithmic complexity can help you reason about efficiency."
"Pixel difference is measured in RGB brightness, so it might not be surprising that the first component of PCA is just the shading of the image."
"I started doing this full-time and had a job in IT fully utilizing my computer science degree and it's fun dude I loved every second of it."
"Big O notation is going to help us talk about our code and compare our code."
"Relaxation is a fundamental operation in all shortest path algorithms."
"Computer science is the study of problem-solving with computational methods, not just programming."
"Computer science is like astronomy—it's not just about programming, just as astronomy is about more than building telescopes."
"This is the computer science iceberg explained."
"I want to do a computer science interview question video every day to help people become better computer scientists."
"If you can understand these core algorithms, you can already do quite a bit of very interesting stuff."
"I've always assumed Cambridge is the best place in the world to study computer science."
"Binary search is a perfect example of order of log N efficiency."
"Quicksort showcases the efficiency of order of N log N complexity."
"In the worst case, hashing sucks. Yet in practice, it works really, really well."
"Hashing with chaining gives constant running time for all your operations. Life is good."
"The expected running time of hashing with chaining is constant for constant load factor."
"They have the main context, which is analogous to main memory, physical memory, RAM."
"Do not skip your data structures and algorithms... you will need very deep knowledge of data structures and algorithms."
"NP completeness unifies thousands of problems that were previously distinct."
"A reduction is one of the most important techniques."
"Like the robot searching for safe passage in a foreign land, the pursuit of meta-complexity is blazing a trail for theoretical computer science."
"We want to figure out what the longest matching substring is."
"What is machine learning? Well, machine learning is a subdomain of computer science that focuses on certain algorithms, which might help a computer learn from data, without a programmer being there telling the computer exactly what to do."
"A variable allows computers to store and manipulate data in a dynamic fashion."
"Years of failed attempts by cryptographers left the resistant cipher unsolved until the combination of linguists and computer scientists' efforts."
"The space of all possible algorithms here, never seen before."
"Cryptocurrency at its most fundamental level is a breakthrough in computer science." - Mark Andreessen
"This is called Turing's Halting Problem and is a fundamental result in computer science."
"The principles of how they work are the same: they have memory, they execute code, and they run through the instructions."
"Understanding how this works, then you will better understand how a modern processor works."
"Ada Lovelace was the first person to understand what the general purpose computer could do, and she writes the first algorithm."
"A sorting algorithm is a set of precise step-by-step instructions that a computer can follow to sort a list. Sorting is a common task for computers, so a lot of research has gone into designing efficient sorting algorithms."
"Priority queues are really useful. They are used for example in Dijkstra's algorithm for finding shortest paths."
"But there’s a reason Chomsky’s work revolutionized linguistics. And computer science. Which actually plays a huge role here."
"Computers treat information as binary: on or off, true or false, one or zero."
"The invention of the von Neumann architecture laid the groundwork for virtually every microprocessor since."
"How can we describe that in what it's like to be — even a current computer, forget of the science fiction AI of the future, just talk about a current computer."
"One of the most powerful concepts constructs in computer science is just the idea of a pointer."
"This is one of the most astonishing results in mathematics and computer science."
"One of the things that you were doing there is actually exploring one of the most interesting things of all about lambda calculus and recursive functions and other things."
"Topological ordering is a linear ordering of a graph's nodes where every directed Edge UV blah blah blah."
"Once we've reached the depth for that DFS we've actually just traversed a mini topological ordering."
"By doing a parallel scan, we can decrease the time complexity of the scan operation."
"AI has been defined as the theory and development of computer systems that can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence."
"It's almost like in computer science, people are inventing the same thing in parallel, independent of each other."
"An excellent free way to learn math and computer science."
"It's a thrilling time to be a computer scientist."
"While editing this config file you've learned how to change directories, list files, create files, rename them, edit them, and much more."
"The two hardest problems in computer science: cache invalidation and naming things."
"As logic evolved in the 20th century, one area where it had tremendous impact is in the development of computer science."
"Variable is different in computer science from a mathematical variable."
"The computer only does what you tell it to do. It's one of the big ideas I want you to come away from this lecture with."
"One of the things that theoretical computer scientists worry about is if you have a certain kind of problem like sorting a list into alphabetical order."
"AI is a form of computer science used to create intelligent machines."
"if you're interested in computer science and maybe even looking forward to contributing to an open source project like betaflight in the future then courses like this on algorithm fundamentals are a great place to start building the skills that you'll need."
"Efficiency benefits both throughput and latency."
"Memory safety is critically important."
"When we press enter and the computer follows our instructions. This is called running the code."
"So in this lesson, we learned that JavaScript is basically giving instructions to a computer."
"The first thing we're going to learn is how to give our computer some instructions to follow."
"We're giving instructions to a computer and then the computer follows our instructions."
"Let's learn how to give our computer some instructions to follow."
"Memory is where work gets done in the computer. The more memory you have, the more work you can get done."
"There are only two hard problems in computer science: cash invalidation and naming things."
"Binary search... it just returns true or false."
"The real world works this way, and we want our computer systems to model the real world as well as possible."
"...are you liking multi-processing?"
"What does that mean? Well, idempotence is a concept in mathematics and computer science."
"A payload is what you want your computer to do after a vulnerability gets exploited."
"One of the big problems for new people that get into the computer field is that frankly they try to oversimplify in their minds what's going on and then they get confused because they're just skipping over massive numbers of topics."
"Wildcard characters like asterisk (*) and question mark (?) for precise find and replace."
"If you have a process that you are running that's really important, and you want to let the CPU know that scheduling that particular process is more important than others, that's exactly what I'm going to show you in today's video."
"The entire operating system kernel, user space, everything runs in ring zero. So you have full control of it and there's no root, there's no sudo, no separation of privileges or anything like that."
"...reading a piece of memory can take 50 cycles..."