
Skill Diversity Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"Being a master of one but a jack of all trades, it will help you more than anything else."
"Learn the skill, find the next skill... it doesn't even matter how disparate the skills are."
"Being a virtual assistant is that you kind of are a Jill or a Jack of all trades."
"In many ways, this diverse skill set is very valuable for companies because you can understand the bigger picture."
"Skills covered a broader array of things to do."
"People say you're multi-talented, and sometimes being a jack of all trades is a talent in itself."
"A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one."
"You don't have to be the best at everything."
"The devs were like we're going to put 120 skills in the game...an unbelievable amount of build variety."
"You don't necessarily have to be a master at every part of draftsmanship to say interesting things."
"What I think the best way for game developers to survive in the future, the best way to deal with these layoffs and to be less expendable is to seriously look at getting different sets of skills."
"Most people don't make it as successful artists because they have the art skills but they have nothing else."
"This team is so well-rounded with three-point shooters, perimeter interior defenders, playmakers, rebounders, etc."
"Everybody can play this game. There are different heroes that require different skill sets."
"Working at a startup requires you to wear multiple hats."
"Jack of all trades, master of none, though oftentimes better than a master of one."
"Fl4k boasts not only three skills to switch between like any other character in Borderlands 3 but also three pets."
"Ernie Johnson, 40 badges now - Pickpocket, Hot Zone, Acrobat, Contact Finisher, Show Time!"
"There's no doubt in her mind that she's going to get it done, she has got every single skill in the book."
"Showing some versatility is a plus too, even for seasoned pros."
"Ronaldo wins your games because he's got so many aspects to his game."
"He may not have been the greatest athlete, but Green's robust skill set, big-game success, and increasing knack for talking trash and getting under his opponent's skin piqued the interest of multiple highly touted college programs."
"Steph is one of the only players in the league as far as offensive wise has everything."
"That's one of the coolest things about baseball... you don't gotta be strong, you don't gotta look like you athletic."
"The companion skills, together with the generous skill system, means you may not initially notice how much variety the game offers when it comes to the ways in which you can solve quests."
"It's always good to have a background in multiple things."
"It's not possible to win at a high level and just be good at one thing."
"I think it's so important to realize that you don't have to be good at everything and that that's okay."
"Epic abilities, great movement, first-class FPS mechanics, hero diversity, and teamwork."
"A genius is able to do so many things in a masterly manner."
"Anyone who does all five of these things trains all five disciplines not just one, but five." - Michelle Carey
"Adaptability is the ability to work with any canvas and do any style tattoo on any part of the body."
"The team needs many different skills and many different people to carry a very heavy responsibility."
"You don't just be good at one thing in life, be good at everything in life."
"MMA fighters have a more diverse set of skills to win a real fight than boxers."
"Character progression includes over 15 disciplines and 300 skills."
"Jack of all trades, master of none" - often times better than a master of one.
"I think people miss that literally you have to be good at everything."
"Training dogs now for some people may come easy."
"Seems like my guy's a bit of a jack-of-all-trades."
"Every group has a very pronounced pattern of skills."
"Developing skills outside of my style and brand to make clients happy."
"Different cooldowns mean more build diversity."
"Jack of all trades is good at many, many things. So if you are good at building things, and you are good at doing things on the computer, and you are good at cooking, we would say that you are a jack of all trades."
"Jack of all trades master of none, a true renaissance guy."
"It takes millions of specialized skilled experts around the world to produce the countless items we use every day, but could an average person do everything to make all these items alone? Well, that's what I try to attempt."
"I don't just want to pick one thing... I'll just be good at a few things as opposed to incredible at one."
"He's as good at so many games, not even just in the Street Fighter franchise."
"Instead of being really, really good at one thing, it pays to be top 20, top ten percent at several things that work well together."
"It's not just social that you find Outpost related skills."
"This is an absolute fire fight because Sally Cobbs got up got a deep deep toolbox of skills he could really dig deep into this into the you know into his trick bag."
"You should seek to be as proficient in as many fields as you can when it comes to sharpening your mind."
"I think it's just cause he's dude he's such a good like all-around skateboarder. He's really good dude."
"For most of us, rather than being the master of one opening, being that well jack of all trades as they say, knowing a lot of different openings till a very decent level, I think for quite a strong level, that does work."
"You need people in that team that bring other elements to the table."
"It's really cool when other people can do it because you're always like more impressed with the things that you don't do."
"ISTPs are jack of all trades, master of none."
"You don't need to have a team that looks the same skill wise in fact it's better that you don't."
"It helps a lot to have someone with a slightly different skill set come in and give you a hand."
"It was just awful at it. It just shows that you know with some people who have great skill on one level, they don't have to have skill on everything."
"Lock sport is not just about lock picking; there's so many other things to explore."
"Not everyone's a whiz in the kitchen."
"Football and financial management are unrelated skills."
"There's so much power in being somebody that does a lot of different things."
"You can't be just an audio guy, you need to have more skills than just that because we're now in a multimedia kind of world."
"You can't be a master of all things, but you can be very, very good at a lot of things."
"Choosing one and focusing on it will be a lot better than choosing multiple avenues and attempting to become a jack of all trades."
"It may be better to be a jack of all trades and master of none than a master of one."
"All skill levels are welcome at the competitions."
"We live in a day and age where it is no longer enough to just be good at one thing."
"With our creative minds combined, we will find multiple ways to solve these interfaces and expand the diversity of our skills."
"I feel like so many engineers who are PMs here and so many designers who also code and so many engineers who also have this great design sense, and we like it that it's blurry at Notion."
"Instead of being the master of one trade, they're the jack of all trades, which is the definition of a long-term overland expedition."
"An old man knows many little skills to entertain small children."
"I think it's a sign of maturity. You're just branching out, trying to be good at a lot of things instead of really good at one thing."
"Tracing is the practice of drawing over an existing image... it's a tool practiced by both the skilled and the unskilled."
"You guys are amazing, the variety in not only skill level but style interpretation, imagination."
"Top sellers, they don't do one or two things well, they do dozens of things well."
"We have opposite skill sets which is pretty neat."
"With our brains combined, we will find multiple ways to solve these interfaces and expand the diversity of our skills."
"I've always described myself as a self-taught jack-of-all-trades, a man who wears many different hats."
"The quicker that you start to have a variety in your skill set of working with PLCs, the better your career will be in the future."
"It's very interesting because you get a wide range of skills that you can index into."
"Skills or future currency, the more diverse your skillset, the more money you're going to make not only today but for the rest of your life."
"A great player has to be superlative in multiple aspects of the game."
"You need to be this modern polymath, you need to have this breadth, this broken comb kind of ability."