
Servitude Quotes

There are 775 quotes

"For so many times that you could have grabbed the spotlight, you chose to be a servant and a support system for me and our three children."
"Be grateful servants of the merciful, people who walk on the earth with humility, people that walk on the Earth with peace."
"The greatest leadership in the world is to become a servant."
"We are all slaves; the question is, what are we slaves to? As Muslims, we have taken witness that we will only be slaves to our Creator."
"You're the greatest leader, a kind leader, a servant leader."
"The greatest among you shall be your servant."
"In my kingdom... if you want to be great, you must be a servant, you must be a slave of all."
"We are all to be servants of the Living God in these last days. Make sure that you are one of them, walk in His ways, and through His power."
"If pleasing people were my goal, I could not be Christ's servant."
"Choose ye this day whom you're going to serve. If God be God, serve him."
"When you enslave yourself to God, you're actually freeing yourself."
"People today are more concerned with how they can personally benefit; they are less concerned about how they can humbly serve God and serve others."
"The lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging and kicking them into obedience."
"For centuries, we have been bound by them, servants to the so-called Great Machine."
"The intellect is a beautiful servant but it's a terrible master."
"Jesus said to love one another and that we should be servants to each other."
"The people will have their liberties taken from them, but they will enjoy their servitude and so never question it, let alone rebel." — Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited
"Jesus said, 'I am indeed a servant of Allah. He has given me Revelation and made me a prophet.'"
"Islam is about being a servant to God by serving people."
"Being subservient to someone doesn't mean you're less than; it means you have a different role."
"If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ."
"Jesus is identified as the servant of Yahweh."
"He will be a king, but he won't live in a palace and he won't have lots of money. He will be poor and he will be a servant."
"The most useful servant will be the one who is devoted to Christ in prayer."
"What kingdom are you longing for? Which kingdom are you a servant of?"
"Jesus said I did not come to be served but to serve and give my life as a ransom."
"Narcissistic compassion. AIS, you know, it's a threat too but if we're if we had our act together ethically it's possible that AI could become a useful servant rather than a tyrannical master."
"It is not this way among you... whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant."
"You're going to serve somebody, you are going to be a prisoner to someone's worldview."
"The Lord refers to Joseph as 'my servant' 94 times. That's just interesting that He's trying to teach us how to become His servants."
"The leader of the greatest among you is the one who serves."
"Money makes an amazing servant but a terrible master."
"Thou nature art my goddess. To thy law my services are bound."
"Christ who being in the form of God, gave up his many colors and became a servant."
"God does not look for people with mere leadership skill or talent; he looks for those that serve."
"You need a man that is a servant from his heart... Women naturally submit to the men that serve them."
"When a man is worthy of you, he will prove to be a servant to you."
"The nature of the ultimate revolution is precisely this: getting people to love their servitude."
"A servant is not greater than his master." - John 15:20
"We desire to be free and live for ourselves, not in service of anyone or anything else."
"There's a position of servitude... to recognize their higher state than yours."
"Jesus is flipping greatness on its head by being a servant."
"When Jesus empties himself, he's like voluntarily taking the form of a servant."
"Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Rosebro, I am your servant in Jesus Christ."
"Serving God is a lifetime of giving. There should be no room or time to be selfish. That's right."
"God, help me to become more humble, more of a servant."
"The conclusion of the whole matter: serve God and keep his Commandments."
"Jesus came to the servants that served him and said, 'Well done, thou good and faithful servant.'"
"Transhumanism promises eternal life, but you have to serve them."
"I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you."
"He who ever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave."
"From now on, his sword and himself would serve Fred. This is a very serious situation." - Narrator
"If we all have an infinite number of servants to help us make whatever we want, yes, there's going to be a rise of productivity."
"The Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve."
"He is the Lord of the vineyard, and we are His servants."
"Every door that God has opened for me has come through serving somebody else."
"The true essence of leadership is servitude."
"It's an extension of Jesus's teaching of servant leadership."
"The true freedom is to become a servant of your creator."
"We are only God's servants through whom you believe the good news."
"Thank you for saving me, I am your servant. What is your order?"
"You can't serve God or His kingdom without serving His people."
"Your pathway to greatness is through servanthood."
"The kind of leaders Jesus wants the disciples to be are servants of everyone else."
"God's gonna get all the glory, he's gonna get all the honor."
"The courts seem very keen to determine who is a serf or is servile and who's actually free."
"Lady Hell felt bad for him as he had not once stopped saving her even though all he was was her servant."
"It's God that's the only person that I serve."
"Jesus was a servant... service is an outpouring of yourself."
"It's not about me and satisfying me, it's about I'm the servant now for everyone."
"Jesus could override his human abilities and do anything he wants at any time, but he chose to walk in a certain way of obedience, humbling himself, coming in the form of a servant."
"Leadership is about being a servant, making people better human beings."
"Grace enables us not to be self-centered but rather to serve others, to forgive, to overlook offenses, as well as to do everything else while completely relying on the strength of God."
"Whoever desires to become great among you shall be your servant."
"I have found David my servant; with my holy oil have I anointed him."
"Technology is a great servant but a terrible master."
"Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening."
"God tells us not to be haughty in mind but always be humbled and serve others."
"I became a servant of this Gospel by the gift of God's grace given me through the working of His power."
"Unlike both Morgoth and Sauron, the Witch King has no ambition to rule or to dominate for his own sake; he is simply a slave to his master."
"No longer do I call you servants... but I have called you friends."
"The stars become, from what we can tell, kind of heavenly soldiers, they become the tzevaot."
"Working in the service of the low God's evil plans for eternity."
"Working as Chad's personal assistant was basically me being his little errand girl and part-time maid."
"My fatigue law has been established and I have made things easier for my servants."
"The rewards that the gods choose to bestow on their most worthy of servants can come in an infinite variety of different forms..."
"Freedom is to be God's servant totally, and then he will set you free."
"Feelings are wonderful servants, terrible Masters."
"The disturbing truth is that many of these serviters were once ordinary citizens of the Imperium, their lives forfeit by crushing debt or the cruel whims of fate."
"The Washington's were served by a cadre of enslaved house servants."
"Saul is my king... I'm his servant or I'm his son... I'm his Soldier."
"You are a slave. Either be a slave with honor to Allah or be a slave with dishonor to the people. But you cannot get out from it. Decide who you want to be a slave to."
"Lord, make me like you, make me like you, Lord, o make me like you, you are a servant, make me one too, Lord, I am willing do what you must do to make me like you, Lord, make me like you."
"Dobby was a house-elf for the Malfoy family, and he was constantly abused and belittled by them."
"House elves find joy and pride in serving their masters even if it means inflicting self-punishment, torture, or even self-harming to please them."
"...if you don't have a spirit of servitude, it's not going to work."
"...Samuel is the main angel of death and head of Satan's, although he condones the sins of man he remains one of God's servants."
"All he needed was a space to sit down, placing himself in the same corner he told his master to just imagine him as a sort of decoration if that makes things easier."
"I love to be a slave of Allah who is grateful."
"...she is already spending her time to forge herself into a splendid servant worthy of them."
"He knew that he was the servant of Destiny rather than its Master."
"Money is a great slave, it is a terrible master."
"We're going to serve somebody, either a god that will exalt you in due time or an enemy that will devour you."
"You're going to serve somebody, either a god that will exalt you in due time or an enemy that will devour you."
"God does not exist to serve us; we exist to serve Him."
"A son sits at the table; a slave can only serve the table."
"May all Kings fall down before him, all nations serve him."
"All of them actually she's their personal servant and they're like owed this but they never want to actually train her for anything or have her do anything it's just a losing battle for her and the audience."
"The borrower is the servant of the lender."
"We are becoming servants to these little devices."
"What did he mean when he said I want you to follow my example? What he meant was I want you to be servants. I want you to serve one another. I want you to love each other and be humble enough that you can honor them and serve people in the same spirit I'm serving you."
"We are unprofitable servants, we have done what is our duty to do."
"Your value, number two, the true servant of Allah."
"Are we really the servant of Allah?"
"Desire to be a servant, cry the cry of being a servant."
"'We place ourselves at his feet and we ask him to cover us. We say to him what Ruth said to Boaz, 'I am your servant.'"
"The freedom you arrive at is the freedom of the slave. You are serving a purpose here that you don't understand, you're probably intrinsically incapable of understanding."
"Servitude biblically is the greatest role anyone can have in the church."
"Our perception of headship is that you're a servant leader."
"To be a servant of Christ Jesus is by pure grace of God."
"I am your servant, my Lord. Humility is the hallmark of an effective instrument."
"No servant is greater than his master. Where the master is, the servant will be."
"You have sealed the warrant for her doom," she hissed, "and you shall be the meanest slave in the service of the Goddess."
"Then his master must take him before the judges he shall take him to the door of the doorpost and Pierce his air with an owl then he will be his servant for life."
"If I would say we're a four, he would say, 'What does it take to get us to a five or a six? Like, what would that look like for you?' Which is such a servant's heart and that might have melted my heart and restored feelings."
"A good sexual partner isn't a conqueror, they're a servant."
"Freedom is the process by which you develop a practice for being unavailable for servitude."
"The most wretched denizens of the slime pits are mortals who bind themselves in service to Jubilex."
"I think it's not a choice between Washington and Beijing, it's a choice between sovereignty and servitude."
"We demand that no one should be forced to serve a Lord, but should only ever work as he wished."
"The bank doesn't serve you; you serve the bank."
"Indentured servitude was a temporary status, it was not passed down through generations."
"Embrace humility like Jesus, who chose to take on the role of a servant despite being mocked and crucified."
"But the progress is only being made to the position or status of a more efficient servant, and not a servant that is equal with his master."
"It saddens me to see people serving the wrong master, and it calls me to ask the question myself: "whom do I serve?""
"But mostly I'm just a servant, a person who really tries to serve God with faithfulness, with love, compassion for people, with integrity and mercy."
"Shoggoths, these creatures were bred by the Elder Things to serve them as slaves and laborers."
"God makes a great servant, and money makes a great servant. Money's meant to be our servant; we're not meant to serve money."
"What greater thing could a person be than the servant of the Eternal Living God, the creator of the universe?"
"I know I am only a male, that I am only slightly better than nothing unless my mistress takes me as her consort."
"God does choose to use his servants, it is all God, it is all his power, it is all his glory."
"I'll do whatever you ordered me to do, I am but a pawn, I am but a servant."
"Our God is a servant, that's his nature."
"It's beautiful. These people for 430 years have been in Egypt and for about 400 of those years we would anticipate, they have been serving Pharaoh."
"Alas, by the servant of my servants, I have been made a servant. I, the sentient being, sitting in this chariot..."
"No proper man would choose a life of thrall, nor forge a chain of servitude to wear about his throat."
"If through this service you have come to truly love your master and recognize that every gift that you have in life has come from him, then wouldn't you want to just stay and serve forever?"
"All of this is for her master's sake."
"Am I now trying to win the approval of people or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be the servant of Christ." - Galatians 1:10
"Choose a man for yourselves and let him come down to me. If he is able to fight with me and kill me, then we will be your servants. But if I prevail against him and kill him, then you shall be our servants."
"What about this? What if you supplied us with a small stream of produce for our servants here at the keep? It'll be a sight less than 500; it wouldn't be nothing. You could still give us something."
"If I'm not serving God, then I must be serving Satan."
"It is perfectly marvelous to remember that Christ completely washes our feet."
"All kings shall fall down before him, all nations shall serve him."
"Many of us enjoy the gifts of God but we don't serve The Giver."
"Your goal in life is to hear that word: 'Well done, good and faithful servant.'"
"Through redemption, we become royal servants, related to the King of Kings."
"Here is my servant, my chosen one, in whom I am pleased."
"It's not because I am who I am, it's because He is who He is, and I'm just a channel. I'm just a vessel for Him to flow through."
"Genuine Christians don't have the right to withdraw their services; we're his slaves."
"Living like essentially a slave for 40 years, which is insane."
"Serving helps us to be more like Jesus."
"God does not make leaders. God makes servants and servants become leaders."
"Not so with you. Not in my kingdom, not in my ecclesia, not in my movement."
"And whoever wants to be first must be the slave of all."
"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve."
"And to give his life as a ransom for many."
"For even your savior, even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many."
"You say that's what Jesus says in this dialogue with them he says the greatest among you is the person who serves who's willing to be a servant."
"One of the great metaphors for Christian maturity, for sanctification and so on, for being a follower of Christ, is that we become slaves of Christ."
"I know God is able to deliver me, but if not, I'm still going to serve Him."
"Praise our God, all his servants, all who fear him, from the least to the greatest!"
"The leader is the greater slave than the follower."
"That faith is for real in you everyday living in everything you're doing is turned to serve Him."
"You want to love him and know that he's judging and may he judge you for having been a good servant."
"I'm just a puppet, God is the puppet master."
"He emptied himself of the form of expression of deity and put on the form of a servant."
"As ministers, we're servants, not masters. Team leadership, accountability, and humility are key in avoiding the pitfalls of power."
"I am not a celebrity, I'm a servant. There's only one celebrity that deserves to be celebrated, that's the Lord Jesus Christ."
"No longer do I call you servants."
"'Everybody's a slave to something.'"
"For a servant, there is no greater honor."
"But as bond servants of God, honor all people, love the Brotherhood, fear God, honor the king."
"I'll give you another title... servant."
"The watchword for our ministry should be the apostolic watchword: 'We do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord... and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake.'"
"God is not your genie. God is not your butler. You are God's servant."
"Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ."
"Servanthood is the majesty of God."
"That's the glory of God: to serve you."
"For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord."
"Your obedience and your servant heart matters so much to God."
"The primary role of Valkyries is to serve Odin, the chief god in Norse mythology."
"We don't preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake."
"Jesus became a servant and lived to do the will of His father."
"For we suffer because of our sins... yet shall he be at one again with his servants."
"Death stands waiting at attention, silent and expectant, waiting for a word from the frail being so long his servant, now for once his master."
"Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them."
"The greatest of you is going to be a servant."
"The greatest among you shall be your servant, and whoever exalts himself shall be humbled."
"The preparation of the ceremony of dining by the servants as a collective unit, they had to handle fine crystal glasses with infinite precaution."