
Real Estate Quotes

There are 7076 quotes

"There's such huge, insane opportunities in real estate, specifically multifamily."
"China is currently facing a real estate crisis and a debt crisis, compounded by a crisis of confidence, which has ultimately led to a crisis of capital outflow and unemployment."
"China's real estate market was critical to its rise as an economic powerhouse."
"Oh my God, that just increased the property value tenfold. You can see Donger Tower perfectly from here."
"When it comes to real estate, this isn't a six-month play or a one-year play; you're investing in real estate for a long time because you're going to own this property and you want this to pay you rent for years into the future."
"It's the 1031 exchange, and essentially what it says is if you sold this property today for one million dollars, then you'd have to pay taxes on your profits. Instead, you can take all of this one million dollars and use it to go out and buy another real estate investment property, a bigger property, and now you don't have to pay any taxes on your profits today."
"Don't be surprised if home prices go down by 10 to 20 percent over the next several years as the housing bubble phase moves into a housing crash phase."
"The best time to invest in real estate was 10, 15 years ago... There's always a good time to invest in real estate."
"For every one percent change in a mortgage interest rate, real estate prices tend to go down by about 10%."
"Invest in things that appreciate, like real estate."
"We are gonna be able to buy our own apartment. We're gonna buy the most expensive apartment."
"It's like a massive game of Monopoly where all key players are trying to buy the best properties, but for now, there's no better place than Djibouti."
"I was living very small. I wasn't spending money. All I was doing was buying real estate."
"I'm a real estate millionaire and things are really changing in the economy."
"Buy land... There is a fixed amount of land on this planet... Buy land and have your children hold on to it; it'll only increase in value."
"You are like the real estate, house hacking guru. Like, you are the mecca when it comes to owning rental property, house hacking, cash flow."
"Every rental is like a little oil well. Little oil well you can text that's right. Each one is just pumping oil out of the ground every day, every month, every year."
"Mobile home parks... they're good for stories but really they're good for cash flow."
"This is pretty cool. If I furnish this building nicely, this would actually be a pretty cool space."
"The way to make a small fortune in real estate is to start off with a slightly larger fortune."
"This is like the Titanic... Donald Trump's real estate empire is like the Titanic. He's already hit the iceberg, and we're just watching the slow motion sinking of this, of his life, into the abyss."
"This is why you should look into the history of a house before buying it."
"Real estate is not just about acquiring properties; it's about creating opportunities and solving problems."
"In real estate, your network is your net worth. Teach others, and deals will come to you."
"Location is key. In my experience, it is definitely better to get one as North as possible."
"If you fix your credit and you buy real estate, you'll save a hundred G's in interest over the time you own the house just for changing your credit a little bit."
"I'm not the sharpest crayon in the box, but I know my real estate stuff really well."
"There is no one size fits all when it comes to rental real estate."
"That's why wealthy people buy rental property."
"The deal is what makes money in real estate. It's the deal."
"The 1031 exchange allows you to sell a property and reinvest the proceeds into another property without paying taxes on the gain."
"The original sin of housing in America is that we have turned housing into an asset."
"She also came to find out, way later down the road, that her house was built on a sinkhole, and that her insurance is significantly higher because of that."
"Location, location, it is the most important thing for me."
"Real estate success takes time, and you're going to be an overnight success in five to ten years."
"Going from that moment to even just renting big houses... to buying land and adding on to what it was, to now... all of those pivotal moments... is what led up to where I'm at now."
"The fundamental problem is that we have too much office space. The solution in the long run is to get rid of some of the excess office we have and repurpose some of that space."
"Never ever buy a property that you cannot rent out."
"Building wealth through real estate is absolutely unbelievable."
"90% of all millionaires made it in real estate."
"Buying one house does not create generational wealth for you. It's a gateway to start doing things the right way to eventually go in a legacy wealth-building."
"A good chunk of gross domestic product is tied to real estate, it's also a very key investment category for households in China, with roughly 70% of household wealth being tied to the category."
"Buying real estate is the greatest and fastest way to real wealth and it's non-speculative."
"Real estate could operate very well as an inflationary hedge."
"This commercial real estate depression... is reshaping the landscape of urban centers across the country."
"Warren Buffett has recently warned of the dangers as well, specifically calling out commercial real estate as a source for potential danger."
"The commercial real estate sector is among the most bizarre and confusing sectors in finance. It's a complete enigma."
"Real estate gives you something tangible, something that you can see, feel, and touch."
"I spend all day looking at different asset classes... and I truly believe that real estate offers the greatest chance to build long-term wealth out of any asset class."
"Sky-high home prices with fast-growing mortgage rates, coupled with a low inventory of homes available for sale, are now creating a home affordability crisis."
"Only purchase a home that you intend on keeping for at least seven to ten years."
"Millennials are bypassing the traditional starter home and saying, 'No, I want the turnkey property.'"
"Real estate investing works, and it can help you build an incredible life."
"We could easily see prices drop suddenly and for a short window of time somewhere between 15 to 20 percent."
"I bought my first estate at 30 years old. It felt so good to be the first one in my family to do something like that."
"Welcome back, guys. Welcome back. Hope you didn't sell your condos."
"Homes are very personal. Property is personal. Buyers don't like vacant homes. They don't like these generically staged homes."
"The real problem in the housing market is that home prices are too high."
"Home prices adjusted for inflation are at their highest level of all time here in 2022, even higher than they were back in the bubble of '06."
"Barbara Corcoran of Shark Tank fame, she is now buying into the Pittsburgh housing market."
"If you're somebody's looking to buy in the next six to 12 months, you're going to want to focus on these value-driven cities."
"It's a pretty house, man. I was talking to Jake about his gorgeous kitchen and his stairs, but from an architect's perspective, do you want to point out to us?"
"Multi-family real estate is the most leveraged asset that the average American can actually buy."
"Multi-family real estate is a get rich guaranteed system over time."
"According to Redfin – a real estate firm - In 2012 – in order to be able to afford to buy a median priced home in the United States homebuyers needed to earn 45 thousand dollars per year. Today they need to earn 115 thousand dollars per year."
"In real estate, you have control. You know what control you have? Pick the right location, pick the right partner, pick the right market at the right time at the right price, and wait."
"Real estate exists for people... you want to be where people want to be."
"Four properties... may not make you financially free, but I guarantee you it'll change your financial future."
"Multi-family properties are designed for cash flow."
"Real estate is wealth. Those that control the real estate control the world."
"The rich invest in real estate because real estate is royal estate."
"McDonald's business is not hamburgers. McDonald's business is real estate."
"If you're willing to put in a bit more effort, rental real estate can help you achieve your passive income goals much faster due to the power of leverage."
"The plummeting of the Chinese real estate and stock markets is devouring the wealth of middle class families."
"The property developers offered her a staggering $1 million to give up her home, but she still refused."
"These homes are examples of what's known as a nail house, named for instances in which homeowners refuse to have their homes hammered down for demolition."
"Finally, in 1998, the courts ruled in Vera's favor and Trump was forced to back off."
"Three days ago we came here looking for something like this, a house fit for a king."
"Between the market and real estate, they're the two biggest creators of wealth in this world."
"This is all really bad news for the Chinese property sector but that means it's also bad news for the Chinese economy."
"Over the last 100 years, the stock market has been the greatest creator of wealth ever, seconded by real estate."
"The trouble with landlords selling is that in today's incredibly tight housing market, buyers will likely be the occupants, reducing the stock of desperately needed affordable rental housing."
"I ended up spending three weeks, three whole weeks, going and getting my real estate license."
"I think if I do, I get a real estate license, and even in my small town, you know, this is 15 plus years ago, everybody that was in real estate drove a Cadillac."
"It's definitely a buyer's market in the sense that if you see an asking price, more often than not, you can bring that down."
"Real wealth is owning something tangible. Real estate is something tangible, it's something real."
"The ideal org program is a Monumental failure in that it has not resulted in any expansion for Scientology unless you're counting square feet of real estate."
"Richest people make their fortune in real estate. Isn't it about time for you to learn how?"
"I started with nothing, and I found a way to make a fortune in real estate."
"You can change everything about a home... but the one thing that you cannot change about a home is its location."
"Imagine if... 100 trillion in real estate assets around the world were all on the Bitcoin network."
"If I had waited until I felt ready to get started, I'd be dead before I owned real estate."
"A good real estate attorney...can help you dealing with cities because sometimes cities are going to make your life very difficult."
"Renovate it, remodel it, turn your three to a 400, turn your four to a five, turn your five to an eight. Now's the Time because you can get wholesale pricing on materials."
"In the long term, real estate will always be a good investment."
"If you own real estate investments, you're getting this cash flow, and if inflation happens, you also get to increase your rent."
"I want to become an ethical property developer...improve the community without kicking out the original residents."
"There's a shortage of multifamily affordable income property in America."
"I've never lost money in 35 years, never lost money in a real estate deal."
"Get pre-approved first, and then we're going to talk about finding the right deal."
"I want a deal that has great appreciation upside and great cash flow."
"There are more millionaires built on real estate than on anything else. This is not a secret."
"Earning money is probably the why for most people; it's nobody is landlording because it's a lot of fun."
"Paid off my very first property in 20 months. Debt-free, mortgage-free."
"In the end, you're going to make a lot of money; you're going to do a lot of good."
"Smart real estate is buying things that can be used, not just buying houses. Think about where you're buying and what you're buying."
"Each property comes with three documents: the lunar deed, lunar map, and lunar codes, covenants, and restrictions."
"You can't buy a house, but you can work towards Apex Predator in Apex Legends."
"Not since the Great Depression had housing prices on a national basis ever fallen at all."
"The delinquency rate for office buildings in New York City has increased more than 1,000% from January 2023 to January 2024."
"McDonald's is actually not a fast food company; McDonald's is a real estate company."
"The fundamentals of the market...how many people are actually moving here, you need to understand this data."
"In the short term, these fundamentals can get skewed, they can get skewed by investors and second home buyers, but in the long run, it really needs people to move to the cities to fill the homes that are being built and permitted."
"Real estate is the number one generator of wealth...Billionaires are not made by investing into dividend stocks, but that's okay because it's what resonates with you, with your goals, and what makes you sleep better at night."
"There are empty homes piling up on the U.S. housing market right now... Inventory is surging, price cuts are surging, and the housing crash has started."
"Where are Americans moving? That's a very important question to ask and understand if you're a home buyer or real estate investor."
"What's going on, in my opinion, is that we're in a speculative housing bubble in these markets."
"Some hope for China's crisis-hit real estate giant Evergrande; the company rolled out its restructuring plan involving $20 billion in foreign debt."
"Commercial real estate may be an interesting dynamic because I think Zoom crushed commercial real estate."
"Real estate provides the asset and the cash flow and the tax write-offs that allow you to control the debt. And then when you can control the debt for a long period of time, over time, the inflation reduces the cost of the debt."
"Things are absolutely insane... big corporations like BlackRock are buying residential homes now."
"By going through a little bit of work, imagine that, people are like, 'Oh look, Kevin, you have to deal with fixing up your rental properties or re-renting them when they come vacant.' Yeah, it just happens to also pay very well."
"By 1999, just two years after founding, Evergrande was Guangzhou's seventh largest real estate company."
"If a homeowner has an interest rate of 3%, prices would have to drop by 36% for that identical home to have the same monthly payment at today's interest rates of 7%."
"Over the long term, I think it's pretty safe to say that the longer you hold real estate, the more likely you are to end up making a substantial profit."
"I felt terrible going to the condo where the cheating had happened, so I sold it, making a nice profit."
"Real estate is my favorite investment class just because I like the idea of creating passive income through owning a physical asset."
"The landlord told us that our February rent is free for this place. Wow."
"Changes in house prices affect the health of the banking system and, when they collapse, the impact can be felt globally."
"Look into buying a two to four unit building, move in one of the units, and then rent out the others."
"There is a globally synchronized housing crash occurring right before our eyes."
"The real solution to the housing problem is to let real estate prices come down so that homes are affordable."
"A lot of Millennials did buy in 2021... a lot of them have a ton of buyer's remorse at this point."
"Buying real estate is a bad investment right now."
"In a market like Austin, I think the end game is going to be a 35% decline from peak to trough."
"You want it to almost feel like a staged home."
"The commercial real estate crash is causing banks to have to write down the value of the asset on their balance sheet, which could potentially cause a worsening credit crunch in the economy."
"The most valuable thing on earth is a piece of earth."
"It's a very direct and simple way that middle-class people transfer wealth to their kids. You buy a house, you get old, you die, your kids inherit that house."
"Home ownership and owning real estate is the number one way to wealth."
"Munger's bearish on commercial property in offices, but he recommends owning stocks in apartment buildings."
"Now he has 15 different shopping centers and commercial developments that he owns, so he doesn't have to work."
"What we're trying to do is end up with the lowest cost solution and eventually one day probably bulk sale to... large national home builders at a lower cost than they can build for."
"We've created a way whereby anyone can become a landlord and start building a better financial future for themselves."
"You should ask yourself a question: Do you live in a city where over the last two years, realtors and real estate investors said there's so many people from California moving here and buying here? If you live in a city where people said that, chances are your city is also going to have a housing crash."
"Houses are people's generally largest investments and it's a good transfer vehicle for intergenerational wealth."
"There is a guard house to the front of the property, and one of the main attractions appears to be a long, sweeping driveway, secluding and sequestering the former Royals from the prying lenses of passers-by and tour buses."
"Zoom is ready for it, the technology is present, and all of a sudden we're dismantling one of the biggest systems in the history of the world: commercial real estate."
"Virtual real estate at some point will be worth as much as, if not more so than, physical real estate."
"The Attorney General of New York knew that Trump's property values were inflated because when it came time to pay taxes, Trump undervalued the very same properties."
"It was all part of a very specific real estate practice known as lying."
"Assessed value is assigned by a local government for property tax purposes. Market value is the price a buyer and seller would agree upon in an open, competitive market."
"I'm Clayton Morris--longtime real estate investor. I achieved financial freedom a few short years ago. And now, I'm helping you build financial intelligence."
"Real estate depreciation... is one of the best ways to avoid taxes."
"Real estate... buying real estate could really become one of the best things you'll ever do."
"Ever wondered what the luxury real estate market of the past looked like? From sprawling Gilded Age estates to psychedelic '70s pads overflowing with mustard accessories, these amazing time-warp homes offer a fascinating window into the glamorous heydays of the past."
"With Google Earth, you can take a look at a piece of property and zoom in to where you can actually see what the trees are like, what the layout is like."
"You pretty much just invest your money and earn money passively, no matter what you do, and this is called a REIT, which stands for real estate investment trusts."
"With REITs, you're really well diversified. It's not like you only own one property with one tenant. With the REITs, you can potentially own hundreds or even thousands or tens of thousands of pieces of real estate and just own a fraction of all of them."
"Real estate is a cornerstone of wealth building."
"Persistence pays off. That's the whole point of real estate and success."
"Real estate is the best place to generate passive cash flow because, if you do it right, you're going to be able to rent it out to somebody else and this rent that you get is going to cover your expenses...and put some money in your pocket every single month."
"Real estate deals come to me easily, frequently, and abundantly."
"Real estate has some other benefits as well, you also get tax breaks."
"Millionaires say that real estate is the best way to invest money for a reason. It's made a lot of people very rich."
"The best case scenario is when you have positive cash flow. This means that all your rental income is higher than your mortgage, your property taxes, and any other fees you're paying to maintain the place."
"There's going to be some bailout in the form of massive tax breaks for owning office buildings or some incentivization to convert office buildings to multi-family."
"The biggest risk factor is inflation. When inflation goes up, then the Federal Reserve is likely to increase interest rates, and when they do that, real estate prices can suffer very quickly."
"Once you become a homeowner, you will never look at real estate the same way."
"Here we are in Boca Raton, Florida, just a quick flight from California, and we are at a listing that is going to blow your mind."
"To me, appreciation is icing on the cake... but I'm not investing for appreciation; I'm investing for cash flow."
"The key point to look for throughout the next year is simply going to be how many new homes are coming on the market."
"You gotta put some money down... to let the seller know that hey you're serious about it."
"Closing is basically when all the money gets to change hands... and then you finally get the key to the property and it becomes yours."
"Get a real estate agent, man. It's important. It's gonna save you a lot of headaches."
"Your best deals are going to be off market. Get a mentor that knows what he's doing."
"Assets come with cash flow; the house you're living in doesn't."
"I saved his ass... I did whatever I could to get that place rented up and I did."
"The only real estate if you want to make money right now, you have to get your hands dirty."
"The profit is made when you acquire a property and the pandemic proved to be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to acquire undervalued great properties."
"All the money is in long-term holding like the real flip is holding the property for 10 15 years."
"Real estate never goes down... Wrong, and they're not admitting it to you."
"Millennials are not interested in buying hideous, cheaply made McMansion housing."
"The value of houses hasn't actually kept up with the rate of money printing."
"recently purchased a home in california worth 14.7 million"
"The fastest path to freedom is actually to grow your passive income month by month by month, year by year by year by acquiring a property every single year."
"Buying right means at least 12% cash on cash return."
"Real estate, real estate, real estate. It's not going anywhere."
"Part of the diversification strategy is to buy real estate so that's a fact on a smaller scale you should be thinking the same way."
"It's really important, when it comes to real estate, to focus on the specifics and make sure you know what you're getting into."
"Finding a place directly on Main Street can give you the whole package deal."
"You see this all the time in real estate. When people walk into the house and they're like, 'Oh my god, is that a door? That's the greatest door I've ever seen.'"
"The exam is not the end goal, the exam is selling real estate."
"Becoming an influencer is actually one of the only ways that young people in this country can buy a one-bedroom property."
"Position yourself as their agent, the solution to their problem."
"Learn a listing presentation that will literally get the signature the first time you're at their house."
"I still think real estate investing is possible and exciting."
"People just get obsessed with this cash on cash return idea."
"This recent settlement is going to shake up the entire real estate industry."
"The lawsuit alleges that real estate commissions have remained artificially high."