
Volcanic Eruption Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Our modern society heavily depends on farming and global food systems; a Yellowstone eruption could seriously strain our way of life."
"A really massive eruption can turn the climate upside down."
"The recent Tongan eruption was hundreds of times more powerful than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima."
"Archaeologists working in Pompeii uncovered more remains of two men who died in the volcanic eruption."
"In 1883 on an Indonesian island in the Sunda Strait, a massive volcanic eruption would shake the ground..."
"In January 2022, the underwater Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'Apai volcano near the South Pacific island of Tonga erupted, producing the largest ash cloud ever recorded."
"The eruption was so huge that astronauts on the International Space Station captured images of the stunning smoke show from space."
"The plume of ash and steam is a monstrous Marvel to behold."
"The eruption of Thera is one of those epoch-making catastrophes that can change the course of human history."
"The eruption in the Dutch East Indies in April might have impacted the result of the Battle of Waterloo."
"Back when Pinatubo erupted in 1991, it cooled the entire planet by almost 1 degree Celsius."
"The December 2021 eruption was Semaru's largest in recent history and one that came with little warning."
"The eruption of Mount Saint Helens was one of, if not the most catastrophic eruption the United States has ever experienced."
"Volcanic eruptions are usually preceded by an increasing number of earthquakes."
"Volcanic eruption caught on camera: Thousands rush to Iceland after volcano erupts near Reykjavik."
"An eruption of the Yellowstone super volcano would cause widespread devastation across the United States."
"The eruption was so destructive that it would have darkened the entire region for at least a week."
"Days after their harrowing flight, the passengers and crew learned that the night they were flying, there had been a major eruption of the Mount Galunggung volcano."
"A deadly volcanic eruption unleashed a wave taller than the Statue of Liberty."
"What happened on May 18th, 1980, became a landmark event for scientists."
"The eruption removed the top of the 1,300-foot mountain."
"Ludger Sylbaris: the sole survivor of a volcanic eruption."
"The Lucky Volcano in Iceland stands apart for having a super large blast that lasted for a total of eight months, devastating the area between June of 1783 and February of 1784."
"Volcanic lightning is an electrical discharge caused by a volcanic eruption."
"The ultimate Yellowstone geological question remains to be answered: When will the super volcano erupt once again?"
"By far the biggest of the ash beds from a Cascade eruption, many of you know, it's the Mazama ash that erupted 700 years ago."
"So each of these is basically a drop of lava that cooled as it was falling back down to the ground and slowly built up this little volcano."
"The most recent happened about 900 years ago, leaving behind this thousand-foot-tall cinder cone, three and a half square miles of lava flows, and 700 square miles of ash."
"I completely forgot that Pompeii wasn't actually destroyed by lava, it was buried under ash."
"At 8:30 a.m., after much buildup, a volcanic vent finally gives way and sets off a catastrophic eruption which makes the entire north side of Mount St. Helens fall away. It's the world's largest recorded landslide."
"The next eruption to happen in this region will be a tourist attraction, great for our local economy, and a spectacle that I hope lots of people can enjoy."
"The plume of ash and gas will reach the stratosphere and go around the whole world."
"It was the deadliest volcanic eruption in the history of the United States."
"A single volcanic eruption could be so powerful as to affect everyone on the planet."
"The 1883 eruption of Krakatoa is one of the most important eruptions in the history of science."
"An eruption is more likely to occur within the next 100 years and perhaps even before the end of this century."
"The eruption showed no signs of mercy, it destroyed over 700 homes."
"The 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia was a truly cataclysmic event."
"Crater Lake, formed by a huge volcanic eruption around 7,700 years ago, is the deepest lake in the entire United States."
"We're going to make a dust shockwave, a volcanic eruption, a bullet impact, and a thick oil fire smoke plume."
"I believe the eruption of Mount St. Helens is the geologic event of the 20th century."
"The eruption of Mount St. Helens is the geologic event of the 20th century."
"One of the largest volcanic eruptions in history took place here."
"A Yellowstone sized supereruption could cool global temperatures by a few degrees for a few years before they recover."
"The ohia tree can actually hold its breath during a volcanic eruption for up to two weeks."
"You need not fear," the professor replied. "There are no signs at all that it will erupt. We'll be quite safe."
"The scientists know when an eruption is gonna happen and they're able to give people enough time to leave the island."
"What happened was the greatest volcanic eruption to have ever occurred in the long history of the planet."
"From the safety of the sea, it was possible to gaze back at one of the greatest firework shows on Earth."
"Pompei was basically buried under more than 30 ft of volcanic ash."
"Increased likelihood of a new intrusion or possibly an eruption in the coming days."
"If this volcano erupted, it would be an apocalyptic event."
"In 44 BC, the world experienced a devastating volcanic eruption."
"The landscape morphed into an ocean of fire and rock, the sky darkened with plumes of ash reaching the stratosphere, dispersing globally and impacting climates."
"These are actually fairly passive, they mainly produce lava flows."
"It's still making a nice spectacle."
"We have an eruption that began maybe an hour, hour and a half ago in Iceland."
"Even if the eruption shuts down tomorrow, I would still expect earthquakes to continue for months in this area."