
Military Spending Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"Interest expense on the debt is greater than the military spending."
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."
"The United States spends more on the military than the next nine countries together which includes Russia and China Spend."
"Military budget is discretionary, but it only goes up, and in the interest of national security, this shouldn't be at the whims of whoever is in office."
"The world will not know peace until the money dedicated towards weaponry is dedicated towards living green."
"When your budget to help people is less than the budget to kill them, that just doesn't make sense."
"We spend 750 billion dollars on our military budget...and less than one billion dollars on peace building."
"Instead of spending 1.8 trillion a year globally on weapons of destruction, maybe an American president, i.e., Bernie Sanders, can lead the world instead of spending money to kill each other, maybe we pool our resources and fight our common enemy which is climate change."
"The projection line for global arms demand gets revised upwards so far it may as well be pointed at lunar orbit."
"The world right now is spending a trillion and a half dollars on weapons of destruction designed to kill each other."
"The US leads the world in military spending, in waging wars that destroy lives and destroy economies, whereas China leads the world in economic production, in manufacturing of goods that people around the world need to have a better life."
"Military spending in the long term generally gives you worse returns on investment when compared to social programs, public infrastructure programs, and subsidy programs for private research and development."
"I will defend American interests in Taiwan. If Taiwan wants any partnership in their defense, they will need to raise their defense spending and military readiness to acceptable levels."
"It's absolutely obscene that it's all being used to keep this war going."
"The world is spending hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars on weapons."
"The defense budget gets trillions while the American people get screwed once again."
"It seems to me the president is actually pushing all of these European nations to be harsher on Russia by spending more on their own defense."
"Despite the massive military spending in the world today, we're living through a relatively peaceful time."
"Spending in 2023 would probably better reflect NATO countries' views on the security environment post-February 2022."
"We've spent roughly 5% of our military budget on Ukraine."
"Perhaps the best argument for getting rid of the nuclear sponge in the United States is that the money being used to fund it could go to other programs."
"We spend more money on nuclear weapons than all other countries combined."
"Even the most generous assumptions show the TB2 has been immensely cost-effective."
"Building just 194 new F-22s would cost about 50.3 billion dollars in 2017 money."
"For just the increase in the military budget that we had in one year we could pay for free college for everybody in the country."
"The US essentially spends much more than it earns... a vast military-industrial complex is devoting a huge volume of resources to activities that do not contribute significantly to human welfare."
"More and more Americans are asking why are we spending all this money on Wars when we have so much need at home."
"We can't waste money on a new museum... but you're okay with bombing people in the Middle East?"
"They want to have major enemies that justify the 1,000 billion dollar annual budget of the military security complex."
"When does our Pentagon get told no when they want to spend some money on something they don't need an alien threat we got plenty of of real life Earthbound threats that they get all the money that they need."
"The U.S spends like x amount of trillion dollars a year and then it's like Russia China Japan France England like all of their military budgets combined is less than we spent on our military."
"Suddenly the US annual military budget goes way up."
"Russian and China's military spending is purpose-driven, not profit-driven like in the West."
"Number one, we need to end the warfare economy... creating a robust, strong industrial-based economy at home."
"I have a problem when we are now spending more on the military than the next ten nations combined."
"We're spending more than a trillion dollars on weapons of mass destruction every single year."
"The United States currently spends more on its military than the next nine countries combined."
"If the world gave up its military there'd be no more poverty."
"Governments all over the world have spent a massive amount of money and resources looking for more ruthless and effective ways to kill people."
"Do you think it's more important that car crashed near Joe Biden or do you think it's more important that a trillion dollars nearly a trillion dollars in your taxes is going to the military industrial complex?"
"We have money for war but can't afford basic programs to help struggling families."
"We'll be paying more on the interest of the debt than on our defense budget."
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."
"Over the last 20 years since 9/11, the United States has spent 21 trillion dollars on militarization, surveillance, and repression." - Caption
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched..."
"If the US military is going to spend trillions of taxpayer dollars, it should be on something dope."
"Any nation that spends more on military than social upliftment is headed towards moral and spiritual bankruptcy."
"The U.S. has spent over a trillion dollars in fruitless, feckless wars."
"Maintaining and modernizing military forces is and always has been an expensive business."
"The UK's defense spending will rise by 24 billion pounds over the next four years."
"Putin's massive military expenditure in the conflict."
"We need to pool resources to fight our enemy, climate change, instead of spending trillions on weapons of destruction."
"While we can fight over universal childcare, preschool, or community college, there's no running numbers on a military budget."
"The best green tax for the planet is to distribute the profits of the military industrial complex."
"World War Three is starting, and it's not about supporting the Ukrainians, it's about the military-industrial complex siphoning tax dollars."
"Whenever I see a homeless veteran...I think to myself, 'How much is a B2 Spirit again?'"
"US military spending currently exceeds that of the next 10 nations combined."
"The trillions of dollars we spend on our military each year simply isn't enough. We need more."
"This transparency in how federal spending cycles back to the military-industrial complex raises questions about the motivations behind Congressional decisions."
"Wars bring a lot of dollars. National Security funding is a way to grow business."
"This is the greatest thing that could have ever happened to the U.S defense budget."
"We got money for wars but we can't feed the poor."
"The Pentagon budget will grow $45 billion, $820 billion in total."
"All the generals coming with billions upon billions of dollars of taxpayer money to buy weapons to fuck shit up."
"America spends more than 40 percent on the entire world budget for military spending."
"The US military spends more than the next 10 industrialized nations combined."
"We need a strong defense but do not need to spend more money on defense than the next ten nations combined."
"The US pumps $596 billion into its military every year, more than the next seven high-spending nations combined."
"It's like this is the way the Democrats can actually be involved in social spending and rebuilding our base, by giving it to the military industrial complex." - Max Blumenthal
"We spend 740 billion dollars a year on military yet we can't keep a hundred Trump supporters out of the Capitol."
"After a while, you're spending so damn much on your military that you don't do health care or social services or education or any of that stuff, and after a while, the stress response is more damaging than the stressor."
"We're spending 700 billion dollars a year on the military. We're 55% of the world's military budget. You take the whole rest of the world and add up what they spend on the military, and they spend less than we do."
"We've got to move in my view to say 3% of GDP on defense and historically that would be back towards average."
"The funds that might have been spent on the military have been invested in improving the standard of living."
"China is spending more on its military than the rest of Asia combined, and yet that number is still smaller than the amount of money that Xi Jinping is spending on his domestic security apparatus to surveil and oppress his own people."
"Naval spending in the UK was increased and plans to get rid of the country's aircraft carriers were shelved."
"Close all those bases down overseas and you can pave every road in the United States five times over."
"The U.S Navy is finally giving us a glimpse into how much it's spending on its new stealth fighter."
"In today's dollars, making these for the military would cost thousands of dollars."
"We ought to end America's longest war. We're spending 50 billion dollars a year in Afghanistan. That money could be better spent here at home."
"We got all the money in the world to be an imperialistic superpower and bomb eight different countries... but we can't wipe out a trillion dollars in student loan debt? Of course, we can."
"We can afford to go to war but we can't afford Universal healthcare."
"The program comes with a price tag of up to 368 billion dollars over the next 30 years."
"We are using money we don't have to kill people we don't know for reasons we don't understand."
"A country that continues to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching a spiritual death."
"The Cold War is over, so why are we spending millions to protect us from Russian bombers?"
"The American defense budget is higher than the next nine countries in the top ten put together."
"Support the troops. Don't question the Pentagon, right? No, I question the Pentagon. Where the hell is our money?"
"Let's actually take care of people and the planet, instead of the 2.2 trillion dollars spent last year on military armaments."
"The Pentagon overspends because it's a corrupt process... it's a big game as a way for them to take taxpayer money without literally just pocketing it."