
Immigration Policy Quotes

There are 431 quotes

"Most Americans would support a merit-based immigration system."
"Impeachment is just one step. The Senate must pass House Republicans' Secure the Border Act, the strongest border security bill in history."
"Our rule generally prevents aliens who are likely to become a public charge from coming to the United States or remaining here and getting a green card."
"The program is working because of the 360,000 people that are now getting a proper legal status in the sense of humanitarian parole for two years with a financial sponsor in place, meaning no burden on the social programs of these states, and it's lowered the illegal activity by 44%. So, what's the harm? No harm, no standing, no standing, your case is dismissed."
"Deterrents can achieve results at decreasing illegal immigration."
"We are making the cartels rich beyond our wildest imagination by allowing all of this."
"Can the Trump administration sink any lower than threatening to deport sick kids?"
"The people wanted their country back. They wanted, again, the rule of law; they wanted immigration to be enforced so that they would again have borders. Without borders, you cannot have a nation."
"We have to fix immigration to keep letting entrepreneurs define the future."
"Negligent immigration policies threaten the safety of our communities."
"Immigration or you can have a welfare state, but you can't have both."
"We got to provide [dreamers] with legal status."
"The goal of our policy initially is we need to reduce that flow and disincentivize families and children from making that dangerous journey."
"Just as I think, by the way, it's wrong for people to steal the place of anyone who legally waited in the queue to take part in the great American experiment."
"We are dedicated to achieving and quite frankly are working around the clock to replace the cruelty of the past administration with an orderly, humane, and safe immigration process."
"It moves to a policy where infants are ripped from their mother's breasts at the border, separated and possibly orphaned for life."
"Our population growth is at a fractional increase, never as tiny as it was last year."
"Immigration is the only policy that can affect long-term consequences in population size."
"Border control is the reasonable stance; it is possible to have border control without being a white nationalist."
"People are able to speak up and say, 'I have very serious concerns about unfettered, unchecked immigration.'"
"We need to close the borders so that our children don't grow up in a wasteland of poverty, crime, and slavery."
"now we have an enormous national security threat on our Southern border and that national security threat is entirely Biden's illegal immigration policy"
"This administration's belief is that we can get our message across with a more humane policy by opening up avenues of legal migration which will encourage people to take those."
"We want fewer immigrants and more skilled economic immigrants."
"We must build a better immigration system that reflects our values as Americans, enforces our laws, safeguards public health, and moves away from cycles of irregular migration."
"The Republican argument for impeachment boils down to their view that Secretary Mayorkas has intentionally caused the influx of immigrants over our Southern border."
"Willfully violating the law to open America's borders to millions of unvetted migrants and breaching the public trust are grave offenses against our country, our Constitution, and our constituents."
"Illegal immigrants should not come in. We should fund ICE and give them all the tools and resources they need to secure the borders."
"We're not going to have open borders, you're going to have to come in legally."
"It is absolutely essential to have a policy that is in favor of open borders."
"There will be child sex trafficking victims in this country as long as we have an immigration policy which incentivizes illegal immigration."
"You've correctly identified the problem—you're right to want more money for a wall, you're right to want a merit-based immigration system."
"If we lift Title 42, it's going to create a true crisis on the southern border."
"If somebody wants to come here and they want to start a life here, it's much preferable to allow them to do so to the maximum extent possible."
"My ideal immigration policy is not going to happen but some serious reform could definitely take place."
"Every community in the United States is now a border community due to an abject failure by this Administration to control and stem the tide of illegal entry."
"I want them to have an England that is recognizably English."
"Democrats need to separate high skill and low skill immigration or they will lose with that message."
"The most compassionate and humane border policy is one that deters people from coming here."
"Obama plans obviously on letting more than seventy thousand in a year otherwise that number wouldn't have went from seventy thousand to a hundred thousand."
"It's horrifying because it's just a way to get rid of uh dreamers basically it's a way to make sure that the children who are born here but born to parents who are not American citizens um don't get to become American citizens that's all it is."
"The biggest thing, you come in through merit and you have to come legally."
"Australia has shut the door on one of China's wealthiest businessmen."
"The official policy of the Biden administration with regard to communist Cuba is the refugees can't come here."
"We must understand that behind this great theme of uncontrolled immigration there is no episodic attempt by people hoping to land in Europe, there was an organized movement."
"If you believe immigrants like my wife's family should be demagogued and locked in cages, vote for the other person."
"They're destroying our country. They're wrecking our country. As a citizen, I demand that Joe Biden close the border immediately. Close it. Close the border, Joe. You can do it. He doesn't need Congress."
"Generally speaking, those are high-skill immigrants and we should be able to have that as a feature of our system without having an open border."
"Joe Biden is promising comprehensive immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship for 11 million undocumented immigrants." - Reporter
"Close the borders now. This is not sustainable for our country. It's not sustainable for our cities. Our country is under siege."
"This is about ripping families apart, arresting immigrants and blaming someone for our problems so we can ignore the fact that Trump and these right wing officials are grifters."
"Thanks to our tireless efforts to secure the border, we have reduced illegal border crossings by a staggering 75 percent since last spring."
"Building this barrier is more than just a campaign promise. It's a common-sense first step to really securing our porous border."
"It's just it's it's a Preposterous place to be in it is party is is it's Trump's party and it's party that wants to use immigration as a budgeon..."
"Having an open border and not enforcing it is supremely immoral."
"I think people who immigrate illegally to the United States should commit one crime a year minimum."
"Our immigration system is built on a carceral framework."
"A country without borders is not a country at all."
"What's evil about wanting to secure our borders... so instead of allowing people to cross our borders illegally and they get they get to rip away at the fabrics and take it."
"If you have a choice between a president who says we don't want you here, don't come, get out, and a president who says we don't have a crisis at our border, which language do you think people take more seriously?"
"All while the administration talks about unwinding title 42 and not worrying about what's happening at our southern border."
"It's quite possible for Republicans to win both this battle and win the war when it comes to immigration."
"Mr. Speaker, immigration is and has always been essential to Canada's success."
"We're removing these illegal criminals and gang members from our country."
"The Republicans want this all or burn it down mentality. They just want to go everyone who's here, deport them, shut down everything. And I'm sorry, that is not the United States of America." - Representative Crockett
"Enough is enough, enough of open borders, enough of disorderly chaos led by Coyotes, Smugglers, and traffickers." - Texas Commissioner of the General Land Office
"We had the best numbers in recorded history."
"Every immigrant should get a yes or no answer within 60 days."
"We have to stand by our principles, stand by our values, and make sure we have an immigration policy which is fair and workable."
"We have now got an immigration policy that is mainly focused on bringing people from outside of Europe into Britain who are often low skill, low wage, culturally distinctive."
"President Biden offers temporary safe haven to Hong Kong residents in the U.S."
"We need to streamline our immigration process. Like, everything else is a waste of [__] time. Everything else is so virtue signaling, so stupid."
"You just can't stop them from coming in. You just can't. You could theoretically, but you're going to spend more money trying to keep every single one out than if you would just legalize them."
"If Donald Trump wanted to pass reform on DACA immigrants, they could literally do that right now."
"Deportations are something that's happening already in Germany anyway, borders closing all that."
"President Trump suspended his wide-ranging threat to deport millions of undocumented immigrants... demanding that Democrats and Republicans forge a plan to stem the record flows of asylum-seeking families across the southern border."
"Texas has halted his illegal deportation freeze."
"Not one more American life should be lost to migrant crime."
"We can enforce our immigration laws without resorting to ineffective and unnecessary, punitive measures." - Secretary for Homeland Security
"That is not our America when we have children in cages crying for their mothers and fathers. Don't you dare call that border security. That's a human rights abuse, and that's not America."
"The Biden-Harris open door policy has been a disaster. It needs to end now. The main beneficiaries of open borders are the gangs, cartels, and human traffickers."
"My administration is committed to ending illegal immigration while modernizing our legal immigration system."
"The problem we're seeing... is that disinformation traveling... some of them are through the mouths of public officials. That bad information... about vaccines is killing people."
"Individuals who have completed the process... could be relocated to the United States... that remains our goal..."
"Illegal immigration hurts all Americans, including millions of legal immigrants, by driving down wages, draining public resources, and claiming countless innocent lives."
"Texas supports legal immigration but will not be an accomplice to the open border policies that cause rather than prevent a humanitarian crisis in our state."
"If there are no borders and people can just enter whenever they want, you don't have a country."
"A federal judge in Texas has ruled DACA to be unlawful, putting pressure on Congress to make a permanent solution for undocumented youth."
"If you secured the border, then you would be able to pass a pathway to citizenship."
"I think Trump should run on the open borders and inflation."
"The state of Texas sued... most of Biden's orders don't have to be enforced."
"Biden inviting people to cross... it's a human rights disaster."
"The United States is and will remain a welcoming nation that embraces people from across the world who seek family reunification, employment, or professional opportunities and humanitarian protection."
"President Biden has made it clear that one of his top priorities is restoring faith in our immigration system."
"They're coming for one reason: that's because they know that Joe Biden will let them in."
"What we're asking the men and women of the border patrol to do is inhumane." - Lindsey Graham
"No court, no congress, and no executive branch before now has ever thought that undocumented immigrants could be excluded."
"When you have the paddle, the anti-climb paddle, it's very hard for them to get across."
"President Trump issued a statement at the end of May banning Chinese nationals with ties to the country's military from entering the US on student or scholar visas."
"You cannot separate racism from American Immigration policy."
"Immigration should be about America, Americans, and the immigrants. Right now, the way it was before you started working on it, it's always been big business, big tech, and universities."
"The US should strongly embrace innovation, change the education system, and have a better immigration policy for foreign students."
"None of these people have a natural answer as to what you're supposed to do with unaccompanied kids who show up at the border."
"Our immigration system is built on a carceral framework. It's no accident that challenging how we approach both these issues are considered controversial stances."
"Overall, a border wall is not going to stop undocumented immigration, it's just pointless, it's a symbol."
"Allow undocumented immigrants to be documented immigrant workers and not treat them as second-class citizens."
"I promised every American the latest vaccines will be available to them, and for free, and everywhere available."
"Advocating for stronger borders is shooting yourself in the foot."
"It's a war man. What are you guys talking about? Yeah, no [__] okay I don't have a problem with like literally allowing every Afghan person that wants to come to the United States open doors."
"The effect of free immigration would mean a reduction of everybody to the same uniform level."
"Birthright citizenship is bad policy. I tend to agree with this."
"We need real substantive immigration reform and policies that allow us to have a structure and a pathway to citizenship."
"Instead of trying to recruit DACA separately, they tried to shove the DACA's into the MAVNI program and that happened to wreck both programs."
"If we had more liberal immigration and we had better zoning laws I think those are really two keys to unlocking a lot of economic prosperity."
"To enforce immigration more properly but let in many more people would be my preferred solution."
"Let immigrants in, pay them union wages, pay everybody union wages."
"Many Ukrainian refugees will wish to stay in Europe closer to their homes, but we also will welcome 100,000 Ukrainians to the United States."
"Trump wants to put children in cages indefinitely."
"The Global Talent visa... you can change your employers, you can own your own company."
"Let's get on with the priorities of the British people, not just controlling immigration, but also ensuring we look after the interests of young people."
"Nobody should be coming to our country via small boat. Everybody is leaving what are fundamentally safe countries."
"We'll be signing a very powerful immigration act very soon."
"We want strong borders, they want to have open borders."
"It's about incentives. When you tell people that you can come into the United States, they're going to believe you."
"We want strong borders with people able to come in through merit, through a legal process."
"The battle brewing with Texas is playing a massive part in how voters are leaning on the immigration issue."
"We've reduced illegal border crossings for eight straight months in a row."
"We have ended the horrible practice of catch and release."
"The reality is that building the wall is absolutely critical... if we don't build a wall we do not have a country."
"People have wanted immigration to be under control since the 50s."
"We need to drastically reduce all immigration in order to regain some sense of coherence and cohesion for our people and then in 50 or 60 years maybe we can open it back up a little bit."
"I think it's incredibly important to stay informed and clued in as to what exactly the changes are going to take place within the immigration policy of the UK."
"The power to exclude from the sovereign's territory people who have no right to be there."
"What do you call it here at the White House when 10,000 people illegally cross the border in a single day? Does that sound compassionate to you?"
"We have to stop pretending it's even remotely feasible to deport 12 million undocumented immigrants to this country."
"Beyond outrageous that 559 children remain separated from their parents."
"We're going to take care of DACA. We're going to take care of Dreamers."
"If you make those routes unviable, if you crack down on roots of entry, the only thing you do is push people directly into the hands of people smugglers."
"We'll be signing a very powerful immigration act. It'll be great. It'll be merit-based."
"I'm calling on Congressional Republicans to ban Joe Biden from using a single tax dollar no taxpayer money to release or resettle illegal aliens into the United States starting on the government funding deadline of September 30th."
"The future of America is going to be based upon immigration... because the past was based upon immigration."
"The president's already laid out a proposal that closes the legal loopholes and provides the resources to secure our border."
"In his immigration policy, he wanted to import people into America that will help the country rather than drain from it."
"I am dead set against amnesty. Relocate anybody who is in this country illegally to their country of origin."
"One policy change would be to simply resume a practice that was started in the last administration as a pilot and ended in November of 2020 it's called the prompt asylum claim review process."
"But you know what would fix it the most? If we didn't have a wide open border."
"You cannot ever allow a statement that we want everybody to come. We want to take care of everybody."
"Every sensible immigration policy has two objectives."
"When you're actually stricter on immigration, you win the communities that other people say you're not going to win."
"When you oppose amnesty and you have strict immigration, you win Hispanics and blacks."
"The Biden administration wants to reject all of Donald Trump's immigration policies, and we've gotten an unprecedented flood of people washing across the border."
"The thing that matters is the foreign policy most. You're never going to be able to take in enough people, especially without dropping the quality of life for the people who live here."
"I want a wall and I want all the illegal immigrants out."
"We will undo all of the racist immigration executive orders written by Donald Trump."
"We need action. All the invasion declarations in the world and a buck 50 will get you a cup of coffee if you're not actually taking the foreign Nationals entering your country invading your country and sending them back to their countries."
"We want people to come into our country, you see that by the vote again, but we want people to come in legally."
"We're going to defend our borders, they don't want to have what is called open borders."
"We're gonna have a department of re-migration for illegals, for foreign criminals, for terrorists."
"Immigration is like the stupidest thing that we have in America."
"Critical to ending the border crisis is removing all incentives for smuggling women and children."
"Our plan expedites relief for legitimate asylum seekers by screening out the meritless claims."
"When there is no demand placed on immigrants any longer to assimilate into the founding liberal values of the countries to which they have emigrated instead a misguided and thoroughly wrongheaded policy of multiculturalism encourages the opposite."
"The biden administration is considering an expedited visa path for vulnerable afghan women who may become targets of the taliban."
"Our plan will transform America's immigration system into the pride of our nation and the envy of the modern world."
"Your immigration policy can best be described as a governor from the state of Florida going into another state, lying to migrants, promising them jobs and housing."
"Japan will tighten its visa review process for international students and foreign researchers."
"European leaders have succeeded in making immigration one of the dominant political issues of our time. My purpose in writing this book is to urge Europeans to act differently before it is too late."
"Immigrants become quickly successful. They adapt quickly."
"Raise the admission cap of the U.S refugee intake."
"Nobody's anti-immigration, I just think it needs to be calculated and measured with a plan."
"We need immigration reform... if they don't approve it during these four years of Donald Trump in 2020 they're gonna lose Congress both houses probably."
"We would have a fighting chance to address this issue... Congress has not passed immigration reform about legal pathways since 1990."
"I will immediately cancel every open borders policy of the Biden Administration."
"We're not going to let millions of people come into our country that shouldn't be here."
"I'm all for smart immigration. Bring in people who will help advance the common good."
"I would sign an executive order that would get rid of Trump's zero-tolerance policy."
"Americans are actually in agreement on many aspects of the immigration debate, particularly DACA."
"The goal of a national emergency is to end illegal immigration and cartel smuggling."
"We don't have a border, we don't have a country."
"Immigration restrictionism is now one of the very few issues in this country in which a majority of Canadians all agree on."
"MPP was by far the most effective at actually stemming the tide of legal immigration."
"We need to focus on immigration and get more people coming to the country. We need the smartest people in the world to keep wanting to work here."
"If you import the third world in mass, you become the third world."
"Why that wouldn't apply to people who are already here is beyond me. Just because you crossed the border illegally ten years ago, I don't see why we shouldn't be able to make the same assessment."
"Countries should be more lenient with foreign cultures."
"Immigration has always been essential to America. Let's end our exhausting war over immigration."
"All of the smart criticism and I think the most valid criticism I would do want to see Bernie get better and better specifically on immigration."
"It's not a complicated issue, illegal immigration is not complicated, it's illegal, end of story."
"When that is the expectation of the people coming there turns out the immigration can work just fine because that integration just happens as a matter of course."
"What does concern me, though, is this isn't just an immigration issue, right? We've said this multiple times before. This is a terrorism issue. It is a clear and present danger to the security of this country."
"Immigration is a blessing to be channeled to our economic advantage."
"Legal immigration is a positive good for the country."
"The president remains committed to putting in place a Humane and orderly immigration system."
"Legal immigration allows immigrants to live the American dream. Illegal immigration leads to the devastation that we see at the border."
"DACA has been dealt a blow, but it's a half-hearted one. DACA is effectively dead, which is the good news."