
Electoral Politics Quotes

There are 130 quotes

"I think the election will be once again determined by moderates."
"Without participating in electoral politics here in the United States, we wouldn't necessarily have someone like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez."
"We have lost the popular vote in seven of the last eight presidential elections. Our cause is right, but we have failed to win the confidence of a majority of Americans."
"If Texas goes Democratic, it's really the end for Republicans as we know it as a party."
"If you don't like what the Democratic party is doing, vote for Nikki Haley or Ron DeSantis or Chris Christie. They have a choice, but they continue to choose the darkest, most evil approach to American politics."
"Let's get those independents and moderate Republicans who cannot stomach this guy anymore."
"If one of the motivations for a president is re-election if it is not the only motivation but if one of the motivations is re-election then that's just called politics because that's what politicians do."
"Biden continues to be the most durable guy out there and all likelihood at this point you got to say he's the odds-on favorite to take the nomination."
"Joe Biden is the comfort food of American politics."
"At one point according to bobolinsky he asked if the family wasn't concerned that joe would run for president in 2020."
"Leaders we deserve: Electing young, fearless progressives."
"Republicans are somehow going to blow it, which is incredible because Democrats have blown it."
"The way that Pennsylvania goes is going to be the way the nation goes."
"I am here to tell you wholeheartedly that I believe that choice should be Senator Bernie Sanders."
"Universal healthcare would give you freedom, it takes out the profit-making middleman."
"Bernie Sanders won the votes, you have to push for a Bernie independent run."
"I'm not trying to win an election, I'm a journalist. Let us be clear."
"This is no time for sleeping in the basement. Joe Biden has had 47 years to produce results, but he's been all talk and no action, just like so many of the Democrats who've been making promises to the black voters for decades."
"Corporations are allowed to spend unlimited amounts of money on politics."
"That should be a wide open layup, yet Republicans may be fumbling the ball there. They have to go in and prop up JD Vance rather than seeing him coast to a victory."
"Joe Biden has made it 50 years in politics without having to take a stand on anything. Joe Biden has been an empty suit blowing in the wind, and it's actually worked out pretty well for him because he keeps getting elected to the Senate."
"Who would definitely vote against Trump? 49%"
"I called last election. NPR quoted me... Trump wouldn't be GOP nominee. I think he won."
"Hillary Clinton is the best candidate they have."
"President Trump set a record for the most primary votes ever received by any incumbent ever." - Donald J. Trump
"You deserve better. Joe Biden will be a president who brings our country together." - Senator Harris
"If Trump loses, he will start a news outlet and Donald Trump Jr. will run in 2024."
"Bernie Sanders is the only person running that for actual people."
"I like to kind of talk about the glass we can have full though because the elections in LA county and actually nationally were completely contrary to what the narrative was talking about this year."
"He's the Trump stopper... Bernie Sanders... that's who I want."
"Tick-tock. I think we're going to win the Senate in 2020. And I think we're going to have the House and I think we're going to have the presidency. Tick tock."
"All hypothetical matchups showed that Bernie Sanders would have whooped Trump's ass."
"The Democratic Party would rather lose to Donald Trump than win with a progressive."
"Democrats need to know what time it is. Cinema won't even commit on record to voting for Katie Hobbs." - The Bulwark
"Yes, 'I'm not the other guy' is not a strategy."
"The distinction here is that Joe Biden, 47 years in public service, compared to President Donald Trump who brought all of that experience four years ago."
"Bernie had always said that he would support the Democratic nominee."
"If Republicans start cutting into the Democratic base to the tune of 20 of black voters and 50 of Hispanic voters Democrats do not have a coalition the Coalition simply does not exist."
"It's about time we get elected officials that pay attention to the law of the land." - Jesse Ventura
"This is the most important electoral moment that I've been involved in, whether it was Mondale or whether it was others who posed. I'm choosing, I'm standing with someone I believe in, someone whose voice is about truth."
"I want us to fire Brian Kemp because he's bad at his job."
"He's the first white person to run for president to be straight up about their anti-blackness."
"We need a Democratic Socialist, we need a fighter for the people, and we need to elect Bernie Sanders."
"This is not for fun. I believe that we were on the risk of handing the presidency to Donald Trump if we try too hard to play it safe or ignore the profound dynamics that are happening in our country right now."
"Electoral politics is a tool you can use to radicalize your community."
"Do I think Trump's going to win by 10 nationally in 2024 not necessarily but I do think he's going to win the popular vote."
"Honestly Trump is going to be the guy unless something happens that's drastic because he is planning on running it's pretty obvious he still has high energy."
"You can win a Republican primary if Trump is against you but you cannot win a Republican primary if you are against Trump."
"Little do they know, this only makes them look like dog [ __ ]! So the pool of GOP contenders for 2024 grew this week."
"I told you after the election that if he kept complaining about the election being stolen without being able to mobilize people to do anything about it, he was going to lose Georgia."
"Hope is not in electoral politics in the current system."
"I love coming to Pennsylvania. You guys delivered for me twice, and I am back here tonight to ask you to deliver the White House for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris."
"Politicians would get elected and do the right thing as opposed to whatever it takes to get elected and re-elected." - Gary Johnson
"Kamala Harris is more popular than Biden among women, young people, and very importantly amongst black voters."
"It wasn't just against Bernie Sanders because all they really didn't know who was gonna be the leader, I thought. I mean, and you know, in the beginning, they were trying out every single type of candidate."
"I think whatever way we look at the election it's pretty clear that the Democrats Nancy Pelosi being the leader in the house there they're going to hold on to the house so it is a serious threat it is a serious threat."
"Donald Trump's pitch since 2016: a broad working-class coalition."
"The progressives are gonna win, mark my words." - Jimmy from Philly
"Boris Johnson is an amazing election winner."
"Fetterman's victory should redefine the beltway assumptions on electability."
"Electoral politics is just one tool of many."
"If they go to the usual establishment, they're just gonna go down the drain, and the other side can be right that only Bernie can inspire the enthusiasm needed to win the nomination." - Andrew Clavin
"The evidence is mounting that with just under three months left until the midterms, the political environment is shifting in favor of the Democrats."
"Donald Trump is literally the only person who can be elected president right now."
"They do not want Biden to run again for president."
"I was dead wrong that Donald Trump would not win in the primaries."
"How long are we going to help elect people who continue to disappoint us?"
"The game was rigged, and they tell you, 'You can choose the white guy on the left or the white guy on the right.'"
"Boot gate and pudding fingers: How Ron DeSantis became 2024's presidential punchline."
"Bernie Sanders might as well have been made and allowed to stand up to Trump's disingenuous tactics."
"Preserve comedy, save comedy, vote Trump out."
"Right now, Mr. Trump, to answer your call for political honesty, I just want to say: you're not going to be president."
"If Donald Trump does not get the nomination... the party doesn't deserve anybody's support."
"Virtually every single person from this point forward that continues to run against President Trump on the Republican side should never ever be taken seriously again."
"No matter the past, a pro-life candidate beats a radical pro-abortion politician any day."
"Bernie is the only one of these candidates who will not back down from the Republicans or from Donald Trump."
"The entire working class, everybody who voted Republican, you know, The New York Times didn't run a single op-ed by a Trump voter in the six months running up to the election in 2020."
"They look like they can win against Trump, articulate and they can speak."
"He's broadened the scope of Nigerian elections."
"The Republican race: a tale of Trump's grip and DeSantis's slip."
"Donald Trump's coattails are going to be amongst the strongest across the country."
"I'm not that worried about Biden's cabinet picks. Progressives gave Trumpies a reality check this election."
"I think you just have to be willing to lose and that's what I've learned from 2016 onwards."
"They're trying to steal these two important Senate seats from Georgia."
"Linker's argument pivots on the idea that Haley's potential collaboration with Biden isn't about ideological allegiance but rather a strategic move to safeguard against the reemergence of Trumpian politics."
"Sanders would have won... he definitely would have won."
"Melee's election should be treated by the United States as the possible opening of new era in South and Latin America."
"That's what makes his path so much more challenging, is Biden if things go the way that they look in the polls right now, Biden is going to end up with more than 270 electoral college votes."
"Nigeria is a country of really smart people... but we are not electing smart people into office."
"The opponent of Donald Trump is such a ridiculous and risible figure so plainly operating at the behest of these interests escalating Global Wars potentially endless pandemics that people see Donald Trump as the solution."
"How do we get out of it? Trump is no saint but he's probably the best bet."
"The Nazis were never elected as a majority ruling party in Germany."
"Being honest with the American people... is also good politics."
"Georgia, we turned Georgia blue. We won this election decisively."
"Trump convinced about twenty percent of the population to vote for him, which won the Electoral College vote, despite Hillary winning the popular vote by close to three million."
"I thought a woman could win. He disagreed." - Elizabeth Warren
"The only democracy in the world where someone can lose the popular vote and yet become president."
"I think capitalism has always had a terrible trouble with elections and voting."
"The final killer question: If Parliament stops you coming out, will you hold a general election?" - Nigel Farage
"We need more of that because the rest of it is designed to be filtered and rigged to stop you from knowing me or the other candidates in this race."
"Trump's return in 2024 isn't just a political aspiration; it's becoming a necessity for many who yearn for a secure and well-managed Border."
"Bernie won, so it doesn't [ __ ] matter with enemies like that."
"Former Trump manager Brad Parscale also said of a possible 2024 run for Trump, 'I don't think he sees it as a comeback. He sees it as vengeance.'"
"Bernie's farewell is to say even though we lost the electoral battle, we've actually won the ideological war."
"Joe Biden is quote favored to win the election."
"Labor ditches radical reforms As It prepares bombshell election Manifesto."
"Establishment wants seventeen candidates to drown out Bernie's message."
"A lot of people would like to see Trump off the ballot in the Republican governance."
"If appealing to voters and getting them to support your ideas doesn't appeal to you, maybe electoral politics isn't your thing."
"This is all of the big powerful corporations and billionaires and players rushing in at the last minute again to try to crush Nina Turner."
"One of my main criticisms of the GOP from without looking in because I'm not a republican has been their tendency to get handed a major victory and throw it aside."
"If democracy is at risk, why put in candidates that put democracy at risk?"
"Absolutely it just it would be silly to not have opened a page to not have open primaries because it feels like um hiding or everything that is everything is planned and and you know already determined."
"The media would rather have Biden win than Bernie Sanders."
"We are going to elect Senator Bernie Sanders the 46th President of these United States of America."
"You don't have the right as a state to say to the people of the United States the other 49 states ah we're not going to put your guy on the on the ballot because we don't like them. It's as simple as that." - Bill O'Reilly
"He's endorsing Joe Biden, but you know who's endorsing me? The Teamsters like me and everybody, all of the workers like that."
"If Trump had focused on stuff like that instead of saying there's voter fraud, Trump could have made a credible case."
"I've heard a lot of people say Bernie Sanders but I know he's very far left."
"Obviously liberal voters like what Tulsi has to say."
"We just won the elections based on progressive platforms, that is pragmatic."
"Bernie or bust thing is interesting and it's real."
"People should be able to run for office and shouldn't be punished for their speech."
"Just because they're not winning by-elections doesn't mean that they are irrelevant as an electoral force."
"...Republicans have yet to find that silver bullet or that tight RPP that they can walk that gets them Suburban voters but also doesn't alienate or disassociate themselves from past positions"
"Unlike United States electoral politics, the polls over on my Patreon are a functioning democracy."