
Water Scarcity Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"The wisdom of having established a nearly 5 million person metropolitan area in the middle of the Sonoran desert is being criticized louder with every passing year."
"Understanding that water is a finite source and we can't rely on it forever is something that's really important."
"Water, water all around, and not a drop to drink."
"Water scarcity will become an increasingly urgent problem impacting all levels of the population."
"Many experts believe the major wars of the twenty-first century are likely to be fought over diminishing reserves of freshwater."
"The Water Crisis isn't a thing of tomorrow; it's a thing of today."
"The prospect that two-thirds of the world's population will have no access to fresh drinking water by 2025 has provoked the initial confrontations in a worldwide battle for control over the planet's most basic resource."
"Desalination is a solution so people don't die of thirst, but it's not going to solve the industry problem at all."
"This has led to water shortages in Crimea, especially for the agricultural sector."
"The government was forced to ration supplies, leaving the city's poorest residents struggling for access to drinking water."
"Water is the most precious thing on the planet."
"Hope you guys all watching have a fantastic day."
"Most of us don't even think about not having clean water."
"So water's cheap unless you're in California, yeah, we need to buy the dip song to wake up."
"Water has been taken for granted. We live in a world where in the next 10 years almost 2 billion people will be living in regions with absolute water scarcity."
"A smart thing to do is to position oneself to be able to withstand a potential global water crisis."
"Water we depend on it. Water is precious and you don't realize it until you don't have it."
"Our water is at risk. This is one of the worst drought situations that I've ever seen."
"Without water, there is no food. California grows a lot of the nation's fruits, nuts, and vegetables."
"Millions don't have excess of clean and safe drinking water."
"We need more fresh water as temperatures increase."
"The water situation in the world seems critical, but remedies to the problem do exist."
"Water scarcity: a looming crisis impacting global trade and economies."
"Congratulations, you survived your first drought! Yay, the water's gonna continue and you're gonna do just fine."
"Primarily designed to combat water scarcity and to make an impact on the lives of people with no access to clean water."
"Future Wars will be fought over water, which is going to become one of the most precious resources out there."
"160,000 people in Jackson, Mississippi still without drinkable water, lining up for hours for cases of bottled water."
"The scarcity of just simple clean water in some regions is already frightening."
"The global water crisis is the single most pressing humanitarian crisis we face."
"There's plenty of water in the world, but we got to pay for our water."
"It is very difficult not having drinking water. I came here from far away thinking that this kind of thing would never happen here, and now we're facing reality."
"Water will prove to be an increasingly valuable and scarce resource for a lot of us."
"Cape Town was quite literally teetering on the brink of a water apocalypse."
"The Sea of Galilee is on the brink of disaster."
"Water supply is a main problem in many parts of the world."
"A quarter of the world's population faces extremely high water stress each year."
"The Ogallala Aquifer is being drained at a rate of approximately 800 gallons per minute," illustrating the rapid depletion of vital groundwater reserves.
"If things don't turn around soon, we are going to be facing an absolutely crippling Water Crisis in this country."
"It has been estimated that the state of California has only 20 years supply of fresh water."
"Two-thirds of the people in the world will be dealing with water stress and 1.8 billion will be facing absolute water scarcity by the year 2025," underscoring the severity of the global water crisis.
"Unless India's water issues are resolved, it will have an incredible impact not only on India but the world."
"Lake Mead continues to shrink before our eyes."
"Three rivers running out of water and out of time."
"Of course, desalination is a viable solution in many situations, especially in places with large populations and severe water scarcity."
"We're literally running out of water, that is the front page."
"I think for so long we took it for granted, we took it for granted that it would never run out, it's always there, the mountains are always green, and then this happens, and um we realize more and more every day how valuable water has become."
"These are really good if you just have no water sources whatsoever."
"The West Coast doesn't really have steady access to water, neither will the country in about 10 years."
"We're going to be fighting over water very soon."
"Water is necessary for life, so yes, Africa has water."
"If you go to 2030 and we use water the way we're using it today, we will have a 40% excess demand versus supply of water."
"Animal agriculture needs to be included in the discussion about water scarcity."
"The Middle East has always been associated with two natural resources: oil because of its abundance and water because of its scarcity."
"Elon Musk himself says that the next great crisis on our planet will be one of water. And ourselves at Galante and Sons have developed an incredible vaccine."
"Some people have to walk miles and miles for just a little bit of water every day."
"You can survive three minutes without air, three days without water, and three weeks without food. Those three days without water? That's gonna be a rough one."
"There are still 865 million people without access to clean water."
"In a desert, water can be more precious than money."
"...in a time when we're uh the Colorado plateau and the Colorado River Basin and its water users stand to lose the most it's a time uh for this region also to look very carefully at the energy choices that we're making."
"In the future, water shortage could be so bad that there could be conflict in the world over who has sources of water, similar to how there's conflict over people who have access to sources of oil."
"Imagine living in a city with severe water shortages."
"Without water, Southern California would still be a desert."
"In New Mexico, water is beyond a commodity; it's not only a lifestyle, a culture, but it's what really traces the survival of a people in a very harsh land."
"Water is more valuable than oil in every country in the world."
"There's no groundwater left out there, they're fighting over the water that comes out of the rivers."
"We owe twenty trillion on top of it and we have no water."
"Unless we dramatically change our carbon footprint now, up to 50% of humanity may be living with severe fresh water shortages within the next quarter century."
"Water scarcity will be the defining characteristic across the 21st century."
"Her brother died because, like a billion other people around the world, her family doesn't have access to safe water."
"Over 5 billion people will face severe water shortages by 2050."
"Water is the most acute problem in the world already."
"Saudi Arabia, with its population of 35 million, is confronted with a severe water shortage."
"Women and children are walking 8 hours every day just to get water that resembles chocolate milk."
"If we keep doing things the way we're doing it, 2050 there's gonna be like 2 billion people here who don't have water anymore."
"Some people don't have clean water to drink, and we're over here... we only know our own reality."
"LOL developed the grandest, most romantic of theories: the canals were built by Martians to channel water from the ice caps because their planet was drying up."
"That's less than one percent of the world's water that is our drinking water ecosystem, that is what we are destroying."
"The United Nations estimates close to one and a half billion people around the world do not have access to clean drinking water."
"40% of Navajo that live on a reservation don't have running water."
"If you don't have water, you have a bomb."
"1.1 billion people around the world suffer from lack of access to safe drinking water."
"Clean water I think is probably going to be one of the biggest problems of the future."
"For years and generations, wars have been fought over oil. In a short matter of time, they will be fought over water."
"This is what many people have to go through to get water in Karachi."
"It's truly a case of water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink."
"Egypt's figure is expected to drop to 500 cubic meters by 2025, this is considered absolute water scarcity."
"The Euphrates River, an important water source in Southwest Asia, is facing a big problem; it's drying up."
"In the desert, every drop counts."
"The recent water shortage gripping the Panama Canal has shone a light on the intricate web of connections within our planet's systems."
"It's nice being in California until we run out of water."
"The alarming development of the ongoing drought situation in Panama transcends a mere seasonal dry spell; it's a climatic aberration."
"Atmospheric water generation cannot compete with tap water, but it might be a compelling alternative to bottled water, especially in water-strained locations."
"Two thirds of our planet is covered in it, so why do nearly 800 million people suffer from lack of clean water around the world?"
"Malnutrition and not an access to clean water is a huge problem for a lot of the human population."
"Communities that are dependent on the Colorado River are starting to realize that there's significant risk that they get their amount that they can get from the river just completely curtailed by the government in the next few years."
"It's like a war of resources, and the biggest resource being water, which is just nuts to me."
"This is a good year, yeah this is Circa 2022. Will this be the last good water I'll drink? You know what, for a while, yeah."
"The climate crisis is going to have profound impacts on our water supply, on drought conditions, and increase the risk of destructive wildfires."
"There's people in the world who have to wake up every morning and walk miles to get water."
"Finding potable water in places around the world can be a little bit challenging."
"About two billion people do not have access to safe drinking water."
"As climate change affects the world's water supplies, we need action clearly to combat water scarcity."
"The world is running out of conventional water supplies, fresh water supplies."
"It's water or the lack of water that shapes the landscapes of Africa."