
Political Leadership Quotes

There are 1007 quotes

"I think the only way we're going to resolve the immigration issue is to have a president who's willing to sacrifice some popularity to try to force a resolution."
"Under our leadership, the forgotten man and woman will be forgotten no longer."
"A president should have moral clarity and know the difference between right and wrong."
"At the center of this battle stands Governor Greg Abbott, a man determined to protect his state from the influx of unauthorized immigrants."
"We should reflect on the contrast here, the contrast between President Biden and a pro-democracy community."
"Politics is about demonstrating to voters that you are fit to be President."
"President Biden giving fundamentally critically important speeches about our democracy, about our alliances abroad, about infrastructure projects, about protecting and preserving Social Security."
"I think Biden is doing a lot of good. I think the Chips Act, which brought manufacturing of computer chips back to the United States, is great for manufacturing here but also great for our national security."
"If your patriotic based on who the president is, you're doing patriotism wrong."
"The president is a president for all Americans, it's not about the governor of Texas, it's about the people of Texas."
"Many economic indicators were strong during much of the Trump Administration and... remain strong today under Biden."
"Eternal God, unite our senators in their striving to do Your will."
"It would be a breath of fresh air to have a Prime Minister in Ottawa who has been a Premier of a province."
"Governor Cuomo has become a national leader for a lot of people and Andrew Cuomo has become the leader of the Democratic party."
"Our country, it needs our prayers, our leaders, who have turned away from God, starting at the very top levels of our government, we need prayers."
"Liz Cheney is a leader with deep convictions and the courage to act on them. She's an important leader in our party and in our nation."
"The last time something good happened was this crazy guy that they remembered from a TV show who suddenly inspired them with confidence."
"I think one of the lessons is that all that stuff that we studied in high school civics, that leaders matter, actually turns out to probably be true."
"The single most important thing is for us to stay unified in the world, to continue to focus on what a brute this guy is, and all the innocent people's lives that will be lost and ruined." - President Joe Biden
"The job of Secretary Pompeo and myself are trying to put an end to war, use diplomacy."
"Every record in the book. My administration has done more for the African Americans than any president since Abraham Lincoln."
"It is time to have a president who will be on the side of working families and be willing to get out there and fight for them."
"He got Brexit done, he fixed a broken Parliament, he led us through COVID."
"I might not be the slickest presenter on this stage, but I think my colleagues understand...when I say I'll do something, I do it."
"Presidents get a lot of credit for things they don't do and a lot of blame for things they don't do."
"We have to put leaders who actually care and have our best interests at heart, like Beto O'Rourke, in office."
"To some black Chicagoans, Washington wasn't dedicated enough to black causes. To whites, he gave preferential treatment to black people."
"I am bringing to the round table, to the system, the feeling of liberty to all Nigerians that we are taking back our country."
"You're not a dictator; you're not a king. It's not inherent that I'm supposed to love you and acknowledge everything you say. You're supposed to earn it."
"On so many of these issues, people everywhere, and certainly in Texas, are so far ahead of the politicians and the office holders."
"Joe Biden has been a completely transformational president."
"We are at a time of reckoning. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris represent a ticket that says we can deal with racial inclusion, and we can without any fear deal with racial injustice without being polarizing."
"We need leaders in the presidency and in Congress who have courage to be that voice in the room."
"Joe Biden, with this long history as Chair of the Foreign Relations Committee in the Senate and every he says he's known all the Israeli leaders, all the Palestinian leaders, you've got to step up Mr. President and now end this Carnage and lead a diplomatic effort, not a military effort, to end this conflict. It can be done; you've got to step up and do it both because it's the right thing to do and because your politics depend on it."
"We are in a middle of a crisis, it is not only impacting Democrats but Republicans, impacting red states and blue states."
"People are desperate to hear from the new Prime Minister and her plans to support them this winter."
"Competition should spur us on, but not scare us," German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said in a speech at the car show.
"His decisions show that the president sees in his society and that he's directly responding to the key public demand of justice for all."
"If he can make the economy boom, fix our border crisis... make Americans love their country again, all the tweets are going to fall away."
"Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate. Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"
"David will then claim leadership over the Sultanate, and as the new leader, he will finally bring peace to the desert."
"I want to be a prime minister for all of Canada including Alberta."
"He's such a king. Broke the 30-year spell of liberal rule, saved us from the global financial crisis, grew a beard, now taking on Murdoch. Is there anything this guy can't do?"
"Bernie Sanders managed to capture a lot of that energy and channel it into a positive political vision grounded in material and achievable demands."
"She's the fourth Tory prime minister in six years. The face at the top may change, but the story remains the same."
"President Joe Biden has kept his Central promise in the 2020 election that he would lead the nation to the other side of covid successfully."
"The crisis only seemed to end when Hitler appointed himself the official head of both the SA and SS, which appeared to bring the former back into line."
"I stand before you as Speaker of the House, as a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a devout Catholic, a proud Democrat, a great grandmother, American, a citizen of the greatest Republic in history, an Italian woman of color."
"California's economy is grown 7.8% under my Administration, crime is down 13% - how come the In-N-Out Burger left Oakland?"
"If the election were today, would not look good for President Biden."
"America's economy and America was better when he was president."
"Good politicians should force us to confront our myopic views."
"Ron DeSantis knows what normal people care about."
"Erdogan is the result of our efforts, breaking the system that was designed against us."
"Biden's handling of Afghanistan led to the death of 13 American service members and left hundreds more abandoned. This was a failure to lead."
"President-elect Biden and I will make sure you have the resources and support you need to save lives and help get our economy back on track."
"President Joe Biden is a leader with great will, great determination, and even greater empathy." - Kamala Harris
"I think the laypersons, the public or lawmakers, would be prone to underestimating the dangers of this president, because most people are used to seeing individuals who are healthy." - DR. BANDY LEE
"Trump was in the driver's seat in a way that, I mean, he's a sitting president of the United States, he could have won this thing clean."
"If Donald Trump did turn out to be some prophesized world leader, people are desperate for some kind of great historical change."
"Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said, 'Let's just forget it and move on' is not how you unify the country."
"The president's leadership has made the difference here."
"The president's job is supposed to be that and a guard for the Constitution."
"Trump did it right, the ventilator showed up where they were supposed to show up, there was no shortage of ventilators."
"It's frightening that this is who is running our country, who has access to our nuclear codes."
"If FICO is able to assemble a coalition, his policies will be at the forefront in Europe."
"I am absolutely thrilled that we have Joe Biden, President Joe Biden, at the helm."
"If the PNP loses this election, he will be stepping down as party leader and president."
"What comes of this moment will be determined not by whether we can sit together tonight, but whether we can work together tomorrow."
"Two-thirds of voters say they prefer a political leader who will compromise to get things done."
"Prime Minister Trudeau made it a big deal... it is a very diverse group of people."
"Time for forgiveness and people getting together in love." - President Biden
"We did everything we could to avert war at the time I wish we had seen more of that action from the Biden administration in the future."
"Good decisions depend on a wide range of views and backgrounds, but lack of diversity among political leaders leads to dangerous group think."
"Jackson went to the people and inspired mass support."
"President Putin created a society largely supporting the current activities."
"In our lifetimes, we will never see a president like Donald J. Trump again."
"President Biden: 'Biden is off to an excellent start, arguably one of the best since Franklin D. Roosevelt.'"
"He has given indication every indication since he was elected of being for the country and for Brexit."
"When is she gonna wake up... and think about it... she's just so focused and she's blinkered and it's not working well for brexit if she gets this deal."
"It was always a big win for the United States, right? You never had wins with other presidents, did you? But we're having a lot of wins at the WTO."
"The president's early and decisive actions have succeeded in buying us incredibly valuable time."
"Putin's aggressive attitude towards his own generals managed to shock everyone."
"Even Ocasio Cortes can't defend the fact that Nancy Pelosi is the leader of the House Democrats."
"Gladys Berejiklian has been alone among the state premiers until Dan Andrews recent conversion to argue that the nation has to live with COVID."
"I mean I thought Biden was supposed to be that guy. Biden clearly is not that guy."
"The president has condemned any efforts to plan violent behavior of any kind."
"President Trump is the person meant for this moment."
"President Biden has had a big vision for America and for our future, a vision that has equity in it."
"Ron DeSantis proves yet again why he's the most effective Republican leader in the country. He's got a couple new moves that are really great."
"King's eccentricities were considered embarrassing, but Canada had Mackenzie King making its decisions for 21 years, and it turned out okay."
"There is no governor and first lady that do more than the Kemps have."
"President Trump isn't afraid to fight for what's right. He won't back down."
"The president has laid out a clear path for our First Amendment to be exercised in a way that is safe and robust."
"We have a president who has proven that decency and democracy were on the ballot this year."
"I'm genuinely impressed with his focus, with his messaging to the entire country."
"The president and his entire administration are continuing to engage closely."
"Ukraine's President Zelensky: 'We don't attack Putin or Moscow, we defend our own territory.'"
"We're done being governed by 80 year olds, we need a generational shift."
"Kevin McCarthy is a champion for the American dream."
"The choice is clear pick somebody who's actually built businesses and employed people he will be so different for America."
"The American economy is booming because we have a president who believed in less taxes, less regulation, unleashing American energy, and free and fair trade."
"Trump did himself tweet yesterday twice, one was a video telling people to go home peacefully. It's over. He asked his supporters to leave and told them to do so peacefully."
"It's no secret that this is not only the best state in the country because of the weather, but because of the way we have been responsibly governed by our leader Ron DeSantis."
"President Trump is like the president of the people."
"Kim Jong-un clearly considers the reform and revitalization of the country's agricultural sector a core aspect of his policy."
"Putin was able to fortify the economy of Russia to withstand further, more aggressive sanctions."
"It's time for us to unite." - Senator Martha McSally
"It's so important that Justin Trudeau be thanked for his service and then removed from office."
"We need a president for the people not by Wall Street."
"I would take a Donald Trump who goes on stage as the president calls him a horseface... over Joe Biden who can try and be nice and then sells us out."
"When you talk about leaders apart, I think we're in that situation now where we've got such a range of talent from talent of women now in the shadow cabinet that is so obvious it's going to be a war next time."
"You might not like Trump's style but he gets things done."
"He told the supporters to go home, so I will see you guys soon."
"Democracy is not self-executing, it depends on the engagement of the citizens." - Barack Obama
"Truman is the first president in the 20th century to use the powers of the presidency to challenge racial discrimination."
"President Biden is a constructive person, well balanced and experienced seasoned politician."
"If Trump does right by anti-war measures and foreign policy, then he deserves the credit."
"Trump took the highest office in the land and didn't even take a salary."
"The entire leadership team in the Republican party needs to go and it needs to go now."
"The president will be judged by Americans by his actions and what he does to make their lives better."
"So it's even bigger than partisan politics which means you can unite the country."
"One man chose this war, one man is directing this war, one man is responsible for this war, and that's Vladimir Putin."
"Joe Biden's mistake is thinking he was elected to transform the country but actually everyone just wanted less drama."
"NAFTA is the worst trade deal ever made, we did the USMCA, and we have a great deal, the reason I know it's a great deal is because the other side is unhappy."
"I've said it before, I'm not going to shut down the economy, I'm not going to shut down the country, but I'm going to shut down the virus." - Joe Biden
"To me, it's just more proof why she could be a really effective leader and help some of the supposed allies in Congress grow a little bit of backbone and have some strategic savvy about how to use their power in an effective way."
"In this time of national crisis, Donald Trump did what he always does: he lied, he bragged, he blamed, he never led because Donald Trump is not a leader."
"The Trump economy... it was sailing, we were on a great trajectory."
"Biden manages with a 50/50 Senate to do so much."
"Every day Ron DeSantis is a rising star proving why he's a good leader."
"Obama wasn't much of a leader before he ran for President. Ron DeSantis is provably a good leader."
"Italy's doing everything right at the moment because they've got a leader who is actually competent and uses her political power to try and reinforce the cultural integrity of the country."
"Income for black Americans grew nine times more under my leadership than under Biden and Obama."
"Joe Biden has a plan. This has been a lot of talk from the Trump administration and really it has been to go backward instead of forward."
"You deserve better. Joe Biden will be a president who brings our country together." - Senator Harris
"Vladimir Putin won a fourth term as Russia's president."
"America deserves leaders who are not ashamed of the country they lead and do not make us ashamed of them."
"If I'm your president, we'll implement the national strategy I've been laying out since March."
"I'm here to govern on behalf of the American people."
"I woke up a lot of Asian Americans to the possibility that we can lead at the highest levels of this country."
"President Trump leads with the most unifying stuff... the Democrats cannot stand it." - Ben Shapiro
"Giuliani cleaned up the city and then Bloomberg came in and paid for everything."
"I think the reason Trump thrived for the first three years is because he was so raw and so honest."
"Trudeau is increasingly authoritarian and completely disregards Canada's Democratic Traditions."
"As the leader of a country, it's not really possible to be a victim of cancel culture... being criticized is part of the deal... it's necessary and healthy that you be criticized and scrutinized all the time."
"It is the honor and the privilege of my life to be elected as leader of the Labour Party."
"It's not about Bernie Sanders, it's not-me us."
"He was an excellent candidate, he was a once-in-a-lifetime candidate."
"The most significant element in all of this has been inside Putin's head."
"Putin became president of Russia in 2000 on behalf of state security."
"Our political rulers recognize that they need to keep their priorities in order, and those rulers... have made their priorities perfectly clear."
"It is worth laying down what looks like chargeable conduct here and why."
"Governor Tim Waltz showcased how Democrats can lead with compassion, intelligence, and championing freedom."
"Jeremy Corbyn was really the most left-wing leader that the Labour Party ever had, the major opposition party, the main opposition party."
"Statesmanship now is in recognizing that reality and trying to find a way out..."
"Let me be blunt, my plan also takes on elected officials and states that are undermining you and these life-saving actions."
"The President uttered the words the entire White House team had been waiting to hear: 'We got him.'"
"He's been very good for the country, very experienced, he's got 90 caps."
"Russia has a leader who is rejecting the West."
"Anyone who has a connection to reality knows the adults are back in Washington."
"The administration, I do believe wants to see not just a bridge to the other side of coronavirus but the foundations for a sustainable, inclusive recovery."
"Under my administration, we're fighting for Main Street, not Wall Street."
"I'll bring accountability so it never happens in our country again."
"To be a strong nation america must be a manufacturing nation and not be led by a bunch of fools that means protecting our national industrial base."
"We haven't had a president who represented that kind of gut conviction in my lifetime."
"We need an inspired leader in the White House for the whole damn country."
"I mean, the guy was serious when he said 'Not me, us.' Look at him, he's fighting this fight."
"We've got to find a way to move our country forward and restore confidence in equal treatment under the law in this country." - Mike Pence
"This president isn't trying to make America great, he's trying to make America hate."
"How does he manage these crazy Wing nuts and still hold the house?"
"This is the best thing Biden's done and there are criticisms I have but he's correct on the overarching point."
"There's a vacuum of leadership inside the Republican Party right now."
"The competition is about whether people want to be led by a government that respects its citizens' rights and freedoms."
"Hitler succeeded in delivering the brand he'd spent 10 years building."
"Technology will make available to the leaders of major Nations techniques for conducting secret Warfare of which only a bare minimum of the security forces need be appraised."
"Our leaders are not truly listening to the people."
"Putin became the source of instability instead of being the source of stability."
"We need to make sure we still have a democracy and that should be obvious to any administration that cares about the voice of the people farewell said."
"Nicole and I are running to help heal the symptoms of an ailing America, to heal our divisions, to heal our economy, to heal our mental health and our spiritual and our physical health."
"Trump is better on the economy; job growth has been strong throughout his three and a half years."
"In an ideal world, the president would not be demanding this."
"We will send coronavirus packing in this country."
"He is without question the most powerful voice in our party."
"That's the real reason why Patrick Brown stepped down as leader of the Ontario PC Party."
"Time needs to, they need to spend some time on that. The first thing though is leadership and bringing the party together otherwise as has been happening it will rip itself apart from the inside."
"Speaker McCarthy and the majority of House Republicans must keep their word and secure passage of the support needed to help Ukraine as it defends itself. We are the indispensable nation in the world, let's act like it."
"Whoever succeeds me will have to find consensus in Parliament, where I have not. Such a consensus can only be reached if those on all sides of the debate are willing to compromise."
"Putin certainly triggered this war, isn't evil human, and is the face of Russian aggression against a sovereign state, but that's not the full picture."
"Florida is now the state with the most robust protections against foreign infiltration." - Governor Ron DeSantis
"Meyers isn't alone in his opinion that Trump made many blunders during a time when the United States needed the steady hand and calm mind of a capable leader."
"Give him all that he wants. Keep him informed. People still did think of him as important."
"We count ourselves obligated to lead this Democratic Evolution with sincerity, accountability, and unquenchable desire for a better Nigeria."
"As your president when they send me a bloating spending bill that's going to cause your prices to go up I'm going to take out this veto pen and I'm going to send it right back to them."
"Zelensky has reminded us of what political courage looks like and what freedom means."
"Many American lives will be saved thanks to President Trump and the great work of Operation Warp Speed."
"If peaceful unification can be achieved within 5 years, he would be willing to step down from his position as general secretary."
"A country is crying out for leadership, leadership that can unite us, leadership that brings us together."
"I am eternally grateful for President Biden's courage and commitment."
"When I was Your President we had peace through strength and now we have weakness conflict and Chaos."