
Astronaut Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"As astronauts, we have the best jobs in the galaxy."
"What we're looking for the astronaut core of today: science, engineering... That is where America's future is going to be won or lost."
"Just when I was a kid I wanted to be an astronaut like more than anything in the world."
"The job title of astronaut is one of the most exclusive jobs in the whole world."
"A calm born of proven competence... that's what astronauts do for a living."
"I'm Scott Kelly, retired US Navy captain and former NASA astronaut."
"Buzz Aldrin came out in a special on the Science Channel."
"Astronauts age ever so slightly more slowly than you and I do, just by being up there in orbit."
"Astronaut says that he saw a UFO. How could you not believe that?"
"That is what a NASA astronaut is: a team player who is dedicated to improving life for every citizen of our nation and our world."
"Buzz Aldrin desperately wanted that honor and wasn't quiet in letting it be known."
"Astronauts fear catastrophes occurring on Earth while they're in space."
"He's an astronaut. Well, the sky isn't even the limit."
"As much as I wanted to be an astronaut before I was 30, I was a much better astronaut getting in later having more life experience."
"You don't become an astronaut for your own aggrandisement; you do it for your nation or for the whole species."
"Hi, I'm Chris Hadfield, astronaut, fighter pilot, test pilot."
"They'll be specifically conducting a ton of human research programs focusing on astronaut health risks."
"While Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin explored the surface of the Moon astronaut Michael Collins stayed behind in orbit flying The Command Module and took one of the most famous photographs in human history."
"Bingo, you're brilliant. You may very well be an astronaut one day. Really? Wow!"
"But when you go on a space walk, you have to wear a diaper. You're in the suit for 12 hours."
"There’s a story about legendary astronaut John Glenn being asked by a reporter about what it felt like to be inside the Mercury capsule on top of an Atlas LV-3B rocket before takeoff."
"I'm an astronaut lady not a simp."
"He dreams of becoming an astronaut. Now he is there, one of the first on the lunar base."
"The word 'astronaut' means star sailor in its origins."
"This is your opportunity to be an astronaut."
"Jack was probably the most proficient command module pilot in the astronaut office."
"Apollo 14 astronaut Alan Shepard played golf on the moon."
"I think he's got a sound argument because, again, if you were actually at the International Space Station and Jordan's cheese and lettuce was floating away, even still, I think that if you were to stuff that into a bed of sour cream, even an astronaut could enjoy it."
"Someday I'll be an astronaut. I'll show my talent and shine as bright as that star."
"I was an astronaut, a NASA astronaut for 18 years. I flew in space two times, two missions on the space shuttle, both of those missions were missions to the Hubble Space Telescope where I was a space walker, so I got the spacewalk four times in my career at NASA."
"I mean, you could start off with something like this and there could be astronauts training for a moon mission."
"... as long as there's some air even weightlessness won't stop you from having a bit of fun on the ISS you would never have to deal with disgusting smells there's a specially trained person who smells everything astronauts take with them to space."
"... if you absolutely had to sneeze while in a spacewalk you'd have to bend your head downward and sneeze into your chest otherwise your visor would have to be equipped with tiny windshield wipers."
"My first guest today is a fantastic actor, he is also an astronaut."
"If you want to be an astronaut... It is purely a matter of deciding that's what you're gonna do and then just focusing on it."
"Astronauts get on board, they meet with a Starship in orbit around the moon."
"...one of the greatest moments of astronaut badassery in history..."
"See if he was to become an astronaut, he'd be the most famous person ever to come out of Hooterville, wouldn't he?"
"That's what 6 months of astronaut training will do for a guy."
"If you're in the International Space Station, you have a 90-minute day, and half the medication that astronauts take are downers at night to make them sleep and uppers during the day to make them awake because their circadian clocks are destroyed."
"Astronaut John Glenn performed it on February 20, 1962."
"And here comes the third member to egress the capsule, this is Aki Hoshide, some fist bumps and smiles from Aki, again after 199 days in space returns to Earth."
"they're just waiting for the call from ground to turn off that suit fan which is providing air to their suits"
"They really set the example for all the astronauts and really, you know, all humans."
"Buzz Aldren took a moment for personal and spiritual matters."
"He's going through that leak check now. They're testing the integrity of the suit prior to launch."
"An astronaut on the space station for 6 months will receive about 880,000 microsieverts worth of radiation."
"Who was the first man to step on the moon?"
"Who was the second man to step on the moon?"
"Her being a trained astronaut at least makes this scene plausible."
"Being an astronaut isn't just a profession; it's a calling."
"Staying in good condition is the duty of every active astronaut."
"Astronauts are not afraid during the launch simply because they knew they would be getting into this rocket from the moment they made their application."
"I always say when you're a part of the European Space Agency, the best job in the European Space Agency is being an astronaut."
"My name is Bob Hines. I'm the pilot for NASA's SpaceX Crew-4 mission to the International Space Station."
"He served as a NASA flight surgeon and then as an astronaut aboard Soyuz where he spent 141 days in space during Expedition 44 and 45."
"Jessica Watkins is one of our two mission specialists."
"Samantha Cristoforetti was born in Milan, Italy."
"The road to becoming an astronaut is long and extremely hard."
"I started dreaming about becoming an astronaut pretty early on. I was still in elementary school, I think it was."
"I'm really happy to see, I think I'm seeing Shannon Walker down the end of the hall there."
"Drunk girls know that love is an astronaut; it comes back but it's never the same."
"Neil Armstrong was one of my best sons and he still is an international hero!"
"It's an astronaut who's alone, like why not? This is like at the top of my list."
"Welcome back to Somerset, Astronaut Diaz."
"You're only 24 and you're an astronaut."
"Neil Armstrong's application to become an astronaut arrived at NASA a week after the deadline."
"Now every astronaut knows the risks going into a flight; it's not a job you get into and expect to be 100% safe."
"That's a cool one, the golden helmet astronaut."
"An astronaut's guide to life on Earth: what going to space taught me about ingenuity, determination, and being prepared for anything."
"This is awesome! I'm working on the truss like a real astronaut."
"It always ceases to amaze me the talent, dedication, and bravery of our astronauts and our foreign partner astronauts."
"The astronaut talks about an astronaut who accidentally lands on Earth but decides to settle down to stay with his loved ones."
"I was an astronaut; it's something I wanted to do my entire life."
"A hearty rendition of 'Happy Birthday' to astronaut Dick Truly, celebrating his 44th birthday today."
"From the time she was 9 years old, Diane had one dream in life: she wanted to be an astronaut."
"The Cygnus being launched tonight is named for NASA astronaut Kalpana Chawla."
"Space traveler's physical comfort is a priority."
"The suit teams work tirelessly to make sure all of our astronauts have a positive experience while wearing our spacesuits and ensures the highest level of safety."
"We are just seconds away from the fifth astronaut rotation mission to the International Space Station."
"People think that being an astronaut means that you never fail, when it couldn't be more the opposite."
"Wally Schirra was just as cool and as collected in that Gemini spacecraft facing dire emergency this morning as any man could possibly be."
"Orbiting 1,000 miles above our heads was a man, an officer of the United States Air Force, in a fuelless spaceship."
"Hello everyone, this is Adi, an astronaut from NASA."
"You can't make anything astronaut proof because astronauts get more ingenious every time."
"Space snake... he claimed that he observed the six to eight foot long eel or serpent-like creature on not one but two of his space flights."
"Being an astronaut means you have to do hard work."
"Buzz Aldrin came through with flying colors."
"The best protection for an astronaut in space is their skills."
"Out of all the three astronauts that landed on the moon, Buzz is definitely one of my favorites."
"When we think of man on the moon, most Americans, most folks think of Buzz."
"I always wanted to be an astronaut, and then I realized I wasn't very good at it because I have a fear of heights."
"An astronaut can be up to two inches taller returning from space."
"Break it down. What does an astronaut do? Explore. You know, you're an explorer."
"I think the number one thing you need to learn when you're an astronaut is how not to be claustrophobic."
"I'm astronaut Laura Hillman, and I got here on the Daedalus."
"The American astronaut David Scott famously brought along two different watches for the Apollo 15 mission."
"All you do is exercise and eat, exercise and eat around like an astronaut, that's so fun."
"You're going to say no to an astronaut? You're going to say no to the United States of America?"
"We're going to be doing some astronaut training."
"She is now a science astronaut candidate, training to one day conduct research in space."
"He's an astronaut, and he's on space right now."
"The Airman was also worn by Gemini 5 astronaut Pete Conrad in 1965."
"I've always viewed Neil Armstrong as like this superhero character."
"The mylar material helps keep an astronaut warm."
"The amazing thing about an astronaut's gloves is that they are made to fit each astronaut perfectly."
"Maybe I could be an astronaut one day too."
"Astronauts are encouraged to walk through supermarkets and find things they like because they get a personal selection of food."
"We have been called by a real life astronaut to help her do yoga in space."
"You need to be calm when you're an astronaut."