
National Debt Quotes

There are 104 quotes

"Interest expense on the debt is greater than the military spending."
"Spending money and printing money out of thin air has brought us to this very irresponsible place where we are 34 trillion dollars in debt."
"Our whole country owes them a debt, a debt that we can never fully repay."
"America's the biggest debtor nation in the world right now."
"We just crossed 31 trillion in national debt."
"We have a $34.5 trillion debt bubble in the United States."
"The United States has started spending more money in interest to cover the national debt than they are on defense."
"The national debt is a problem we need to deal with."
"U.S. national debt is roughly 28.9 trillion or roughly 230,000 per taxpayer."
"We're 33 trillion dollars in debt for one reason... we're doing it wrong."
"I made specific predictions...Obama will double the national debt, undermine our allies, and strengthen our enemies."
"Democrats do much better getting the deficit down, they've done much better getting the debt down and really we're making Investments so the debt we're taking on are good Investments that will produce yields in the future."
"Hamilton sees opportunity, arguing that the new federal government should assume the states' debts in order to unite the nation as one."
"Let's invest in our people without leaving them a mountain of debt."
"We have a $22 trillion dollar debt and I think Donald Trump thinks that he can get through the 2020 without a 5% cut."
"For this country to service 31 trillion dollars of debt it's going up... it is going to cost more money to borrow money."
"We are on an unsustainable debt path." - Jerome Powell
"Thomas Jefferson said it's immoral to pass debt on... to the next generation."
"Debt, the horrible debt that we have right now, is an enemy. It's an insidious cancer that's eating our country from the inside out, and we have to stop it now."
"You know, this fiscal responsibility act that just passed to extend the debt ceiling, we're going to see a two trillion dollar deficit again. We're going over 50 trillion dollars in debt in the next 10 years. That's the path we're on."
"This nation is borrowing money from China to stay alive."
"I think if America were out of debt on a normal basis, we would have more economic freedom and economic security."
"We had 11 trillion in debt. Now, we're at $30 trillion. That's more than twice as much debt just in the last 10 years than we did over the entire history of our country."
"Kenya currently owes China an estimated seven point nine billion u.s. dollars."
"Ethiopia has met a debt thirteen point five billion dollars."
"28 trillion 841 billion 673 million nine hundred seventy eight thousand six hundred fifty two dollars... the national debt of the United States."
"With a 30 trillion dollar debt, America can't afford to be the world's policeman."
"Every time we pass a bill, the national debt increases."
"Every fiat currency in world history has collapsed and there's no reason to believe that the dollar is safe from that, especially when we're $23 trillion in debt."
"Every country borrows; the key is how the borrowed money is invested."
"We were compromising the future for our children, our grandchildren, everybody who came, with our national debt."
"We're going to promise to borrow untold amounts of more debt into existence. Guess who's gonna front that all? Well, the Federal Reserve quite obviously."
"If we can stop the problem from getting worse, over the course of the next 50 or 100 years, the economy will grow enough that the current $150 trillion debt won't matter."
"Argentina is a great example of a country that's got good natural resources, it's got lots of exports, it's in a positive balance of trade, but it's got itself into a disastrous economic position by taking on far too much debt."
"If you're worried about how indebted the country is, you won't be happy to hear the government broke a new deficit record for the month of December: $144 billion dollars."
"The national debt hit a record 30 trillion dollars."
"We all owe Ukraine an unpayable debt of gratitude."
"Folks, the bond market is overlooking a soaring $2 trillion debt problem. There is no escape."
"Inflate relation, deficit spending, and our insurmountable national debt."
"The biggest threat to the United States is not terrorism, it's not weapons of mass destruction, it's not climate change, it's... our debt."
"Canada's debt is growing massively, spending is out of control, and Canadians are feeling the pinch right now."
"Our crippling national debt is an attack on future generations."
"Japan's debt is close to 240% of GDP almost a quadrillion."
"Every country in the world's in debt. They're in sin."
"We're going to fight our $34 trillion national debt crisis as well; this shouldn't be controversial, this is common sense."
"Question everything about where our money is going when we're at 31 trillion dollars in debt. That's a big problem."
"Our debt is absolutely uncontrollable because they're printing money and they're increasing the national debt."
"The US debt at over $34.6 trillion and climbing and hot inflation now derailing rate cut expectations."
"Our debt has already grown way faster than our GDP."
"This isn't anything new. People have been talking about a national debt crisis for decades."
"Canada has suffered for decades from bad finances."
"The interest on the debt will be three times what they spend on defense spending and 15% of what they spend on Social Security."
"That doesn't absolve America though of the debt just because people have died and generations have gone on."
"I think patriots should advocate for that debt to be paid and for this healing process to start."
"The levels of debt they've got as a percentage of the GDP of their respective countries is higher everywhere than it's ever been before."
"Interest on the debt has now eclipsed military spending. It's $870 billion this year alone."
"Nobody can look at our broken balance sheet, our unsustainable spending, and the debt that is now 33 trillion and climbing... and not shudder at the irreparable harm and the catastrophic consequences."
"Over 25 percent of the whole country's debt ever was added in just four years underneath former President Donald Trump, and ironically it's the Republicans who don't want to raise the debt ceiling."
"The burden of our national debt and the relentless grip of inflation have placed us at this critical juncture."
"Gold has soared past $2,000 an ounce... there's a direct correlation to the national debt and price of gold."
"The national debt is the accumulation of these yearly deficits; it's an enormous debt that we working people owe to the rich creditors, it's an upward redistribution to them."
"What would happen if the UK somehow paid off its national debt?"
"$5,760.74 is what the national debt is increasing every single second."
"National debt equals bad, that's why this talking point is in the video."
"The national debts were about 22 23 25 percent of income and now they're approaching a hundred."
"How can that be if their national debt is skyrocketing you would think they're getting riskier."
"We owe twenty trillion on top of it and we have no water."
"To every front-line worker, I offer the salute of a nation that is forever in your debt."
"The US is in the most debt it's been relative to their economy since World War II."
"What neither of these leaders wants to see happen is for America to default for the first time ever in its history."
"Let's weigh this very carefully because the future of our country in terms of the amount of debt that we're adding up is a matter of genuine concern."
"America is never going to pay its debts, it doesn't have to, it can simply print the money."
"We have the biggest budget deficits ever, we have the highest national debt ever, and people even have the highest amount of household debt ever."
"Most people would probably think that the majority of U.S. debt is owed to foreign countries when the truth is that most of it is owed to Social Security and Pension funds right here in the U.S."
"As long as we 'owe it to ourselves,' government debt can't possibly make the nation as a whole poor."
"The UK economy didn't implode on this weight of high debt but actually had the best four decades of economic growth in history."
"Government spending binges, not tax reform, has been the primary driver of U.S. sovereign debt to GDP."
"If we don't have a revolution in health care costs, we could consume and understand when you start talking about the total numbers here, you're talking about approaching 200 percent of debt to GDP."
"I'm against the debt. I think it really destabilizes America."
"Can anyone comprehend a national debt of 31 trillion dollars?"
"We all have budgets. I sometimes wonder about the U.S. Treasury; its budget deficit debt outstanding is now larger than any time since World War II."
"The national debt is a record of the number of dollars the federal government has created and spent into the economy and not yet taxed back."
"The national debt... it's literally the opposite; it's the dollars we have in our pockets that is the asset, the financial asset of future generations."
"We've lived beyond our means and then financed our extravagance on the backs of the American people."
"The U.S. has been enjoying very low interest rates on its debt; we have an enormous amount of debt, but the fact we're paying such low interest rates makes it manageable."
"The national debt is really nothing more than an accounting record."
"We will need to be on a path under which the ratio of national debt to national income declines slowly but steadily."
"The UK government has not borrowed that much since World War II."
"The U.S national debt is approximately 31.5 trillion."