
Fiscal Policy Quotes

There are 553 quotes

"Interest expense on the debt is greater than the military spending."
"Just because we stop spending money in Ukraine doesn't mean we're suddenly going to start spending money domestically."
"Taxation is like a tool. It's not good or bad to pay taxes or not to pay taxes; it's just a matter of whether or not the programs that you want are getting funded."
"You can't have it all; you can't have low taxes and have these entitlement programs and have this level of spending. It's impossible."
"If we hadn't been driving our economy with easy money, we wouldn't be having these problems now."
"The American Rescue Plan and the United States' fiscal response likely adding three to four percentage points to GDP this year."
"Inflation is a soul-crushing, job-killing tax on working Americans."
"There is fear that the bill is coming due, all that money that was being printed."
"I want my economy back. I want our national security back. I want our tax money to stay here."
"The overall recovery in economic activity since last spring is due importantly to unprecedented fiscal and monetary policy actions."
"The administration is committed to working with members from both sides of the aisle to address spending going forward."
"Now is not the time to count pennies. Now is the time to address these monumental crises."
"The idea of like a unified fiscal policy worked really well in the United States."
"The brinksmanship surrounding the debt ceiling and the failure of U.S. authorities to address medium-term fiscal challenges have raised concerns about the nation's creditworthiness."
"Fiscal responsibility is not about big government or small government; it's about being willing to pay for the priorities you want to spend money on."
"You don't blow a hole in the budget with an unnecessary and unaffordable tax cut for the very wealthiest."
"We're the only party that has said, 'Yes, we will run three modest deficits, because it's time to invest in Canada once again and give people the support they need.'" - Justin Trudeau
"The U.S. federal debt to GDP was 56% in 2000, now it's 126% and climbing."
"Monetary policy drives liquidity into the financial system, but fiscal policy drives liquidity into the hands of people."
"By the way, I actually agree that the way the government spends money or the manner in which stimulus is provided can have a huge impact." - Mike Green
"It is wrong to try and balance your budget on the backs of seniors who've worked so hard their entire lives for these benefits."
"If you want to talk about tax-related issues, I am all ears because capital gains taxes, I think, should be brought in line with ordinary income."
"Countries don't cut their way to economic prosperity; countries tend to grow their way to economic prosperity."
"I don't know why we have this debt limit. I wish we just get this thing behind us, pass this bill tonight, and this next week start working on getting rid of the debt limit altogether."
"We have to give Californians the relief that they deserve. The fact that we're at a $70 billion surplus... I've proposed the largest middle-class tax cut in California history."
"Your household finances are nothing like the multi-trillion dollar budget of an entire nation that can issue bonds, raise taxes, or literally print more money any time it wants to."
"I will not impose any tax increase on people making less than four hundred thousand dollars."
"The federal government should spend money on the things that it needs to keep the economy up."
"Zero dollars going to be spent on the border." - Pat
"Low taxes: People should have their money in their own hands."
"We have to remember who we are, what we are, and we've got to make things like tax cuts permanent. That has to happen."
"If America is having trouble financially, then why give billions of dollars to countries that don't even like us?"
"The equalization formula is unfair; we need to be less generous."
"If you can't tackle discretionary spending, you're not going to tackle mandatory spending."
"Government deficit spending is inherently a good until it's not there just like credit card spending is good until it's not."
"The promise of slightly lower taxes is very tempting, but it's a short-term reward that causes a bigger problem."
"Term limits, reigning in spending, cut the size of the federal government."
"I think smarter government spending is the answer."
"If we pass our American Rescue Plan, the economy would create 7.5 million jobs just in this year alone."
"Low inflation: the preeminent economic challenge of our time."
"Taxing the rich is the way out of today's crises."
"They just wrote a two trillion dollar cheque for that GOP tax cut."
"Mississippi's plan to get rid of the individual income tax is heading to the Senate."
"The Biden administration clings to the lie that more spending means lower deficits."
"Once expenses get above 100% of tax receipts, there's two choices."
"That's what I would like to see. All foreign aid cut. Every penny of it to every country. Take all of that money and use it to protect our own children. There's a radical idea."
"Cutting the deficit by gutting our investments in innovation and education is like lightening an overloaded airplane by removing its engine."
"We don't have to stop the growth of government, we just have to slow its growth. We could grow our way out of this."
"Some Republicans think we should have more money - that's okay, we'll take more money."
"There was a massive fiscal stimulus, but the key thing was through that whole period of that deflation is the US was pegged to gold."
"This legislation is fully paid for with its tax increase provisions in the bill raising 1.5 trillion dollars over 10 years."
"Our leaders just agreed to a plan that would spend roughly 400% more tax money on foreign countries than on securing our own country."
"Every dollar spent on the IRS is actually returning more dollars to the American government's coffers."
"This is why we're 31 trillion dollars in debt because of stuff like this. It's making the American people poorer."
"It's not clear to me that making spending cuts actually reduces public debt because ultimately public spending can be good for people, can be good for the economy, and when you cut it, you create a vicious cycle."
"Ossoff and Warnock hammered COVID relief throughout the campaign, especially at the end when McConnell blocked the $2,000 checks."
"I think you hit the nail on the head, man. If we didn't print five trillion dollars, maybe companies that should go bankrupt would actually go bankrupt because they can't run a business properly."
"If Donald Trump wants to go in there and actually make cuts, go get him."
"Raising taxes on the wealthy is one part of Governor Cuomo's proposal."
"We have a $22 trillion dollar debt and I think Donald Trump thinks that he can get through the 2020 without a 5% cut."
"But you know what they say now? Okay, he's building the wall but Mexico's not paying for it. Yes, they are. They are. They are paying for it."
"It's long past time the wealthiest people and the biggest corporations paid their fair share."
"Mitch McConnell, Steve Mnuchin, all indicated that they want to narrow the recipients of the second stimulus check to those making $40,000 or less based upon a 2019 IRS tax returns."
"We're talking about sending checks. The vast majority of which will be going to people who've had no loss of income whatsoever."
"We want to do a clean government funding bill and we'll deal with stimulus separately." - Mitch McConnell
"More fiscal relief is an urgent priority." - Federal Reserve President Bernard
"Mitch McConnell's proposal doesn't even come close to keeping jobless workers in their homes or stopping the economy from further backsliding." - Senator Ron Wyden
"We need to go big; there will be generational scarring of our economy."
"US hits the debt ceiling, risking severe consequences."
"President Biden reduced the deficit by close to, as you heard him, 1.7 trillion dollars. That's just a fact."
"Our government's approach is both fiscally responsible and compassionate."
"You want to reduce our deficit? Why not stop sending billions to Ukraine?"
"America, we have lost our story, we have lost our narrative, we have lost our North Star, and our out-of-control spending is freely only one part of it."
"A 10% increase in the size of government spending equals a half a percent to one percent reduction in economic growth."
"Trump's view is now more persuasive... until we fix the social problems, you're simply not going to fix the fiscal problems."
"So instead of addressing any of these problems our leaders responding in the one way they know how they're throwing more money at the problem and in the process devaluing the US dollar that we're going to desperately need to stay solvent."
"We need to save our economy and stop the inflation crippling American families."
"The debt ceiling is a symptom of Washington's spending problem."
"Another recession is coming not because I'm rooting for it because someone passed a giant tax giveaway to the rich."
"The Chancellor is keeping it constantly under review and is considering what more we might be able to do."
"It's amazing how tax cuts don't work until they take effect and then they really work."
"In the short to medium term, deal with collapse in demand by giving people up money money to spend."
"It's a winning issue for Republicans. Tax cuts are always popular."
"Get off that number, stop with tax and spend, this is about investing in a country that needs investment urgently."
"It's abundantly clear that there is more than enough in this country to finance all the expectations we do have."
"We're running a five billion dollar surplus."
"They actually attached spending bills to raising the debt limit."
"Some people have been scratching their heads trying to work out how the Tory party... is now saying let's turn the taps on."
"We're the third largest state in America. He's got a budget surplus. Why can't you treat teachers better than that? That doesn't make sense to me."
"We should be using fiscal policy... to make the country a stronger, more equal society."
"Republicans were standing firm on the debt ceiling."
"This isn't going to be anything like my predecessor whose unpaid tax cuts and other spending added nearly eight trillion dollars in his four years to the national debt."
"We passed massive tax cuts for working families."
"If you want to understand a country's priorities, look at where they spend their money."
"Passing the 1.7 trillion dollar Omnibus spending Bill – a massive win for the nation's future."
"Democrats are saying that there is more to come after this next stimulus package."
"Putting this money into the economy generates economic growth. It's not just you, you have a debt, you do, but it generates so much growth."
"They should have cut government spending is what they should have done, they should have eased the burden of government on the economy realizing that the economy was dealing with the burden of the pandemic so it needed less government."
"Bernie Sanders: 'There are some Democrats who want to lower the income eligibility for direct payments.'"
"Neil Kashkari: 'He's been calling for two thousand dollar checks until the end of this pandemic.'"
"Imagine just having another four and a half trillion dollars back in the economy going in directions that actually matter."
"The American people deserve to know the truth about the grave ramifications of passing this fiscally irresponsible liberal wish list."
"The only way this ends is Kevin McCarthy has to put the bill on the floor to allow a clean increase in the debt ceiling period."
"Helicopter money is essentially a piece of fiscal policy enacted by the government."
"Economists actually say that spending stimulus now... is a much better use of money than not spending."
"I think my taxes are a little too low and I don't think we needed the last round of tax cuts."
"Congress would be flirting with financial disaster if it leaves for the holiday recess without addressing the debt limit."
"I welcome the fact that the chancellor is very much using fiscal policy to try to address the structural issues in the economy."
"We should be looking at how to reform some of the property taxes but at the same time reducing the income tax."
"Done is you've basically passed a deficit neutral bill at best."
"It's welcome. I think the general response in terms of fiscal policy in terms of looking after workers has been better than the public health strategy so far."
"There will be bills unpaid if the debt ceiling is not raised."
"The Trump Administration definitely could have done better on spending by a lot."
"So if President Trump believes he doesn't need a new congressional appropriation, then what exactly has he been waiting for over the past couple of years?"
"You can't keep printing trillions and trillions of dollars and expect the dollars not to lose purchasing power."
"If you're earning a million pounds, this budget will make you 55,000 pounds richer."
"If he's doing this at cost, there's no profit. In theory, as he's arguing, it would be a better deal for the country and the taxpayers."
"The government's goal: continue spending beyond the 1st of January."
"Inflation is the economic equivalent of sugar, countries print it when they want short-term wealth, but it just destroys an economy in the long term."
"That's part of why we did need to boost funding for the IRS."
"But right now, with interest rates at historic lows, the smartest thing we can do is act big."
"We passed the largest tax cuts in the history of our country."
"Reckless spending which devalues our dollar, um is one of them."
"The dollar was destroyed not by bricks challenging the dollar but by America making the dollar unsustainable."
"In terms of policy, he managed to cut $2 trillion from the federal budget by giving corporations and the wealthy a massive tax cut."
"With a 30 trillion dollar debt, America can't afford to be the world's policeman."
"But don't be fooled by those who proclaim that spending cuts will deprive the elderly, the needy, and the helpless."
"This is not asking for a handout it's asking for our taxpayer money to actually go back to the American people and help us."
"It really is a false narrative that it is somehow compassionate to spend somebody else's money."
"So if the government runs a deficit, the private sector actually has more cash."
"I can't really see a good argument for giving money to the bureaucracy of Brussels in order for them to give some of it back."
"As a tax-and-spend liberal, that's totally fine to me. I'm totally ok with it."
"We are in a moment where so much money has been printed in such a short period of time."
"The US is in the hole by $34 trillion and yet we keep printing money."
"A border wall is an ineffective use of taxpayer dollars."
"Taxing corporations and wealthy people, just a bit more, you could do that and you'd probably get a lot of voters back on side."
"MMT is the theory for the times that are coming."
"How do you persuade somebody to accept higher taxes in that world, you know?"
"When you over stimulate an economy with excessive money printing, you're gonna produce inflation."
"If Nobelina wants to see a faster growth recovery then it seems to me she needs to cut interest rates more."
"We're going to have the payroll tax go till the end of the year."
"Our deficits are gonna explode through the roof in the coming years."
"None of this would be possible, Mr. President, if we weren't effectively operating this government with the printing press."
"We need an amendment to the Constitution to fix spending to a certain percentage of the GDP."
"Canada went into this crisis with a far better fiscal position than just about any other G7 country."
"There's nothing fiscally conservative about breaching the debt limit...it would be profoundly unpatriotic and Un-American."
"Policing is the number one area the voters want to see more spending in."
"Our lifestyle is changing and it won't continue to change. It's gonna have to change fiscally."
"Janet Yellen on fiscal sustainability: 'We need to get deficits under control to make sure that our fiscal situation is sustainable.'"
"Where do you land like do you line to a point where you know the economy grows at half a percent one percent no recession inflation is back to two and a half to three percent right?"
"Large stimulus support which Janet Yellen is already in favor of."
"It's become the billion dollar question: How big will the federal deficit be?"
"We threw so much money at this system there's still lingering effects from that but it's going away so fast." - Mike McGloan
"He repeats and repeats and repeats and repeats 'He who is first will be last, he who is last will be first.'"
"This package is on track to represent the most fundamental shift in supporting hard-working families over the wealthy in modern American history."
"Higher fiscal spending, higher debt to gross domestic product, higher investment spend in general."
"Half of all federal expenditures are three big programs: Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid."
"We do need to spend our way out of it and it needs to be significant money."
"Can you imagine spending 850 billion dollars on a thing and the next year if you don't spend even more your country is going to utterly fall apart?"
"If we can improve the economy and deal with the debt crisis, all this stuff will start to fix itself."
"They'll change the trajectory. They'll adjust rates, adjust payroll taxes, tax the wealthy. They'll still adjust corporate payroll taxes, adjust the corporate tax rate."
"Literally, by changing the corporate tax rate and taxing the wealthy by a few percent, they come up with 3.5 trillion dollars."
"Instead, they call on city and state to raise taxes on the app Airbnb."
"It's not about the spending, it's about the will to use it." - Economist John Cochran
"Even socialists run out of other people's money."
"By printing money governments can create an artificial boom but this must inevitably be followed by a bust."
"It turns out that there is [a way to fix this problem]. We could have a balanced budget within five years if we followed this recipe."
"I view policy tools and fiscal tools kind of like the two keys there when it comes to generating inflation."
"The debt has to be paid, whether it's through taxation, inflation, or hyperinflation."
"Governments can spend money... it has so far ameliorated the extent of what the downturn should be."
"We have a duty in article one to use the power of the purse responsibly."
"I'm for it as long as the taxes are going to the people who actually need it."
"Just print a coin that says a trillion dollars—oh look at that we got a trillion dollars."
"Running our economy at its full potential almost always requires the government's budget to be in deficit."
"Increasing taxes does not guarantee an increase in tax revenue."
"If you take away the punch bowl that America is it's in a very leveraged situation that's important."
"We balance the budget without unduly burdening New Yorkers with tax hikes or massive service reductions."
"Put money back in Pennsylvanians' Pockets right now when they need it most."
"If you're worried about how indebted the country is, you won't be happy to hear the government broke a new deficit record for the month of December: $144 billion dollars."
"We're paying more into the system than we get out of it."
"What really matters today is to have a fiscal union."
"The goal is not to increase taxes, it's to decrease taxes."
"Where are you going to cut it from? You know where he will take it out of. It’s coming out of health care and Medicare and Social Security."
"You cannot make a payment. All you can do is levy a tax. Everything is just a tax. It's not a payment. You can't pay anything because you have no money."
"Let's get rid of this idea that stimulating the economy can be too big because at the end of the day all this money is imaginary anyway so let's just give it to the people who need it."
"I'm not sitting here complaining about taxes you know the Trump tax cut that he put in place in 2017 added one and a half trillion dollars to the federal deficit so tax cuts in general are not great when you're spending a lot."
"You can't look at what's going on in cities in terms of violent crime and then say, 'What we really should do is keep going down the road where we're taking more money from the force.' It's got to stop."
"So even if you are a fiscal conservative, the argument that lowering the standards will somehow save everyone money holds absolutely no water. It's being Pennywise pound-foolish, actually it's just being pound foolish."
"When the economy enters a recession, you get larger budget deficits as a percentage of GDP."
"Money to the people is money into the economy."
"We're basically printing a trillion dollars in treasuries every year forever."
"Inflate relation, deficit spending, and our insurmountable national debt."
"Lifting the debt ceiling doesn't cost any money. It doesn't add any debt. It merely allows the government to pay the bills that Congress has already racked up."
"My instinct is hey let's figure out how to better use the taxes we're collecting."
"The politics of a bill that raises tax on the rich cuts the deficit cuts the cost of prescription drugs couldn't be better."
"It is imperative that congress act to increase or suspend the debt limit in a way that provides longer term certainty that the government will satisfy all its debt obligations." - Janet Yellen
"When income and spending outpace production, prices start to rise."
"The good news is Republicans have not bagged on the idea of a $1,200 stimulus check... we haven't heard any indications of Republicans saying no way not happening..."
"Republicans have not bagged on the idea of a $1,200 stimulus check... we haven't heard any indications of Republicans saying no way not happening..."
"So why don't we then use our brains instead of taxing people for driving a minivan?"