
Personal Salvation Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"My life was saved by rock and roll; my life was also saved by Russian literature."
"I felt very proud to be British. I felt very blessed and very lucky... music's been the saviour of my life."
"If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you."
"Woodworking saved me when I was casting about, drinking way too much bourbon, looking for meaning."
"The only thing that's ever fucking saved me, the only thing that's ever made it okay, the only coping skill I have that is just washed, is skateboarding."
"Strength is not enough to save those who don't want to be saved."
"My love for hip-hop was one of the outlets that saved me."
"You know you need Christ, you know you need forgiveness, you know you need his peace and his joy."
"Islam ended up being everything I wanted Christianity to be as far as authority and authenticity."
"Do you know Him? Are you sure that you know Him?"
"MMA fighting definitely saved my life. It saved who I was as a person too."
"Salvation is an individual journey, and on the day of judgment, your life will be examined as an individual."
"I realized that comedy was gonna save my life."
"When you give birth to that which is within yourself, what you bring forth will save you."
"What I confess, I possess. I confess Jesus as my Lord; I possess salvation."
"If you bring forth what is within you, what is within you will save you."
"When you trust the Lord Jesus as your Savior, everything in the Word of God that applies to us, also applies to you."
"I know for sure that love saves me, and that it is here to save us all."
"I found salvation in art when I was young and when other things were unsafe and dangerous..."
"Christ is present in his church as she offers in his name the sacrifice of the mass and as she administers the sacrament."
"Pray for his soul, Benedict's salvation is more important than anything else."
"I need Jesus Christ because I can't save myself, I can't redeem myself, I can't deliver myself."
"Education is the only thing that can save you."
"If the arts had not found me at that crucial time in my life, I don't think I'd be here. The way art saved my life for me, the only way for me to say thank you is by making sure I pass the torch."
"And I'm urging you not to say, 'I'll be damned,' but instead, 'I'll be saved.'"
"I think Ryan's basically my Jesus Christ, he saved me."
"Take heed unto thyself and unto thy doctrine; continue in them... for in doing this thou shalt save thyself and them that hear thee."
"People can love you, but they can't save you."
"Medicine was killing me and art was saving me."
"He saved me. It was me and him against the world."
"Nothing but bad things happen in my life except Nintendo. Nintendo saved my life."
"I know I've been there whether your answer is to open up that bible and to get a therapist whether your answer is to go do yoga do it all do it all do whatever you need to do to save you because trust us you are needed here and you are valued."
"Hip-hop means everything to me, man. It saved my life, my family's lineage."
"He saved me from myself just as much as he saved me from the world."
"I need salvation today from my heartache, I need salvation today for my worry."
"I need salvation today from my addiction, I need whatever it's a daily deliverance."
"So in a way wrestling did save my life and in a way thank you God in the universe um if you look back now in a way it helps shape and form and save my grandfather's life coming out of Samoa my Dad's life being a kicked out at 13."
"This is such an opportunity for people to save their own souls, what a gift!"
"I'm trusting in Jesus's sacrifice and nothing else to save me."
"If it wasn't for Faith No More, I wouldn't be here."
"You should still be able to talk to the person and admonish him as a brother."
"The one who is seeking salvation most of all is Vanitas himself."
"God deals with us as individuals I believe in that I believe in personal salvation but I also believe that it is equally a Biblical truth that God brings judgment upon Nations."
"This kind of music really was my savior."
"Life is spiritual and salvation is personal."
"So exactly what's going on before I save somebody else, I gotta save myself."
"Music was like a saving grace for me in a lot of ways."
"The only person that can and will ever be able to save you in those situations is yourself."
"Our savior, our Salvation, has been our garden."
"We are not doing this for Him, we are doing it for ourselves, you're doing it to save yourself."
"Battle rap saved a lot of people out, I know, and I'm definitely one of them."
"Every day that I show up, my life gets saved."
"You are the one that must save you."
"Gaming saved me in so many ways. If it weren't for gaming, I'd be getting in trouble."
"At the end of the day, salvation is for you individually."
"Music saved my life, and it still is."
"I feel saved like my life has been nothing but better."
"That song truly was a turning point because it saved me."
"The only person that can save you was you when you learn how to save yourself."
"If you would have been the only person, He would have come and died just for you."