
Industrialization Quotes

There are 323 quotes

"Norway was already a wealthy, heavily industrialized, democratic, and low-corruption state by the time that interest in the country's potential offshore oil and gas fields came around in the late 1950s."
"Socialism is a method that countries in the impoverished world have utilized to raise their people up out of poverty, to industrialize, and they've had quite a few success."
"It's ironic because you'd think the purpose of creating industrial civilization and technology would be that we can take it easy, but it's almost like some strange trip that's been foisted upon us."
"The industrialization of the 19th century separated the concept of practicality from the concept of the beautiful."
"The assumption that the industrialization of housing construction entails a decline in aesthetic values is erroneous."
"The Soviet Union was not just surviving but thriving with an emphasis on heavy industry, which was an absolute necessity for its industrialization."
"Brick making is one of those things. There used to be lots and lots of families that made bricks and now they're all made in a factory and squirted out by a machine."
"The industrialization of Africa could be one of the most important events of the 21st century."
"Life in a hive is astonishingly comparable to the industrial period of old earth: polluted, simple, often violent."
"China has been so successful at developing its industry that China is now today the world's leading manufacturer on Earth."
"Germany is represented with a choice: You can remain industrialized but be neutral on Ukraine, or we can cut off the energy."
"The horrific scale of World War One, the vast numbers of men killed, none of it would have been possible but for that marvel and symbol of the industrial age, the railway."
"Industrialization, or the investment in machines over human labor, only makes sense in systems where human labor is expensive enough that spending capital on a machine to replace it is a worthwhile investment."
"Japan underwent a huge transformation, including radical industrialization and looking to put itself on the world stage."
"Australia began the modern era of industrialization from a far, far lower population base than any other of Earth's inhabited continents."
"The industrialization of space I think will be one of the great economic booms of this century."
"So Stalin took over, he implemented his five-year plans, which transformed the country from an agriculture-based economy to an industrial one."
"By the time of the Magi Emperor's death, Japan will have transformed itself from a backwards feudal society into one of the world's great Powers."
"The economy industrialized quicker than any society ever industrialized."
"The creation of new human life is one of the last human-associated processes that has not yet been industrialized or fully commodified. It remains an Act of Faith, joy, and hope."
"The CFA Franc is a barrier to industrialization and structural transformation."
"Britain fought a profoundly industrial war, a war of factories, technology, and science."
"Joseph Stalin would aim to turn the Soviet Union into a modernized industrialized country and he wanted it done rapidly."
"Land reforms supercharged agricultural output and set the stage for Taiwan's industrialization."
"Every country in the world started the industrial revolution with RMG."
"Taiwan's story of transitioning from an agrarian economy to a low-cost manufacturing center and then finally on to becoming an advanced Center of world leading Industries is not unique."
"China is still in a process of transition from what it was as an empire into what it's becoming in an industrialized globalized world."
"It's building those Industries which is Somalia's best chance of Never regressing Back to the Lawless Anarchy it was just a decade ago."
"Before Lenin, the country was very far behind the rest of the western world in terms of industrialization, education, and modernization."
"We're getting into the industrial age; I think we're starting to industrialize."
"Modern wars, they're not won by battles. They're won by factories."
"The bourgeoisie has created more massive and more colossal productive forces than have all preceding generations together."
"For the first time in history, mankind had industrialized mass murder."
"South Korea is a country that wasn't industrialized at all, certainly wasn't globalized when it got independence from the Japanese."
"Japan aimed to defend its interests by rapidly industrializing and forming alliances."
"Lead the Industrial Revolution where the path you choose will define your world."
"Perfect mathematically precise absolutely totally industrialized system is incompatible with the human spirit."
"Industrialization created 'the labor problem' as mechanization diminished opportunities for skilled workers."
"In whichever field these changes were taking hold, with industrialised techniques replacing traditional practices, something very precious was being lost."
"Many of these immigrants flooded the burgeoning cities, as America shifted from being an agrarian rural nation to being an industrial, urban one."
"And, by 1913 the United States produced 1/3 of the world’s total industrial output."
"The art of watch and clock making in America helps start the Industrial Revolution, setting standards for mass production and interchangeable parts."
"Anno 1800... grappling with industrialization."
"The spice is able to provide higher consciousness, but it becomes an industrial commodity."
"How do we make it ourselves? That is the beginning of all industrialization."
"It's really economic opportunities in industrial jobs that are bringing people to the cities."
"Napoleon III in fiction: 'I'm the worst version of Napoleon.' Napoleon III in reality: 'I highly industrialized my country, made numerous reforms, intervened in the Crimean War, and made Paris the city we know today.'"
"Both America and Britain recognize that they are part of a joint enterprise of exploitation and industrialization."
"Germany rapidly became industrialized; their economy grew quickly, becoming the largest in Europe."
"The crisis is caused by our industrial production system, but most people in our society don't have a lot of contact with that system."
"The march of progress was certainly pronounced during the industrialization of the 20th century."
"War was deadlier than ever and fully industrialized."
"Africa is a continent of great opportunity in industrialization process..."
"When the Industrial Revolution happened in Britain, it changed the world."
"The mechanization and industrialization of life, turning us into mindless drone robots."
"Stalin was responsible for the industrialization of Russia."
"There's something about industrial society that's remarkably productive."
"What China is doing is what made America rich in the 19th century."
"Nothing is a better symbol of this incredible industrial mobilization than the Sherman."
"Once you move to sectional construction and welding, you can speed up the construction of simpler ships very, very quickly."
"This combination of quality and quantity meant that we industrialized the product of flour."
"The Gilded Age was a period of rapid change in America, industrialization, immigration and economic growth."
"While workers celebrate and drink champagne the machines finally fall silent."
"America made the greatest strides in terms of harnessing these new technologies. It's on the back of the Industrial Revolution."
"Manchester became known for its industrial might and as a beacon of innovation."
"...you have this duality in demand between an asset that's experienced a monetary Renaissance and all of the ever-increasing industrial and military uses."
"Our economic policy is focused on doing away with feudal remnants, protecting national capital, and industrializing the economy."
"China came out of the Dark Ages and produced gargantuan amounts of stuff for unbelievably trivial wages."
"Symbolic of America's rise to power and Japan's Resurrection from the ashes of war, the work in motion on moving assembly lines around the world is a testament to the ingenuity, courage, and hope of its designers, engineers, and workers."
"Entire planets turned into giant factories, in Forgeworlds & Industrial Planets."
"Most powerful of all were the magnates and business leaders who harnessed the booming industrial economy to amass staggering fortunes."
"The Industrial Revolution: a seismic shift in Humanity's existence, altering the Western World."
"What framed the 19th and 20th centuries actually bears a very simple name: coal, oil, and gas."
"The suffering of the poor in Victorian England was directly caused by their employers."
"Forget the 2,000 years since the Romans started formalizing farming, in the two centuries since Colt Hall wrote those words, we've had over a century of industrialized farming on a colossal scale, completely destroying any evidence of those countless simpler graves."
"The watch, like a car, is maybe the most important industrial product made in the past Century."
"After this dramatic success, Westinghouse was prepared for his greatest challenge-- competing head-to-head with Edison for the right to build the largest power plant in the world. Niagara Falls."
"As industrialization took root during this period, the middle and upper classes had much more disposable income than ever before."
"It's a true symbol of China's growing industrial power and a marvel of engineering."
"The human alarm clocks of yesteryears, knocker-uppers played a pivotal role in bustling industrial cities."
"Hyperbole in 'Hard Times' serves as a rhetorical device to emphasize the dehumanizing effects of industrialization and capitalism on individuals."
"At the heart of it all was the simple concept of mass production, a concept that dominates our world to this day, concept first proven here."
"'Last night at 11 o'clock the factories fed from the waters of this Majestic River were in full operation, and at 12 o'clock the water was suddenly shut off.'"
"If industrialization had been accompanied by a compassionate use of accumulated wealth and an emphasis on the dignity of each individual man... the industrial revolution would have been a revolution for good indeed."
"Mass production techniques... transformed their lives."
"One of the amazing things about the Industrial Revolution is that right from the beginning, the beneficiaries have been the poorest people within economies in Europe and in America."
"The beneficiaries of the Industrial Revolution have been the poorest people within economies in Europe and in America."
"The great gainers from the Industrial Revolution have actually been the workers."
"Even unskilled workers were the biggest beneficiaries of growth since the Industrial Revolution."
"Is it too late is it industrialized and you know that's it?"
"The birthplace of the Industrial Revolution: the United Kingdom."
"It was a great mind supplying half a hundred worlds with cheap alloy steel aluminum titanium copper magnesium returning in this way what it had collected over thousands of years depleting its supplies at a rate hundreds of times faster than the original rate of accumulation."
"In 1945 at the end of the Second World War, the only serious industrial power in the world which had not had its industry destroyed, the only one was the United States."
"Industrialization produces expanded markets, a new division of labor, and new social classes."
"it was not until the 1891 public health act was introduced that industrial businesses started to adopt methods to reduce smoke and pollution."
"Education system is still dominated by an industrial age theory of creating cogs for a machine."
"Our jobs, our cars, our TVs, our clothes, much of our food and even our vacation travel are provided for us by modern industrial enterprise."
"The Black Country seen as the start of the Industrial Revolution, but it's made up of lots of tiny, tightly knit little communities."
"Most of the Industrial Enterprises on the planet after the Clone Wars ended would basically pack up and leave."
"Tolkien was deeply concerned from his early childhood about the process of industrialization, in large part because he saw it as a reflection of human corruption."
"They had a vision which was a brilliant vision for the industrialization of venture."
"Andrew Carnegie had found a way to mass-produce cheap steel and was fueling the growth of a nation."
"It's very disappointing to see, especially when there are certain specialized areas in the world that produce something right but these hyper-industrial methods kind of come into them and penetrate with far cheaper commodities."
"Understanding energy trends is vital as countries industrialize."
"The Industrial Revolution dramatically increased productivity and living standards in Western Europe."
"Stalin's first Five-Year Plan aimed to dramatically grow heavy industry to catch up with the West."
"It was a tremendous engine for what became arguably the most prevalent idea of the entire nineteenth century in America, and that's the notion of progress." - Professor David Blight
"In the 18th century, a momentous change was sweeping across Britain as agriculture gave way to industry. A new phenomenon was born: the modern factory."
"The Civil War was like the first modern war where people started out like the...yeah, like where was industrialized, yeah, like railroad [ __ ] like that."
"Frost's poem serves as a reflection on society's detachment from nature and the dehumanizing effects of industrialization."
"This part of Bermondsey became known for its tanneries. It was a pretty stinky old area here."
"If you imagine that what you're doing is you're moving back up the curve, right, shifting out of agriculture and into industry, right, and you're not increasing your agriculture output much, then pretty soon you're gonna choke off your growth."
"Without that overseas trade, you couldn't have kept early industrial growth going, and history is full of earlier examples of spurts of growth that weren't sustained."
"This is visually as different as can be of course from the plantation houses that have survived, but in spirit plantations were the giant industrial sites of their day."
"So Manchester in the 19th century was a city exploding inside, spreading out rapidly, teeming with industry and the excited energy of early stage capitalism."
"Food has been industrialized and unfortunately has been made into a product and it's no longer food anymore."
"There was a time when industrialization was seen as the be-all and end-all of human achievement."
"Our technology can be built locally and industrialized right off the bat."
"Another downside of industrialization was and still is the environmental effects."
"Large scale Renewables that can pump their energy directly into some sort of industrial application."
"The self-destructive potential of industrial society is the defining issue emerging from the post-World War II period."
"The arrival of industrialization is the single most important geological event in the history of Earth in the last 250,000 years."
"Areas of the world that are most industrialized have the highest rates of disease."
"Industry, the destruction of trees... he's against the industrial revolution wholesale."
"The ship was of course a tool but not a craft tool produced by one man. It was an industrial tool mass producible and operable only by large numbers of highly skilled craftsmen."
"The wheel is the basis of civilization. It's also fundamental to industrialization."
"Vietnam is moving into industrialization whereby people want convenience."
"In the 1960s, the Park Chung-hee government sought to promote growth in various Industries with the heavy and chemical industrialization promotion policy."
"...trying to figure out a way to do this development to industrialization to make our money without wrecking the environment at the exact same time."
"By 1950, Los Angeles was an industrial and financial giant created by war production and migration."
"Elliot Springs realized that he would have to modernize to keep his mills going. That would be his next step and it would require all of his skill and courage."
"Germany, since its unification, particularly since late 1800s, had been an industrial giant."
"Burning coal wasn't new but for centuries it had only been gathered in small quantities from shallow pits."
"Coal was the principal factor in the creation of a rail network."
"Our modern way of life did not happen overnight. We needed a lot of energy along the way, starting with coal."
"Demand for more steam engines meant demand for more iron and more coke."
"The democratization of energy created new cottage industries which flourished in the 1600s and that would persist for centuries."
"Soon there were almost 200 factory chimneys on the Dundee skyline."
"This is the process in which the majority of the working population moves from agricultural jobs to tech and industry and moves from the countryside to the cities."
"The Soviet industrialization campaign was not one for improving the lives of the people but rather to improve and enhance its military potential."
"Charity became all but industrialized."
"The next four years would bring about some of the greatest industrial achievements the world has ever seen."
"London being one of the world's first cities to undergo the industrial revolution."
"It's magic, it's industry, it's what Saruman gave up magic so he could become part of the industry."
"Half the human race today are far better off than our ancestors were before we began the Industrial way of life."
"The story of smokestacks in Chicago mirrors that of New York and cities worldwide."
"The Industrial Revolution was without a doubt a game changer that launched the UK into global dominance."
"One of the first generals that really took advantage of the industrial might of his country."
"Industrialization is starting to creep in places like Braavos."
"...the speed at which the human population has been reproducing over the past 200 years is unnatural...a result of industrialization, a result of agriculture...advances in medicine."
"The high culture of Bengal was brought about by rapid industrialization under the British."
"The Men Who Built America... they were fighting to build an industry, not to sell a product."
"The sudden wealth of widespread industrialization and increasing curiosity in distant lands announced the dawn of a new era."
"We accumulated a lot of cash between 1978 to 1995... the only way for us is to industrialize."
"The Industrial Revolution... was an industrial Britain powerhouse during the Victorian era."
"We're industrializing our operating model and we're flattening our organizational structure."
"The key elements of an entirely new landscape emerged: the cotton mill, the narrow canal, the integrated ironworks, the Turnpike Road, the steam engine."
"The Industrial Revolution also began in the 18th century and lots of people moved into cities like London to work in factories."
"The 10-year delay, a disaster for most projects, actually ensured the Canal's future success within an increasingly industrialized Britain."
"We are investing heavily in public infrastructure; if you are going to achieve the goal of being an industrious country, you need efficient, more reliable transport."
"Investors also expected that the country would industrialize... and they were absolutely right."
"It paved the way for the great industrial power of the United States in the 20th century."
"The Industrial Revolution spread initially from Great Britain to neighboring European nations."
"The age of mechanical production, the age of the machine, moving from hand making things to the machine."
"The rapid urbanization that accompanied the Industrial Revolution increased pollution, poverty, crime, public health crisis."
"Industrialization redefined civilization; every aspect of your life is a product of that industrialization."
"Industrialization meant that the worker could now produce far more goods than previous generations."
"There's no evidence that people in industrialized societies are happier than people in non-industrialized societies."
"The Japanese example was very important but it isn't the only thing and I think the desire for industrialization was just so widespread and so widely shared amongst the intelligencia."
"The one thing that they really got... was export-oriented industrialization."
"Industrialization helped to improve living standards but also created some geographic unevenness."
"As a country becomes more industrialized, regulations will improve, sanitation improves, hygiene improves, so water quality will improve."
"Europe is undergoing very rapid industrialization and urbanization, so people's lives in some cases are being changed from these ground forces."
"Ironbridge, the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution."
"Iron is the taproot of our material civilization."
"Copper is vital to our modern way of life; it's one of the building blocks of making our world as industrialized as it is."
"Our education system... has made the education system into an industrial process of turning out certain kind of products."
"The world's largest and most devastating environmental and industrial project is situated in the heart of the largest and most intact forest in the world, Canada's boreal forest."
"It was the American Industrial Revolution which came into full flower after the Civil War."
"If India remains a democracy and becomes an industrial democracy, then our way of life is secure."
"The industrial economy boomed and the country's wealth grew, creating successful growth in industrialization."
"He witnessed the boom of the industrial revolution unfold before his very eyes: the chimneys, the factories, the blood, sweat, and tears."
"Money made this country, built its great inglorious cities, created its industries, covered it with an iron network of railroads."
"Britain was the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution."
"The Industrial Revolution in the US began in 1760 and lasted all the way until 1840."
"Industrialization brought jobs to towns and cities but also overcrowding and squalid living conditions."
"Undoubtedly, slavery was an enemy of industrialized production and a system that had to be abolished."
"...everything that's going on around that and the wealth of social criticism, social awareness, and examination of industrialization that takes place in North and South."
"...it is in my opinion one of the greatest books ever written, the greatest love story ever written also with fascinating explorations of industrialization and economy and with brilliant social criticism throughout."
"The industrial revolution has been a disaster for the human race."
"It is industrialized killing on a scale never before encountered in the realm of human conflict."
"Germany has entered into being an industrial giant at the turn of the century."
"The four years of conflict that made up the U.S Civil War were characterized by industrialization, poor leadership, and enormous bloodshed."
"War has changed; it's because they have turned war into an industrial process."
"The idea of a world so industrialized, so dominated by human engineering that its citizens rarely see true sunlight is a fascinating one."
"The explosion of industry during the 1920s is the prime reason why the period gets its namesake the roaring 20s."
"I came to an understanding maybe 10, 15 years ago that that kind of industrial society was wiping out life on Earth."
"One of the biggest losses of the industrial revolution and the transition to the current world we are living in is that of easily accessible community."
"Her reign was to be a period of great industrial, cultural, scientific, and political change."
"I love factories, I love mechanization, I love seeing the human interaction with the parts and where they come from."