
Personal Habits Quotes

There are 358 quotes

"Some of these self-care habits are things that I've been doing for years and years, and others are more relatively recent additions to my life, but they all truly do make me feel like a better person."
"The first four habits that help me handle hard times are: keep my life clean, keep my eyes open, keep my purpose firm, and keep my heart grateful."
"You can pick your sleeping habits and also your cleaning habits."
"Everything about our lives is the product of our own personal habits."
"I'm very organized and I like to make sure everything's done the night before as much as possible."
"Were you eating shrimp in bed? Yeah, well yeah."
"Jerry always defends whatever lame stuff he's doing, whether it's a puzzle or communicating with his subconscious self."
"I spent the last six years in my pajamas programming in my room, not standing in front of a lot of people."
"Joe Biden for his entire position... was a copious recordkeeper, notetaker, diarist."
"She does an F with public restrooms during a pandemic." - Kristen Bell
"There's just something that's extra satisfying about writing things down yourself."
"I like making lists and crossing them off. It makes me feel like I'm getting stuff done."
"Improving yourself, you don't want to jerk off too much. You feel like it's hurting your life. I got no issues."
"Cooking means something I don't often do, but people might." - Simon
"I've spent many many years trying to figure out like how I like to eat and I realized I like to eat the best food in the world every single day but I don't like to spend more than five or ten minutes cooking so this is basically how you do that."
"Disney Dream my Valley... changed how I approach gaming on a day-to-day basis."
"My wife makes fun of me 'cause she catches me watching the videos all the time."
"Just by doing that, we now know that your immune system is going to get stronger."
"Habits just are, and then we get to decide if they align with where we want to go."
"Simple facts of the matter: I have four kids, I have a dog, I'm up at all hours of the night, I need Black Rifle coffee in the mornings."
"You don't have to be a thug to make music. Yeah, you don't have to be a killer to fit in."
"Renew yourself, shedding old habits for growth."
"Anything that interferes with it it kind of throws me off."
"The new world that we are building is going to involve both changes in our workplaces and changes in our personal habits."
"The country is on fire. What can I do to reduce the heat?"
"My favorite scene in that film is when he's beating his shins with bamboo sticks and listening to metal music. That's how I go to bed."
"I hardly ever come in here except maybe just sneak up a bar of uh candy when I'm feeling really low energy."
"I sympathize with Ben's need. Hummus right out of the tub because I do the same thing with tzatziki."
"He's completely unavoidable somehow the world's richest and busiest man finds time throughout his day to shitpost."
"His habit of lending money to friends and his gambling issues didn't help either."
"I did not need the lock... I'm just going to normalize putting my phone down somewhere where I'm not for a couple hours a day."
"In this day and age still has an alarm clock of one of those big old school alarm clocks next to your bed I don't know if y'all still using those not me."
"He's just you might be good now but I left I left the house because I was like I can't hear the same song over and over I left took a shower took a [ __ ] and shaved came back I was like change the [ __ ] tune bro."
"If I were to leave a little smarmy trail behind me, I would be able to come through with a mop and clean it up."
"Yeah, I felt that way yesterday because it was up at a ridiculous o'clock for me, which is like 11 A.M. Come nine, I was yawning."
"Sleep is for the people that sleep. I don't. I love sleeping, but yeah, it's sometimes like, especially there's a couple nights in a row where Star Hopper was going until like 3:00 or 4:00 or 5:00 a.m. or something. I don't even remember."
"Stop looking at what everybody else is doing... ask yourself two years from now when you think about where you want your company to be, what habit do you have to change right now?"
"The struggle in the Christian life is to surrender habits to Christ."
"There's no way I'm gonna normally wake up at six or seven every morning. I can't rewire that, but maybe I get up at 8:00 AM every morning."
"Porridge for me is my go-to breakfast and I have to have it to start my day off correctly."
"My mom says she never throws anything out without asking me, but I'm just like, where are notebooks one and two?"
"Going to the gym would Lally just like really make me a morning person."
"Hiya! I think it's cute. I love it. I do it all the time now. That's my go-to greeting."
"Cheeky is fun to say and so I say it, and now I can't stop saying it."
"Physically you can't really tell anything on me, but the question is, did I consume alcohol? The answer is yes."
"Neymar loves his protein shakes or what he likes to call them magic potions."
"Don't be afraid to be a nutcase and go to the gym at 1:00 a.m. because you were... your schedule was a little bit tricky."
"Waking up early has changed my life so much."
"More of the story reading is a pretty good habit."
"I don't eat perfectly... I'm never going to eat perfectly. Let's be realistic."
"I'm just trying to do a thing where, like, I go out like once a week or something just to make sure that like... it's like I was out the other day eating and I was like, 'Oh [__], it's nice to be out with you.'"
"I enjoy being up first. I like it. It's partly to signal to myself, 'Rich, you're more important than all of this.'"
"I've never felt completely safe in a home without doing a complete search before bed since."
"It's natural to think that working harder yields better results but sometimes that's not the case. I personally like doing less work. I am lazy as [ __ ]."
"You keep doing what you've always done, you'll get the same sh*t."
"I love to keep my hands clean and I don't like to touch my face with dirty hands."
"The reasons why I'm successful in certain parts of my life are because I have unknowingly cultivated atomic habits."
"You always bring it on and no surprise this habit is based on a concept I've been teaching for going into my third decade called the five AM Club."
"Have you played your console since you've purchased it a few times?"
"He constantly brags about not showering, like that's his one thing."
"I used to wash like in high school every day."
"I'm actually most productive at night is the truth."
"I'm not a morning person, okay listen, I like to start my morning slow."
"My husband and I watch GMM every night after work, married eight years."
"I'm gonna be like wow he's up nice and early today or it's like okay he hasn't gone to bed yet and I won't see him for three days."
"Create reset rhythms in your life... giving yourself a clean slate regularly is so powerful."
"Put something positive out there, put some love out there, and if you're Cody Hall, enjoy a turkey sandwich."
"This is more apt in my life because I did eat All-Star meals for like a month."
"I'm addicted to picking at my face honestly at this point like we gonna just take a day by day."
"I'm still going to eat meat but it's interesting to see alternatives."
"I've never deep cleaned more in my entire life."
"The two reportedly drank so frequently at one pub in London that the landlord renamed it to the 'Czar of Muscovy.'"
"Even if I had all the money in the world, I would never stop the way that I shop now." - Tiffany
"It's a pattern I keep of me. I always do a little extra."
"If you find yourself repeating bad habits because of the people around you, you need to cut them out of your life."
"The dude was living like a bachelor for a week, I would bet a million dollars that he knew Opie liked the house clean."
"I need music, anything I do I need music, it's just the moods of Mellow."
"I've never woken up and had the urge to drink."
"I feel like whenever I don't know what to draw, I just need to get through a drawing really quickly, I revert to like the same maybe five characters."
"Journaling and daily reflecting are important for me."
"These are just books I want to read... Does anyone else do this with books?"
"The first minute I think, first five minutes of your morning are the most important of your day."
"Overconsumption is something that I think about all the time."
"It's just kinda fun to track this stuff, I don't know why guys I think I have a problem."
"That's the way the way I'm used to its dance dancing."
"Already checked, because I'm not really a morning person, so to speak, but I do travel super early, that is news."
"Sleep naked, oh I see, if I'm on the road, no I take that back on the tour bus, I sleep in sweatpants."
"Of money I only do things if I can gamble on them like I don't find a lot of pleasure here's what's interesting about me Tom."
"You should drink it. I mean, the minimum I drink is a gallon."
"Bernie still clearly enjoyed spending Marjorie's money."
"Getting your castle in order is about you, really developing good habits with yourself that are based on feeling good."
"This full moon just illuminates your own habits and shows you what you need to change."
"I'm a huge subscriber of stealing from any place I go if it's free."
"Now if I stay home, I'm like I'm too comfortable."
"My morning coffee has nothing to do with caffeine, nothing, zero."
"Every single year for the past three years I have marked the arrival of spring with a fashion mumbler spring edit."
"I had a drawstring bag, it was a lot of Axe Kilo, like an unhealthy amount."
"Another thing that I like to do is I like to walk from one end of the apartment to the other."
"Yeah, I feel like you're very paranoid about coffee making you poop so I feel like you're very hesitant with coffee."
"I ingest a lot of weed, but I don't think people know quite how much I ingest."
"I don't negotiate with my sleep. I sleep 10 p.m to 6 a.m, very important to me."
"I actually asked him afterwards why were you doing that and he said 'oh I just like to do that at that corner totally totally brushed it.'"
"I got called out by Weezy so bad. She said, 'Adam, I know you don't wash your hands after you pee.'"
"When he lifted his leg three times, it's always Karen."
"If you're not getting any exercise, if your sleep schedule is arbitrary or all over the place, then I would fix that first."
"I think one thing that's worked for me is just leaving the credit card at home."
"Just realized I don't really ever get people presents do I."
"Days like these are why single malts were invented."
"If you are a smoker it should not be apparent to your client."
"I've never regretted a run, going to bed early, eating healthy, because it always makes you feel better."
"Before social media, I used to play a ton of video games and watch way too much TV. But now, when I'm not doing that, I'm looking at my phone screen instead."
"I'm awake now because I've been chugging a couple of these, and caffeine is a wonderful terrible thing."
"I never sweat eating. You're right, yeah, this is very strange."
"Once I started working out, I do it too much. I started growing vegetables, I do it too much. 'Cause, you know, once I do something, I just do it."
"You won't find him down on sunset or at a party in the hills."
"He doesn't drink, he doesn't smoke, he's got a clear mind... to have a clear head at all times."
"The way you step out of the machine is all five of these habits."
"You need to feel good before anything, and then you're going to learn rudimentary basic habits."
"I've always been such a picker and I ruined my skin, I ruined my face."
"I might listen to music now, but in my heyday, I did not listen to music."
"I think about it all the time, I even make lists for it."
"John D. Rockefeller became well known in his later life for the practice of giving dimes to adults and nickels to children wherever he went."
"Flexing is so weird to me, like I'm the person who just chucks a bag anywhere."
"I cannot even go down the grocery aisle where they have the boxed cereals or cookies."
"Oh my God, bro, that's how much soda I drink in like a week."
"I think a realistic resolution that combines the yoga Bible study meditation and the unplugged time ten minutes a night no phone."
"I wish you could see him when he goes by the refrigerator, opens it up and he wants like, he loves to have arugula and he'll just eat it out of the bag."
"I love lists. I make a list for everything like pros and cons lists. It's the greatest part."
"I literally don't play Fortnite at all. I don't... I don't play Fortnite. I don't."
"I'm able to just eat what I like stay obviously on track with my diet but not go overboard on either side."
"Faithful is like for a man. It's extremely healthy but every now and then, he wants some Popeyes chicken."
"This kind of feels like a fresh start in some kind of ways."
"To help me focus I got myself some boba because I am boba trash."
"Twitter is always the best way to actually get a response out of me."
"My victory dance is a can of coke and a fucking bag of peanut butter in the nose, straight up."
"Deal with it. I just don't like the confines of a bathroom."
"I never could get seven hours of sleep even."
"When you take that final turn into your driveway instead of opening your garage, pulling inside of your garage, and then shutting behind you."
"She just liked getting married, didn't like getting divorced." - A succinct observation revealing the complexity of human relationships and the patterns we perpetuate.
"It's no wonder you're getting some of the outcomes that you don't desire because it has everything to do with your routines, it has everything to do with your rituals, it has everything to do with your habits."
"I hope y'all got some I don't really do New Year's resolutions um New Year resolutions because I usually don't stick to them but I do."
"Steven learned a huge lesson about biting his nails..."
"I eat oatmeal with protein powder, it's the greatest."
"You know, you always had giant bags of edible gummies and giant bags of like beef jerky in your bag."
"Not going on my phone first thing in the morning has honestly changed my life."
"I have no idea what's in these... I take them with me everywhere I go but I don't know what's in them."
"You touch you touch clean limes in a clean surface area so now that's where my mouth stretches."
"I went out quite a bit and drank quite a lot."
"When I talk to God, it's usually when I feel attacked or when I feel like it's been a while since I've prayed. It's not an everyday thing for me."
"That's not going to be that sustainable for you long term."
"I'm so black I gotta have one in the side of my cabin and then one in my hand when I talk to my Vegas."
"I think Mr. Depp always had a cigarette or joint in his mouth at all times."
"Surround yourself with five smokers and you'll be the sixth. Surround yourself with five people who work out and you will be the sixth."
"I obviously put the cereal in first because I'm not a fucking lunatic."
"Mitchell's relationship with smoking reflects the shifting attitudes..."
"Bowen is so keen on studying, he's gone to bed with the book."
"The way I play Pokémon games literally hasn't changed."
"It isn't even malicious, once she began this habit, perhaps prompted by her mother, of keeping a journal, it became a habit for the rest of her life."
"Sometimes I'll go in there and I'll just like take five bottles of water and six bags of chips and throw it in my bag."
"I always have to have water by the bed... I drink like most of my water intake before bed."
"If you don't develop the habit of praying and talking to God while you're single, you're not going to magically develop the habit when you get in a relationship."
"I was moving house, I wasn't really filming videos, and therefore I wasn't wearing makeup."
"Virtue are the habits the patterns in your life... that makes us not only good and great but happy."
"My morning routine is absolutely ridiculous. My whole family knows about this."
"I'm impressed with the number of people who want to be naked. Not having to hold in your farts and no one to judge you when you let one rip."
"The equation for happiness is that 50% is genetic, 25% is your circumstances, and 25% is your habits."
"And now I find this thing in my front pocket all the time even if I'm carrying a larger handgun as my primary carry this is still going with me as a backup."
"What are those things in life that you already do that you already know make you feel calm and content?"
"I love apples... a lot of people tell me, 'Bro, you're supposed to eat an apple up to down like this,' but I eat it side the side like this."
"You know, best way to put it, I'm snacking up on those."
"You guys are going to be like Maya you bully yourself so much and you beat yourself up whenever you cut your hair because you always end up regretting it."
"This just is not breakfast... It's a snack, and she says that but she doesn't really have breakfast that day so to me it is breakfast."
"Sometimes, believe it or not, I buy freshly squeezed orange juice, which is a no-no... but I might just be able to use it."
"The condition of their car... can really tell you a lot about a person."
"It's like, when I say this, when I'm going to like go smoke a cigarette or do something, it's like, there's a thing I want to do... So, Lucy gives you that thing."
"My days usually start out pretty darn early."
"Cleaning the interior window is quite simple for me, it's really important because I always get like a greasy arm print on there because I'm always wearing cream on my arm so it's really gross."
"My usage of social media that's reliant on text posts has just dwindled quite a bit."
"I'm trying to drink more water, immediately stimulate your kisser."
"Walt himself was not someone opposed to social drinking and regularly enjoyed alcohol himself."
"I turn in my closet, and then I'm the opposite where I'm up till midnight."
"I have Night Shift on my Mac and I also have it on my phone."
"I gotta go pee so bad. Gotta put the toilet paper down like mama taught me."
"He goes, 'I go to McDonald's every morning for a sausage egg McMuffin, and depending on how the stock market is doing, I get cheese on it.' I was like, bro, you need something."
"Fellow BTS members call him grandpa for his sleeping habits and cranky behavior... usually, if he isn't writing lyrics, but something he can't do anymore is sleeping naked in his room."
"We both have certain habits that only the person who loves us deep enough can see."
"I wear deodorant like three months out of the year."
"Like that's one of my big things when I travel is sleep management, right? Not getting enough sleep but managing that sleep so I was able to land in Tel Aviv."
"I just want my coffee even though I'm not gonna drink this."
"Organization is key. My hot bar must be organized at all times."
"This is the perfume that I wear to bed. I am extra, I will admit it."
"I cry a lot for someone who isn't even that hydrated."
"For me, I like to meditate, I like to collect my thoughts in the morning."
"I bring slippers to friends houses I bring them to hotels if I'm going to a pool party I'll bring them."
"Yes, you're reading that correctly: the queen never travels without her personal stockpile of toilet paper."
"I have eaten something off someone else's food."
"I have picked my nose in public while people were watching."
"I like picking up other people's trash. I don't actually like picking up other people's trash, but I hate trash around."
"I'm gonna go off script because I'm very familiar with part of my cheesesteak, actually secret shop part of my cheesesteak a couple times a month."
"Do you want to know something 100 serious? In the last 10 years I have paid for a haircut four times. I will not [expletive] pay for haircuts."