
Investment Opportunities Quotes

There are 272 quotes

"There's such huge, insane opportunities in real estate, specifically multifamily."
"What if you could put money in an account that paid you three to four percent tax-free while allowing you to borrow the money to do additional investing and earn money in two sometimes three places at the same time?"
"We are the fastest growing crypto channel in the world."
"You can think of it like Black Friday for investors. You get to go shopping at a discounted price because now people are selling because they're scared."
"It takes these extreme periods of time to create life-changing opportunities for investors."
"If Ethereum season comes hot and heavy, we should probably get a massive rally of NFTs."
"Gold is just beginning a truly historical bull market."
"The sale can be a rebirth because only someone willing to invest will buy."
"During a bear market, study where the outperformance is starting."
"Having no exchange listings is an opportunity, having no good ranks on large coin market cap sites is an opportunity, being called a scam by everyone is an opportunity."
"Once it disappears, Korea's going to be a very, very, very exciting place to invest."
"Just because the market price is down doesn't mean that a business isn't fundamentally valuable and going to grow... that distinction starts to present significant opportunities in a market condition like this."
"Crypto offers that opportunity to people and people around the world are starting to see that too."
"When the U.S. goes back into recession... I think there's gonna be a lot of opportunities to profit."
"Smart crypto investing can open many doors for you."
"Why allow an 18-year-old to buy a gun and a car but not invest in startups?"
"A bear market can be the most amount of opportunity for investors."
"Times like these often present the best opportunities to buy stocks cheaply."
"Corporate bonds: a buying opportunity during market dislocations."
"It's unlimited, you can do trading, you could do investing, you could do sniping, you can do just playing the game, getting earning rewards."
"Negative news in the cryptocurrency space can impact prices, but it's also a buying opportunity."
"ETFs offer access to many stocks with extremely low expense ratios."
"Stocks you can buy now for the next decade and make multiples on your money."
"The fee waiver reflects our dedication to providing competitive investment opportunities."
"No one could ever say that they didn't get the opportunity to invest into digital assets at low prices."
"Right now is one of the most exciting times to be alive as an investor."
"Every dip is an opportunity in a bull market."
"It's better to have a great rate and maybe not get the best rate possible than to miss out on the opportunity."
"Samurai is giving guaranteed allocations reserved for raises over six hundred thousand dollars and a lottery for under six hundred thousand dollars."
"The opportunity to disrupt utilities is the biggest investment opportunity of our generation."
"We're still early enough for you to make it back."
"I'm still bullish and I'm long. I'm looking at these types of opportunities as what they are: chances to get back in at lower price points."
"Bear markets are one of the best buying opportunities that you will ever see as an investor."
"We haven't been doing these seminars because so many times people come up to us and say how can I invest with you guys how can I learn more how can I get an in on some of your deals so you came up with this idea."
"You always get a second chance to get on the train with the best investments... most people... get scared... it's a recipe for being poor."
"The potential reward is much higher than the risk if we were to bounce back."
"Real estate near-term in the right locations could be an attractive asset to be investing in."
"Imagine getting in on Google when they were just beginning, on Amazon when they were just beginning. That's what we're talking about here."
"Finding these little wrinkles in the market can provide you with great opportunities to get high returns."
"Warren Buffett saw an opportunity with a company that was only worth about 25 million dollars."
"Volatility will occur and markets will continue to have these ups and downs. I think that's a great opportunity."
"Crypto is the opportunity of five lifetimes for the average person... We were smarter than they were and we had no inside information."
"Money is getting easier to put to work more and more: cryptocurrency, stocks, NFTs, goddamn blockchains."
"It does feel as if there's a sea change on the horizon here and that Cardano is not only going to start shipping but that the projects and ecosystems that will be built over there are set to have Solana-like, Polkadot-like gains."
"The spot Bitcoin ETF in the US could provide a great onramp for institutional investors." - Hauck Lee
"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to build wealth."
"I think there's a real opportunity for oil prices to climb, at least back to a hundred dollars a barrel if not more."
"Ethereum brings investing to the normal person... it's like markets and internet combined versus gold."
"Every single time in market history that the S&P 500 has pulled back more than 20 in a single year, it has proven to be a buying opportunity."
"Do you think we will be able to buy the real estate dip soon within a couple of years due to the circumstances?"
"AI 2.0 is where the real opportunity lies and it's coming true right now."
"When you know what you hold and you have the cash to spend, red days become your favorite days."
"Hey, if I gotta be the catalyst to get the pullback, the little bit of a dip so you guys get an opportunity to buy, so we can continue to move forward, hey, I'll do that job every single day."
"I think the investors that bought during this time got a really good deal."
"Cryptocurrency has put the idea in millions of heads that getting to an opportunity like this early on can change your whole life."
"Mr. Market offers a second bite of value stocks: investing in opportunism as much as it is about hard work."
"This is one of the greatest opportunities in investing globally."
"I think both of them could do a 10x from here that would not be unreasonable."
"There's a lot of opportunity to create alpha that's beyond just bitcoin."
"This is one of the best opportunities for people to really build true generational wealth."
"When we come down to this level, this is going to be a gift, this is going to be the trade of the market cycle."
"Equity is coming, where you can invest in your favorite artist, favorite ball player, favorite movie star."
"Maintaining elevated multiple on base case of 30x give an opportunity for future revenue streams not fully reflected in our model such as energy software robo-taxi insurance and charging."
"Options allow you to make similar trades with less capital, offering opportunities even for those with smaller budgets."
"Despite the crash, investors see opportunities for accumulation and long-term growth."
"The time is now, the markets look like they're showing a recovery and we're potentially getting into the biggest alt season of our lives."
"An HSA is like a Roth IRA on steroids, so it's extremely important to take advantage of it if you're able to."
"Don't miss out because this is potentially one of the best investment products in 2022."
"This Bitcoin super cycle is the biggest opportunity probably ever."
"The crypto world appears to be poised to capitalize on all of this."
"The industry is now immense, the teams are immense, the amounts of funding is immense, this is global."
"Tesla is either the biggest or the second biggest opportunity I could find over the last five years."
"You've just got 30% better value for stocks."
"If you don't realize what the implications are for altcoins then you really are potentially missing out on some of the biggest opportunities."
"Even though I love the opportunity in oil stocks right now, you have absolutely got to have stocks in those other sectors."
"The best thing is to have cash on the side so that you can take advantage."
"If we do form support above that level then that could be an opportunity to take the trade."
"Black Rock sees opportunities in climate resilience solutions, offering flood, fire, and drought resistance."
"This is that opportunity where you start looking for companies that go on sale."
"This is how you catch up, by buying these fantastic opportunities."
"There will be opportunity for you for innovative and progressive investments."
"We beat Arsenal 2-0 and then won our final League Phase game against FC Copenhagen by the exact same scoreline."
"Stay positive, keep an upbeat, curious attitude, and let’s all achieve an abundance of wealth in this once in a lifetime opportunity we have right now with cryptocurrency investments."
"Raise cash, lower equity exposure, and get ready for some opportunities."
"You get historically attractive opportunities to deploy capital when everything is fairly priced or unfairly priced to the downside."
"Bitcoin is one of the only times that I can think of that you can get in before Wall Street does."
"Wait for those opportunities, then get in because I do think all the three I mentioned today will continue to do well."
"This is the best time not only to look at the real estate and hotels but also to look at mini factories, to look at fisheries, and invest in a number of areas."
"If you can buy stocks or buy real estate when it's on sale, you have the opportunity to see even bigger returns."
"There will be another pump, there will. Bitcoin moves in multi-year cycles."
"Electric vehicles represented a massive opportunity for him to 10x his wealth."
"We're really trying to basically build that bridge between traditional finance and crypto in a way that young people like us can find a way to invest in crypto."
"When everyone is afraid, that's where you'll find the best deals."
"I do like this this period for individual stocks as well as you know basically being in certain asset classes that are not these big giant consensus duration plays like the S&P 500."
"If we can get some drama that happens over the holidays over the next few weeks here, hey I'm ready to buy the dip."
"Imagine you could go back and invest in the internet when it was first being created."
"There's an opportunity here in 2021 and you could take advantage of it both in the short term in the midterm but even if you missed that again don't get that fomo there is still big opportunities to build your portfolio around these events."
"So really if you wanted to get into a fintech that does this backed might be your only option for doing this right now."
"One of the most compelling asymmetric opportunities in the market today."
"This project rewards you in dividends, it's branching into the NFT aspect, it's getting into a payment gateway as well."
"You know, I don't fall in love with stocks. I don't fall in love with the trade. There's always going to be opportunities, always. You have to know where to look and you have to know how to capitalize on it."
"Sign up for Coinbase to start trading cryptocurrencies today!"
"We all know of people that use economic downturns like this to buy up cheap shares or real estate."
"Guys, you know they've been quiet for a while because the coins have just been going up and up and up but now we can start looking at where's the good entries all of that."
"Talking about modern collectibles... I think the STO has it."
"If you come across a place that's an extremely good buy, go for it."
"Is this a beginning of a revival rally in gold? I think so."
"Waiting for the day when the algorithm starts picking up AMC... I think you're looking at a pretty solid opportunity"
"There has never been a better time to do business in America."
"Trillions of dollars in the investment field." - Massive opportunities await in the financial industry.
"Opportunities where your total loss risk is much smaller than your total potential gain pop up all over the market all the time."
"This may be the most extreme opportunity in an equity market ever."
"Elon $5 Dogecoin: it is time to go on this journey and look at the possibilities here."
"There's a lot of good deals to be had with some altcoins dropping a little bit."
"It's never impossible to make money within crypto... there are still many tools that you can use that allow you to capitalize on times like this."
"Gold and silver mining industry remains one of the extremely few sectors not trading at all-time bubble level highs despite being more profitable than ever."
"Every single Wall Street trader, every single Wall Street investor is now looking to make money on the picks and shovels."
"Anything below 30 on fear and greed index is an area you should be thinking about buying."
"Bitcoin Cash is great for payments... offers new financial opportunities... for consumers, vendors, and investors."
"Any of those spikes that come in, I think are just going to be bought up very, very quickly."
"People are missing out on one of the biggest opportunities in the history of the world."
"Diana, the people's princess, who seemed to have the common touch."
"You still do have time to make money this cycle and not just make money but potentially make generational wealth because I believe there are going to be many opportunities this year and Beyond."
"Find the companies that you think could be game changers."
"It really is one of the best times to get into the cryptos."
"Despite the after-hour surge, I still think Tesla is Far and Away the best risk-adjusted opportunity."
"Looking at the market cap, all coin season might be back."
"There's going to be some insane opportunities... in the next 6 to 8 months, maybe even 6 to 6 months to a year."
"Anything touching the metaverse is a great time right now, guys."
"You will depart with three great investments."
"Capitalizing on overreactions in the stock market on stocks like DocuSign, Apple... Too many juicy opportunities to take advantage of."
"When you start to see these asset prices crash the people that come in and then buy are the ones that come out as winners over the long term."
"Restart the alt season everybody. Solana, Cardano, Polygon up. They're up double digits everybody."
"Debt cycles provide great opportunities and real problems."
"Real world asset tokenization projects offer a 100x opportunity."
"I've always had liquidity, and the reason that I'm worth five billion dollars today by Forbes is because I was able to buy things when other people can't."
"There's an opportunity to arbitrage that window, right when they're hot but no one else could"
"Historically speaking anytime we're down in this green area it has been an amazing opportunity to buy."
"I am quite bullish and have been optimistic that this dip would have been some of the best opportunities that this market has given us in years."
"With this market heating up again, it's time for coins, low cap gems."
"These 11 listings definitely seem to be absolute hitters."
"Because I see opportunity and I know how fast people can make money in this market when they are properly ready and on the sidelines."
"After bear markets, real value emerges, offering great investment opportunities."
"Most of them are very short-lived, some of them are very long-lived, but the longer-lived the fear sell-off, the better historically your rewards are."
"This is probably one of the most exciting times to be an investor of hard assets because the FED is basically giving you the green light to invest in those assets."
"If you have cash on hand for when valuations get cheap then you can take advantage of some truly great deals in the market."
"Gaming guilds may be an interesting play for some investors."
"If you know what you're doing, use this opportunity as the great reset to upgrade your portfolio."
"Great time to be an investor... investing in the stock market, real estate, and other areas."
"Crypto currencies, they're very volatile but you can still make money with crypto."
"The potential here over the next decade or two is truly colossal, and everyone seems to be asleep."
"Crypto is truly that free market where we just see money coming into it, and that's why it is able to grow and have these huge price run-ups."
"Regulation creates clarity and opens up the door to institutional investors."
"Cryptocurrencies and decentralized finance present huge opportunities beyond just bitcoin."
"Watch these bitcoin/crypto related stocks once the crypto crash ends. They flip so fast."
"Look for opportunities during market downturns."
"The apartment sector of the country I think is in the strongest position in terms of real estate."
"Double-digit correction means double-digit gains."
"Oftentimes, small caps or low caps are where the best opportunities in the market are."
"There's going to be so much opportunity, it's going to be hard to pick out exactly where you want to deploy money."
"You have to understand what is happening. This is the greatest opportunity in human history to understand how wealth is actually built."
"The market always goes on sale... Don't be discouraged because something's at an all-time high."
"We're likely going to see a ton of 100 to 1000x altcoin opportunities in projects that play a role in solving this problem."
"Regardless of market conditions, there are always opportunities for smart investments, whether it's buying undervalued stocks or investing in index funds for long-term growth."
"There's nothing in a sweeter spot than gold and silver right now."
"ICOs are like the goldmine of our time for early investors."
"Start investing with as little as 100 and get your money working for your future."
"If you want to make life-changing money, watch the show till the end."
"Whenever there are buying opportunities, dips opportunities, um, you know, take advantage, take advantage."
"With NFTs, any chance is enough for some people."
"Real estate's about to get really hot in the next 3 years."
"While investors are ignoring these companies while they're just kind of tossing them to the side because right now AI is the focus and these don't have AI in their name I think they're good buys right now."
"The climate crisis is the greatest investment opportunity in history."
"That's the point, you know. Just because you work a full-time job doesn't mean that you guys are not going to be able to benefit from TTG. And that's really important that you guys understand that."
"Somebody's buying the crash, bidding for a rebound."
"One thing is, one myth is that you can only make money when the stock market is going up. But I will tell you the truth, you actually can make a lot of money when the stock market is going down."
"Last week being pretty strong in the green, I think this week is going to be one that you want to pay attention to."
"You gotta love it, so much opportunity in the market right now."
"The market looks up, but opportunities are still down."
"Bear markets are often when the best opportunities come because people can focus on building technology rather than getting distracted by short-term price activity."
"The two main opportunities... are in artificial intelligence and Dogecoin."
"Some of the surest bets over the next couple of years are going to be the recovery plays."
"Stocks are sad but that's okay because they create a buying opportunity."
"Now is the opportunity. A lot of people are interested in security. Also, well, precious metals have been known to be one of the most secure opportunities for thousands of years now."
"We think there's some opportunity for people to begin to travel again... that's kind of where my mind is when it comes to investing our clients' portfolios."
"This is going to be a huge opportunity for the smart and savvy real estate investor, the renter right now that wants to buy a home."
"Although bitcoin is a better investment and better than holding other traditional investments I do think there's a lot more better opportunity out there in different altcoins."
"If you're not an entrepreneur, you have an opportunity right now to get into these Investments at very, very low prices."
"There's a second chance, a better chance to make money, the bullish sentiment is beginning to get slightly lessened."
"These are opportunities that don't present themselves all the time."
"Kava, in respect to its market cap, is in my opinion a pretty undervalued position."
"Down markets... can be extremely profitable."
"When Bitcoin really starts to move... that's when we will see the biggest altcoin rally of all time."
"There is no bigger scale of an opportunity than owning things on the internet."
"The market cap of most Bitcoin miners is very small, ranging from 25 million to one half billion, which makes them attractive opportunities for investors."
"Sometimes missed opportunities turn into nice little runs."
"It's always just like any other sell-off it creates a buying opportunity for after that sell-off period."
"If you want to make money in crypto, you have to focus on these bigger market shifts. That's where the real money is made or lost."
"These are some of the lowest caps right that you're going to be looking at at propy."
"There's so many value propositions in this space right now."