
Personal Ambition Quotes

There are 441 quotes

"I've always been enamored with being in the spotlight, so you know what, as they say in the industry, even though I'm not in the industry, The Show Must Go On."
"Following your dreams is freaking underrated."
"Vincenzo wanted to open a restaurant and that was his dream."
"Focus on yourself. Let you be your karma. Let you be your focus. You can come first."
"If Boris Johnson said we are legalizing cannabis, he could be picking the curtains for number 10."
"Every other guy is trying to fight to get here."
"I just want to make it out. I just want to be noticed." - @bodybuilderandy
"Megan is coming to town. What Megan wants, Megan gets."
"Joey, or Joseph, or whatever we're calling him, he wanted to be a pioneer in something."
"Here was this female College Dropout who had worked 10 years building one of the biggest companies in a male dominated industry."
"My restaurant is definitely going to be better than the boys."
"I want to get the money to do really whatever I want to do with my city."
"I burn inside with an ambition that feels out of place in the early 21st century."
"You are destined to grow into the queen or king of your world; start directing your life in the way you want it to go."
"Now I really think that I'm gonna be the next gay Marvel character."
"I knew I want to study in the US. Because I knew if I can study in the US, I can easily pursue computer science."
"Your dream, you are the only one who can stop your dream."
"I have my eyes on first place now... that's my main goal."
"The motivation that is so much stronger than anything else out there, any of my other ego-driven ambitions."
"Striving for greatness with a slight personal focus."
"I've always wanted to be a business owner. I've always wanted to be my own boss."
"I've been told from a young age, chase the bag."
"Once he owns Twitter he will be able to achieve his childhood dream of getting to call whoever he wants a Pedo."
"If that's truly what you want, go for it, 'cause trust me, there will be people that would discourage you."
"I want to make the playoffs in the next two seasons."
"You really can have whatever it is that you want, you can make any amount of money that you want to make."
"It's about going into magician mode and doing what you've always wanted to do. You don't have to be stuck in a box."
"Oh hi. My name is Elle Woods, and for my admissions essay, I'm gonna tell all of you at Harvard why I'm gonna make an amazing lawyer."
"If I can't wait until I get to Liberty, then I've become the Conqueror."
"I'm gonna earn so much heat I'll make the Sun jealous. I'll burn anyone who even comes remotely close to me."
"This music's gonna take me a lot farther than anything else."
"Power is not given it is assumed. If you want something in your life you've got to become capable of taking it."
"I don't care what anyone thinks about me, I want to win Baldi."
"Why should I be subtle? It's a man who knows what he wants who gets what he wants."
"Do what you want to do. Don't give up on it. If it doesn't work out, you can always do something else. But first, follow your dream."
"My last words need to be better than his because he's my competition."
"The most powerful people on earth are those figures that won't acknowledge any boundaries to having things their way."
"It seemed as if nothing could come between sake and his dream."
"Just having energy and wanting to become the best player on the court, even with him on the court, my mindset is to be the best player on the court at all times."
"This is the next stage of my career, I can, you know, I mean it can take me to the next level."
"I am next Contender for the voucher of the glory."
"I would much rather have chased success and not attained it."
"Just having a dream and just going for it and not ever letting anyone tell you what your dream can be."
"Why don't you do your job? If you're saying I'm not doing my job, how about you do your job like secure the southern border instead of shipping people with COVID into communities like McAllen, Texas? Why don't you get this border secure?"
"Have some strategies that shake off any morbid feelings."
"Don't let someone take that away from you if you have this burning desire inside of you."
"I want to provide for myself. That's what I like about America, that's what my daddy liked about America."
"I want to live a life that I'm able to do 100% of what I want in terms of the art direction. If I fail, I fail; if I succeed, well, cool."
"I want to be the best and I don't want to just chase paychecks, it's never been my thing."
"I want to own that architecture. I want to be in control of the relationships between these things."
"In America, there's no excuse. You could be anything you want to be."
"I've always had the aspiration to be the best."
"I want to continue to go and end it with a championship."
"Putin wanted to get rich - he was a pragmatic person."
"It would mean everything to me to win it all."
"Everybody wants the future but everybody wants to be average."
"If you are so lucky to have something that works, that's a dream come to life. If you get another dream, I think your impulse is to move towards the dream and try and get that ignited."
"I wanted to surpass everything that was being told to me that would be my limitations."
"I was always kind of like, yeah, but some people make it, so like, if some people make it, some people make it, you know? Like, why not just try and make it?"
"The goal is to make a hundred thousand dollars a year."
"I just want to travel to space and that's it."
"I want to be the best of the best and I want to make you proud."
"I would love it if I got legend even if it says arrogant it would be profit."
"I don't create games. I just wanna be Babe Ruth."
"You're able to go after what you want in life and get it; you're magnetic."
"23-year-old Karen Wells was working toward making a better life for herself."
"I'm destined to become the Undisputed champion."
"If this person's trying to get their own business off the ground, they're trying to do it all or you are."
"It's my opportunity to build something for my legacy."
"I've been trying to buy my own bank for the longest."
"His life goal was to make Marilyn a superstar."
"I may not be mainstream yet, but, baby, sky's the limit. Your girl is on the way."
"I'm not here just to hang around, I'm here to win." - Caleb Plant
"All of you who tell me what I can't do, a lot of you live believable lives. I set out to live an unbelievable life." - Caleb Plant
"He's something of a local legend in his area and has been working tirelessly towards one day fighting in a major strongman competition."
"I truly knew at that point when I got second at the Mr. Olympia that I could possibly win."
"Accept ambition, purify intention, aspire to higher things."
"I felt like I was taken over from David Haye. It's my turn now. Let's go."
"I want to be a billionaire... I want to buy DraftKings."
"If you want to be rich, you're going to manifest wealth for you entrepreneurs out there."
"You get to be ambitious, strategic, powerful, and wealthy and successful but you get to be yourself, be fulfilled, and be well-loved at the same time."
"Give me another shot to be out there on the field."
"Takamichi resolves to become the top member of Toman."
"She might be the next Arnold, the female Arnold of the future."
"Announcement: I'm thinking about running for president. I really am. You know how Mr. Andrew Yang just created his own party? I think that's best for me too."
"For the first time in my life, I was going to be a DJ. I felt like nothing could stop me unless I put a sign over my head."
"You want to be rich, powerful, respected, and feared."
"Believe in yourself, your ambitions, your choices, and your hard work."
"You're concentrating your efforts like a laser focus on your dreams and desires."
"If you want to do big things in life, you're gonna have to be bold, guys. You're gonna have to be bold."
"The whole concept is like you're this up-and-coming rider taking part in an extreme sports reality TV show."
"Donald Trump's closest allies are turning on him and now many of them hey hold on a second are not only saying no to Trump but yes to themselves."
"Trump is truly one of the most influential people who's ever lived, I think he is. Totally is. He wants his name to be remembered. That's obviously the his sole purpose and he's gonna do it."
"Any shred of genuine grief that he may have felt the loss of his wife does appear to have been lessened by the distraction of his own overreaching ambition."
"I've wanted to do a car like this for perhaps 25, maybe even 30 years."
"All I wanted to do was be famous... and I paid for the ice cream."
"He finds ways to be motivated by external factors."
"He wanted to be the doctor since like he was seven."
"I knew that I wanted to do my job of makeup counter and that was that was my goal." - Laura Riano
"Unless I could build an empire and be the greatest chef that ever lived."
"You would be doing yourself a disservice if your goal wasn't to be the best at what you did."
"Success for Madden is so close he can taste it." - Caption
"I want my greatness to influence the team's greatness."
"Elizabeth Holmes idolized Steve Jobs, aiming for revolutionary innovation."
"He sees what he wants to do in his career, not just about paying the bills."
"She wants to pursue her lifetime goal and ambition to become a social media mogul."
"That kid right there... is so flipping hungry. He sees an opportunity and he knows this is his chance to become the hero to his family."
"If there is something that you really, really want to do, go for it."
"Yeah, Plastic Man, I want to do Plastic Man so bad, so bad."
"He wants the world to know he's the best player."
"If not me, then who else? I want to fight Valentina." - Miesha Tate
"Say you wanna be somebody we're gonna come and see everybody."
"He wanted to surpass Itachi by basically doing the opposite of what he taught."
"From day one, Jaime has an unwavering ambition. He wants to make a fortune - more than that of his father and grandfather."
"I wanted to pursue freestyle motocross or something on motorbikes as a career."
"There's something respectable about having that as your impulse in a sport to try and be the best you can be."
"Skip trying to be the best, I'll be God's favorite."
"Beto is one of those people who manipulates situations to get popularity for his own growth."
"I'm thinking a guy like me in a year and a half could do an improv and sell out the weekend."
"I will be the first White British Irish heavyweight in 115 years to win the heavyweight championship of the world."
"I was going to be a football player and that's all I wanted to do." - Bill Shankly
"Can I write a scene that's funny enough for Albert Brooks?"
"Be bigger, better, stronger than all of them combined."
"I'm gonna make it and when I make it it's gonna be everything."
"I've always been telling people like, 'Yo watch, I'm gonna turn this into some TV [ __ ]!'"
"Stop listening to other people and go after what you want, no matter what that looks like."
"You were the one that was gonna do something special with your life, you were gonna make a difference in the world."
"Finally reaching the end of school and being able to go to LA, it's actually going to give me the opportunity to be in the same room with these people and show them exactly who I am and what I can do."
"I want to have that title as the greatest striker."
"Out of every 1000 people, 100 of them will be rich. You just have to make sure you're one of them."
"I want to be a winner again, not the victim of incompetence."
"I have a rule in my life: if you like something, just go achieve it."
"Don't make your biggest life ambition to be to find a man or to get into a relationship... find your passion and go after it 110 percent." - Tinashe
"The American dream is simply believing that you can make a better life for yourself and for your children."
"Take the initiative and go after what you want."
"I'm gonna do something in the next 20 years that is better than these last 20."
"I've been waiting for this shot for over a year. I was in last year's spectacular, and I'm damn sure gonna be in this year."
"It was never my intention to do comedy, I wanted to do drama."
"Roca wants all the belts, all the records. He's got a chance to make some records here today."
"The women's television title was made for me."
"Getting rich is what people know they are looking for."
"That is the true embodiment of a champion that wants to be the best."
"You're going to say 'I'm going to build my own empire'."
"I want to get as wealthy as possible so I can help change my family's life, get my time back with my family. The money is a byproduct to get that done."
"They want someone who's very much in control of their life, someone who's building an empire."
"Making a statement here, he's vying for that first-place finish."
"I'm just a dork, you know, just a guy trying to make a buck."
"Let's take the number one back where he belongs."
"Musk wants to have control over the world." - He wants to show off his authority and spread his good beliefs.
"If you can create your work to be your lifestyle and you also want to live a nice lifestyle with great people, that's a pretty powerful combination if you make that happen."
"When I win this fight and leave victorious, it's definitely going to traject my career in ways that I can't even fathom right now."
"Be proud of your goals, plan towards them, and go all in."
"You're not meant to be on the sidelines, let your wishes and dreams take Center Stage."
"I just want to win championships for me that is all is on my mind is to win a championship for the Zord."
"I'm gonna be unescapable, on your TV screens, radio, playlist, YouTube."
"You're always at the mercy of what others see you as, or don't see you as, and you have to fight for what you really want."
"Societal breakdown and societal building. That's what I'm trying to build. I'm sorry, that's what I am building."
"Your heart is tied to a new ambition with this soul life purpose."
"I truly feel like I would love to run for office just to change that, you know what?"
"The biggest changes that you're ever gonna make in your life are going to be pertaining to your daily habits."
"I'm special. I'm a star. One day everyone is gonna know my name."
"You can get to the top of whatever Mountain you are seeking to climb so long as you do not stop."
"Stop watching me chase my dream and go chase your own dream."
"You should be trying to be the man on the team."
"Your future self is pretty passionate about you getting what you want."
"Once you're ready and people say like yo he's already yeah she's just waiting the seat is waiting it's waiting for you to come take it."
"When I figured out that they wasn't smart enough for me, what you heard, I said, 'Let me go get my teachers so y'all could catch up to the greatest student, promise you, two, yeah, promise you.'"
"Well, I guess that means I'm the number one demon now."
"I'm not sure where he's at on it, number three I think, yeah. So, it would put me there. But if you look at the run that I'm on..."
"I might know what I'm really doing is getting the streams up so I can get car."
"They see you as someone who really knows what they want in life."
"I'm gonna be an entrepreneur for the rest of my life, man. Even when it's my time to go, I'm gonna be my own boss."
"My whole goal is to just drive against the best people I can't and I want to see how I stack up. That's my only desire to go to FD is just to see where where do I land, you know?"
"Harry Kane at the end of his career: does he want to be judged as a winner or just someone who scored goals?"
"I shall not die, these seeds I've sown will save my name and reputation from the grave."
"So, if you want to make your two billion, you do you."
"I don't want to shine. I want to be great. I want to be amongst those that are mentioned as the greatest."
"This is my chance to show everyone that I'm an amazing tattoo artist."
"This is a big dream of mine that was worth leaving it for."
"Every single day, when I'm failing to make that extra million, I keep asking myself, am I doing all that I can?"
"Be prepared that it's going to lead to something much bigger or greater in your life than you may expect."
"Ambition that drives them that is unmoored to other people's permission or expectations or even their reality."
"I like the idea because the only thing I want is to bring a really good fight."
"Surely we're gonna win the Ballon D'Or if we deliver this Champions League title."
"You've only wanted one thing for your whole life."
"Victoria endlessly trying to improve herself and to impress Albert."
"If somebody has like something I want or somebody's gone somewhere I want to go it makes you work harder"
"When you have this vision, when you think 'I'm gonna be there,' I'm gonna go there."
"I just want to be great and give my best while I'm alive, that's really what moves me."
"You're either working on creating something big in your career. A lot of Aquariuses have really big goals and they spend almost all of their time on this one specific goal."
"He's basically trying to be the Michael Jordan of Indian cricket."
"You guys are so hungry I feel it in my underbelly but it's not a hunger for anyone else but for something that you know you want for yourself."
"I'll always preach like yo follow your [ __ ], don't ever listen to your parents if they're doubting you, like really go get this [ __ ]!"
"I know people know I can rap, but it's more so like I'm trying to be ... People knowing I can rap doesn't just do it for me."
"Never ever be in a position where somebody can say no to your dream and it goes nowhere."
"Success is a lousy teacher, it seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose. Complex ambition, they gon' love me for my ambition."
"The inside of me was always trying to be bigger than what people say I was."
"I want to have be the most well-known martial arts instructor for the world."
"I want to be one of the greatest that has ever played the game." - Norm Duke
"There's always going to be somebody who wants to compete and make a name for themselves."