
Nobel Prize Quotes

There are 140 quotes

"The 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded essentially for making physics sense out of chaos."
"The Nobel Prize...it changes your opportunities but also changes the demands on your time."
"The Nobel Prize opens doors and it gives you the opportunity to do good that you just didn't have before."
"In 1962 John Steinbeck would be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, for his realistic and imaginative writings, combining as they do sympathetic humor and keen social perception."
"In 2014, Nakamura, Akasaki and Amano were awarded the Nobel Prize in physics for creating the blue LED."
"Recent Nobel prize-winning work suggests that the best way to lift people out of poverty is to give them money."
"Einstein's dedication to his work won in science's equivalent of an Oscar, the Nobel Prize for physics."
"A strong case could be made that this is one of the biggest advancements in the recent history of the field of artificial intelligence."
"My prediction is that there will be at least one, potentially several, Nobel Prizes that will result in derivative work launched directly with these computational methods."
"At every flexure point, there's at least one Nobel Prize. The conceptual ideas have just been so mind-blowing."
"It's kind of fascinating...a doctor...drank a beaker full of this bacteria...and then he got ulcers...he ended up winning the Nobel Prize for this discovery."
"But the 2022 Nobel has been awarded to three physicists who revealed that the universe is even stranger than we thought."
"If anyone finds a magnetic monopole -- and don't think that people are not looking -- that would certainly be worth a Nobel Prize."
"President Trump deserves the Nobel Peace Prize."
"So while it might not be the most popular Nobel Prize, their contributions towards how our modern economies are shaped are perhaps some of the most influential ever."
"Emmanuel Charpentier and Jennifer A. Doudna made history as the first pair of women to jointly win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry."
"Nobel Prize in Physics awarded for black hole discoveries."
"The developers of these mRNA vaccines may receive a Nobel Prize for this."
"The breakthrough was sufficiently important that the three inventors of the transistor were awarded the Nobel Prize."
"Whoever answers the question 'what is the dark matter'... will be getting a trip to Stockholm."
"This lake provides some impressive scenery, and it is clearly inspirational as the Faroe Islands has the highest ratio of Nobel Prize winners per capita of any country in the world."
"Whoever figures out what dark matter is, you'll get a Nobel prize. Let's do it."
"Nobel Prizes have been awarded to scientists for their work in b12 its discovery and synthesis was nothing less than amazing and life-changing for so many people."
"The accidental discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation earned the two radio engineers the Nobel Prize for Physics."
"I have won a Nobel Prize, and it is a pain in the neck. It destroys a great deal of the adventure of life for me."
"The discovery of pulsars was celebrated with the Nobel Prize."
"Nobel Prizes were the reward at the end of it all."
"To discover a new fact about the fundamental laws of physics is something that you would absolutely win a Nobel Prize."
"Einstein's dedication to his work won him science's equivalent of an Oscar, the Nobel Prize for physics."
"This field of study is known as molecular orbital Theory and has been the subject of many Nobel prizes in the last century."
"Nelson Mandela and Desmond both won Nobel Prizes."
"Of course, the person who works out how to turn off glucagon is the one who's going to win the Nobel Prize."
"This right here is the result of years and years of work that then culminated in the incredible award in physics, the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2020."
"Nobody ever won a Nobel Prize working 9 to 5 on something you didn't like."
"It's no coincidence that most Nobel laureates in medicine earn their Nobel Prizes in their 60s."
"Received the Nobel Prize in chemistry for his work isolating the element fluorine."
"Marie Curie, widely remembered for her pioneering work in the field of radioactivity, won two Nobel Prizes, one in physics and another in chemistry."
"This was such an important development that in 2015 the Nobel Prize for physics was awarded to Arthur McDonald of the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory and Takaki Kajita of Tokyo for the discovery of these oscillations."
"It proved to be so important that Nash received a Nobel Prize for the work in 1994."
"Often referred to as the Nobel Prize in Computing, the Turing award includes a one million dollar cash prize."
"John Closer Anton Zeilinger and Alan Aspect won the 2022 Nobel Prize in physics for the experimental work testing which theorem it rules out deterministic interpretations of quantum physics which rely on hidden variables that also obey the speed of light"
"The u.s. physicist Leo sheriff and Richardson won the 1996 Nobel Prize for their discovery of superfluidity in what isotope? Helium-3. Correct."
"He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in January 1957."
"So he was awarded the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1908 and he was given it for his investigations into the disintegration of the elements and the chemistry of radioactive substances."
"...if there was a Nobel Prize for philosophy, Professor Dennett would surely have already received it."
"Which American Musician won the Nobel Prize for literature in 2016?"
"Bob Dylan is the only rock and roll musician to win um a Nobel Prize in literature."
"The Nobel Prize for chemistry was won today by an Israeli scientist for his work on quasi crystals."
"You don't have to know what you're doing to win the Nobel Prize; you just have to do it."
"For their independent efforts which were done half a world apart, Cormack and Hounsfield were jointly awarded the 1979 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine."
"Meet Svante Babo, the 2022 Nobel Prize winner in medicine."
"He was the team leader of a group of scientists that won a Nobel Prize."
"Paul, Paul, wake up! You've won the Nobel Prize."
"In 1993, Joe and a co-worker received the Nobel Prize in Physics for work done using binary pulsar stars to prove various aspects of Einstein's theory of general relativity."
"You don't win the Nobel Prize in chemistry or medicine or anything by doing everything by yourself; it's impossible, you need to cooperate with other people."
"In 2014, the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine was awarded to Doctors John O'Keefe, May-Britt Moser, and Edvard Moser for their work discovering cells that deal with location in the brain."
"Barry is one of only two scientists in history to have won two Nobel prizes."
"The 14th Dalai Lama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989 for his nonviolent efforts for the liberation of Tibet."
"The Nobel Prize in Physics in 2016 was given to David Thewlis, Duncan Haldane, and Michael Kosterlitz for theoretical discoveries of topological phase transitions and topological phases of matter."
"The quantum Hall effect... resulted in the Nobel Prize in 1985."
"Fritz Haber was awarded the 1918 Nobel Prize for chemistry for the groundbreaking achievement of creating synthetic ammonia."
"We're going for the Nobel Prize, but first we've got to get some education."
"Don't be worried about playing with toys; these are three Nobel Prize winners in physics."
"Sir Peter Mansfield and Paul Lauterbur, these are two PhDs that were given the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for their discoveries regarding MRI."
"Peter Mansfield and Paul Lauterbur... received the Nobel Prize in medicine for [developing the concept of MRI] in 2003."
"A life in exile started remote opposition and writing beautiful words that earned him the Nobel Prize of literature."
"Deep congratulations on winning the Nobel Prize."
"When you got the call about the Nobel Prize, was that also a moment of elation?"
"Marie Curie was extraordinary through-and-through; she won two Nobel prizes."
"Superconductivity research has won a tenth of all the physics Nobel prizes awarded since its discovery in 1911."
"The Nobel Peace Prize isn't awarded for what your past is like; it's awarded on the basis of have you made a contribution towards peace."
"The Nobel Prizes emphasize reward and celebrate the highest achievements of the spirit."
"In the 90s a couple of scientists actually identified it as nitric oxide and they won the Nobel Prize in medicine."
"Romania has four Nobel Prize winners."
"The Nobel Prize for economics has been won several times by mathematicians who are using Game Theory to analyze economic questions."
"The Nobel prize-winning physics and the Nobel prize-winning chemistry were both made possible because of the work that we did."
"More than 25 Nobel prizes have been awarded in this field, covering achievements in basic and applied areas."
"Understanding that is what led to the Nobel Prize in 2016."
"It's based off of a Nobel Prize-winning investment expert named Harry Markowitz."
"The main creator of that treaty was Ralph Bunche, a black man from LA, he received a Nobel Peace Prize for his mediation work during the war."
"He won numerous prizes and awards and honors in his lifetime, including the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1995."
"William Conrad Rankin... discovered x-rays and for this he was awarded the first ever Nobel Prize in Physics."
"Because of the power of this chemistry, in 2010 Suzuki won the Nobel Prize."
"The products are also next level, a lot of them are formulated by scientists who have been nominated for Nobel Prizes."
"For his contribution to physics, Julian Schwinger won the 1965 Nobel Prize in Physics."
"And this actually was the discovery by Raman, which was rewarded with the Nobel Prize, for suddenly observing when you excited molecules with a very strong light bulb, you suddenly saw very different frequencies of photons coming out."
"In 2017, Professor Park was named a Citation Laureate scientist worthy of a Nobel Prize."
"The work of one man, Gustav Stresemann... goes on to win the Nobel Prize."
"Nobel Prize, that would be pretty cool, that would be pretty awesome."
"The first American to win the Nobel Prize for Literature was Sinclair Lewis."
"This week is, of course, Nobel Prize week."
"The Nobel Prize is given today to scientists who discovered graphene."
"The guy is a genius. They should give him a Nobel Prize."
"She was the first woman ever winning a Nobel Prize and she was sitting here writing the last part of the book which gave her the Nobel Prize."
"Nelson Mandela and FW de Klerk were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize during October of 1993."
"John Pople was awarded the 1998 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Walter Kohn for contributions in computational chemistry."
"Gravitational wave astronomy, talking about some of the discoveries that won the Nobel Prize last year."
"This spectra right here was worth a Nobel Prize."
"Four years ago in 2006 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature."
"Is there a relationship between country and type of Nobel prize?"
"Are certain prize categories more likely to go to one country than another?"
"My life obsession is to win a Nobel Peace Prize."
"The discovery of the second neutrino got the Nobel Prize before the discovery of the first neutrino."
"This is a Nobel prize-winning experiment because of mostly this plot."
"He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986 for that, that's good."
"Cleansing was awarded Nobel Prize in 1985 for this discovery."
"We have him to thank for this because he donated a portion of his Nobel Prize to Africa."
"That's the idea of what's called asymptotic freedom which of course won a Nobel Prize."
"Which famous activist won the Nobel Prize in 1964?"
"I have a very sympathetic attitude to the personality of Alfred Nobel."
"It's great to see that this year the Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded for organic catalysis."
"And that, ladies and gentleman, was a Nobel prize for Arrhenius."
"If you communicate well enough with data graphics, they even contribute to you bringing a Nobel Prize."
"This experiment is considered to be one of the most significant ever carried out, and Millikan received a Nobel Prize for this."
"The astronomers whose data revealed this accelerating universe have been awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics."
"I promised my mother I would win the Nobel Prize in Physics. Fifty years later, I said to my mother, 'See, I have kept my promise. I won the Nobel Prize.' 'No,' said my mother, 'you promised it would be in physics.'"
"There are a large number of Nobel Prizes that are related to crystallography work."
"John Bardeen... the only person to win the Nobel Prize in Physics twice."
"Einstein received the Nobel Prize for his discovery of the photoelectric effect."
"The crucial importance of microcredit in the struggle against poverty was recognized by the award of a Nobel Prize."
"The Nobel Prize in medicine a few years ago went to the scientists that were looking into how circadian rhythms actually run our bodies."
"Doctors Without Borders won the Nobel Prize for Peace for its humanitarian assistance to people around the world in areas that have been struck by disaster."