
Audience Expectations Quotes

There are 171 quotes

"The show must go on, and you got to give the people what they want."
"The takeaway seems to be that we as content creators, and you as audience members, need to have realistic expectations of the other."
"Using the age and therefore lowered expectations of your primary audience to excuse a poor quality product isn't fair."
"It's no longer about 'What do the fans want?' but rather 'What can we get away with?'"
"I owed myself my life working for me. I did not owe all these other people another sellout stadium."
"The purpose of a work is to achieve the expectations standards of the people who are most likely to enjoy it or the very audience you are targeting by creating this work."
"I think even when you watch you know higher skilled boxing you still want to be entertained."
"It's just views that would have become existing as a result of expecting something else."
"We wanted to make something different but the audience doesn't always want something different."
"We've got to give the people what they want."
"These are huge scale movies and a lot of intersection is happening in these films and so it's they're big movies and you know so it's of a scope that everybody wants to see in these films."
"The problem I keep running into with discussions of spoilers and subverting audience expectations and stuff is that you can only ever surprise your audience once."
"You know it's gonna be charming from the cast alone."
"It expects a little too much from the audience right off the bat."
"What do you think? Will they be able to get it right or will this be a completely different movie from the rest?"
"I think it's really really really [ __ ] important that you know the second half of the sentence is really [ __ ] mad about he said I don't think you can really set out to please the fans of anything or please anyone other than yourself."
"No one showed up brie Larson got what she wanted and while it sounds cool and progressive and fun right now a lack of receipts at the box office are gonna piss people off at the top."
"As long as the movie is good in December, that's all we should really care about."
"Writing things that people actually are waiting for, that people care about, it's much more stressful."
"People just aren't going to appreciate having their time wasted."
"There's a sort of logic to action movies you tolerate the scenes of dialogue and exposition to get to the fights."
"The fear of disappointing your audience convinces you to make sacrifices most people shouldn't."
"Kaufman's entire career was built on defying audience expectations."
"Dead Space 3 needed an audience of about 5 million. Its target was only a million copies apart, but to critics, the difference between Dead Space 3 and its predecessors would feel like a million more eyes forward, Isaac. Pay attention."
"I like it good bang you know what I'm saying tell me what I don't want to hear tell tell me what the people want to hear."
"You can get weird, and people are forgiving."
"Eventually you can in fact eat too much ice cream and your audience is gonna start thinking can we get back to some lean protein and change it up."
"I'm surprised it did as well as it did, to be honest, but for them, that's just... when you put Tarantino's name in front of something, you get a certain amount of people at least."
"We want to see the best fights that you could possibly put together." - Exactly, man
"Forget everything they knew about Tomb Raider."
"Pixar has earned a huge base with high expectations, founded on the fact that their films can be enjoyed by people of all ages."
"I don't want to put out content just because I'm putting it out."
"You've got to give the people what they want."
"That's what you've came here for and that's what we're giving you."
"Word of mouth is good, I think the movie delivers."
"Most of us grew up watching Marvel so we're used to fake endings."
"Now, if you didn't like Dune Part One, what's wrong with you? But I don't think Dune Part Two is going to completely change your mind."
"Making eye contact with the bartender is like the universal symbol that says I'm ready."
"You're gonna give the fans what they want or at least you're gonna attempt to give the fans what they want."
"The early death of a major character can be a movie's defining iconic twist; done badly and it just seems a waste of talent and leaves the audience feeling cheated."
"We all love a good twist, who doesn't? But what we don't love is feeling like our time investment has been wasted."
"Force Awakens is like where an artist gave people what they wanted."
"I gotta give y'all what you want, so that's what's happening."
"Consistency is key; let your followers know when to expect your posts."
"The people that are making these movies know what we want to see."
"Most people are actually hoping that a comedian will be funny rather than politically correct."
"The expectation to have faster-paced content and a little bit more professional presentation is pretty clear to me."
"We don't want to hate on things... we wanted it to be good."
"Fake hardcore or fake 100 days are things that cause outrage in thumbnails and titles but perhaps the bigger flaw is that the audience is already expecting it to begin with."
"You know, it's football. That's what people pay to see, you know. It happens."
"I didn't want to just put something out just because the hype of people wanting it out."
"Godzilla vs. Kong, no one cares about the plot."
"2014 Godzilla, that like when's Godzilla gonna show up you know like what am I gonna see him blow shit up but I never really had that thought for shin Godzilla because I was sort of interested in what was happening"
"Patience. The movie's final end credit scene is a big old 'f you' to everyone that stayed to watch something at least a smidge more entertaining than a troll."
"Fan service is not something you should think about; fans who need to be serviced are not actually fans."
"This movie just let the audience down in a big way."
"The problem is, people are like, 'We waited two weeks and it was just 15 minutes of content.' They actually get annoyed when it's too short."
"Every time Marvel introduces a brand new character that the mainstream audience does not know about, we get very weary and go: 'Oh, this might be Marvel's first flop.' And Shang-Chi was not that at all."
"To make a popular and profitable video game movie you don't even need to make it good you just need to show the audience enough of the imagery they would want to see translated on the big screen."
"Fandom wants mature storytelling but doesn't want to accept the uncomfortable reality of mature storytelling."
"Deadpool 3 is going to be the most important movie they've put out since endgame."
"Give them what they want for the entire movie rather than trying to cut it down, water it down, and seeing just how much crap you can put in their water before they call it sewage."
"I don't give a [ __ ] what you believe or what you say, just give me good [ __ ] entertainment."
"This straight up felt like they were just filling up time until the next series arrived."
"What I like so far that this show is doing with its characters is playing with the audience expectations about protagonists and antagonists."
"Hopefully you don't mind a longer intro for this one, but if you clicked on a video this long something tells me you probably don't give a [__] all."
"It's weird if you get even the smallest vlog audiences they just want more."
"We're still waiting on those avatar sequels... they are franchises people love... but had quite a few problems with the actual films themselves."
"We're making the change in entertainment everybody out there wants to see."
"Some people said the movie sucked cause it didn't feel like a Pixar movie."
"Surprised by a lot that happens. I know that it seems like one of those trailers where it spills out the whole movie, no it doesn't, and I wish we'd said that."
"The people who go on these shows and the people who watch them don't really want to see ghosts debunked."
"The thing I've always tried to do is surprise people to present them with something they didn't expect."
"When you get to a certain size on YouTube, it really does become impossible to please everybody."
"Not the multiverse of madness, okay? Give us the thing!"
"A trailer is an advertisement designed to sell a movie... you are cheating the audience, you are duping them."
"And we'll have to wait and see whether Godzilla X Kong is the last in the series or if it will beat people's expectations and save the monsterverse."
"I thought they were gonna change it for the finale. It looks like maybe they're not."
"Never too dark, just as strange as we were all hoping it would be."
"What audiences today want, to see we want to see something with a meaningful story made accessible with well-executed jokes and a good sense of humor."
"Oh my God, I don't really know what to expect from the ending."
"They just wanted to see violence tonight, and I gave them that."
"I'm very happy for Percy Jackson, it's trending number one, I'm curious to see if how it performs as a show considering that it's clearly going to skew very young."
"And because of what it means to be a dragon, the audience will know to expect something powerful and important no matter what shape it is."
"The critic and audience response made me really hopeful, but movies just aren't as good as they used to be."
"It seems that it doesn't matter what content that I put up right now, there's without fail many multiple comments, 'Yeah, that's all very nice dude, but where's the TV?'"
"I had a good time watching it. Why wasn't any of this in the trailers?"
"People want the premium content...they have Game of Thrones."
"Every time we make a film, it is with the expectation of delivering on a promise."
"I want this show to be good, guys. I want it to be."
"Just put on some decent wrestling shows. That's all we want, man."
"You telling the audience that you have a pizza job is you asking the audience to expect less from you."
"I often talk about how artists and creators don't owe the audience anything. But in this situation... the audience deserves their best effort." - Discussion
"You want to give them what you want in a way they didn't see coming."
"There's no way to please everyone. If we tried, it would have just been a watered-down mess."
"Nobody would expect to watch a historical Nigerian story and demand to see Latinos; it's absurd."
"Nobody wants to see women fight? This place is jam-packed."
"I feel like it would be rude to my audience if I tried to drastically shift into a different type of content."
"I can't believe the low death count of main characters."
"That is not what the patrons want to see, I'm gonna tell you that."
"Sometimes you gotta subvert the expectations."
"You feel guilty, like the audience has a sense of ownership."
"This sequel is incredible, it's everything you want and more."
"Some people wanted you to like pop off and they're super excited and that's what they love."
"These critiques are basically saying, 'Hey Tyler, we want to see more nuanced and responsible portrayals in your work.'"
"Viewers and audiences are demanding more meaningful and innovative content."
"Hats off to Travis Pastrana for bringing us what he hoped we would see."
"I think there are audiences that want authenticity and more importantly there are audiences who want plausible deniability."
"Will we see new gameplay? Well, it would really disappoint everybody if we just showed the same thing."
"Deliver us from pleasing to the audience of one to compliance to the audience of what pleases the audience."
"It's almost like when I'm writing this stuff, I'm like, 'Yo, I think this is funny, right?' Everybody else is like, 'It's a different type of image.' They want crazy hard bars."
"People know what to expect every time you drop a video."
"I think the industry as a whole needs to sit back and go, 'All right, what are we building? What is the audience's expectation? What is the best way to get our story across and say what we need to say?'"
"Our expectations and our demands for the qualities comic book films have gone up."
"I know that people who watch the Midas touch Network want the facts, want the data, and want the specifics."
"You need to explain it. If there's no explanation, this is not going to be a complete fucking match."
"I can't fucking wait. And then they want to know why ratings are at an all-time low."
"I want to see something that I don't expect but that's good."
"I just want for fan sanity and love and hearts for things to stick the landing."
"You should expect good quality storytelling, and if you don't get it, then you should make that fact known."
"People didn't like you as a character because you weren't overpowered One-Stop shop with every qualification and ability the plot required."
"As audiences, we deserve the honest representation of people's performances."
"I don't ever want somebody to come to an improv show or any other club, whether it's Amy's in Nashville, whether it's the Stress Factory in New Jersey, and for them to say, 'Bro, you know...'"
"Good luck trying to keep MJF as the heel and Punk as the babyface. I don't see how you don't do a double turn at the end of all this."
"Listen, everybody hates sequels and three queens, but these guys have proven that there is no sophomore slump, there's no junior slump."
"It's a blatant disregard for the past thinks the audience was emotionally invested in for the sake of shock value."
"If you're a comedy act it's political, like people expect to have positions on everything."
"We demand compelling stories that surprise us."
"People don't want to be lectured to by either side they just want entertainment dude."
"It would really ruin the channel if you started doing any sort of babying stuff."
"It felt more like a regular YouTuber stuff as opposed to the headliner he once was."
"Eventually your audience will come to demand one type of opinion more than others."
"We as audience members sometimes demand too much of people with large platforms."
"People want more depth in a character arc."
"The audience wants to know what they're going to see. It's not one thing or another. The audience wants to know what they're going to see."
"Audiences want heroes who are aspirational and inspirational."
"The last thing you want is for your audience to say, 'We want the old [YouTuber] back.'"
"I'm just in a weird stage, man, I was growing up as well, like I don't know, like it's magic and we need to understand for any rapper, any artist, anyone, you can't please everyone."
"Isn't that what we want to see? Facial reactions?"
"That's what subversion Done Right is supposed to be like, where you're able to deliver something even better to the audience than they expected."
"If people go to a concert, they want to hear the hits."
"We're going to start because the YouTube crowd... they're gonna be out for blood if we don't start on time."
"Don't fall into the traps of trying to please the audience. You will never please the audience ever."
"The goal of any story should not be to satisfy everyone; it should be to tell a good story with no inconsistencies, plot holes, rushed and forced instances, or tone-deaf weirdo things."
I don't feel limited. I don't ever have to worry about, "Oh, but what does my audience want?" I literally do whatever I want on YouTube, and that freedom is awesome.
"What do people really want from female characters?"
"You got so many people to please; if you're off with one, then it won't be a classic record."
"This is what we want to see in a dinosaur movie."
"It's really evolved from being something that's more of a one-way push to something that there's been an expectation of audiences that you're providing more to them."
"As an R&B singer, women come to your shows knowing exactly what it is."
"What do you think is the biggest mistake current horror movies make?"
"Will it be good enough? Is it entertaining enough? Is it what you want to see?"
"I'm a variety streamer. I have people who are expecting me to do various games."
"The audience knows that we would like to see something polished, something rehearsed, something great looking."
"The Mexican audience won't take anything less than an all-out assault from the first round on."
"He just gets it, he understands how to meet every parameter that people want but to make quality."
"You're going to lose it if you start trying to make certain songs to please people."