
Societal Trends Quotes

There are 608 quotes

"As the world becomes more and more artificial, the authentic becomes more and more attractive."
"Anyway, I just can’t help but laugh at all this fighting. 'It’s a trend! It’s a fad! It’s a phase!' Okay? So is everything."
"The way society's going, you may as well do something that you really love and feel nourished by."
"More Americans are gonna watch cat videos today than they will the news."
"Self-awareness is key right? We have our moments, we have our norms, we have our trends."
"The marriage rate in the United States is lower than it's ever been since we started recording it."
"Everything is getting more and more dialed into less effort and ease."
"The vast majority of people who do not have children had planned to; they had assumed there'd be a moment in time after education, after careers, when it would be the right time. But the right time never came."
"The United States dropped from the 15th happiest nation on Earth to the 23rd, and based on the data we can see that that decline is largely due to a significant drop in reported happiness among Americans under the age of 30."
"The pursuit of happiness via emulating influencers and the concept of reclaiming one's own sexuality and promiscuity on the internet as a form of liberation at a young age contributes to the diminishing gap between childhood and adulthood."
"In succeeding and helping ordinary people achieve their dreams, we can say, 'Why do you want a dream to be an Instagram star? Hey, that's Zoomers, man.'"
"Self-harm among 10 to 14 year old girls has quadrupled in the last 12 years."
"You see the FBI reports that violent crime in America is at a 50-year low."
"Narcissism is a tidal wave; it's on the rise. Our society and culture are narcissistic."
"If we actively trust in the Lord and His ways, if we are engaged in His work, we will not fear the trends of the world or be troubled by them."
"One of the themes in the year of 2022 is going to be collective grief."
"We're so obsessed with virtual characters, and why everyone nowadays seems to want to be one."
"A high-value woman is not necessarily a new concept as much as it is probably a new, or at least trending, phrase."
"The decline of American health was the beginning of this participation trophy [__]."
"We're watching the death of artistry unfold right before our eyes."
"It's becoming popular to think. I hope it feels good being part of a big group like this. This is a great time to be alive."
"Technology is shortening our attention spans and we sort of move a little bit societally towards ADHD."
"I don't think wanting to become masculine as a young man is a fad."
"If you go with the flow in America today, you will end up overweight or obese, as 2/3 of Americans do."
"85% of Americans have a smartphone, and that percentage has grown every year since their inception."
"Population decline doesn't have to parallel economic decline."
"Cynicism is on the rise, but why are we becoming so cynical, and more importantly, how can we escape its power?"
"The outraged culture is indicative of the way society is moving, and I have a concern."
"Marriage rates are now more closely linked to socioeconomic status than ever before."
"Millennials are getting hitched later in life than people in prior generations did."
"It's too easy to divorce, and too many people do it too quickly."
"There's an appetite for real systemic change among these people... There's also a sense that no one knows what ten years, fifteen years ahead what it's going to look like."
"Young people in China are not only unwilling to get married but there is also an emerging trend of outright rejecting love."
"A lot of what we're seeing is not people necessarily leaving for another belief system...they're still spiritual people, they just are not calling themselves Christians."
"Tolerance, pluralism, mutual trust, and respect between States and communities, and even individuals, is on the decline."
"Society in itself, if it continues the way it's going, will end up where it's headed."
"The very foundation of today's woke culture is victimhood."
"What happens in the universities ends up happening everywhere else very, very rapidly."
"Common sense is going to eventually prevail."
"I've never seen a period like this where so many people are eager to control their own destiny."
"We live in an age of instant gratification where people want things immediately and they don't want to have to do any legwork themselves."
"The political climate has changed so much over the past five years."
"I think there's good things happening, but optimistic about the future overall? I don't know, that's tough to be."
"The forces of evil have never raged more forcefully than they do today."
"The traditional wife is now considered cutting edge, fully consistent with a futuristic notion of the reproachment between technology and tradition."
"A lot of people asking to smoke cigarettes, surprising amount of comments."
"A lot of people are just reevaluating their lives."
"People are gaming right now because they're what do you want them to do?"
"This is a part of the ongoing decline of Western capitalism."
"We're at the precipice now. We're living in Brave New World, Fahrenheit 1984."
"Now people are basically worshiping tech without them knowing it."
"When so-called culture war issues become politically salient, we tend to win those wars."
"You get out of cities, big cities. We're seeing people do that, and that's important."
"You ever wondered how what was happening in Germany uh happened, how you convince all those people of Madness? It's happening again. Totalitarianism is on the rise and that is different than authoritarianism."
"Sell something that inspires FOMO or convinces them they have more time in the sexual Marketplace than they actually do."
"Trends may be fleeting but values are timeless."
"The idea that people are going to like boycott the NFL or boycott MLB for the rest of time is probably a pipe dream but you don't have to, I think it's happening right now."
"What happens in California... so goes the nation."
"The expectations are that people do want more."
"People are in fact interested in those experiences."
"There's an epidemic, I mean everything's going up depression is up."
"We have to stop gravitating towards the dumbest [__] we can gravitate towards in making it a trend just for attention."
"It's kind of ugly that this has become the new way that you gain credibility."
"Every major corporation must mirror whatever is the woke priority of the day."
"They're openly talking about having people eat bugs, living in pods, promoting the metaverse... It's all out there in their own documents."
"People's consumption is going to want to match their value system." - Speaker
"Perhaps the reason divorce rates are so high is because of this."
"People are realizing that weddings aren't essential."
"But I definitely sense that the tide is turning I know it feels like a dangerous time right now."
"Brave New World is much more indicative of where America is going."
"Cultural shifts are happening faster than ever."
"I've never heard of this woke, what is this woke that you speak of?"
"Negativity is just running the world now, like everybody, like negativity, but it sells, bro, it sells."
"The woke cult thought it'd make them money, then they got broke."
"Content is the gateway drug to success in our society."
"We're spending more and more time on our phones than any other time in history."
"The number of females seeking gender surgery in America quadrupled."
"Efforts to censor popular forms of media have come and gone."
"Don't tell me history doesn't repeat itself."
"Casually dating can be cool, but if it implies that I want all the perks of marriage except for the title, then it's commandeering dating."
"The cycle of socialism is a persistent one... the Western liberal tradition feels like it's on the verge of collapse."
"To me, that's actually a way to Trend you to see it. We're not taken by surprise, right?"
"An argument for Catholicism... it will protect you from the errors of passing fashions."
"Having security is something that a lot of women are looking for right now."
"Politics is downstream of culture... and if politics is downstream of culture, culture can be downstream of politics too."
"A great jab at modern parents who let their kids get away with anything."
"People I think we're we're to the point now where mankind will worship just about anything."
"We should be maximizing self-benefit. If it benefits them, then personally I think that the more time passes when it comes to the whole trans acceptance thing, the interest in medical transition is going to decrease a lot," was a prediction shared.
"I really believe that the self-silencing majority of this country is broadly in the center wants a different choice other than Laura Ingraham and Rachel Maddow at night."
"Preppers are crazy but they're not as crazy as they used to be and that applies huge right now."
"This isn't so uncommon... 40 young people in our society today don't really consult history as they once did."
"People are going to be incentivized, starting incentivized all sorts of tasks and things that weren't even games before are going to start turning into games."
"Whatever is happening on campuses right now is what is going to play out through the rest of society in about 30 years."
"More and more men are choosing not to go to school not to get a job and not to get married if similar numbers of women were doing the same someone would raise the alarm."
"The world is ending if we have a bunch of young people who all kind of agree that we are not ashamed to have this list right now."
"I think it's a trend that will just continue to grow, I don't see it going back in the opposite direction."
"Honestly, I think cancel culture is dying down. People are realizing it was a fun hobby rather than improving society."
"We can't ignore what's happening in the country, and it's going to get worse."
"When you see this trend keep going the way it is, it's only going to lead to more troubles politically, socially, violence, and uh, yeah exactly right now."
"Xanax being this really huge focal point of youth culture is so weird to me."
"American consumer culture can co-opt a counter trend quicker than you can say Whole Earth Catalog."
"The era of the black sheep has begun marking period of unparalleled intellectual narcissistic blooming under the ban at the kakulia."
"The polls are the marketing companies are wrong... get woke go broke isn't a universal truth."
"Right-wing populists are going to keep winning... politics is bad."
"Cancel culture existed 60 years ago, it will never go away."
"Saturn in Aquarius could be seen as both progressive and conservative."
"The world is about to change all I can do is just do my best to give people a look into the future regarding time."
"There really is a political Paradigm Shift happening right before our very eyes."
"I think we're gonna have like a roaring 20s kind of period."
"We're on the downward trend, but maybe everything is cyclical. Hopefully, we'll shift back towards what we want."
"How we smell to others has become a huge industry and I'm here to say that things have gotten officially out of control."
"There's 80% of people who are not gonna do it, you know that's a reality."
"I see a lot of very dangerous historical patterns repeating."
"But we shouldn't become so jaded that we fail to notice the considerable escalation happening in our culture right now."
"Whoever you vote for, you end up with wokeness."
"Moving a little too fast... widening inequality... that is something that is happening."
"People have stopped using their brain. The spider web of contradictions got so large and it's all emotionally based at that."
"Men overwhelmingly prefer women between 18 and 24."
"Keeping a healthy lifestyle is not a priority for a lot of people, especially because they have very busy routines."
"The fact that people are using the word space signals a level of enthusiastic forward thinking."
"Humanity's creation collides towards a predetermined direction."
"This is where the United States and the world are now at."
"The sweet spot is like 16 to 26 because that's where you're most in touch with culture."
"Black women are so prominent in deciding what's cool."
"When I see the majority in the world going in one direction, that's a warning sign for me."
"You cannot overstate the scale of demographic change underway right now in the United States."
"Being single in your 30s isn't bad luck, it's a global phenomenon."
"If we're gonna have FOMO over anything, why not be FOMO over financial security?"
"Maybe the proof, supposed proof didn't help."
"Cancel culture exists in every aspect of society nowadays, including politics."
"Men are opting out of pretty much everything right now."
"I was born in the '90s and this [__] started to become a thing."
"Birth rates are not a measure of societal collapse; they're influenced by access to happier lives and family planning."
"Isn't it interesting how much the political machinery can predict what the public is going to be doing years down in the future?"
"Marriage is a hot topic today. It seems like the last bastion is somewhere overseas."
"It's time to move away from believing that the only comfortable pants are leggings."
"I think Trump is a symptom of something that's going on."
"As doom and gloom as the last couple months has seemed to have presented us, there's a lot of reasons for hope."
"Culture is a reflection of our moment and our time"
"The Tide is turning and it's turning massively."
"Authenticity is key in this life, especially now with everyone trying to be someone else."
"It's one of the things you can predict with the most ease: demographics is Destiny."
"The reality is we are now living in an age of hyper-gynocentrism and I think 2020 will be the decade where facts and logic will be dismissed outright if they are offensive in some way."
"Relevance is more important than yesterday's dominance."
"A white pill is this belief in hope... something good is happening."
"Millennials are treating pets like their first born child and it's causing problems."
"Most people will be choosing the blue pill in 20 years."
"What you get when you mix Nostalgia with resentment and rage you get fundamentalism fundamentalisms are going to rise and they're going to be increasingly apocalyptic fundamentalisms."
"Men and women both with a higher level of education are much less likely to get divorced."
"The fastest growing group of gun owners in America is specifically black women." - Notable demographic trend in gun ownership.
"As that drops, the reward for doing all this cow towing and pandering and censorship and premeditated propaganda is going to get less and less passionate."
"Retirement will last 30 years... people really want to retire earlier as well as life expectancies are getting a lot longer."
"U.S. birth rate fell by four percent in 2020, hitting another record low."
"People like rankings, that's a fact of life."
"Diversity inclusion and equity have become America's new religion."
"There's been a bifurcation between the idea of something being popular and something being good."
"Elsa honestly didn't get too much room to breathe in the first film, and this time it's all about exploring her more."
"Things that they need to bring mainstream like AI, crypto, like the metaverse, it's not happening because we're not interested right now."
"Sex has turned into a product that is marketed, packed, sold, and shipped."
"Why so many Americans have stopped paying their credit cards."
"The very fact that this conversation is happening is itself a sign of where things are going."
"Food culture has become bigger than ever. People are genuinely excited about food. It's a new fucking world."
"The conditioning of people to follow and worship a charismatic leader will continue to escalate."
"The fastest-growing minority...those who checked the box that say none of the above...as people open their daily paper...they see the nightmare of a theocracy going nuclear imminently."
"Austria's kind of representing the direction that the Western world may soon head in."
"Society and news media and entertainment is all about women liberating themselves and chopping off their hair so that they can have more authority and more power."
"If we're just continuing to lean into this sort of magical thinking."
"Cancel culture is no different than Orwell's depersonalization."
"I don't think we've gone through a change like we're going through right now when it comes to our diets and the way we look at food and drink."
"There's no way to stop it... there really seems to be no way to stop this."
"They really thought this was going to last a long time."
"I think the pendulum is eventually going to swing back to where people are going to start looking for more conservative things in the future."
"Humility is a lost art... today's chest-pounding world."
"I think we are going to get into a new era where the crowd is generally wrong."
"Thankfully, though, it seems like a lot of people are becoming more health-conscious. There is definitely a rise in health food stores and health consciousness."
"How many young girls also want biracial kids just because of Kim Kardashian?"
"The pendulum is swinging, you know. It always has to come back to the center."
"The three simple steps: the rise, the top, and the decline."
"Guys are out. As things get worse, you're going to see more and more of this."
"Traditions are kind of like a civilizational trial and error."
"Rich people are building bunkers; that's not a good sign."
"Murders in the US Are Very Concentrated, and They Are Becoming Even More So."
"There's an understandable fear around these trends, conflating attractiveness with despair makes despair seem tempting, if not outright desirable."
"Trends are fun. This is revolting and nauseating."
"I think there's a lot at stake, but I also kind of do agree with you. I think it's just by nature I'm sort of like mildly optimistic that over time things will trend in the right direction."
"Identity politics has found a strong home in influencer land."
"Why do people like annoying things if there's something that I never understood why does Annoying stuff go viral?"
"Education over everything. Because you can get so far. I know now the current trend is to be a social media influencer and things like that, but to have something to fall back on, like that's golden."
"Nakedness: women wearing clothing but not wearing clothing."
"Increase in literacy, yet knowledge will decrease."
"Hollywood keeps moving left, politics keeps moving to the right."
"Just because it's cool in 2022 doesn't mean it's normal."
"There seems to be a real turn against rationality which I find both interesting and also quite disturbing in a way."
"Life expectancy between 2020 and 2021 dropped by three full years in the United States."
"I love badasses, but we sure seem to have a lot of them these days."
"When you notice what the media tends to highlight... you can't help but notice that there's a pattern."
"You don't have to look this one way. What's popular always changes, but how you are naturally will never go out of style."
"I think that stupid is expanding and I think that the capacity for stupid is increasing."
"Communal living: part of a cult or the new future?"
"The young people today, they want that which is authentic."