
GDP Quotes

There are 217 quotes

"GDP doesn’t distinguish between activity that increases a country’s wealth and activity that doesn’t."
"Indicators of economic activity and employment have continued to strengthen, and real GDP this year appears to be on track to post its fastest rate of increase in decades."
"Europe's Gross National Product dropped nearly fifteen percent in the second quarter of 2020 alone."
"Health care spending made up 5% of total U.S. GDP in 1960. In 2020, spending hit almost 20% of total GDP."
"We can actually add somewhere between four and six percent to the GDP just by closing the wealth gap."
"We're seeing that feed through... that there was a four percent contraction in GDP."
"The key graph in macroeconomics shows C + I + G + (X - M), representing the expenditures approach to measuring GDP."
"We need the right measurements for our society; we made up GDP almost 100 years ago and even the inventor said this is a terrible measurement of national well-being."
"Alleviating gross poverty would increase our GDP by 700 billion dollars just based on better education and health outcomes."
"2% of global GDP is enough to deal with the climate crisis."
"China's economy today, when you measure its GDP at purchasing power parity, is around 19% of the entire global economy, that is larger than the U.S. economy, which is only around 15%."
"The Bureau of Economic Analysis says the GDP expanded 5.7% in 2021, which is the fastest annual growth since the 80s."
"The GDP is sexist because it adopts a framework of value creation and productivity that is traditionally anchored on individualistic male-dominated activities."
"From 1961 to 2021, the GDP per capita of the Republic of Korea grew from being 34.34 times smaller than the United States to approximately half of what it was in the United States, truly a breathtaking pace of economic development."
"It's the person who devised GDP always said it's a flawed measure; he never intended it to be used in the way that it is now because it's easy and it distorts."
"Fast forwarding a few decades, and South Korea's GDP per capita is around 30 times that of Pakistan's."
"We have this phantom GDP measurement that corresponds to very little in our day-to-day lives."
"We're looking at employees being ready not lost in this process where what we want businesses to stay intact because they represent half the GDP."
"The debt ratio to gross domestic product is going to just keep going up."
"China's GDP over the past few decades: explosive growth."
"Almost every year since 2012 China has targeted a lower GDP growth metric, but it wasn't until Co when the leaders stepped back and focused attention on what the country is best at: making things."
"The U.S. debt-to-GDP ratio was 107 percent... that's a total public U.S. debt divided by the nominal GDP."
"So if we have GDP below zero percent again, GDP adjusted for the rate of inflation for a sustained period of time, that would be the definition of an economic depression."
"India's GDP growth has been resilient over the years, even amid major challenges like the pandemic."
"GDP measures everything but that which makes life worth living."
"We need something other than GDP in terms of analyzing our success as societies."
"Luxembourg has a GDP per capita of 133,590 which is almost double that of the United States."
"Economic growth is the idea of GDP going up in the long run."
"It's really shocking very strong GDP numbers especially on the consumption side."
"The GDP in the US is the highest of any G7 Nation American economy is growing faster than China."
"The lower GDI numbers are basically indicating that the economy is weaker than we're being told by the folks looking at the GDP numbers."
"South Korea has a GDP of 1.8 trillion dollars, making it the 10th largest economy in the world and the third largest in Asia."
"Respecting individual liberties is associated with higher GDPs."
"It's like a third of China's GDP if it doesn't keep growing they are in some serious trouble."
"Prosperity okay human health GDP growth. Let's measure what actually matters."
"Kanzak's combined GDP would make it the world's third-largest economy."
"Undocumented immigrants contribute 1 trillion in GDP."
"The EAF would have a combined GDP of 472 billion US dollars."
"Australia's GDP growth rates exceeded three percent for two consecutive quarters."
"China has not only surpassed the US, but also now accounts for roughly 18% of world GDP."
"Hong Kong's GDP per capita reached $49,000, while Singapore's soared to an impressive $82,800."
"Looks like we're about to get two negative quarters of GDP growth."
"There is no correlation between GDP growth and equity returns."
"Spain's GDP overtook its pre-crisis peak in 2017."
"The whole world is interconnected so if we see a contraction in GDP in one country it will have a knock-on impact to every other country in the world."
"We spend 18 percent of GDP on health care, an additional trillion dollars compared to any other advanced country, yet have lower life expectancy."
"Last year we had two quarters in a row of negative GDP... so it looks like we're in a recession anyway."
"Japan aims to double defense spending to 2 percent of its GDP."
"The economy is expected to grow by .8% this year."
"Much like in the other two categories, Texas ranks second among all states in GDP."
"More than money and assets, the GDP indicates the health of an economy."
"In terms of nominal GDP, China has the second largest economy in the world after the U.S."
"So it's just cue talking about ask yourself if the U.S. GDP gross domestic product is greater than the total of all others combined in the G7 and yes it is which allows us to negotiate from a position of strength."
"We view real GDP as the single best measure of aggregate economic activity."
"Higher real GDP improves the standard of living of Americans."
"How big is GDP? Well, GDP should be the unit of account. Like, how much money do we need to print so that the amount of units of trade matches roughly GDP?"
"Technically with two GDP cycles of regression, it means we're officially in a recession."
"China's per capita GDP increased from next to nothing in 1980."
"Now, granted America's GDP is significantly higher than North Korea's at approximately $21 trillion but two percent is $420 billion."
"What you really ought to think in terms of GDP."
"Real GDP growth is higher and inflation lower."
"It took India 58 years to make its first trillion dollars of GDP, but it took India just seven years to reach its second trillion dollars of GDP."
"There is something that is far more important than the size of our GDP. There is something actually called community, there is something called quality of life."
"GDP came in really pretty disappointing, kind of caught the market by surprise."
"Economics traditionally has placed a lot of emphasis on GDP."
"The largest part of the American GDP turns out to be rent-seeking classes."
"I think one question is, you know, is it going to how much will it increase GDP versus how much will it increase inequality?"
"Total price of all goods and services produced."
"Japan's economy produces only $196 billion, more than five times less than the USA."
"Every single good or service that results in GDP... requires energy."
"You won't see oil depletion coming through oil prices going forever up. You will see them with GDP going forever down."
"GDP does not necessarily mean that the average American is having a good life, you fool. GDP does not necessarily mean that the average American is having a good life."
"Problems that they work around don't really move the needle much on GDP in any given quarter."
"The UK is the fifth largest economy in the world and completely dwarves many larger countries in terms of GDP."
"GDP measures everything except what's important in life."
"Nonetheless, a high GDP doesn't necessarily mean that all citizens are doing well."
"The Mcab will cost an estimated $48 billion, which is 5.7% of the country's GDP."
"The ocean is big business, with a mere 14 U.S. counties making up 45% of the U.S. gross domestic product."
"As economically, mass migration has been shown to depress GDP per capita..."
"...the package that we were talking about... had taken Canada 125 years to generate a GDP of $800 billion. In the next 25 years with NAFTA and the other stuff, our GDP tripled to $2.4 trillion today."
"...the AI will contribute to about 14% growth in GDP."
"49% of Kenya's GDP is now processed on M-Pesa."
"Higher GDP means higher taxes, higher ability to pay down that debt from before."
"The actual common sense of this all, his policies particularly on ULEZ, have actually, and this is really important to understand, the GDP of London is falling because of it."
"The US labor market that was supposed to be strong and robust... now suddenly seeming like we talked about last week, following GDP growth to the downside, not really a good sign."
"Certain things are not counted in the GDP."
"A recession is two consecutive quarters of the gross domestic product shrinking."
"The market value of all final goods and services produced within a country."
"We're going to talk about GDP for a quarter, quarters three months."
"In a healthy economy, GDP increases, usually at a faster rate than the money supply, so the velocity of money slowly increases."
"The sector contributes 20% to 25% of the country's annual GDP."
"The largest issue would be your final GDP."
"Romania has had Europe's fastest growing economy ever since its GDP grew by 6-15% over the past 20 years."
"Luxembourg is outrageously expensive despite having the highest GDP per capita on Earth."
"Equatorial Guinea is still one of the poorest countries on Earth; don't be fooled by every per capita number you see."
"The ratio of debt to GDP to the economy kept on dropping, not because the debt went down, but because the economy kept on growing so fast."
"Doubling the speed in an area, an economy increases GDP by 0.3%."
"Health care spending as a percentage of gross domestic product... the United States on top."
"Gross Domestic Product... anyone have a guess how much the US GDP is?"
"The value of all final goods and services produced in an economy in a year is the definition of GDP."
"It has the highest GDP per capita of any country in the world, according to the IMF."
"Norwegians enjoy the second highest GDP per capita among European countries after Luxembourg and the 6th highest GDP per capita in the world."
"Macau is on its way to become the city with the highest GDP per capita in the world."
"The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rate compares the year over year change in economic output; it measures a country's speed of economic growth."
"Residential real estate makes up 30 percent of China's GDP."
"We need to start measuring our economic progress differently because GDP is going to keep on rising and rising even as more and more Americans get left behind."
"The wealth inequality has progressed so rapidly that the measurements of GDP and market success and the measurements of quality of life are totally decoupled."
"Real GDP is currently estimated at 3.3%, which is pretty remarkable."
"It's possible to achieve very high levels of human well-being with relatively low levels of GDP."
"The United States' annual GDP is about 21 trillion dollars."
"GDP stands as a Cornerstone metric, representing the total value of goods and services produced within a country's borders."
"Luxembourg is the country with the highest GDP per capita on the planet."
"Luxembourg is filthy rich, boasting an estimated GDP per capita of around 127,000 US dollars."
"The welfare of a nation can scarcely be inferred from a measurement of national income as defined by GDP."
"A real recession is generally two negative quarters of GDP."
"The fundamental insight from a thermodynamical point of view within economics is that the first approximation, GDP is energy turned into useful work."
"China's annual GDP growth averaged 9.5% per year until 2019, a pace described by the World Bank as the fastest sustained expansion by a major economy in history."
"China's GDP no more than three to four percent growth this year."
"Exports lead to an increase in our nation's GDP since there's money flowing into the economy."
"Economic growth is an increase in the potential GDP for an economy or per capita GDP."
"If we are stimulating the economy real GDP by stimulating aggregate supply, the price level goes down, we don't have inflation, we have the opposite of inflation."
"The economy of the Philippines had the second highest GDP per capita in Asia."
"Tourism accounts for about 12 percent of GDP."
"The economy has got to do with their work and what they spend and what they earn and how that all fits together in GDP."
"Natural real GDP is equal to GDP or real GDP at full employment."
"We're looking at an £11.5 billion drop in the UK GDP in just the first quarter."
"This daily figure is more than the annual GDP of all but two of the largest nations on Earth, China and the USA."
"Gross domestic product is the total value of all final goods and services produced within a country during a calendar year."
"Economic growth is an increase in potential GDP or per capita GDP."
"Governments around the world have allowed their budget deficits to expand by something like 6% of GDP per year."
"The money supply broadly measured going up by almost 30 percent year over year, there's no way that there won't be a lot of inflation left in that nominal GDP component."
"It will grow our GDP by 1.7 trillion over the next decade."
"Ohio's GDP is approximately 650 billion dollars annually."
"Pennsylvania ranks number six in terms of GDP."
"GDP is the market value of all final goods and services produced within an economy over a given period."
"Labor productivity is simply real GDP divided by aggregate hours."
"The intersection of aggregate demand and short-run aggregate supply tells us about the short-term equilibrium GDP point."
"We started with one half of one percent of the world's population in 1790 and we now have something close to 25 percent of the world's GDP."
"In one person's lifetime, real GDP per capita in the United States is going up six for one."
"The tourism investments represent almost double their GDP."
"Global economic wealth, or GDP per capita, has increased almost as much as it did during the preceding 25 thousand years."
"We hope to contribute from our mission as to grow the GDP of the internet."
"US GDP increased by about a trillion and a half in the year of 2023."
"The GDP... It's a total market value of all final goods and services produced within the borders of a nation each year."
"We continue to expect a moderate pace of GDP growth, with robust job gains and lower energy prices supporting household spending."
"GDP is not the perfect measure of well-being."
"We want to see 3 percent of GDP being spent on research and development by 2030."
"Many indicators of the quality of life are positively correlated with GDP."
"The larger the government is as a percentage of GDP, the less prosperous a country is."
"In a normal year, we'd expect to see about two percent GDP growth."
"If a country has a high GDP growth but at the same time is depleting their natural resources, you can see that maybe that country is actually getting less wealthy."
"Gross Domestic Product, or GDP, is the value of all final production in a country within a given time period."
"The International Monetary Fund last month raised its growth projection for India's GDP to 6.8% this financial year."
"GDP stands for gross domestic product."
"We're going to start to see a fall in debt as a percentage of GDP."
"The increase in spending from injections is greater than the reduction in spending from withdrawals, and as such, GDP will rise."
"Small businesses represent about 43.5% of American GDP."
"Thinking like an economist... includes being able to not only understand GDP and the economy but be able to forecast GDP."
"Walmart's revenues exceed the GDP of 170 countries out of 190."
"The Human Development Index includes GDP per head, life expectancy at birth, and expected years of schooling."
"Our GDP is at least double what the official guys say, at least double, because 70% of our economy is informalized."
"Gross Domestic Product is the total market value of all the goods and services produced within a country."
"London is our main hub, generating 22 percent of the UK's GDP."
"GDP is energy converted into useful work."
"We're looking at the GDP of a country, the purchasing power of the country."
"What is the most important number for the economy? Well, the GDP, the national income, the growth rates of national income."
"The GDP is the total market value of all goods and services produced within a country in a given year."
"If we see GDP becoming a little bit more cyclical, bit more volatility in GDP, shorter Cycles... then we're going to have much more opportunity for trading."
"Ninety percent of US gross domestic product in 2019 was consumption."
"A budget deficit 2020 to 2021 was 14.5 percent of GDP."
"Engineering a higher nominal GDP growth through a higher structural level of inflation is a proven way to get rid of high levels of debt."
"There seems to be a correlation between ease of business and GDP per capita."
"It's the world's 34th biggest economy and has the 18th highest GDP per capita."
"We actually need a four to five percent of GDP contraction in spending at the economy-wide level to bring us back into just into balance on the supply demand of both labor and consumer spending."
"One of the first rules of financial history is that high GDP growth does not necessarily mean high returns from equities."
"Indonesia's GDP is close to 900 billion U.S. dollars, making it the 16th largest economy in the world."
"We do expect continued GDP growth and expect that inflation will move back down."