
Career Impact Quotes

There are 380 quotes

"80,000 hours is a huge time resource that you can put towards making a difference in a career that is not only fulfilling to you but also does some good in this world as well."
"It was career-changing, life-changing to see that happen."
"Skills such as self-awareness, emotional mastery, motivation, empathy, and social effectiveness have a greater impact than raw intelligence on career success, outstanding individual performance, leadership, and the creation of successful teams."
"The Nobel Prize...it changes your opportunities but also changes the demands on your time."
"Meaning is basically how your job or your career, what you do, is helping the world in your own unique way."
"Honest and talented scientists, archaeologists, and geologists who have discovered many things which would jeopardize this current state of affairs have for many decades been denied publication, lost funding, and often their entire careers."
"Fangirls are not a slur. Fangirls are career-building people of artists. Fangirls are to be appreciated and not to be belittled."
"Each job really does have a huge impact in changing the course of your life."
"That really changed my life, changed my career."
"Steve Haines, Dave Norton, I own shopping malls. I would not employ those two clowns, and I made one phone call, their careers, they are over."
"Sharon Tate's life and promising career were brutally cut short when she became a victim of the infamous Manson family murders."
"I'm grateful for what she brought together. This started my career, it defines so much of who I am."
"Do you know any actresses whose careers have gotten better after making accusations of domestic abuse against an actor in Hollywood?"
"Hell's Kitchen [was] not just a highlight but something that really set my career in a path I never could've imagined."
"This brings me goosebumps right here, just to see the unity and the joy that it brings to what it means to these players, especially being able to get the win."
"You don't get to vote this way and then somehow it goes away. This will stick with you the rest of your career and long after you're gone."
"The James Gunn controversy started in 2018 when a group of right-wing Twitter users delved deep into the director's Twitter feed."
"Once people think you're old and mentally unfit, you're toast."
"She damaged his career, she should have to pay him more than 50 million."
"A loss for the opposition could mean the end of Dr. Phillips's political career."
"I think he ended like two [ __ ] careers, right? Like that [ __ ] was crazy."
"It's really easy to destroy someone's career when you buy into a narrative that wide swaths of this country are wrong."
"A difficult time for everyone, not a great time to be out of work."
"Honesty is in fact not always the best policy."
"I don't think that a loss by itself is some kind of critical event that derails the whole Jake Paul experience."
"It's hard to say for sure if Amber Heard has ruined her acting career forever."
"Shia LaBeouf's actions have likely ruined his career."
"Many believe this would end Winona's acting career."
"I wouldn't want to see somebody who is innocent at the moment not be able to show their side and get cancelled and have their career ruined."
"The most striking part of this is that at this point he is retired."
"I don't think I could walk away from this career if we don't win a Super Bowl... I think when you talk to people who have won it they make it very clear that that didn't fix everything."
"This album single-handedly changed the trajectory of... her career."
"Power skills are the most important skills that you can learn today that will change your life."
"The reality about the Twitch streamers...I don't think that it's fair to ask and expect somebody to throw away their career because of something that they had nothing to do with."
"A false allegation can devastate a career and a family."
"There's very few people that have changed the game during the course of their career but who has changed it more than Steph."
"The offensive and hurtful tweets did some irreparable damage to her career."
"Protest as much as you want, but going after someone to ruin their career is a different thing. That's cancel culture."
"One of the major reasons why I stopped all of a sudden is because I just collapsed. I collapsed over the anxiety and depression I was having."
"YouTube has literally changed my life, it's given me more opportunities and more ways to earn money than anything else I've ever done."
"This is their time to damage him, ruin him, and separate him from his audience so that he can't work in the business again."
"You can call on anything you believe in. Dear God, may anger not be the end of me. Dear God, may my emotions not ruin my career, my achievements, or every opportunity before me."
"Understand how our traumas impact our career and money; it may be a cover-up for underlying anxiety."
"It is a disgusting thing to do to a young man at this moment in his career."
"In just three years he was to revolutionize painting by producing a work that would make him the most important artist of his generation."
"There are certain labels that hurt. It's career-ending labels."
"I remember getting that call though that call was everything."
"This show changed my life both professionally and personally and I am forever grateful."
"His career is officially over... pretty much."
"An allegation alone should not be enough to support the destruction of a man's life and a man's career."
"If Depp stays in this conversation about abuse, I think his acting career will likely be over and he'll have to become a full-time activist."
"I lost my job and lost my dream because of it." - Bruce Prichard
"Nothing will be sadder to me... if a commercial failure clipped the wings of a budding creative in any field."
"I never could have told you a week before that that God's plan was my single and it was gonna be the biggest song of my career"
"Dallas Cowboys made him a legend, Broncos made him a champion."
"In and through your career, men will come to know the Lord Jesus Christ."
"You want to mess with my career and my freedom? Watch your entire life go down in flames."
"It's gonna be really good for his career and he's fine letting his future wife be collateral damage."
"I've been trading for six plus years. I've caught and missed many large moves. No single trade changed my life. The collective result of all my trades changed my life."
"The minute they gave him the job, it all went to crap."
"He's the greatest free agent signing of all time." - Drew Brees went on to a Hall of Fame level career in New Orleans and completely changed the course of the franchise.
"Plagiarism in the production space is a career-ending allegation."
"It changed the whole trajectory of his career."
"YouTube has changed my life for the better. I still have a huge amount of fun making these videos."
"The number one person on this list who ruined their career on a talk show is no doubt Ellen DeGeneres."
"What an advertisement for him as a filmmaker. And usually we were talking about the Five Nights at Freddy's right, with Gil Kenan being handcuffed by Poltergeist by that material, the opposite is true for Michael Bay."
"James Gunn got fired because someone didn't like that he used his platform to speak out against the Trump administration."
"It also helped jumpstart the careers of several cast members, including Julia Stiles, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and the late Heath Ledger."
"Saturday night, everything, your whole career is going to come to a halt. Not finished, you'll be able to come back a good man but trust me everything comes to a halt on Saturday night."
"You don't want to date somebody who does what I do."
"If cheating can kill Brood War's career, it can kill CS."
"Being labeled a joke thief erases every accomplishment I've ever done."
"Here's a guy who purposely tried to ruin my career and in many ways succeeded."
"He's one of the best center-backs in the last 20 years."
"I think this is a pretty cool change I like this I like that that it provides some more uh roster flexibility that also doesn't necessarily just dead the career of a backup in the meantime"
"In life, there are people who are the greatest at what they do, but being the greatest is something that doesn't mean you get some crazy title."
"Do I get an apology, the Sharon Osborne one of my guests tonight, does she get restored to her job at the CBS show, the talk, because she got fired for offering support on Twitter for my right to my opinion?"
"I want to also like stress too, this is the second time a streamer has alt tabbed and in one frame has basically got themselves cancelled and like ruined their career to an extent."
"YouTube has completely changed my life... YouTube has really helped me build my brand."
"I'm proud of you... your legacy is bigger than my career." - Draymond Green
"I reckon of Carrera Cup July a wound in a service career I knew Amanda Darien militia."
"Despite the shocking revelation, they would all be out of jobs in a few months."
"What to do if your job is going to be one of those that are going to be impacted."
"He's gonna have probation. How long of probation is it again? Three years."
"What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard."
"Describing a colleague as Hitler... aimed successfully at destroying a twenty-four-year-old graduate student's career is slander, not free speech."
"Rappers understand that their image is everything, and cooperating with the police will destroy their ability to create music and sell records."
"These are all things that I literally know for a fact wouldn't have happened if we weren't doing this YouTube thing and this Twitch thing."
"Before Amy's death, Cecil had been close to resigning. After her death, his fortune soared and never dipped again."
"Artists are getting cast aside for having the wrong opinions or being forced to quit."
"Tick tock is part of the reason why Dosha Cat's career is gonna skyrocket now."
"For a lot of women, the reason why you're struggling in dating in relationships as a successful woman is because you are hiding behind your work."
"That flipping of a coin landed me a better contract and what has shaped my life for the past two years."
"Being unhappy because you are more worried about your career than your duty as a spouse and a parent is just very sad indeed."
"All the movies of Akira Kurosawa have influenced me throughout my career."
"She got the answers, but she also got so much more than that in her interviews."
"Throughout her career she left a lasting impact on the entertainment industry, particularly remembered for her captivating performances and her unique blend of athleticism and artistry."
"I want to do the work where I have the biggest impact."
"It's a sad day for Formula One because he's been a great driver, a great spokesperson, he's been a great racer."
"This guy's the best striker in the world, 50 million pound to Chelsea and yeah, one transfer literally [__] ruined his whole career."
"If his management threatened women who were gonna talk about this or prevented someone's career from moving because of this if that happened that to me is almost worse."
"Destroying his career is disproportionate punishment, and he didn't do all the things he was accused of."
"Louisa missing the number one was the final nail in the coffin."
"Leslie Nielsen was forever altered with his hilariously deadpan performance."
"What you don't know is going to cost you because you're going to end up working for somebody that does know it."
"Signing Drew Brees reversed the franchise's fortunes forever, leading them to their first Super Bowl championship."
"Kelly was truly a singular triple threat who could ask, 'Do you agree with our picks?'"
"In the rare case where somebody is called out to lay out the white linen and cut the belly and they refuse... it's not only not the end of their career, their sales usually are multiplied by a factor of seven."
"Regardless of the outcome, this man's life, career, and public perception have been forever changed."
"Scandals rarely ever actually end someone's career."
"So to hell with your job man if you blew the whistle on something that massive and proved it worked you would never have to work again."
"This is a big deal... your whole platform, your whole career and lifeblood just stripped away from you."
"Alcoholic taking off without a doubt has been has transformed not just my career but my life it really has it's been that epic."
"The truth is these are workers who would love the opportunity to return to work for an employer that quite literally skyrocketed their careers."
"I'm not worried about how it's going to affect my career. Mental health is more important to me."
"A win over Cena Mania would have likely shot him into the main event instead it left fans wondering whether Bray was worth getting behind."
"Take Me Home Country Roads changed the career trajectory of John Denver."
"Coltrane himself was a driven man in a tragically short creative life."
"He's done something really bad and that was it, that was basically the end of his career."
"Snatch Game is not only an important pivotal moment in the show for the producers to dip their hand in and manipulate some storyline narratives, but also often a defining moment for a queen's career."
"The scandal started to threaten all that hard work that had been done."
"Has any fighter lived off of the success of one fight more than Holm from the Rousey upset seven years ago?"
"My life was not worth one cent in terms of my scientific credibility. I was finished."
"Isolation is dangerous. The world is dangerous and enemies are everywhere."
"His isolation made him weaker, he was in a fortress and he lost contact with all of his sources of power."
"If I hadn't met McCall at Collins Cup and then I had went and did the same season I have had but without meeting him and learning what I know now, I would say that I would probably be thinking about retiring right now."
"Thank you guys so much. It's also influenced my life in a monetary way. This is my main job now and I can live my life doing YouTube."
"There are things that you just can't accuse other YouTubers of without evidence, it is career-ending."
"The money sometimes can change how you approach the work, you know?"
"Imagine two men: one making millions but absent, the other making less but present."
"I just wanted to say this has been an amazing five years of my life thank you for changing my life in the best way." - Tom Holland
"He extended their careers by several years, not just extended."
"I Could Have Had It distributed through new line and my career would have been very very different my filmmaking career would have been very very different."
"It changed my career. I was like, 'Oh,' because I was like, 'Yo, this regular season thing is just like...this is not as fun. This is not as competitive and as fun as it was in college.'"
"Snagging a role like the Joker is something that can make or break your career."
"Your life and livelihood should not be ruined."
"If Usman can fight in the way that he did against Gilbert Burns, his star will explode."
"Relationships since people can't help but be overly interested in celebrity couples."
"I remember seeing Patrice O'Neal and then being like holy [ __ ] like there it is like there's the best version of Stand Up and it just gave me hope that I wasn't crazy."
"The truth is that if your job is playing the game you will never understand an average player because they don't play the game as a job, and that's okay."
"Oddly he was cut after his first promotional loss which came via an eye injury but his legacy will likely live on forever."
"If you're talking about what he achieved in football, he was a world-class footballer...but from the minute he walked through the doors, there was no one more driven than him."
"Stand-up is one of the greatest things ever happened to me, Vlad, it's um."
"Paula Deen was once seen as a wholesome southern lady who loved to cook but after 2013 she was seen as a racist and things have never really been the same to the TV personality."
"I want someone to take my spot turn my spine it's like a chain though it was like sound like that."
"I would like to be reimbursed for my college experience as of right now because everything all of my gigs have been just cancelled or postponed."
"Timo Werner will be one of the best players in the Premier League wherever he goes."
"Wow who'da thunk it turned out great if not better you guys act like my career's not at stake when I make these."
"Scarlett Johansson's marriage and Parenthood plans led to some interesting conundrums for the MCU creative team behind the scenes."
"The most troublesome thing about the research is that nearly a third of the people say they are personally worried about missing out on career opportunities or losing their job if their political opinions become known."
"Robbing it of a talented actress who had left an indelible mark on audiences through her diverse and impactful performances."
"A career that has left a lasting impact on the entertainment industry while highlighting her dedication to a balanced and fulfilling life beyond the spotlight."
"The hostility and escalations of hostility online are allowing for normal people to lose their jobs, lose their careers, be unable to work in a field that they've tried their entire life to be in."
"It's important to not let this die when the other side is viciously attacking this woman trying to get her fired from her job."
"It was an opportunity to jump right in the rankings in a way that would have changed the rest of his career."
"Even if she loses to Rose... if she shows improvement from the Hill to the Rose fight... it doesn't really hurt her stock at all."
"I just feel like your ten of pentacles that you're coming into union with better helps you to survive"
"Your career might be your biggest opportunity to make a difference in the world."
"It's crazy how Tati took years of consistent, well-respected, well-paying work and flushed it down the toilet over a teenage friend's 15-second vitamin promo."
"I've been doing this for nine years on YouTube. It's changed my life."
"The problems Christie suffered in the lane were to haunt him throughout his life."
"Music producer and content creator Patrice Wilson... effectively destroyed his mental health, his finances, his business, his career, and his livelihood..."
"The faking girlfriend death video wasn't just the end of JayStation's relationship because that was actually the end of his whole career."
"The Portland Trailblazers wasted Damian Lillard's prime with mediocre roster construction and poorer free agent choices yet it's all been excused because they have one of the most loyal players in today's game."
"Michael Jackson has already created a powerful legacy for himself and is not finished yet."
"I feel like I've done something a bit bigger than just my career."
"What other people think of you could hurt your livelihood."
"It's definitely one of the traumas of being successful."
"The late 2000s heralded the arrival of Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi, cementing their reputations as two of the greatest of all time."
"Boxing doesn't care about you, the only thing boxing cares about is what have you done for me lately."
"JBL made Cena, sorry I mean he was already gonna be a star but this guy was the perfect foil for him."
"I hate that, I absolutely hate that it killed their opportunities, it killed all creativity WWE did it because they don't want to go out of their way and be creative, they don't want to have fun with the fucking talent they have on this show."
"James Gunn was the director of Guardians of the Galaxy. I say 'was' because he was recently let go by Disney because of a controversy online regarding some very old tweets that he sent."
"His passing marks the end of a remarkable career that forever altered the way performance art is perceived and engaged with." - Tribute to William Pope L.
"I think this is gonna be a major downfall in his career, a major turning point for him."
"Jeffrey Wright elevates every project that he is in. From the first time that he came onto the scene in Basquiat, if you haven't seen it, it's phenomenal."
"Everybody realizes that this is a game of their career and everybody wants to put as much time and energy into this as possible."
"In your 10 years at Manchester, you have made the difference, you are a historic player."
"Paying attention to details and making sure your engine is running exactly the way it needs to be is allowing you to do a lot less of other things that are actually impacting negatively your bodybuilding career."
"Sometimes when someone's got a really intense job, the other partner... makes more sense for them to support them."
"Inactivity kills careers and it kills your Prime."
"The fact that perfect been lost is that this match takes place 10 years to the day when I was forced to retire. It's not mentioned, no video packages, no social media platforms, no touching videos with piano music as the bed. No nothing."
"Nobody had the power to knock Nikki out except for Nikki."
"Equipment can really make or break your career in the YouTube/Twitch scene."
"The job brings about a scientific and technological revolution."
"If that means ending Joe Biden's career, that's fine by me."
"A students go on to have very successful careers, but C students often change the earth."
"I grew up not eating dessert, but now that I work with cake, I'm always hooked."
"The positive impact Hoffman would have on one specific individual would propel her career in spirituality."
"It made me really have a reflection moment about just Meg's career and like even the awards she won."
"You wanted him to dance? I wanted him to be a prominent part of the video, like he was a prominent part of my career."
"I feel like it's time to accept that the Russell Westbrook trade completely shut the LeBron James title window closed."
"The color of your skin, where you're from, and your parents' financial status shouldn't affect your sports career."
"You need to embrace personal branding and by understanding how others perceive you it can literally change the trajectory of your life."
"Was there an injury towards the end of his time at Arsenal that did kind of... he was dropping off towards the end."
"Everywhere he's gone, he has taken them to previously unheard-of success."
"Accusations can really damage a person's career."
"There's no justice in destroying a man's reputation, destroying his career."
"Shut your mouth, you're destroying my career under your guidance, under your agents. My value dropped 30 million."
"It's just a bit of a death nail, catastrophic thing for Mr. Depp in the Hollywood community."