
Irony Quotes

There are 4603 quotes

"The game's setting is in New York, featuring a firefighting team of Americans, the game never saw release in America."
"Do you want to know something funny? An odd, quirky bit of irony about the relationship you and I share? I feel as if you already know, if you've been listening instead of just hearing me."
"What an irony that the promotion of peace and security is selling killing machines to other countries."
"Post irony is a return to irony because you start off sincere, then dive into irony, leading people to think that you stand for the opposite only to return back to the original point."
"It's killing democracy in the name of saving democracy."
"People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day."
"When you applied for a job flipping burgers, your application was rejected. Reason: overqualified."
"Nothing quite like the human mind and its ability to learn, and then also be hit by cars."
"Congratulations, brother. You played yourself."
"It is ironic that I had to be in an actual prison in order to break out of my mental prison."
"I mean, that the what bitter irony, right? That she tries to find some innovative use for the RICO statue and it winds up potentially getting used against her."
"I do love that the pit of sad is, in fact, sad. It makes me happy."
"Isn't it funny that people who are talking about Jesus don't recognize Jesus when they come face to face with him?"
"Five Guys arrested for fighting at Five Guys restaurant in Florida. The prophecy has been fulfilled."
"Ironically, police departments, using transparency laws, have been able to hide their questionable behavior."
"Funny that Dutch's plan involves buying land which is directly participating in capitalism."
"The great irony of this whole situation is that AI could also replace the people at the top."
"The only real libertarian is one who believes they are not the only real libertarian."
"Dyslexia is a really hard word to spell, don't you think that's kind of [__] up?"
"The funny thing is, it says 'together,' but no one is here. Who are we together with?"
"Serene's hatred of the undead is ironic, given her ancient relative was a huge follower of Mannimarco, an incredibly gifted necromancer."
"They feel as though you're their soul mate, which is the really ironic thing."
"Uniqueness, ironically enough, was commonplace."
"Flat-earthers claim to have members all over the globe."
"It's ironic that Trump is ending up in his own swamp."
"Satire inflates real life like a parade balloon until it pops under the pressure of its own contradictions, using irony and exaggeration to highlight the world's absurdities."
"It's a strange irony that people don't think these things through."
"Irony and post-irony are not just fashion trends; they are windows into how we express and perceive authenticity and identity in an increasingly complex world."
"Post-irony is the intertwining of irony and sincerity, and it's that intertwining that makes this stuff, to me, particularly compelling."
"It is ironic, given the fact that only two inches of rain falls here annually, that much of this water was dedicated to ritual purposes."
"Commercial by the way, it turned out amazing... Yeah, same company by the way, who I applied for the job in New York and rejected me. Same exact division. Wow, you know, it all comes around."
"It feels like 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife, to quote Alanis Morissette."
"The fortune tellers probably should have seen that one coming."
"Hard to imagine anything that could be more out of place in an underwater world than bottled water."
"Disconnecting ironically can help you reconnect."
"Annihilation? I don't like that name. And then she annihilates them."
"It's sort of ironic that this game is well-liked for offering something supposedly really unique."
"Miles Morales and his movie stand out in a positive way because he must make negative choices that no other Spider-Man has ever had to face. How ironic."
"I don't go to the gym because I'm self-conscious about my body. But, I'm conscious about my body because I don't go to the gym. Irony can be so painful."
"The ultimate irony here is that the news media misframe your video about misframing."
"Your taxes pay me... jokes on you, I don't pay my taxes."
"It's official everyone. The word literally now also means not literally. That is to say, metaphorically."
"The best long-term revenge I ever got was when someone that stole my idea ended up working for me."
"You're worried about saying 'dude' while you're stealing from me. That's like breaking into someone's house and saying, 'Ew, these drapes are ugly.'"
"You either die rescuing Mokuba, or you live long enough to be the one who kidnaps him."
"The Flat Earth Society has members all around the globe."
"The use of irony to mock or convey contempt."
"The Titanic is still taking down billionaires."
"In my experience, bigots will use ironic misogyny all the time as a way of getting away with expressing that bigotry, but they don't care about making it funny."
"A classic underdog story. It always warms my heart to see a multi-billion dollar corporation win at the end of the day."
"It's ironic that we call it social media, given how it is driving us to anti-social behaviors."
"Artificial intelligence breeds natural stupidity."
"These young socialists are always very proud to be successful capitalists."
"Loveless is an ironic title 'cause I fell in love with this book."
"Ironic sexism is dependent upon the false assumption that people no longer really hold retrograde sexist beliefs and therefore the very idea of sexism is now just a hilarious joke; but nothing could be further from the truth."
"An innocent man goes to prison, and I get to walk around thinking I've delivered justice."
"I got a few jokes about unemployed people. Oh wait, none of them work."
"The real winners of this past week were the lawyers."
"The ironic part is if his brand is the only thing that's actually keeping him afloat because his uh businesses suck so much that's kind of ironic if you have a brand as a businessman even though you suck as a businessman."
"It's so good having the instant corruption. Amazing."
"He is literally the son of immigrants. Oh my god, he's not white. Well, he can't possibly be a white nationalist then."
"It made everything so much safer for those of us who ignored it."
"Isn't it funny how in order to keep you safe I'm asking you to not have a gun?"
"Here she is wearing a dress that said 'Tax the Rich' at the Met Gala surrounded by all the rich people."
"These archetypes stick around, even though the irony of these memes was lost on the majority of people that followed it."
"If you plan to steal a cell phone from somebody don't choose a martial arts instructor."
"If you want to know what's going to happen next month, think of the exact opposite thing that should happen."
"This kind of rhetoric, right, memes, jokes, irony, this kind of super-referential way of talking about politics."
"It's pretty ironically close-minded to attack everyone else for having perspectives on the world different from your own."
"Stupid people do stupid things and they win stupid prizes because of it."
"Being the most successful in life actually comes from ironically walking away from excellent opportunities."
"Smart people are very capable of believing silly things."
"But you don't need to sarcastically eye roll against anything that might come off as cringe. You don't need self-protective irony. People already like you."
"Even the wittiest thing... can sometimes come back ten fold on you."
"I just find it fascinating and very edifying to learn that people like me apparently rule the world."
"We've got a lot of fucking dumb smart people in this country."
"She called me a freeloader... if you could die by irony it should be she would be dead."
"It's this irony that you're doing this because you want to feel accepted and connected to people but by doing this all the time you're actually feeling less connected and less accepted."
"Good luck on your heisting endeavors and remember, you miss 100% of the shots you fire with hit."
"Rent thinks about the irony as he only got the power he has always wanted most after he ended up in this rotting corpse of a body."
"Sometimes common sense is the least common of sense..."
"Someone once called irony the song of a bird that has come to love its cage."
"She thought this was an epic roast and the best way to show she doesn't care, while showing very strongly that she does care a lot."
"A man often finds his destiny on the path he takes to avoid it."
"My favorite is when people are apologizing for an offensive thing that they do and they do the offensive thing in their apology."
"Don’t you love it when people tell on themselves?"
"Irony and comedy... they can be ways of kind of testing out things that you're not completely comfortable with yet."
"The worst person I know just made a really good point."
"When you make stupid choices, you win stupid prizes."
"Welcome boo possibly wrong with that Steve oh no he said it what could possibly go wrong how come how come the words what could possibly go wrong always precedes the worst possible thing that could possibly perhaps a wrong."
"For something that says 100% natural on the label to contain high fructose corn syrup... we've got a huge oxymoron."
"It's funny because camo is supposed to hide you from things, and this... there's no hiding when you pull up."
"That's a great way to explain that away. It's called a cruel irony."
"The number one most stolen book on planet earth is the Bible... which sort of defeats the purpose."
"Many individuals who are unable to make peace in their own house are perfectly willing to go out and try to make peace in the world."
"This idea of sacrifice, it should be a race so who can raise the other one to the bottom."
"One of my favorite things about our Elite Class is again they're so damned weird but we're supposed to pretend that they are not in fact weird."
"If you're too lazy to come up with a joke but then point out that you're lazy, that means you're not lazy anymore."
"Well, it was amazing to read today that he has no place to go, no place to live, he has no apartment, he has no house, he only has the governor's mansion."
"Hope died, and the irony of that is not lost on me."
"The longevity of Donald Trump is actually critical anti-fascist action... what a time it'll be what a Time content homie that's how I'm feeling."
"If you find a planet that has hydrocarbons in their atmosphere but also smog and soot... that would be the sure sign of no intelligent life at all."
"I was a good Christian until I read the Bible."
"This is the one thing we didn't want to happen."
"Remember that ironic choices can have a powerful impact."
"Marx’s daughter once made the salient comment, 'If only Karl had made capital, instead of just writing about it.'"
"Using Arabic numerals to try to make a point about white western superiority is just so damn classic." - Nicole Hannah Jones
"When members of the left are eaten by the left, it's quite delicious."
"Nothing will fundamentally change except a bunch of things that will fundamentally change."
"It's funny that somehow if you convince people they're being ironic if they get along with each other well, that they will get along with each other and do nice things and cooperate."
"I'm telling you, man, familiarity breeds content."
"Isn't it funny how God always seems to pick a Jew to be the messenger?" - "Isn't it funny how God always seems to pick a Jew to be the messenger."
"Oh look what I see that's full of money, isn't it? There's a price tag on the front of it. That is a bank envelope."
"It is a point to remember that of all the ironies about Diana perhaps the greatest was this a girl given the name of the ancient goddess of hunting was in the end the most hunted person of the modern age."
"Welcome to the future where problems are guaranteed to never remain solved."
"It's all done through this principle of diversity, when in all honesty it's the exact opposite of diversity in every possible way."
"A terrible win, which was rooting for the loss."
"Tesla's competition is literally paying them to put them out of business."
"Fate loves irony, and we actually just saw Dogecoin hit 29 cents."
"Ironic enjoyment is actually just like a legitimate form of enjoyment at this point."
"There is something deeply ironic about a woman coming to the United States from an impoverished position and talking about the grinding evil of the United States."
"This is like complaining at a restaurant for crap food and then instead of them refunding you, you give them a tip."
"Critical race theory ironically embodies discrimination under the guise of fighting discrimination."
"It's very funny how a liberal institution can be so illiberal."
"When peacefulness intensifies, apparently that's when you set fire to a courthouse, damage a police station, and assault police officers. But it's mostly peaceful, guys."
"Harry and Meghan are nothing without the royal family, which is one of the most ironic things because they are literally trying to destroy the monarchy."
"Nobody likes cancel culture until they get an opportunity to cancel someone."
"You're lonely? Here's Facebook. That's like saying you want a cat, here's a toaster."
"Even though you can’t use irony in an underdeveloped country, there is some irony here in a guy that mocks everybody and everything, getting made fun of."
"People who speak the truth get attacked more, it's kind of a weird irony."
"It's becoming easier to have this conversation."
"It's always funny when you point out how unfunny a joke is."
"If you're eternally happy, then you can't be sad about the fact that no one likes you."
"A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it."
"It's not about the money. It's about the money."
"It's absolutely insane, but don't you think it's kind of poetic justice that this man remains the front-runner by far of the Republican Party? The GOP that shunned every opportunity to renounce him, and now he's literally eating them alive."
"That's the feeling I have looking at this now, and maybe you have it too. Sinners!"
"Bungling burglar left his own birth certificate at crime scene."
"She pleaded not guilty, the attorney is arguing that she needs medical attention. Now isn't that ironic?"
"Irony: Our previous read of this document being 52 minutes long."
"It's quite ironic and in a way quite fitting that having insulted Spider-Man by calling him an insect in Avengers infinity war Thanos's big victory will be undone thanks largely to the actions of a guy who goes by the name ant-man."
"People find the idea of embedded thought policing in the digital public square kind of funny, if not ironic."
"The largest fine a single company has paid in U.S. history."
"They each think they're the iceberg not the Titanic."
"It makes no sense and it is enjoyable when you think about it like that."
"Everyone was a winner, but their lungs were not."
"Daenerys was never going to break the wheel... she was the wheel..."
"Any prosecutor can convict a guilty man, it takes an exceptional prosecutor to convict an innocent one."
"The day Arsenal fans start singing Ollies at the wheel is the day with the world ends."
"Yes, it seems like they tried so hard to not be racist, they circled all the way back around to being racist."
"It's very cruel, and as I said before, the most annoying thing is how people who are going along with this view themselves as sort of the selfless ones."
"Isn't it ironic that Scott is banned on Twitter yet right now we are streaming live on Twitter?"
"I'm vegetarian but I made lamb, that's one of my favorite quotes of all time."
"Gas lit but you're gonna break out your barbecue on July 4th."
"I feel like a lot of the players these days are irony poison TikTok and Twitter users coming back to the game in an ironic quirky nostalgia kind of way."
"Human rights instantiate these visions, they're not arbitrary like ironically God's commands are."
"From die-hard drug traffickers... They're going to the beach."
"They idolize capitalism but get so mad when capitalism be capitalizing."
"Everyone is looking for the perfect partner, no one's interested in being the perfect partner."
"BLM have decided to sue themselves which is the biggest brain move I could have thought."
"You either die the hero or live long enough to become the villain."
"We're actually at the critical point of this pandemic now, and it's just so ironic because we're only a couple of months away from fairly wide-scale vaccination."
"I'm Illuminati, so obviously not a good idea."
"Imagine pretending to be open-minded but being this close-minded."
"Champions League wins matter, but have you tried a world-class miss? That's what separates the legends."
"What you love could kill you like a heart physician who dies from a heart attack."
"It’s hard to escape the irony that too much of an obsession with the sun can render you unable to see it at all."
"Ideally, no one buys it. That would be the best."
"The rolls have flipped. The business owner has become the Karen."
"It is so ironic... when they gave a tax cut to the wealthy two trillion dollars... this is a targeted effort for folks who really need that extra breathing room."
"Love is his visions, but no seriously..."
"The irony is as delicious as a spicy chicken sandwich with extra pickles and grilled jalapenos the same people who accused liberals of being intolerant cancel culture supporting lunatics are now themselves calling for a boycott of Chick-fil-A."
"The Nerds made it, so next time you're out and about and you see a nerd make sure that you look him in the eye shove him in a locker and take his lunch money."
"Life has a certain irony to it, and I think it's this irony that not only makes life painful, it also makes life worth living."
"Life is short, false, it's the longest thing you will ever do."
"Imagine the people who defeated the Nazis then being called Nazis by some diversity wank who sits behind a desk."
"The internet is a mistake, but sometimes it gives us gold."
"Yeah, this is what millionaires do, baby. If they'd drink water out of a wine glass in vain, ma, look at me with my 20% digger Pepsi's ready to go."
"He's a hypocrite, he became the thing he wanted to destroy."
"Good job hacker, doing God's work here. Thank goodness the world has you so we can completely kill off the last fun zombies experience."
"The people who say that they have no traditions are the ones that are plagued with the most of them."
"It's the absolute stupidest people who are the most convinced of their own genius."
"None are so hopelessly enslaved than those who believe that they're free."
"War is peace, um this is a statistical version of that right mostly peaceful is uh a way to ignore the violence right now um ignorance is remind me freedom is slavery is the second one and ignorance is strength."
"You're the embodiment of everything you say about me. That's called irony."
"He sees himself as a confidant of the royal family a man more sinned against than sinning..."
"Everybody hates a Karen until the Karen is fighting for them."
"The church and progress in the same sentence."
"They are not leaving mobile, which is pretty freaking Smurfs."
"You're feeling underqualified... that should give you all the confidence you need."
"No regrets, that's a regret. Yeah, I have plenty of regrets."
"Winning 13 regular season games is a far cry from the zero that the Lions would win in real life."
"These beings are warning us about technology when they're clearly arriving in super advanced technology."
"I think the first thing is what I was saying at the end of my last answer which is it's the institutions ironically that are strong."
"Media savaged him as the worst person... now you're calling him a hero?"
"You've got to rate the irony of a perfume Pokémon in a tier called PU... gonna be dead tier on that alone."
"A life the husband always wanted with a loving wife without knowing the dark truth."
"Bad nannies are supposed to be the better caretaker. They're the ones that have all the answers, the super nanny."
"There are millions of people who are going to vote for Donald Trump but would never lend him money, would never let him babysit their kids, would never let him walk their dogs."
"Funny how easy it is to forget something you can barely see."