
Black Hole Quotes

There are 283 quotes

"The release of the first ever image of the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way taken by the Event Horizon Telescope was the big news this month."
"Either there is an unusually high concentration of mass there, like an ultramassive or dense galaxy cluster, or perhaps something stranger, like a monstrous intergalactic black hole."
"Perhaps our universe was born inside a black hole, and the resulting white hole was the Big Bang."
"The epitome of general relativity is a black hole."
"A black hole is a place where gravity has had its ultimate victory."
"Hawking radiation causes black holes to leak away their mass."
"TON 618, a black hole that we can observe consuming galaxies worth of matter, is shining with the brightness of a hundred trillion stars."
"A black hole is a region of space and time where gravity is so powerful that nothing in recorded history has been strong enough to escape it." - Inspirational and metaphorical.
"The fact that we have a picture at all confirming the existence of a supermassive black hole is insane."
"This is technically a very unusual and very peculiar black hole and we can't really explain why it has these unusual effects."
"What they're looking at is essentially a supermassive black hole destroying a star."
"The black hole in the middle was emitting so much light that it was overshadowing the entire galaxy around it completely."
"It creates a kind of a mystery. We don't really understand how these black holes can get so massive so quick."
"A black hole near Earth gives birth to the legendary Pokemon known as The Crossing."
"The stunning sight, the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy. The first image of it ever captured."
"For the first time ever, a black hole has been detected outside of the borders of the Milky Way galaxy."
"I realized that this is a black hole, I was transported to the event horizon or beyond of a black hole."
"There's a mysterious blob orbiting our black hole."
"The measured orbits also identified the gravitational pull from this point which in turn gave us its mass at four million times the sun's mass. This was strong evidence that Sag A-star was a black hole."
"Betelgeuse may very well collapse into a black hole."
"You can have these pictures whereby you're in one universe, you fall into a rotating black hole, you fly through the singularity, and you pop out into a new universe from a white hole."
"The escape velocity of the black hole is more than the speed of light; nothing can get out of the event horizon."
"The entropy of a black hole is the largest amount of entropy that you can have in a region of SpaceTime."
"The maximum information... scales as the area of the black hole's Event Horizon, not the volume inside."
"All of the information contained in the black hole can be thought of as living on the Event Horizon rather than in the interior of the black hole."
"...time ends inside a black hole. That's very strange. What does that mean?"
"Some scientists believe that a black hole might have a portal where you can turn back time—a white hole at the end of a black hole."
"...wormholes...might exist in the form of black holes and that interdimensional travel might be possible."
"A black hole is so dense that a single teaspoonful would weigh much more than the entire earth."
"There's one at the center of the Milky Way called Sagittarius A it has a mass like four billion Suns."
"Scientists first observed this supermassive black hole devouring a star, sucking it in and ripping it apart in a process known as spaghettification."
"M87 was the first black hole ever to be directly imaged by The Event Horizon Telescope in 2019."
"The black hole blew up reshaping the previous Island into a brand new one."
"The black hole is one of the most mysterious objects in the universe."
"There's also a theory that a black hole may be a passage to another universe."
"Modern technology revealed a prominent black hole at the North Pole, raising puzzling questions."
"It seems that there is very, very good reason to believe that whatever information is inside the black hole can, in the appropriate senses, be thought of as living on the surface of the black hole."
"Inside the event horizon, space itself is flowing towards the singularity faster than the speed of light."
"We can't know what happens inside a black hole, might be something that stops it, maybe nothing ever does."
"If you threw something into a black hole in the opposite direction of its spin, it would absolutely slow down the spin of the black hole."
"A black hole is not infinitely dense. The only part of a black hole that's infinitely dense is its Singularity."
"The first ever black hole photographed is 3 million times the size of Earth."
"It collapses and collapses and collapses and forms a black hole."
"The amount of information stored by a black hole is equal to the area of the event horizon."
"Giant really massive Galaxy... so basically the black hole stopped stars from forming ever again."
"...the most massive stellar size black hole the fastest spinning black hole and also just generally an extremely interesting object."
"Imagine you're standing far away from a black hole, watching something getting closer and closer to the event horizon."
"As you get closer to the black hole, something really weird starts happening."
"The gravity near the black hole is so powerful that it stretches and warps everything around it."
"The most widespread explanation for the weird gravitational poles is that there's a tiny black hole in our solar system."
"Imagine The Impossible: the black hole at the center of our galaxy."
"...from your perspective falling into the black hole you are going to experience time dilation."
"Nothing has the energy required to escape a black hole, making them windows into a mysterious realm beyond our understanding or reach."
"The black hole was emitting particles at exactly the correct rate to prevent violations of the second law."
"The existence of radiation from black holes seems to imply that gravitational collapse is not as final and irreversible as we once thought."
"Even though we have not yet managed to find a primordial black hole, there is fairly general agreement that if we did, it would have to be emitting a lot of gamma rays and x-rays."
"The Event Horizon, the boundary of the region of space-time from which it is not possible to escape, acts rather like a one-way membrane around the black hole."
"Beckenstein and Hawking were able to calculate how many Quantum States a black hole has."
"The event horizon is what Schwarzschild unknowingly discovered."
"This is a simulation of the Motions of stars around the suspected black hole."
"Moments before the Earth is destroyed by the black hole generator, the Turtles, April, and Casey are rescued by Professor Zayton Honeycutt, the fugitoid."
"In principle, you can go to the black hole's edge, turn around, and come back, but it's actually also a journey through time."
"A rapidly spinning black hole acts like an enormous particle accelerator."
"All of that energy from either side of it comes from the supermassive black hole in the center."
"The iconic image of a black hole now in popular culture as a result of this film."
"The outside of a black hole is the same as the inside, resembling a Klein bottle with only one surface."
"The center of our galaxy, where the supermassive black hole resides, presents a particularly challenging environment for these studies."
"So a black hole is really a one-way journey to nowhere. A wormhole by contrast, you could fall into, and you could come out the other side."
"Astronomers find a black hole with only say a couple of times the mass of the Sun."
"In theory you could even use dark matter to bulk up a black hole, and get power from it."
"For instance, photons, being particles of light, can’t escape from any region of the black hole where its escape velocity is equal to the speed of light or higher – the event horizon is that boundary."
"You have a picture of a black hole and you have the basic feature of space-time."
"Just like the star was before it went supernova, the black hole will now still be spinning."
"...both groups independently found that at the very center of our galaxy there is a black hole whose mass is getting on for four million times the mass of our Sun."
"No one knows exactly what happens in the black hole."
"We know that GR cannot be complete because at the center of the black hole where everything is crushed to a point, GR has to come into Accord with quantum mechanics."
"What happens in the event horizon stays in the event horizon."
"Time really does slow down close to the black hole... every hour they spent down there was 20 years outside. That's a real thing."
"Because of these considerations, I am going to just assume that we have unitary evaporation."
"Unitary evaporation... is just the transformation between the black hole to radiation."
"You should think of the black hole as a quantum system with a finite demanded with a Hilbert space of finite dimension."
"An infalling observer sees nothing out of the ordinary in the vicinity of the horizon as they're falling through it."
"You have entanglement across the horizon."
"I thought so. We're being sucked into a black hole."
"Maybe passing through that black hole in any way caused this to happen."
"...suggests that the star formation around the black hole is definitely possible..."
"Some people are going to look at this and go, 'I don't want a black hole, you know?' That's okay. You got to build it the way that you want to build it."
"If you fell into a black hole, there would be no time or space anymore, and with no true understanding and yet complete certainty, I can tell you, you would die."
"Astronomers took the first ever picture of a black hole."
"Essentially shown us how the jet evolves very close to the black hole."
"The hypothesis that our universe could reside inside a black hole stems from intriguing aspects of theoretical physics and cosmology that invite us to ponder the nature of the universe and the mysteries it holds."
"If our universe resided within a black hole, it could fundamentally challenge our understanding of reality as dictated by the laws of physics as we know them."
"High-resolution imaging of the black hole in the Galaxy M87."
"Although, according to the current theory, this makes the mass of the center of the galaxy too dense to be anything but a black hole."
"The story of a blazar starts in a familiar way: at the center of a galaxy, there's a giant black hole."
"Beyond which nothing, not even light, can escape its gravitational pull."
"If we see that, some people would argue that that would already be confirmation of the runaway black hole."
"Many of my colleagues are fascinated by the idea of black hole evaporation because it appears to violate the tenets of quantum mechanics."
"When we see a black hole, we're looking at this object that is so intense that nothing, not even light, can escape its grasp."
"He's concreted at black hole level, guys."
"This is the sound of a black hole that NASA released."
"Black hole will eventually radiate, eventually give off a type of radiation called Hawking radiation."
"The driving force behind these active galactic nuclei is a black hole with a mass of between 100 million and 1 billion solar masses."
"Thanks to their work, we now understand that there is a black hole which is the focus about which those stars are orbiting."
"Sagittarius A*, a supermassive black hole whose gravity dominates the Milky Way's core."
"Once certain conditions have been reached in a black hole, the collapse will continue until general relativity itself breaks down."
"A black hole is a thermodynamic system which will come to thermal equilibrium."
"A growing black hole causing new stars to form."
"At the center of the Milky Way, sucking matter and even light into it, is Sagittarius A*."
"For me personally, it has to be the picture of the black hole M87."
"I'm a supermassive black hole; there are theories of how I formed, come and join me and see."
"These results help explain how an average sized supermassive black hole can alter the evolution of the entire host galaxy."
"To turn Earth into a black hole, you'd have to squeeze it until it was the size of a marble."
"If these particles find a way to escape a black hole, they steal of its energy."
"When a black hole evaporates, it destroys all information it had about the star that created the black hole."
"When Cooper goes inside the black hole Gargantua at the end of Interstellar and transmits that data to Murph, she is finally able to solve the equation and save humanity."
"If you squeeze it more and more, at some point its structure will pass its Schwarz Shield radius and it becomes a black hole."
"If we infer the mass of the unseen compact object in the system to be greater than three solar masses, it can't be a neutron star, and the only thing left is a black hole."
"The Event Horizon is the point of no return."
"The best observed black holes in terms of measuring its mass and properties is the one at the center of our galaxy."
"The black hole at the center of the Galaxy controls the mass of the whole galaxy."
"There's nothing known to physics that can be there other than a black hole."
"Just one star that astronomers know of managed to survive an encounter with a black hole as heavy as four hundred thousand suns."
"If you replace the Sun with a black hole, Earth's orbit would remain entirely unaffected if the black hole had the same mass as the Sun."
"Heavier and more destructive than anything else in existence, the black hole is both amazing and terrifying."
"A black hole could, in its sense, create another universe, another big bang somewhere else, in theory."
"What happens in the black hole doesn't really stay in the black hole."
"You're getting what's known as an event horizon, you're getting a point of no return."
"What if a black hole already swallowed us up long ago?"
"It was like a black hole swallowing up anything directed at it and leading to a place nobody knew."
"But what if the sun already has a black hole hiding in its core, devouring it from the inside out?"
"Matter falling into a black hole is moving at nearly the speed of light, crashing into itself and producing a tremendous amount of energy."
"A small primordial black hole falling into the sun from a great distance would be moving so fast it would pass right through the sun and emerge on the other side, never to return."
"The sun could have a black hole as massive as Mercury and we wouldn't have any clue it was there."
"The black hole consumes the sun from the inside out."
"Congratulations to Katie Baumann, to whom we owe the first photograph of a black hole ever."
"A black hole has extremely strong gravity."
"There's a supermassive black hole 250 million light years away from us that hums the deepest sound ever detected from any object in the universe."
"This result provides very important evidence that the object is indeed a black hole."
"How amazing is that that you know millions of light years away you can actually see a black hole in another galaxy down to the scale."
"We've got an actual image of one for the first time."
"The light you're seeing kind of coming out around the sides is being emitted around the back of the black hole and being bent right round."
"The largest black hole we have discovered has a diameter of 490 trillion kilometers."
"A black hole... nothing can escape it, not even light."
"It's the point of no return where the gravitational force is so strong that even the fastest object in the universe, light, can't escape."
"A black hole may be a passage to another universe."
"At the center of the Sombrero Galaxy is a supermassive black hole with a mass equal to 1 billion Suns."
"Hubble's discovery of a supermassive black hole in the center of galaxy M84 has led astronomers to conclude that an immense black hole is at the center of most galaxies."
"James Webb Telescope peers through dust for unprecedented look at black hole."
"Mighty streams of radiation are created by the extreme compression of gas and dust spiraling around the black hole."
"Falling into a black hole, that's some fun stuff right there."
"Once you cross over the event horizon, you ain't coming back out."
"As you fall towards a black hole, the gravity becomes so severe that your feet start getting pulled towards the center faster than your head does."
"That's why we call it spaghettification."
"The process of getting pulled into a black hole is called spaghettification."
"The study of extreme physics brought us the bomb, it has taken us inside the violent death of a star, and now it has brought us face to face with the most destructive force in nature: a supermassive black hole."
"Something that has about a million times the mass of the Sun, that occupies a very small volume of space and that we can't see with our eyes, to me that sounds a lot like a supermassive black hole."
"The first ever direct image of a supermassive black hole or at least of the shadow cast by the supermassive black hole."
"These black holes exist, their very existence; the fact that nature can be so weird we can have these points of almost infinite density that bend light and space itself."
"Black holes really truly spectacular things."
"If you were to fall into a star-sized black hole, the pull of its gravity rises so sharply you'd be stretched out until just your atoms remained."
"Theoretically there is no limit to how large a black hole can grow; all it takes is time and the right circumstances."
"Astronomers have long nurtured the hope of seeing a black hole directly."
"They concluded that S2 and its companions must be orbiting a single object weighing several million times the mass of our sun: a supermassive black hole."
"Sagittarius A is no ordinary black hole; its estimated mass is a staggering 4.3 million times that of our sun."
"A black hole is invisible to us, but telescopes can see the material surrounding it."
"The Event Horizon Telescope... made history in April 2019 when it successfully obtained the second ever image of a black hole."
"As black holes spin, they literally distort SpaceTime itself."
"A black hole will actually have infinite density."
"How big do you think a black hole can become? In theory, we can't find an upper limit to its mass."
"There's a theoretical possibility of a white hole, the reverse of a black hole; nothing can enter it from outside, but light and matter can escape from within it."
"That black hole is singing out at a note that's about 57 octaves below middle C."
"The area of a black hole represents its amount of disorder and information."
"A black hole is something in space where it has so much gravity that it pulls everything around it in, including light."
"Seeing a black hole is impossible, and we tried to do that. They said that there's no way it could be done; we found a way to do it."
"One minute near a black hole can be equal to weeks on Earth."
"The biggest mystery is what exactly is inside a black hole."
"This giant elliptical Galaxy contains over 10 billion stars, a supermassive black hole of 6.5 billion solar masses, and more than 10,000 globular clusters."
"A tidal disruption event is when a star or a cloud of gas gets too close to a supermassive black hole and gets torn apart by the strong gravitational forces."
"It gets spaghettified because the force is so much stronger on the side closest to the black hole than the other that it gets stretched out like spaghetti."
"Over time, the radiation grows stronger and stronger as the black hole shrinks and finally explodes."
"Conversely, the blackness of the black hole, metaphysically speaking, is a concentration of white light being systematically absorbed once again into the one creator."
"Over several decades of observation... scientists were able to determine that this is most likely where our Central black hole is located."
"There's only one black hole worth studying; it's called Sagittarius A, located in the center of our galaxy, and it has the density of 40 suns."
"The A1 star could evolve into a black hole."
"The biggest black hole... is estimated to be 100 billion times heavier than our sun."
"The closer you get to the event horizon of the black hole, the faster you will see the time pass in the outside universe."
"Once caught by a black hole, you can never escape."
"Our main goal is going to be to understand the Horizon of this black hole."
"M87's supermassive black hole is so monstrous that, together with the dark matter halo, it accounts for 56% of the galaxy's total mass."
"The radiation from the active nucleus comes from accretion by the galaxy's central black hole."
"A black hole is an object with gravity so strong that not even light can escape."
"If there is indeed a black hole at the heart of M60-UCD1, it holds the record for the densest galaxy ever observed."
"If it was a super massive star originally, it will become a black hole."
"A black hole is not a hole, and the only reason it is black is because there's a mass there but it has no magnitude."
"The final stage in the life cycle of the most massive stars is a black hole."
"This is the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way."
"The final scream of material before it goes into the black hole."
"If you go build a triangle around a black hole and do this experiment, then the deviation from this... tells you how much more curved the space is."
"This image of the Galaxy Messier 87 is a black hole with perhaps even a billion solar masses."