
Ecology Quotes

There are 3390 quotes

"Buddha got enlightened under the tree because he saw the whole ecosystem...everything is one activity, entangled."
"There are some ecological news that's of surprising positivity."
"The basic processes, the basic sort of ecological processes that are going on today, they've been going on for a very long time."
"It's the ecology that's driving the evolution of complexity."
"It's a challenge to think about how individual organisms could interrelate, feed on each other, recycle nutrients once organisms have died."
"You have to think of your thoughts and feelings and the working of your flesh inside your skull as a garden, as an ecosystem."
"The law of minimum states that growth is dictated not by the total resources available but by the scarcest resource."
"The law of tolerance states that the abundance and/or distribution of an organism can be controlled by certain factors where levels of these exceed the maximum or minimum limits of tolerance of that organism."
"Our version of a farm would be different: plants, wildlife, livestock, all working together."
"The relationship between ruminants and soil is a mutualistic relationship that is the basis for soil's real healthy diverse existence."
"As the makers of this valuable substance, Shai Hulud, also known as sand worms, are considered to be the most important organism in the entirety of the known universe."
"The Galapagos Island is the perfect place that represents the possibilities of evolution and ecological coexistence."
"The old growth of the Tongass National Forest stores carbon from the atmosphere, and these trees are four to six hundred years old. So, huge, massive trees that are a natural carbon sink."
"Understanding this partnership, helped me realize the brilliance of Mother Nature, and hence reconcile the existence of parasites in the natural world, and in our rainforest of Pantdora."
"Lakes provide a critical habitat for an amazing array of plants and animals, establishing a viable food chain including bacteria, algae, plankton, insects, fish, reptiles, birds, and mammals."
"If we don't have pollinators, we don't get fruit."
"A holobiont is a term used in nature to describe an ecosystem where the whole is not just a single organism but composed of different types of organisms."
"Wherever there's water on Earth, there's a pretty good chance that you'll find life."
"These bodies of water are a big reason why we have a planet so full of nature in the first place."
"These extreme places don't just support a few hardy species, even on our planet, one unfriendly lake might be playing a big role in protecting all life on Earth."
"Yes, Toby, do you want to define beneficial mutualism for everybody? Benefits of mutualism describe the ecological interaction between two or more species where each species has a net benefit."
"So often people see hunting coyotes as a way to patrol and protect your farm and manage the population around you, but I actually see that the hunting of coyotes only creates more coyotes and increases the likelihood of problems."
"Everything is connected, defining the circle of life on the Serengeti."
"The history of the world tells a story of the destruction of native species by those species that we have introduced."
"If all the ants in the world died, the world will die. If all the humans died, the world was flourished."
"These incredible trees store large volumes of water in their wide trunks, which provides an incredibly important food source to elephants and animals that chew the bark during the dry seasons."
"There's a game-changer; we can come up with an ecologically rational and sustainable solution based on nature."
"Riches is not a key in ecology. Rich is having all of your needs met in abundance, with plenty left over."
"Bugs actually have a really important job to do."
"If you're a farmer, homesteader, or just landowner, and you want to be a good land steward, you need to be constantly looking to find balance and create balance in the ecosystem that is under your watch."
"We as humans are honored with the opportunity to observe and learn from this living ecosystem."
"Plants and humans breathe together; when did we forget this?"
"It takes all of this to recreate that which Earth is doing every day for us."
"The forests become dense, the last remnant of the supercontinent."
"One important part of the ocean is every part of it can flow into the other bits. It's one big ecosystem."
"The air we breathe comes from trees, algae, those other things. Without them, we die."
"You see humanity as a whole. You see us. You see a living, breathing, fragile orb filled with a variety of totally interdependent living creatures."
"The law of survival in nature: each species serves as food for another."
"Here we go, laboratory of ecology and natural sciences. It's new Pokémon Snap!"
"The plants, fungal life-forms, and creatures all had a deeply symbiotic relationship, creating a perfectly balanced ecosystem."
"The extinction of animal species must be one of the saddest things on the planet, especially if it comes from humanity. Significant ecological challenges have recently led to more animals being endangered by habitat loss."
"That's what's amazing about these oysters is they're sort of like a nursery habitat."
"We actually live here at the expense of billion friends."
"Green carbon is the carbon of living things, it's the carbon of the carbon cycle, it's the carbon of our climate."
"Trees provide homes to a large variety of terrestrial animals from tiny insects to large birds."
"Every tree that I cut down allows sunlight to hit the forest floor."
"Finland is home to the highly threatened Saimaa ringed seal."
"What could go wrong? The Beefalo then found their way into a national park where hunting was banned, so they thrived."
"Life emanates from soil on the land, not in the ocean." - Patrick Moore
"Solving ecological problems is often less about the exact tech you have and more about the people."
"Seabird poop, or guano, is packed full of nutrients essential for plant growth."
"The ultimate effect of whales pooping is less CO2 in our atmosphere."
"By destroying Pagan animism, Christianity made it possible to exploit nature in a mood of indifference."
"Shouldn't the solution be too, if the root of our ecological crisis is religious?"
"In a world in which we know more than ever about the ecological damage that humans can do, can religious appeals to morality promote sustainable action?"
"How did nature think that this would work? But it does, it's amazing."
"The anomaly is capable of hosting a microcosm of floral and faunal life, sustained indefinitely through unknown means."
"Wildlife in the exclusion zone seems to be thriving, forming its own ecosystem."
"Mangrove trees are the keystone species for creating regenerative seawater agriculture that yields food for people while restoring coastal ecosystems and dramatically increasing biodiversity."
"And that is how plants turn sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide into every living thing you've ever talked to, played with, climbed on, loved, hated, or eaten. Not bad, plants."
"Flora Starr is one of the greatest of these, this whole bee business."
"Invasive species are among the greatest threats."
"This highly cooperative lifestyle is an example of a mutualistic partnership — one of the few on Planet 4546 B."
"Fungi enable plant life; plants wouldn't have evolved without their relationships with fungi."
"Upon those Islands existing in perfect isolation from the rest of the world could then be found a rich tapestry of life eons in the making."
"Here at the very edge of the earth then existed a prehistoric lost world of flightless Giants and winged predators left alone to grow to immense sizes in perfect equilibrium with each other for millions of years."
"We're in it, we're affecting the food chain of all creatures, it's pretty remarkable."
"It's just so you know, everything in nature is all about recycle."
"Pupfish are a weird product of the current world ecosystem. They can survive in tiny desert pools until something changes."
"If the insects disappear, we're going to disappear too."
"Maintain humanity under a million in perpetual balance with nature."
"However, there are concerns about hydropower, mainly regarding dam construction and impacts on wildlife."
"Ants are important decomposers in all ecosystems of the world."
"The Daintree Rainforest possibly the oldest rainforest in the world."
"Eventually we'll have shade over here which will help tremendously with the amount of algae that's that we'll want to grow in the water shaded ponds just do better um."
"Prepare that feast of delight for yourself while also caring for the ecology of fungi."
"South Florida is home to one of the most unique environments on earth."
"The world-famous Everglades is known as the river of grass."
"Human effects on this massive environment were becoming more and more evident over the years."
"The jungle is not an isolated system, there is always an opportunity cost to every action you take."
"Every decision you make contributes towards the ecological state of your community."
"AI can help us in many ways to overcome the ecological crisis or it can make it far far worse actually."
"They're nature's clean-up team, snatching the weak from the herd or scavenging the already dead. They help keep the world a healthier place."
"It's party time for the worms because they've got so much organic matter to incorporate to make soil."
"Everything in its world, no matter how small and isolated it may seem, is connected to everything else."
"Transformative change is possible - envisioning cities with ecology as a priority, where citizens thrive."
"What happens to the natural balance when half of the species are decimated?"
"Humus is literally the lifeblood of this planet."
"What could a giant at the top of the food chain among all creatures feed on? Other giants, of course."
"Snakes play both the predator and prey role. They make for a healthy snack for some animals, but they also help control pest populations."
"Meet the Marabou stork, Nature's Cleanup Crew."
"Our earth is a giant container of water in which all forms of life arose."
"Ecology basically is not just to protect the environment, it's also to protect our economy."
"Every little variable adds to the push and nudge of organisms."
"Human life depends on two things: bees and trees."
"Ninety percent of the trees on Earth are interconnected by mycelium filaments."
"Food for us comes from our relatives, whether they have wings, or fins, or roots."
"The eventual goal is to bring about a self-sustaining plant system."
"Honestly, bees are so necessary for our environment."
"50 to 80% of Earth's oxygen comes from the ocean."
"To consider man apart from nature is to consider the branch apart from the tree."
"Ecological reasons alone, bees are very important."
"Nature can pretty much self-level; it will find the balance."
"The divide seems paper thin... two aquatic worlds perfectly."
"Great Barrier Reef: actually thriving, not dying."
"It's not just about driving, it's about driving with an ecological touch."
"It's more than sufficient, surprisingly sportive, and ecological."
"We are living in a web of life, where our actions affect others."
"Plants have been using animals pretty much since we formed. Ever wonder why fruit exists? It's so animals can eat the fruit and seeds, walk away, and deposit it somewhere else... now we have orange juice in the morning."
"When one in particular becomes a nuisance, it's pretty clear the answer is to just straight up poison that species, annihilating it from the local area, which is what plants actively do... hence why we have poisonous plants."
"This easily missable nest of hellbugs is an excellent example of how some of them could be hiding in plain sight."
"Border security measures shouldn't come at the expense of ecological well-being."
"Salmon are a keystone species for the survival of this ecosystem that we are a part of."
"The deep sea also has limited resources, limited predators, and is isolated from the rest of the ocean."
"Bees help pollinate 35% of the world's food."
"Migration affects the behaviors of predatory species, leading to an evolutionary arms race."
"Migrations can facilitate the spread of certain diseases endemic to specific latitudes."
"Their synced travel patterns reduce competition between species."
"The many ecosystems of the planet are sustained for future generations."
"On what factor do all of our lives most completely depend? Answer: on a functional life-supporting biosphere."
"It's not about scale, believe me. It's about the habitat that you offer."
"One organism's waste can always be another one's treasure."
"Nectar: a bonus incentive for ants to protect plants."
"There's no denying the abundance of these insects due to their incredibly powerful strategies."
"A world without any insects would lead to an apocalyptic scenario."
"Green is the color of photosynthesis, and it's become the color of the land too."
"A world without photosynthesis would be a world without technology, without industry, without green on the land and in the sea, without oxygen in the atmosphere, and almost certainly without humanity to try and understand it all."
"So when you look across a whole ecosystem, the flow of energy is not so much a chain as it is a web."
"Bugs are disappearing: 50% of insects gone, critical to the survival of ecosystems."
"I invite any government, all governments on the face of the earth, to put their greatest social ecologists and economists and philosophers and politicians and diplomats together and let's have a meeting."
"But the ants and the plants have a symbiotic relationship."
"Thanks to some unusually heavy rainstorms last fall, the park is bustling with the most wildflowers it's hosted in over a decade."
"Wolves are essential to the ecosystem. They help keep populations healthy, fact." - Pitchforks Dragon
"Fungus on Earth has communication, breaks down meat, and responds to its environment."
"The mangrove swamp biome is characterized by groves of mangrove trees and mud on the ground."
"Keystone species regulate community diversity."
"Nature rebounding: populations can rebound dramatically."
"Such interactions provide great insight into the intricate dynamics of the natural world."
"Mycorrhizal fungi are incredibly important; it's the most studied symbiotic relationship in the world."
"This rain and the plant life that came with it created feedback loops that altered the climate throughout the entire world."
"The halfway point between the dinosaur extinction and today saw a very interesting and very different world ecology."
"Thank you for being my teacher my lover my best friend my ally through all of this."
"As soon as it's dark, hippos will leave the river to feed. Despite their murderous reputation, they are herbivores and need 50 kilograms of vegetation every night."
"It's a fascinating reminder of how much our planet can change over time."
"With peace among all creatures of the planet, Planet Vegeta has become a tropical paradise."
"The ecosystem at Yellowstone National Park is very complex."
"Elephants play an incredible role in the ecosystem."
"Knowing more about the abundance of phytoplankton will certainly tell us about what they are consuming and what they are producing, and in this case, what they produce is very helpful to us. It's the air we breathe."
"Stinging nettle is one of the most nutritious plants in habitats where it grows."
"For millions of years humans and bees have shared the honey suddenly changing this could have negative consequences."
"It's gonna be a huge Hollow Earth focus, right? After like, a native species, they're clearly high up on the food chain."
"Think ecology, think the nature holistically."
"These tiny creatures are responsible for spreading the pollen on flowers, fruits, and vegetables. They help plants grow, and without them, our ecosystem might suffer."
"Trees are the fundamental building block of all civilization."
"Bees are very precious because of the valuable role they play in maintaining the world's ecosystem and they produce delicious honey which creates jobs and feeds honey lovers around the globe."
"Welcome to Tyto Ecology, where you can grow and maintain your very own ecosystems."
"I like to think it has to be of a cybernetic ecology where we are free of our labors and joined back to nature returned to our mammal brothers and sisters."
"Butterflies and moths are regarded as indicators of the health of our environment, like canaries in the coal mines." - Dr. Zoe Randall
"Everything is connected from a blade of grass to the fields to the oceans and the life forms in the oceans planetary systems galaxies and then even interdimensional reality beyond everything is connected and cause and effect is real."
"Trees keep the air clean and breathable for all living beings on earth, they help absorb the heat, give us shade, and provide nutrients to the soil."
"That's how the death cap snuck into California from Europe."
"Without the work of the bee population, most plants and food crops on the planet would not survive."
"All the plant life now is now flowering regularly, under grazing, a lot of plants never get a chance to flower."
"It's a story of environmental progress... particularly over the last 50 years."
"A diversity of water depths will mean the areas are dry and wet at different times of the year."
"You affect the environment and environment has an effect on you."
"Athabasca Dunes: one of the world's northernmost dune fields, home to 10 endemic plant species."
"A whale fall provides a sudden concentrated food source and a buffet for organisms in the deep sea."
"The lesson here is that Ecosystems are complicated and often have factors that we can't even begin to imagine!"
"Old growth forest vs. monocrop: diversity equals resilience."
"The tropical rainforest here has one of the most diverse ecosystems on the planet."
"Bees are without a doubt the most important insect on this planet."
"Permaculture is just a mutually beneficial relationship between man and nature."
"There's so much diversity within what are the described species."
"Nothing goes to waste if you just don't put it in the bush, something's gonna eat it."
"It's ironic but all these animals are being exterminated when in fact they would be able to kill the rats which is spreading the disease."
"Bees are important and you miss them when they're gone."
"It's this idea that the iron rule of ecology is that everything is connected."
"Restoration is about healing a degraded ecosystem so when we engage in that we also engage in the healing process in ourselves."
"Fairy circles are circular patches of Baron plantless land measuring between 7 and 49 feet in diameter - one of the more favorable theories is that plants organize themselves to access the very little water available."
"A lot of different species of fish all follow this same general pattern."
"Imagine how surprised they were when they found out that the vast underwater meadows were actually a single plant."
"The forests of planet earth are vast and mysterious, though they're threatened, they still act as one of the most vital ecosystems we have."
"These are our life support systems, what sustain this remarkable, beautiful, diverse, abundant planet on which we are so lucky to live."
"Sometimes called the lungs of the world due to the amount of oxygen that trees produce there."
"No plankton, no people. No trees, no people."
"Mangroves are responsible for expanding the islands in the Bahamas starting by sending their penetrating roots out into the sea."
"Getting you've got the ecology you've got the hydrology and also you've got some specific stuff in there too."
"Any hot spots are likely to be around areas where food is abundant."
"Birds are a natural part of the world, a key part of the ecosystem."
"In order for us to prosper as humans, we have to have a functional ecosystem."
"The main wolf stands as the largest canid species in all the area."
"Trout can't live everywhere, okay? They need cold water that's moving."
"You can't grow stuff without pollinators...you need the bees to come and do whatever they do."
"Chaco Canyon and the San Juan Basin as a whole is a region of extremes where heat and cold and rain and drought cozy up real close to each other."
"Practically any flowering native plant that you can have around your garden is going to be super helpful."
"And each time any trees and branches get blown down in storms, I can add the branches to the hedge, and eventually, all of it will decompose and give back to the forest."
"What we do to nature, we are doing to ourselves, we are all interconnected."
"It's the way that God has created plants and animals to work synergistically together."
"It's basically mimicking a forest, and that's the whole purpose of doing all this."