
Sanctification Quotes

There are 682 quotes

"Now, may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will bring it to pass."
"The Holy Spirit... sanctifies us... he chips away at everything that doesn't look like Jesus."
"Perfect sanctification is flawless obedience from the heart to the will of God, known and understood perfectly."
"What is sanctification? It is to know and obey the truth, the revealed will and Word of God."
"God wants you to be holy, that means take His character, and God wants you to be sanctified, set apart for His divine will and purpose."
"When God anoints a life, that life is set aside. That life becomes sanctified."
"Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God."
"One of the greatest evidences that you have truly believed in Christ unto salvation is that God has begun a good work of sanctification in you."
"You grow by the Word of God... you're being sanctified... you have a new set of values, a new set of motives, new set of desires." - John MacArthur
"That's what it means to be a saint—one who is sanctified and is sanctifying everything they touch."
"Sanctify them by your truth. Your Word is truth." John 17:17
"Their names go down to posterity as gems for the sanctified."
"All foods are sanctified by the word of God in prayer with thanksgiving."
"The Sabbath is a sign that God sanctifies us."
"Those chosen by God are selected to be holy and blameless... Sanctified or made holy and justified made blameless through Jesus Christ."
"Marriage has been, for me, the greatest sanctifying work in my life."
"That gift is the political expression of the sanctification of the word freedom in speech, imagination, and thought."
"We do this for the love of God, for the sanctification of our own soul, and for the love of our neighbor."
"Sanctification is when one is set aside mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually for the will of God."
"God has not only played an active role in our salvation but in our sanctification."
"Sanctification is extremely important... taking sanctification seriously opens the door to so many other opportunities and blessings that are ours in Christ."
"The purpose of this is for us to hear the voice of the Lord, to be sanctified, to be purified, and ultimately Zion gathering to Zion."
"When you're sanctified, you're set apart for God."
"When you sanctified you set apart and God wants you to be set apart for just one thing and that's for Him."
"God is Holy, He is Sanctified, He is pure. The world is sin, it's fleshly, it's self-centered."
"Sanctification is the part most of the protestant world hates."
"True sanctification means perfect love, perfect obedience."
"Salvation is instant but sanctification is a process and God's grace sustains us."
"Sanctification means making something worthy of respect out of anything, even your nightmares can be made into spiritual insights."
"Sanctify them through your truth, your word is truth."
"Wake up and realize how normal life is and then get with the program of becoming a saint."
"Such were some of you, but now you are washed, sanctified, justified in the name of Jesus."
"We have been set apart for a special use sanctified by the Lord, and it's not dependent on how you smell, how you look, or how you feel."
"The sacraments not just rites and rituals; they're meant to sanctify, build, and glorify."
"The justifying death of Jesus opens for me the sanctifying life of Jesus."
"As you receive the Lord Jesus Christ, the way that you got salvation is the same way that you live out the sanctified life."
"The justifying death of you Lord Jesus opens for us your sanctifying life."
"For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified."
"By the truth we are saved from Hell, by the truth we are Sanctified for the purposes of God."
"By one offering, he's perfected forever those who are being sanctified."
"The work of sanctification is not the work of a day, nor a year, but the work of a lifetime."
"Becoming holy is not about making ourselves smarter and stronger, it's about becoming smaller and closer."
"This is the will of God for you: sanctification."
"Don't miss the opportunity of being Sanctified by annoying people."
"The Prophet was not harmed by the experience; he was hallowed by it."
"The Sabbath is a sign between God and His people, a symbol of His authority and sanctification."
"The more you allow the blood of Jesus Christ, His word, and His Spirit to sanctify you, the more you are going to walk in everyday life of victory."
"I don't want Christians living paranoid, of course, as they're working on the sanctification process, and thinking that, oh man, I might have this because once upon a time I did this."
"God allows attacks for our sanctification and to call us to higher levels of discipline."
"Only after man has been made clean through words can he be gained by God and become sanctified."
"God is instituting this memorial in a sacramental so that it could assist us in our sanctification and our call to be holy."
"You are righteous, holy, and sanctified because of Jesus' doing, not yours."
"Purify me, sanctify me for your own glory."
"The second work of Grace is the process by which a Christian is transformed into becoming a more perfect and holy person."
"By one offering he has made perfect forever those who are being Sanctified."
"We become a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord and become as a child."
"The Lord of hosts shall be exalted in judgment, and God that is holy shall be sanctified in righteousness."
"The third and greatest act of mercy is sanctification."
"You are justified, you are washed by the blood of the Lamb, you are made holy, you are being sanctified by the word of truth."
"Such were some of you; but you were sanctified, you are separated from that behavior."
"The function of the church is to address in the lives of God's people the issue of sanctification."
"True conversion is a change from selfishness to sanctified affection for God and for one another."
"Sanctification frees you from the power of sin in the present."
"Before there was any substance of you, you were known. You are already sanctified because you are created for a purpose, to be sanctified and to be separated, means that you are created for a special assignment."
"Wherever believers gather, the spiritual ground we occupy is sanctified amid the powers of darkness."
"Salvation is past tense by faith and faith alone. We were justified, but the God who justified us in past tense is now sanctifying us in present tense."
"Motherhood is sanctifying. Everything is sanctifying, but motherhood at that moment I was like, 'This is really sanctifying.'"
"Justification is where we're forgiven, sanctification is where we're enabled to actually live like Christ."
"The sanctification process helps me become increasingly like Jesus."
"When we become appalled by our sin and see our need for holiness, I think then there's much more of a desperation for the Holy Spirit's work in sanctification, yes, than any need for some other thing or other experience."
"May we continually experience increasing victory as sanctification progresses to make us more like Christ."
"Grace that justifies is also the power that sanctifies."
"The true diagnosis of your condition: you're not sinless, you're not holy, and that is the necessary confession to move forward in your sanctification, not to think you're sinless and holy."
"A Christian is individual who has experienced that washing in the blood of Christ, that sanctification, that being set apart by the presence of the holy spirit, that being justified."
"He implemented a holy rule, a law of sanctification."
"The good news is that even though we are not fully sanctified people, and God is totally holy, nevertheless we can enter fellowship with him."
"If we are truly Justified, that's the only way we have access to a holy and righteous life. Sanctification grows out of justification. It's the fruit of justification."
"The primary instrument of sanctification used in the hand of God is the word of truth."
"May God himself the God of Peace sanctify you through and through May your whole Spirit soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ the one who calls you is faithful and he will do it." - 1 Thessalonians 5:23
"God will give you a supernatural power to live a holy life."
"Isolation is not the same as sanctification."
"Justification is only the first step, sanctification is what the Lord is really after."
"Sometimes God wants you to cut people off... not out of your own, 'I'm going to cut her off, girl, she ain't none of that,' but our sanctification and our relationship with Him is precious."
"Father today, I am purified, I am sanctified. Thank you for forgiving my sins, today I am ready to receive a mighty visitation."
"Salvation, transformation, being raised up, being able to sit with Christ in Heavenly places, transformation for heaven. That happens in Christ."
"Sanctification, good works come in Christ Jesus."
"Love is what transforms suffering into a holy sacrifice."
"You may have desires in your life that'll never be fulfilled down here, but you won't have any desire that's a sanctified desire proved of the Lord Jesus Christ, that you will be needing in heaven."
"Regeneration and sanctification are inseparably bound together. Everyone who has regenerated is being sanctified."
"This whole idea of sanctification is that work in progress and that includes me too. We're all growing."
"Our emotions and our thinking as Believers need to be governed by a humble submission to what the scriptures teach because truth is our tool for sanctification."
"The process of sanctification in the life of the believer in the life of the pastor is of absolutely crucial nature."
"Sanctification begins with conversion. It is simultaneous to regeneration and justification."
"It is a monumentally terrible error to separate those things and give any person the confidence that salvation apart from sanctification is the real thing. It is not."
"Don't say that person bothers me, you say that person sanctifies me, that's what they do."
"The one who saves us is the one who sanctifies us. The one who saves us is the one who sets us apart for himself. He makes us holy, in other words."
"Your word sanctifies and it protects."
"And such were some of you, that you were washed, you were Sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and the spirit of our God."
"The goal is to get the soul to be sanctified and delivered by the spirit."
"One offering he has perfected for all time those who are sanctified."
"The Holy Ghost is a revelator, and the Holy Ghost is a sanctifier."
"The preoccupation of every believer must be sanctification, that is the separation from sin, becoming increasingly holy."
"Justification is something that happens to us, particularly at the beginning of the Christian life, but then we also grow in righteousness and holiness through sanctification."
"So if you say, 'If you need further purification in purgatory, you must not be fully righteous,' well then the same thing would be true of sanctification in this life, and we don't have a disagreement there."
"Parenting is definitely a crucible of sanctification because what Chesterton said is true: your kids learn what you assume when you teach."
"We are called to sanctify the temporal order, which is a fancy way to say making the world holy."
"Believing is not the death of thinking, it is the sanctification of it."
"Position and practice. When a person gets saved, that is when a person comes into a relationship with Jesus Christ, you were made positionally holy right then and there."
"Spiritual life is awakened, growth is animated, and man becomes holy."
"Sanctification is both instant and gradual."
"We've been set apart we've been sanctified we've been made holy unto the father."
"Father, I just pray that as your word goes forth right now, that you would bring change, transformation, sanctification to your people and to your bride."
"Justification is quantifiable at that time, sanctification is something we pursue until our deathbed."
"You all are Sanctified. You all are Saints."
"Sanctification, holiness, purity of life, virtue, righteousness are the result of loving Christ."
"Faith justifies because it unites a person to Jesus Christ, who justifies, sanctifies, and glorifies them." - Speaker
"God's will is that you be sanctified."
"The objective of any pastor, any teacher in the kingdom of God, is the sanctification of the people in his care."
"One of the evidences of the church's disdain for sanctification is the divisive propagation of hostility in the church through the issues of social justice, critical race theory, or critical theory of any kind, and intersectionality."
"Having a true paradigm of sanctification, a true understanding of the work of the Spirit is critical."
"If you ask according to His will, our sanctification, holiness, purification, then the Lord will hear our prayer."
"Whatever you ask with the intention of sanctification and holiness in mind, whatever you ask, everything will be given to you."
"Justification and sanctification are inseparably joined together."
"Storms were never sent to sink us, storms are allowed in order to sanctify us."
"Don't settle for publication without inspiration. Don't settle for sensation without sanctification. Don't just sing it, live it. Don't just talk it, walk it."
"By one sacrifice He has perfected forever us who are being sanctified."
"All he needed was what he had, it just had to get sanctified by God."
"I wish sanctification was more thought of in this day."
"Right now, I'm sanctified. I'm justified. I'm washed. I'm cleansed. Right now, I'm saved. Hallelujah, praise the Lord!"
"If you want to be sanctified, if any of us want to be sanctified, repentance is not optional."
"The two greatest works happening in your life now are the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit and the securing work of the Holy Spirit."
"Sanctifying experiences aren't always pleasant, but they're transformative."
"I'd rather have Jesus. They don't want to hear no more about how you've got seven steps of grace and three steps of sanctification."
"We trust the power of the Holy Spirit, the truth of God's word is going to sanctify us of these sinful desires."
"We are fully set apart as being sanctified in Christ."
"For by one offering he has perfected forever them that are sanctified."
"Separating yourself and living right makes you sanctified."
"It's not just justification but sanctification is the work of a lifetime."
"Sanctification is the continual phase, which is every day when you're eating that bread, when you're praying, when you're being cleansed and committing your life to Christ on a day-by-day basis, you can now be saved from the power of sin."
"How committed is He, that He might sanctify and cleanse her?"
"God gives Himself for us that He might sanctify us. Does that happen in a day?"
"The Sabbath is a sign that it is the Lord that sanctifies us."
"Sanctification: God's passion for his people."
"Those who are justified are also sanctified under the influence of the Holy Spirit by whose power we now live and we can fulfill the divine law, and it's not burdensome."
"The purpose of the Spirit is to make you holy."
"Praying for the sick, whether they get healed or not, is a sanctifying work that makes you more like Christ."
"Beautiful language, isn’t it? He doesn’t say, 'Make them feel better about themselves by Your truth.' He doesn’t say, 'Cause them to think nice things about Me by Your truth.' He says, 'Sanctify them by Your truth.'"
"And now may the God of Peace himself sanctify us through and through."
"Once you get saved, you get sanctified. Once you get saved, you get serving. So you change once and then you change again, and change again, and change again. So the change is not episodal change, it is continual change."
"Sanctification does not mean you never sin, but it does mean you never have to sin."
"You never get genuine sanctification in Christians without massive infusion of the word of God."
"The fires of the Holy Ghost who's above us here in the sanctuary are coming down and creating a place of sanctification."
"May our lives be sanctified by your presence."
"It is the means by which people are saved and sanctified and equipped and trained and motivated and given the hope of glory."
"I need you Lord Jesus. I need you to remove everything that does not please you within me."
"The sanctification process is God removing the hindrances to His glory through your personality."
"The Bible is the sole power of salvation and sanctification."
"The seraphim become instruments of God's sanctifying power, demonstrating that when God calls, He also equips and refines us."
"Sexual Integrity is but a part of the General lifelong sanctification process."
"God wants his people to be holy. He wants to sanctify us and make us holy."
"Marriage is not just a wedding day, it's a path to Holiness and sanctification."
"Perfecting sanctification in the fear of god."
"So they can be made holy by your truth."
"Sanctification is a progressive work."
"...it's important that our tongues be sanctified so we can receive the rain of the Holy Spirit and speak the Oracles of God. Amen."
"Faith does certain things and in sanctification Faith does certain things."
"To be sanctified which simply means set aside doesn't make him a one whit better than anyone else but a tool for the Living God."
"It's time for the whole world to be Sanctified."
"For I have Sanctified them for me from the beginning."
"God brings holiness to marriages through believers, even when the spouse isn't surrendered to God."
"Declare that your money is sanctified and protected from any spiritual influences that are not of Jesus."
"But now ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God."
"Sanctification is the work of the Spirit of God within us."
"Hold fast to the truth which you have received, for by so holding the truth shall you be sanctified by the Spirit of God."
"Sanctification is a work in us, and there are two agents: one is the worker who works this sanctification effectually, that is the Spirit, and the other the efficacious means by which the Spirit works this sanctification is Jesus Christ and His most precious blood."
"Sanctification begins in regeneration."
"Sanctification is a work in us, not a work for us."
"In justification, our own works have no place at all, but in sanctification, our own works are of vast importance."
"The entire message of our faith is encapsulated in one circle: all comes from God, all returns to God. The key to sanctification is to be open to the grace of the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to sanctify us through the Mass."
"The scriptures taught in their context are what's going to sanctify lives."
"To acknowledge the fact that you're on the same team and you're both working to be sanctified into Christ's image, that's so powerful."
"By one offering, He has perfected forever them that are sanctified."
"God is good and nothing to be refused if it be received with Thanksgiving for it is Sanctified by the word of God and prayer."
"Justification always immediately leads to sanctification."
"Marriage is not a human invention to make you happy; it's invented by God to sanctify you, to make you holy and without spot and blameless."
"When we walk with Him, something happens called sanctification."
"Sanctification is the process of becoming more like Christ."
"You cannot be too holy because Holiness means there's more and more of Jesus."
"Everything that we do is holy and set apart because we are set apart."
"Believers rest in Christ alone for their total justification, but they are looking to the law in sanctification, not that the law itself sanctifies them, but as a guide. It's the third use of the law."
"He justifies in order to sanctify. He imputes His righteousness in order to impart it."
"Sanctification is us turning into the likeness of Christ."
"It is both the faith of the sinner that initiates salvation and the faith of the saint that marks his ongoing sanctification."
"Our homes just like our bodies can and should be Sanctified."
"Thank God we've been washed, washed first of all, then sanctified and then justified."
"In my present, I am being saved. He's sanctifying me."
"You've got to count on His power to separate you from sin, to sanctify you."
"The goal of the Gospel is not simply to justify us from our sins... The goal of the Gospel also is to sanctify us, to separate us from sin, setting us apart for God."
"The number one purpose of marriage is to make me holy, not happy."
"I'm smiling because of the opportunity in my hands to sanctify God's name."