
Versatility Quotes

There are 28628 quotes

"It's okay to be a master of one but be a jack of all trades. It will help you more than anything else."
"The X5 is that Goldilocks luxury SCV; it does everything well."
"Bards are incredible characters. They have so many capabilities in combat, in both battlefield control but also even a little bit of capability to be damage dealers, and support characters and healers."
"I'm not even cool. I'm just one of those girls that can do a lot of things."
"I want complete midfielders who can do everything."
"Nobody does it quite like him where other area denial characters have certain kinds of situations where they work really good, Smoke is much more versatile and fits into so many more team compositions than his contemporaries."
"Finale of Eternity, a modal spell where you can destroy some creatures early in the game or reanimate your entire graveyard late in the game, adds a lot of modality."
"AGI is a general purpose artificial intelligence system that can do a lot of different tasks like a human."
"The Sarmat's equipment includes several dozen different types of payload, which allows it to perform its tasks practically anywhere in the world."
"It's got the hitbox, it's got the reversal capabilities, it's got the KO power."
"If this is the citizen rep journalist, could end up at anywhere at any time with any type of weather, I must be prepared."
"This is the best neutral palette on the market. You have warm tones, cool tones; you can get gray-toned looks with this one, and the quality is butter."
"Vegan food is so, so versatile and there are so many options. It isn't all just salad."
"Adaptability is just being able to do everything that comes your way."
"The Principled Shader is the shader to end all shaders because it's basically every single shader rolled into one."
"It lets you create everything from plastic to plaster and marshmallows to jelly."
"KennyS, moving into the site with a rifle, showing he's just as good with a rifle as he is with the AWP."
"It's hard to find a good 10 by 10 tarp that's versatile like a square tarp is."
"Crichton was a hugely multi-talented gentleman, being a gifted screenwriter and film director in addition to writing books that sold in the millions."
"Out of principal, give me Kimich. Also, more versatile."
"ChatGPT passed the U.S. medical licensing exam, the bar exam, and got an A on a Wharton MBA paper, capable of responding to any query in a human-like manner."
"Clerics can heal, tank, crowd control, and just generally bitch-slap everybody in their way with their 10-foot spiritual shaft."
"You know what you get with him right out of the backfield: catching, running off tackle, stretch, hit his head off the goalpost from anywhere on the field."
"I want to be both behind the scenes and in front of the camera. I want to do it all."
"Our guest today has built a career as an online entertainer, actor, artist, and voice actor almost spanning over 20 years."
"I think you are not only a good teacher but also a good cook."
"I slow toilets, I stun toilets, I got 72 different attack modes. I'm actually the goat with the sauce."
"You can use them in many different ways, and I encourage you to do so."
"Adobe is about creativity for all. At the core, we empower anyone to achieve their vision on any medium they choose."
"He's the complete linebacker; he can play anywhere, he can do anything you need him to do."
"He's really aggressive, he's a credible shot, he's so flexible on what he can play."
"Skill is more than just dribbling and shooting. It's passing, jumping, dunking, posting up, defense, block shots, rebound."
"Truth-Seeking Balls are orbs of malleable black chakra which can alter their form and characteristics in various ways."
"By combining the various natures inside the orbs, it's possible to produce a variety of effects."
"Pretty much any tool can be made into a weapon."
"Get you a girl who can do both, wear a sweatshirt and sweats, and at other times, dress up and do her hair and makeup."
"Masters at the art of counter-attack and equally adept in attack or defense, the German Army was, however, a worthy opponent to any foe."
"Pura Vida has jewelry that is so versatile it can go with any outfit, any occasion."
"The F Grind is the all-around grind for a lot of players; it suits the majority of golfers."
"Versace's Man Eau Fraîche. When it comes to versatility, compliments, and just simply a great price, it's hard to beat this one."
"Do you shoot a variety of work?...In that case, I would wholeheartedly recommend the GH5."
"They have a wide-ranging knowledge of many subjects and a natural aptitude that lets them do almost anything well."
"Their transformations can be as something as insignificant or small as a worm or as large as the universe."
"The beauty of the Civic is it's just kind of like a Swiss Army knife."
"This car is so great... it can do everything, and not only can it do everything, but it does everything fantastically."
"Flex players who can do both roles really well are very, very rare and few and far between."
"Oscar Isaac kills it here; he plays the different personalities brilliantly."
"You play everything, and you play it well. This is pretty good."
"I'm calling the Jackery 1000 the jack-of-all-trades because it does a lot of things really well, but I don't think it's the best at any one thing."
"Magnus Carlsen's ability to win from literally every situation—be it from better positions, worse positions, playing good defense, in the endgame, or the middlegame—encapsulates the magic of Magnus."
"Well, it turns out Team Fortress 2 isn't any one of those things. It's all of these things and more."
"The Vans old school does a lot for everyone's wardrobe."
"Of course, Vinyl could be more than just ridiculous; she could be sweet as well as rather bit amazing and passionate."
"Smoke... one of the most universal operators in the game."
"His talent knows no bounds as Freeman seamlessly transitions between genres, effortlessly commanding the screen."
"I'm versatile. I can act, I can be funny, I am a top model."
"As a guide, you're a cook, you're a guide, you're an entertainer, you're a guardian, and you're a motivational speaker."
"Being cool with everybody means that you are versatile and you can talk to whoever you need to talk to."
"There's more to a person than just doing one thing. If you can do more than one thing, why wouldn't you?"
"With a career spanning over 60 years, novelty country singer Ray Stevens has proved to be the musical Renaissance man."
"The more versatile you are, it's like just the more tools you have in your toolbag that you can go to as an artist to be creative in whatever you do."
"A spreadsheet has become kind of the Swiss Army knife of building applications."
"This is the PowerVision PowerEgg X, and it's the most versatile drone on the market."
"The F-150 Lightning can be your work table, your power bank, and even your game console."
"It's so cute and summery and fresh. You could use it indoors, you could use the outdoors."
"In case I don't see you: good afternoon, good evening, and good night."
"YSL Y... these fragrances are extremely versatile, you can use them almost any season, any situation, and pull crazy compliments."
"You are more than one trick up your sleeve. You're actually really well-rounded."
"The Unimog was designed in Germany right after World War II. They originally designed to be used on farms, but the things were so damn tough, they became popular with militaries around the world."
"A wardrobe full of neutrals is much more versatile; they go with so many different things."
"Unlike many other trends of the 2010s, skater skirts weren't limited to a single aesthetic and could be worn with a wide range of clothing, making them the ultimate basic."
"This jumpsuit is a vibe. It also doubles as a flying squirrel costume should you need it."
"The cool thing about royalty-free music is that you can use it to set the mood. They have it in all sorts of different styles, all sorts of different genres, also different feelings and emotions."
"Ankle boots are my personal favorite because I can wear them with everything."
"You're allowed to want to switch it up and do different things."
"This feels like the perfect size to just run and gun and travel with; it's just really easy to slip into any pocket."
"Flex synergies are all about having versatile effects that either make it easier to execute an existing synergy or support one indirectly."
"He could do things other midfielders just couldn't do. He could do everything."
"So good, we put this on everything, breakfast sandwiches, taquitos, spam musubi."
"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."
"Anything you can do with an ultrabook, a laptop, even a desktop, you can do with this guy."
"This man is in a league of his own. He's an entrepreneur, an autodidact, and a musician."
"That's part of the beauty of Phantom Dust; there's plenty of 'long-range' skills in the game that are perfectly effective at medium or even close range."
"This is such a versatile piece that could be done to suit any decor style."
"What I love about these shelves is just how versatile they are."
"D&D is a toolkit game, which means that it can cover a wide variety of game types."
"Python is not necessarily even web-centric. It's more of a multi-purpose language."
"Energy freedom is about having low-cost, reliable, versatile energy for billions of people."
"In my opinion, a real fighter needs to fight gi, no-gi, and test himself in MMA."
"This bike can basically tackle anything. I've actually taken this thing on big adventure rides...and it pretty much just does it all with aplomb."
"Felipe is an incredibly versatile grappler, a great all-rounder, a champion both Gi and No-Gi."
"The SD1 was engineered to be all things to all people, and it was."
"Looks awesome, rides awesome, has a level of versatility that not a lot of bikes have."
"This motorcycle is trying to tell you, 'Hey, I'm not track prepped but I certainly can go to a racetrack no problem.'"
"WeChat... you can pay your taxes in WeChat, you can order a taxi, make a dentist appointment, and then when you get to your dentist office, you sign in, check in with WeChat, and then pay with WeChat."
"We are the jack of all trades, master of none, which is sometimes better than a master of one."
"Water is very important and it actually keeps you alive... you can take a Jacuzzi in it, you can shower with it, you can spray water guns. I don't know what people do with water, but there's just so many uses of water."
"Rebecca Fwang might be the Beyoncé of the publishing industry because there is not a genre she can't do."
"The best founders are generalists all the way through."
"It's very easy to dress up or down. I think it looks equally nice with both casual outfits and more dressy outfits."
"This [coconut oil] is an essential for your hair, your body...it's just amazing hydrator."
"Python is the preferred language of many developers in many different areas: machine learning and AI, data science, automation, and web development."
"To me, as a chef, it seems like the ultimate expression of our art – to be able to go anywhere and cook anything."
"Everything here just feels evocative and sharp, a Swiss army knife of flair and function."
"This is a truck a little bit bigger than a midsize that can out-accelerate most sports cars, handles superbly, will go off-road, and has great practicality and versatility."
"It's a drinking game, it's an adult party game, it's a family game, it's a classroom game, it's a great corporate icebreaker game."
"Fantastic for pretty much all use in the kitchen."
"I am so impressed right now with Sammy Hilly. She is all over the place. She's blocking, she's hitting, she's setting here, and she's been a big threat and so versatile for Champlin Park and doing everything."
"This is exactly what the Brumby was originally developed for way back in the '70s: a practical Ute that you can drive to the shops, drive around your farm, or drive across the country."
"There's a lot you can do with a can of spray paint."
"You feel almost invincible; you feel like you can go anywhere and do anything."
"Zarya is a bit of a jack-of-all-trades. She's an off-tank, off-DPS, and off-support. She can do amazing DPS with enough energy, and her barriers are definitely a way to support her team directly."
"There really is no one way to play Neo, there's a reason we have all these weapons and all these skills and all this build potential."
"There is much more versatility in this art than many give it credit for."
"The model, reality star, businesswoman, mom, and real estate mogul."
"Gibraltar kinda can just do it all from aggressiveness to defensive plays to even supporting your team."
"Caustic is the ultimate offensive and defensive legend."
"The truth is, it doesn't matter what the language is. Server applications can be written in PHP, C#, Java, Node... they could be written in Ruby, Python, pretty much any language that can create text files and call and communicate with a network is going to be eligible to make REST services."
"Mastering scales allows you to play comfortably in all keys."
"He actually ranked as the number 5 athlete in the country coming out of high school and he was obviously a beast on defense but most people don't know he actually played quarterback as well."
"You've got to find people that are a little more versatile or you've got to find an assistant manager who can coach in a particular spot, things like that."
"Copywriting is a forever skill. It doesn't matter what you decide to do, copywriting is transferable to every other aspect of life."
"Lasker was equally good in everything, but above all, he was a fighter."
"It's always nice when the items are not just stuck to one style or one world and it feels like you can use them for a variety of builds."
"You need a core of real quality, but then you need some lads who can come in and do bits and pieces."
"Pandora's Actor offers boundless versatility and a knack for deception, suited to literally any situation."
"It's not just content that you can use in the presentation, it's content that you will be able to use really in answering any kind of job interview question."
"Hey, by the way, just as a tip for Christians, if somebody comes up to you talking to you about slavery, don't go for verses about coveting."
"I just wanted to kind of go somewhere else or I want to see you know sort of where your versatility at is sort of you know how long you kind of keep this style interesting or sort of develop it."
"This car looks as if it's going to be very happy driving around town picking up kids and doing the shopping."
"This thing is amazing, bro. I mean, it glides, it flies, it does everything."
"Python is a multi-purpose programming language, so you can use it for a variety of different tasks."
"She brings a lot of different things to the court."
"The versatility of leopards defines their distinction in the wild."
"Rice is very forgiving in that it can take on a lot of heat."
"He's versatile he can dribble through a press he's quick he's alert."
"Pixel Slate is truly a no compromise way to work and play."
"One deck may want to play flame slash in a totally different deck."
"The film was released in the summer as a potential hit. Box office hit records and saved the Fox studio from bankruptcy."
"I enjoy comedy but I'm trying to do other stuff too, like frozen yogurt or eyebrow threading."
"I love Python, but just because it's a great tool doesn't mean it's the only tool."
"It's so rare to be able to juggle all those different genres and tones and to nail it, and he did it masterfully."
"Fuse is a great pick in nearly any mode of Apex."
"Landorus is an OU icon and VGC icon of course."
"Topolino's Terrace... one restaurant, two very different experiences."
"Make things that can't be broken, they can be used in lots of different situations. Go constraints!"
"Here we have the giant canister, it holds eight king-sized cokes with room for more."
"Very versatile air defense, resets spawn spell."
"The bandwidth this truck has in terms of what you can have fun doing with it is just about unparalleled."
"Your goal doesn't just have to be money, it can be anything."
"Coconuts are incredibly versatile and iconic."
"A versatile powerhouse, the Mother Monster later took up acting, earning a Golden Globe and an Oscar nomination for Best Actress."
"It's not about how many voices you have, or what kind of voice you have, it's about how many characters you can believably act."
"Learning different ways of doing things in Maya is essential. There are about 20 ways to do everything, so find what works best for you."
"So you can see this technique provides quite a bit of flexibility."
"Dual sports... when you go from hitting a twisty road to tearing up a berm on a dirt trail, you can stop caring about the looks."
"Profit is like a god, he can play everything."
"Enormous sandbox of ingredients to bring to bear."
"This is a phenomenal card... It's so well rounded in every area."
"You need to come up with your own strategy because any of these strategies work."
"When you're that talented and you kill it that hard it doesn't matter what the [__] vehicle is."
"LeBron James is one of the greatest well-rounded players the NBA has ever seen."
"One approach might not work for you where when you have a professional therapist they have a bunch of approaches that they can use."
"It's the best thing you can do, ride every sort of different horse."
"This stuff applies throughout the whole game, almost every stage has two or more ways to get through it."
"Quality builds offer an incredible amount of versatility."
"P493 has proven able to control all the elements and more, and its ring changes hue depending on whatever ability it's using at a given moment."
"Bacon is an American staple of breakfasts, burgers, and beyond."
"Wow wow messenger bag format and backpack format I love that I love that so much especially if it's getting a little heavy it's nice to wear it as a backpack."
"I was going to do but I ran at a time because I've got to be up for work in six hours and I don't need the caffeine right now so we've got to drop that joke."
"I've been living with this camera, using it commercially as a studio photographer, using it casually as my day-to-day camera with my kids and family and dog."
"These choices are great, there is truly no right answer."
"Superman's well-rounded powers, including super speed and intellect, make him unstoppable, with alternate versions showcasing even greater potential."
"Wow, look at that! It's basically I don't know if you're gonna be able to see that it's a phone but it's also a pen."
"I tend to take more broad topics instead of focusing on one specific little argument or a part of an argument."
"When you make a logo for someone, it's got to be able to be versatile, used for a long time. You don't want it to get old fast, you want it to be timeless."
"I use ExpressVPN to change my location from Australia to the US, the UK, or wherever else I need to."
"Isn't it amazing how versatile water can be?"
"The coolest thing about this one is the mask system essentially you can swap between three completely different Builds on the fly whenever you like."
"This is useful in a lot of different places."
"People say he can't sing... a great singer in about a dozen different modes."
"Worst case scenario on this is bounce something, make a copy of your best thing, draw a card for six mana - that's still pretty good."
"These screens are perfectly capable of whatever you want to do."
"That's the thing about our band is that we can appeal to both sides."
"Skyrim allows for more diverse play styles and character builds."
"Jeans are such a basic that you can wear them dressed up or down."
"I want people to see a different side of me, to understand that Mario can do anything he wants to do."
"Those who survive and escape are some of the most versatile and resourceful people in the galaxy."
"You can actually make a game where you can fight, sneak, and talk."
"Gara is extremely versatile and very useful in the vast majority of content."
"She does everything; she turns your buff bar into a Korean MMO and she just does everything."
"It's when you can really achieve that sweet moment of victory where it's like everything's working just as intended."
"Egg casseroles are great because you can make them your own."
"No one vehicle can do everything but some can certainly do more than others like a vehicle with the space of a large SUV and the power of a Supercar."
"Developing some type of skill and then being able to monetize that skill in a variety of different ways."
"This is a product you put on your desk, you pull it towards you, and it starts to transform for creatives, professionals, gamers, video editors."
"With Surface Laptop Studio, we built on the heritage of both Surface Book and Surface Studio, bringing you the power of a desktop, but also that portability needed in a laptop."
"Travis Scott is not only wrapping his ass off for the majority of this actual album but there's so many types of different performances where I never heard that in his catalog."
"People say you're multi-talented, and sometimes being a jack of all trades is a talent in itself."
"Being someone who can do a wide variety of things makes you uniquely valuable and irreplaceable..."