
Divine Purpose Quotes

There are 1588 quotes

"Do you trust that even when God doesn't fix it, that he's going to fix something in you, and he's going to do something through you?"
"Joseph's story teaches us that what others meant for harm, God meant for good."
"The green light isn't just for what God wants to do for you; it's for what God wants to do through you."
"God uses every situation to glorify His name."
"You meant it for evil, but God meant it for good."
"God's aim is to create virtuous individuals for relationships."
"Trust that things happen for a greater divine purpose."
"God's getting ready to allow His glory to be seen through you."
"God has a way of using some of the most unorthodox people to get done what He's trying to get done."
"God put loneliness in the human heart...because he wants all of you back to himself again."
"Sometimes we're so busy fulfilling the path that God has laid out that we miss when God has added expansion to what we were doing."
"My God is permanent, and as I'm walking through it, I'm going to learn that all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose."
"God is not committed to anybody's comfort this year; He's committed to you being prepared for your calling."
"If God is in charge, and America is getting more secular, then God's got some good purpose for that."
"If God put something in you and you never put it in the world, you are robbing everybody not of you, but of God."
"God works best through broken vessels who have been crushed by the hammer blows of the devil."
"God did not call you to go from deliverance to deliverance; He called you to go from glory to glory."
"You're fully supported as you devote yourself to your divine life purpose."
"God wants you to be holy, that means take His character, and God wants you to be sanctified, set apart for His divine will and purpose."
"Without a divine purpose for our life, we don't really have any meaning to our lives."
"God has saved you in order to demonstrate to all creation how good He is."
"I don't care how you came in here today, you're marked by God. You're marked for purpose, you're marked for impact, you're marked for more."
"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives."
"All things work together for the good of them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose."
"All things work together for the good of them that love him and are called according to his purpose."
"God's going to use the ones that others laughed at and said you'd never be anything."
"What God wants to do is so so special through this house, and he's positioning us for impact that we don't even realize."
"The promise to those who love God is not that you will have better circumstances... but that God will take the bad things and he'll work them for good in the totality."
"We are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works."
"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."
"God is up to something in your life and in mine; He is using our setbacks to advance our spiritual maturity to a place where we could never go without them."
"You literally could miss out on your husband by trying to look like another woman. You got to be who God called you to be."
"For we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."
"When God prunes you, He's not punishing you."
"The more you engage in sexual sin, the more you are pushing yourself away from the divine and the original purpose of God for your life."
"Filmmaker and former engineer Shane Carruth determinedly refused to dumb down the dialogue to make the film easier to decipher, instead he decided to trust that his audience would return to the film again and again in order to fully understand it."
"The Lord has made everything for his purpose."
"Everything that leads people to know God... is a good fit for the purpose of the creation of the universe."
"God is not some kind of impersonal force. God is a personal being who loves you and sees you and has a purpose for you."
"God made you and me for more, and He doesn't want us getting complacent with the few results of progress we get."
"Truth of God is the message that God placed in the Earth not only to reprimand the human family but to fix what is broken in our life."
"Any man or woman that focuses on your flesh and not what God has deposited in you is not from God."
"Take the time that you have to be with the ones that you do because it may be a reason that God is doing that."
"We are rational creatures. God created us to set us apart from the rest of his creation...to choose to participate in his life."
"God has humbly hidden Himself as a human, not showing off Himself at all, only persistently expressing the truth to purify and save man."
"God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but so that the world might be saved through Him."
"Taking a life was part of God's plan for me."
"A lack of knowledge can also be in the area of bad things happening. God allowed the devil to touch Job, and in the end, it was all for His glory."
"Marriage as a gift that God has given us to glorify Him."
"What does it mean to me, God? How are you trying to show yourself to me?"
"God calling us to live in the way he has created us is really just his love and his wisdom."
"May we perform inspired actions to fulfill Divine agenda with peace and equanimity."
"As we pray together, may you be blessed with the assurance that no dream given by God is beyond reach and that every step you take in faith is a step towards the fulfillment of your divine purpose."
"Nothing's wasted, God's gonna use everything."
"Miracles are God's way of accomplishing his agenda."
"God intentionally designed me to be different."
"Our God is a god of covenants...whatever assignment that person is supposed to do will be manifested."
"God wants us to prosper financially to fulfill the destiny he has laid out for us."
"The Lord did not reveal the future to satisfy curiosity, but to prepare."
"God separates us so we can come closer to Him. He will never leave you abandoned."
"The very thing that people have tried to label you as... is the glitch that God wants to use to make you great."
"Persecution comes to blind you, but behind it is a principality driving you away from God's purpose."
"Christ is its great grand subject, our good is its design, and the glory of God is its end."
"You have been saved from God, for God, and by God."
"God made us equally valuable, but purposely different."
"God has a plan for every person in this room. He gives you talents, he gives you gifts."
"God put him in this position and that his role is messianic"
"If there is sin, he's not here to condemn you, he's here to convict you."
"You are better than you think you are... God chose the small and weak things of the world to bring about his glorious purposes."
"What are you intensely asking or begging God to do through your life that will last forever?"
"Change is not always good, but God uses it for good."
"God's purpose in every circumstance is to make me more like Jesus."
"When God purposes for you to do something in this earth, He will send confirmation and acceleration."
"He only ever used his powers for the glory of God."
"Reading is one of the best ways to get used to different writing structures and formats."
"Crypto is traditionally a more risky investment type... it's really important that you do your own research on these coins before buying them."
"Everything that God uses for His purpose, He anoints."
"Anointed individuals are set apart to fulfill God's plan."
"You have to know that God has something better for you."
"We have to have friends in our lives that know what's on the inside of you and that are committed to what God put in you."
"I believe there's one more round coming, one more round for the purposes and plans of God."
"God wrote a book about you before you were born!"
"God is not done with you, He's just getting started with you."
"Dare to live life without limit. What is your dream? However impossible it seems, whatever the obstacle that lies between you and it, if it is noble, if it is consistent with God's purpose, lock your jaws on it."
"Honoring the temple is really honoring the potential and the purpose that God has for us."
"There are patterns of God's purposes concealed in events."
"I really believe everything happens for a reason in life. God put you where he wants to put you; he never makes no mistakes."
"We share that divine mission to wake up the world as we are here."
"We are fearfully and wonderfully made, we are unique, we are made by God unique and we are called and created to be what He has called and created us to be."
"God has a purpose for me. God has a purpose for you."
"God never called you to do it... anything outside of the will of God will make you unhappy."
"You are participating in God's prevailing purpose."
"We are designed to live a life that God intended for us."
"Our only true fulfillment is going to be living the life that God fulfilled for us."
"God is going to use you to make this global."
"God uses these things... all things work together for good to those that love God."
"You've gotten a little bit closer to what God's will is supposed to look like."
"Sanctification is when one is set aside mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually for the will of God."
"The reason God ordained evil is for His own glory."
"For this cause, the Son of God came, that he would destroy the works of the devil."
"God bless you! You know you've really come to be known as sort of this, this messenger of this kingdom message of the courts of heaven."
"He gives us power to get wealth that He might establish His covenant in the earth!"
"When you are in alignment with God's plan for your life, even the bad times will actually be a setup for his good purpose."
"You are anointed for this. You are anointed for the season you're in."
"No matter your situation, God can and will use it for good."
"God equips those he calls with saving strength."
"God equips us for the purpose he has set before us."
"Failure doesn't erase God's call on your life."
"Everything we have, everything we do, everything that we are is tailored towards one single goal: the revelation of Jesus."
"Saying things people already know out loud is tight."
"You have an ox goad. God has given you something that He wants to grab and use for His glory and the good of others."
"Revelation equals Freedom into what God has ordained."
"Nothing can compare to a life lived for God's glory and purpose."
"When you're sanctified, you're set apart for God."
"You are also born for this age God doesn't make any mistakes God CHS you can one person change a situation change a culture change a world yes with God you can"
"I prefer to believe that I am the product of a divine plan."
"God has a purpose for your life, and you're here for a reason."
"This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God's glory so that God's Son may be glorified through it."
"These bad circumstances, like the blind man's, were not the result of sin. They were intended to honor Jesus."
"What they planned for evil, God planned for good."
"God reveals to redeem, he doesn't reveal to disappoint you."
"God does not make mistakes and has an ultimate purpose for your existence."
"God did not save you to tame you. He saved you to release you to be everything that he created you to be."
"God looks for nobodies, those surrendered to him, that he can use."
"I felt like the Lord was pressing, 'Don't be discouraged. I use everything.'"
"He wants to move you into Canaan because there are people that you will impact in Canaan that you cannot impact if you don't get there."
"Your weakness is God's Way of keeping you strong."
"Solitude can serve a divine purpose, offering opportunities for self-reflection, spiritual growth, and deeper understanding of God's will."
"That is the liberation that comes from no longer being a slave to the price and the cost but embracing it as part of your god-given existence."
"You're being divinely guided to do something for a reason."
"God makes all things work together for our good."
"Do I really believe that God wants to do this through me?"
"God has a purpose for your life... it's bigger than your time on Earth."
"The seed has within itself the divine assignment to be bigger than itself at any given moment."
"God is concerned about me fulfilling my calling, not just my comfort."
"God placed us here and I struggled for a while... but now I understand who I choose us and whose I am."
"Finding great care shouldn't take up all your energy."
"This happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life."
"God just made me different and had a different plan for me."
"God is never going to design a life for you that doesn't require him."
"Before I formed you in your mother's womb I knew you you got a personal relationship with God he knows something about you that made him say I need to set you apart."
"God sculpts you and fashions you, then he teaches you what he created you for."
"We're just helping fulfill what God said and being a part."
"Anything that God does is corrective and it always is meant to bring you back to him."
"God loves us equally but uses us differently."
"God is working to bring about the salvation of many people."
"There's always a price to pay when we ignore His purpose, His plan, and His will for our life."
"Our God, He's our King, He had a plan for all of us. This is on purpose, you are on purpose."
"You are not ordinary because you have been marked by greatness from God."
"You see, we are entering a time that what the Lord will require from you would seem a little difficult because it's not about you."
"I believe that what God wants to do in the last days can only be done in the glory."
"God does not call the qualified, he qualifies the call."
"Your destiny is secure, God is going to bring you into the fullness of his purpose."
"Don't allow people to put you where God has not placed you."
"It's all for you Lord, it's for our King, for his glory, for the King."
"God will never give you a dream without a purpose of substantiating his word."
"Reclaim your calling. By the power of your word, in the presence of your spirit, you would stir up your church, God. Stir us up with a spiritual passion to live a life worthy of the calling for which you sent your son Jesus."
"God is much more concerned about why we do what we do then he is what we do."
"The purpose of God for your destiny is clearly stated in his words."
"God isn't looking for someone with a perfect personality, He's raised up someone who will allow people to come to repentance."
"God is doing a work, and the work that he started in you, he's faithful to finish."
"There are ways in for us to enjoy the fullness of what God want us to enjoy."
"You are changing from glory to glory with ever-increasing glory, and what God put in you is greater than anything the world can throw against you. Now imitate that!"
"He chose us, God created you so intentionally, he created you as your father, you being his kid you are, that is the best parent."
"Success is defined as finding and accomplishing the will of God for your life."
"If you don't do it, God's got somebody else that'll stand up and get the job done."
"God wants to fill all things through the church, not just fill the church."
"All things work together unto good for those who love God."
"You are on this path for a Divine Purpose and reason."
"God uses the flawed and imperfect, like Abraham, to fulfill His plans."
"God does work all things together for good to those who love him and are called according to his purpose he will so he's half that's where our faith has to be."
"Moment by moment, I will reveal my purpose to you."
"Trust that God has a divine purpose for your life. Rest securely in that purpose."
"God's not looking for people who know how to stay busy. He's looking for people who know how to represent his heart."
"God closed it on purpose to provoke within her a passionate pursuit of him."
"Jesus Christ didn't die on the cross so that you would live in a fearful and tormented state. As children of God, we have to know that."
"I want to draw you closer to myself more than I want to use you to draw others close to me."
"All things work together for good to every person who loves God and has been called by his purpose."
"It was Jehovah who gave him a life full of real meaning, purpose, and happiness."
"Everything that God does for his children is meant for their benefit, for their well-being."
"For we know that all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord and that are the called according to his purpose father you would that none be lost but that all would come to repentance."
"As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good." - Genesis 50:20
"God always has a divine intent for the seed. The seed is there to yield fruit."
"God's plan for our lives will ultimately lead to a glorious fulfillment of his purpose."
"Every trial every season of waiting every test and every season of abundance ultimately serves his Grand purpose."
"I think it's an honor for God to choose to use your gifts, whatever they are."
"These are dark times, but it's all for the Most High God's glory."
"God brought you out for such a time as this."
"God gives us these gifts so that we can help others."
"God gives you these gifts so that you can help them."
"For them that love God, all things work together unto good."
"Predestined ated am that he purposed for men and women everywhere to be holy and I'm so glad he didn't leave us out oh yes amen."
"God did not create you for fun. He created you for purpose."
"God never gives you all of these directives that seem so sacrificial if what he wants to do on the other side of it is not even more amazing."
"God is truly using them not only for our good but for his glory."
"Recognizing, remembering, and embodying our divine roles in serving humanity."
"Allah explains everything around you and every time he explains something there's a purpose."
"I have not come to live of my own whim but to live the will of the one who sent me."
"God chooses the flawed, broken ones for His grand plan."
"God is using us as a mouthpiece to shape the world."