
Conditions Quotes

There are 1131 quotes

"If you need perfect conditions to win, you're not going to win."
"I'm not actually scared of the dark... only when it's like, really dark."
"You will have a happy, perfect marriage with amazing sex and live in a beautiful house, but no internet connection."
"You'll become the most successful person in the world, with wealth, happiness, fame, lovers, and untold wealth, but you can't have children."
"Crime and social dysfunction come down to predictable social conditions."
"Is early retirement possible? Well, yeah, actually, but there's a pretty big asterisk that comes with that."
"People do not commit crimes because they are immoral; that action comes as a consequence of dire conditions."
"This is going to dramatically improve the conditions for our soldiers."
"Mars: immensely cold, arid on an inconceivable scale, and almost airless. Little evidence has ever been found on the existence of biological life on Mars."
"A perfect storm of economic, political, and societal conditions has led the U.S. housing market to act in some very strange ways."
"Most people will commit atrocities under the right conditions, and it's not necessarily because they're inherently evil."
"Riots are the language of the unheard. You need to address the underlying condition."
"Adonis will accept any young man under one condition: that young man must strive for improvements."
"It's incredibly easy for a flower to grow in the right conditions."
"They’re the ones out in Iowa, in Iowa 1, knocking on doors in 90 percent humidity and heat in June and July. Why?"
"It's not just nighttime; we're talking about complete darkness here. No single light source around you."
"It's almost as if changeable conditions... makes for better racing."
"Remember that if a treasure guardian has been bound to a treasure, there are always conditions to override its magical contract."
"You cannot go halfway and be like, I support trans women and trans people, but only to a certain point."
"Sometimes it can just spontaneously happen because you hit the right conditions, the right altered state for it."
"Conditions are never going to be perfect for you to get something started."
"How can you fully love if you're too afraid to get hurt?"
"If we create the right conditions, growth will happen."
"Love has no 'buts'. If you want to change me, you do not love me."
"It cannot be the condition upon which Cardano is successful."
"Miracles are the only thing that can happen whenever you meet God's conditions."
"The United States will always be my home, and I'll always be willing to come back on a single condition."
"The switch case statement is useful for multiple options, like eye colors."
"You take your condition... stick it in for the value... and this will give me the alternating effect for squares."
"Unique classes are built in some kind of special conditions and many of them have outstanding abilities."
"People have to prove themselves in order for me to trust them."
"A financial settlement was non-negotiable without significant police reform."
"You need to make demands and threats... if you don't do it then I won't support you."
"Relationships are conditional, and I think that's actually as they should be."
"Love is unconditional, you should never feel like you have to earn it."
"Love is not a causeless, unconditional thing that you just give away."
"Taking the same scene in different lights, different times of the day, different weather conditions will produce such different shots and you shouldn't underestimate that."
"Unless you can do something that's so incredibly historic that it breaks the formula, you're not winning MVP unless your team is an elite winning team."
"When it comes to the conditions of Mount Whitney, you have to understand Mount Whitney's a beast of its own right."
"Both teams play on the same pitch with the same weather, yeah."
"That is infringement on my right to speak on canceling unless you waive that requirement."
"Their life choices have never been a prerequisite for my friendship."
"God wants all men to be saved... but certain conditions must be met."
"That's the only way we're winning this game, yeah, yeah, one condition, yeah, absolutely."
"You are never truly stuck; love will never come if you put conditions on it."
"A while loop is going to continue executing as long as a condition is true."
"Doesn't matter how fast or slow your car is if you've got the right conditions... sometimes things can go well for you."
"Ice circles are extremely rare natural phenomena which occur only in slow-moving water at a particular speed and at a right temperature."
"There's no bad conditions. There's only weakness."
"If I win the 1v1 you must shut down all operations."
"It's about as perfect as you could hope for for liftoff conditions." - Ideal conditions for liftoff.
"Does everyone deserve a second chance? It just depends."
"I either want to be single and at peace or this needs to happen to allow for the potential for it to work."
"You don't have a healthy storm unless everything is stacked on top of each other."
"Acceptance doesn't mean we have to accept everything."
"Chiefs looked awesome in this game, handled the elements great."
"No experienced parachutist would have jumped into the pitch black knight in the rain with 200 mile per hour wind in his face wearing loafers and a trench coat. It was simply too risky."
"If you're looking for the best hybrid out there for snow weather traction, wet weather traction, etc., or off-road traction, that is certainly going to be this model."
"I'm only submissive in a safe, loving relationship."
"Only women, children, and dogs are loved unconditionally. A man is only loved under the condition that he provides something."
"You said that I've helped you build the time machine. We'd use it for whatever I want to do. No do-overs."
"There's a catch because it's conditional. What's it conditional upon? Your obedience, your perseverance, your willingness to do something you don't understand."
"If I do it, you really have to give me a smooch."
"So, no tangibles, no vote. And that's all it is anyway, y'all."
"Unconditional love can become unhealthy if you attach other things to it."
"There may be millions of stars in the cosmic Goldilocks zone where conditions are just suitable for life."
"If it's a curse then no, but if I continue as I am now and just look like a skeleton every time the moonlight touches me then I'd do it."
"Usually, shaves are a bit clumpy if it's wet."
"Consciousness and worse conditions, there's no question you're heading for the path of revolution. This is quite clear."
"If we had a dry track, man, this thing would rip."
"It's free, as long as you've got an iOS device."
"Temperature range should be around 60 to 75 degrees."
"It made me smile, just to know the conditions."
"The armax takes first in uneven bumps as speeds increase."
"Believe and trust that God's going to take whatever the conditions are of this place and teach us."
"You can't always change somebody's mind for them, but you can create the conditions in which they can begin to change their own mind."
"Thunder only happens when it's raining, players only love you when they're playing."
"All of my mothers and fathers out there... Is love conditional?"
"If they have the right conditions, it can become an interesting one."
"At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what conditions he had or what he suffers, he still did this."
"Money doesn't just appear from nowhere. Money comes from people, and people give you money under some condition."
"Forgiveness can only be given to those seeking reconciliation."
"I didn't want to sit around and waste these good conditions."
"Britney is free today with a couple of conditions attached."
"I demand the love! Terms and Conditions apply."
"If you get the right conditions, these sorts of armies just steamroll people absolutely."
"Real happiness is unconditional. The moment you have a condition, then you're basically saying, 'I'm not going to be happy until that condition is met.'"
"The source of wealth are the conditions that allow for this."
"Absolutely if they wanted to pay for themselves they would be welcome."
"You'll only be able to do it if you're wearing the badge. You'd better try it first."
"Only women, children, and dogs are loved unconditionally; men are loved under the condition that they provide something great."
"Liberty can't be conditional because when freedom becomes conditional you're only enforcing a class system."
"Long term very bullish as long as you're above about a buck 30 or so on a daily."
"Love the journey, don't love the conditions."
"The conditions for reversal are incredibly clear at this point."
"Nothing worth having is free, however, there are conditions to this incredible offer."
"You can't forgive if someone hasn't asked for forgiveness and sincerely apologized."
"Would you sleep with your boss as a condition of employment? I want to know."
"It's just the conditions of the time that we're living in."
"Payment withheld until proof of death delivered to appropriate security office."
"Liberty is becoming conditional on doing very specific things that the government is asking you to do."
"Weather permitting, this is our schedule currently."
"Government cannot make it a condition of the receipt of any public benefit or the immunity from any public harm that the individual has to surrender some constitutional right."
"Unconditional love is not unconditional if it does not extend to yourself."
"Radical acceptance is reminding you that love shouldn't always be conditional."
"Conditional love is what drives people apart."
"A Knight Banneret can only be elevated if at least one of two possible circumstances are met."
"It's a very low risk product for people who have skin conditions."
"You're not always going to be met with the exact conditions that you want."
"If the statement is true, the first condition is executed; if the statement is false, the second condition is executed."
"Weather and winds are looking good."
"Despite the harsh conditions, Sarah refuses to give up."
"Over 80% of the bees exposed to the harshest conditions survived."
"The race had nearly ideal conditions, and the record was actually beaten multiple times."
"It's the conditions inside prisons which need the most correction."
"Seeds need water, air, and the right temperature to sprout."
"We can forgive from afar; reconciliation is conditional."
"Absolutely gorgeous conditions, gorgeous light, wonderful shenanigans."
"Symptoms associated with hypothyroidism are not unique to hypothyroidism; all symptoms can be triggered by other conditions."
"If love came with conditions, would it even be love?"
"The logical and operator will return true if both conditions are true."
"The BMWs are just fantastic in these warmer, drier conditions."
"It's pouring, it is pouring, no grip out here."
"During times of life-threatening conditions...people have one of two reactions."
"The levels of wetness really changed."
"We'll show you how shitty of conditions our Marines can operate in."
"Your care approach will never ever compensate for insufficient conditions."
"It's the golden hour as far as the light here on the West Coast at Long Beach, beautiful conditions and barely any wind."
"You can love your house when it's messy, when it's filthy, when it's so cluttered you can't see your surfaces."
"You can't be loyal and faithful with a contingency of 'I'm only faithful and loyal because you're faithful and loyal as well.'"
"Love should be unconditional when you decide it is."
"A good society is one which tries to provide all its human beings with the conditions, the external conditions prerequisite to their pursuit of happiness."
"Sometimes you may need to choose that not-so-pretty campsite for better conditions."
"The atonement of Christ has unconditional and conditional parts."
"The main one being the weather and winter conditions."
"Once you started develop a systemic critique of the conditions that leave so few choices for black men like yourself."
"Always need to be lucky, yeah? If we're honest, so then all other conditions like weather, like the right location, micro-location, like bait for sure, the right system, the right equipment."
"It's effectively just fishing for a bite at a time, exactly. Whereas if conditions were much better and low pressure and windy and cooler, you can use more bait so you have to be adaptable."
"Great weather conditions for the riders as they began the day."
"Unconditional love is love without conditions."
"Having those conditions is doubling your risk of everything else."
"It could not be fired in this condition."
"It's honestly better to fish here whenever it's a little muddy."
"Seeing how little pharmaceutical drugs do for complex conditions like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's was the Line in the sand."
"The ice age engine turned back on, within a decade conditions went back to 20,000 years ago."
"So long as P is the only condition under which Q is true, then Q entails P."
"And in conditions like this, you can just imagine sitting here at 25 knots."
"His love is unconditional and ours is conditional."
"When certain conditions accompany order blocks, the chance of winning the trade significantly improves."
"...if god gave us a spouse to man out every condition we would never learn how to love unconditionally."
"If parallel universes do exist, we might have just inhabited the one that had all the right conditions for our survival."
"But we're splitting hairs sometimes. It's living in different conditions; it'll give you better results. And sometimes, it's just really personal preference."
"The key was shining, which meant that the sin condition he had set had been achieved."
"It was super easy to see in the sun, even in bright sunny conditions."
"In order for liquid water to exist on any Planet you essentially need to have just the right temperature and just the right pressure."
"Conditions today are still excellent to fly."
"It's been a rainy weekend here at Virginia International Raceway but the weather is dry this morning... at least we have a dry race track."
"Even temperate conditions like those on Earth can never be taken for granted."
"As a gardener I know that if I give my plants the right conditions they will be magnificent."
"When you give the body the right conditions, healing takes place."
"Mental health has to do with the relationship each person establishes with oneself, with those around them, and with the surrounding conditions."
"Love is conditional, but my freedom is not."
"Money makes you very, very happy... with those provisos in place, money makes you very, very happy."
"Volatility creates conditions that give us opportunities."
"Stipulate: to demand or specify, to set down your conditions, to lay down what you want."
"Is it going to make a difference? Yes, if every other component in line is in play right."
"The brain's on fire, and it's also on fire in autism, in Alzheimer's, in schizophrenia."
"...the rain had turned the entire site into a wonderful Mudfest."
"Under the right conditions, that would make a really believable ghost."
"While conditions in Alcatraz were certainly poor, it didn't really live up to the reputation that it inspired."
"About 54 degrees it's not too cold no wind for a change and that's nice."
"Unconditional love is not I love you enough to stay with you through anything that you do, it's I can love you through any situation or any life wherever life takes you."
"Finite games have a winning condition and the winning condition is usually met when basically participants agree."
"They're perhaps earned the conditions that we have today."
"Overall, it's a great vehicle. I love Super Cruise when it works in the conditions that it's designed to work in. It works flawlessly, I would say."
"I think it's a really good system as long as you're driving, even if it's not in perfect conditions."
"Just because I create what I think is a great composition doesn't mean that the conditions around it are going to be conducive for a great photograph."
"Timing makes a world of difference. Just going out when the conditions are conducive to create a great outdoor photograph."
"If God gave us a spouse that met our every condition, we would never learn how to love unconditionally."
"Patience is key in photography. Understand that it takes years to progress, and some images take months or years to get in the right conditions."
"I'll be your mockingjay, but I have some conditions."
"I've decided I'll be your mockingjay, but I have some conditions."
"The river was looking pretty much perfect. It had been really high a few days before but it already started falling and there was still quite a bit of color in the water."
"Conditions were little better than in Union facilities and the shortages of medicine and trained medical personnel were worse than in the North."
"Women will never ever love you unconditionally."
"The rest that Christ offers depends upon conditions, but these conditions are plainly specified."
"Romantic love is conditional, I think, and it builds to be unconditional eventually."
"There is no unconditional love when you're dealing with a woman. It is completely conditional."
"Love has no but. If you want to change me, you do not love me."
"The area around a star is habitable when it's not too cold or too hot for liquid water to exist on the planet surrounding it."
"It just started to rain hard enough we started sticking to our tires."
"God's love is unconditional but his blessings are conditional."
"The only thing that can happen when you meet God's conditions is a miracle."
"there is no shame in being HIV positive or having AIDS there's no shame in being a drug addict or an alcoholic there's no shame in having mental illness"
"Some areas are windier than others."
"It's not about trying, it's about setting up the conditions."
"No air conditioning, sweaty as hell, it's made out of wood."
"A sufficient condition is saying that dropping the camera in water is sufficient to ruin the camera."
"We know that there are osteoarticular and musculoskeletal implications, including things like flat feet."