
Chronic Pain Quotes

There are 141 quotes

"More people are affected by chronic pain now than the combined total of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer."
"Does cannabis help with chronic pain? Absolutely, it can help."
"Pay attention to stress and to any chronic pain or fatigue. You want to take care of that, get the rest that you need."
"In today's world, where the grip of pain is all too common, we face a growing issue; millions of individuals battle the persistent torment of joint pain every single day."
"If they're going to cover a pain with a medication, tell them, 'Well, if you take it for longer than five days, your pain is going to increase and actually the pain is changing the actual structure of your brain.'"
"If you have intense chronic pain, my heart goes out to you. It's really awful."
"Chronic pain is...an extraordinarily ubiquitous, extraordinarily common condition and one that's been very, very difficult to treat."
"Pain is ultimately a neurodegenerative condition, a central nervous system disease in and of its own right."
"Fibromyalgia...is defined as a chronic, widespread pain condition that often involves a heightened sensitivity to pain."
"The problem with pain, with chronic pain, is a chronic pain is a disease. It's a disease much like any other disease in our society. It's like diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, asthma. When you think about those chronic conditions, we haven't cured a single one."
"The research you have done around chronic pain is game-changing. It's helping so many practitioners and patients all over the world find healing where previously there was stress and heartache."
"Pain reprocessing therapy is changing the narrative, thinking about yourself differently, understanding why it's there, and having hope that it's reversible."
"Can we entirely change careers and deal with adult bullying at sixty? What does it mean to be a successful professional but to not be able to share your chronic pain with others as you suffer?"
"Most of you that are suffering chronic pain...is doing so unnecessarily."
"Four years after 20 years of that type of pain."
"You're brave on the days that you walk out the front door in pain and not knowing what it'll result in."
"Pregabalin can improve pain and sleep in fibromyalgia."
"Best thing for rib pain chronic rib pain is moist heat moist heating pad I love about 20-30 minutes couple times a day don't sleep with it that's something important."
"Lean into the pain. It doesn't really matter that it hurts when you sit, stand, sleep, cough, run, jump, dance—anything. If you've hurt your back, you understand that it affects every single bit of your life."
"Living in chronic pain, having no answers as to why, is so defeating."
"Our bodies were made to move. Sitting for prolonged periods can lead to chronic pain."
"This disease has completely consumed my life; I can’t brush my hair or my teeth, eat, sleep, stand in the wind, or touch my face without feeling like I’m being electrocuted across my face."
"You cannot plagiarize another woman's chronic pain experience because every woman's chronic pain experience is different."
"I am consistently constantly in muscular and joint pain... but I always appear to be in jovial spirits."
"I've still got back pain, but today's a good, positive day."
"He's destroyed his chronic pain syndrome... he's completely pain-free."
"People discount how much poor knee posture... it can cause or perpetuate pain."
"If you have low back pain we would really highly encourage you to stay calm to not catastrophize it."
"Chronic pain interferes with basically everything you try to do during your day... it's very hard to adapt to something like chronic pain."
"The longer a person is chronic pain the more the brain shrinks 1 point 3 cubic centimeters per year diminishes quality life of course anxiety and depression."
"When you start eating a proper human diet, you're going to be surprised at how much better that chronic pain you used to think was permanent, it's not really permanent."
"Sometimes I'm in too much pain to want to get out of bed."
"For many people suffering from chronic pain, weed has been a godsend."
"Your pain is real. It is a real condition that affects so many people."
"It's not just complaining. It is not any of that."
"Chronic pain moves from a situation where we're trying to find the cause and treat the cause to just managing the pain."
"The paradigm of how we treat chronic pain in modern medicine is completely wedded to the idea that most pain can be treated with something you can swallow."
"The majority of chronic pain is primary pain meaning the pain has taken on a life of its own. It's not being caused by problems in the body."
"Chronic pain is caused and cured by a form of brain retraining by this specific approach."
"There's no reason to have chronic pain. We need to do everything we can to understand it and get rid of it. Neuropathic pain is also associated with the fact that innocuous stimuli produce pain."
"Pain is associated with cancer and MS and spinal cord injury, but pain, chronic pain, is a disease itself."
"Chronic post-surgery pain can sometimes continue for months even after the surgical site has healed."
"There is not a chronic pain condition that doesn't have high rates of centralized pain."
"Exercise, in my mind, is the most effective treatment for chronic pain across all chronic pain conditions."
"It feels just like this constant head pain that I always feel. It's just like sometimes it's better, sometimes it's worse."
"your health is so important and it really sucks when you live with chronic pain."
"People are tired of taking pills. So we offer medical massage therapies for the relief of chronic pain. We help people have less pain, more movement, and a better life."
"When you have chronic pain, you are willing to try anything to not hurt."
"Julie worked with you and had chronic pain and has been pain-free since working with you and loves the MELT method that you taught her."
"If a drug could do for chronic pain what plants do, everyone would be taking it."
"Chronic pain is curable, the neuroscience has given the answer. You can redirect the brain to rewire a different way."
"Chronic pain may not improve and it may get worse with time. It often fluctuates with flare-ups where the pain gets worse."
"Patients with chronic pain require a holistic person-centered approach to assessing and managing their condition."
"For most people with chronic pain I learned that they don't have an actual structural abnormality to account for that chronic pain."
"Living with chronic pain is the worst. It's more than a feeling of discomfort; it can affect your whole life."
"Acute pain is not a problem. The real big problem, of course, is clinical pain, chronic, persistent, ongoing pain."
"For people that have bad disorders whether it's benzo we would like an anxiety or antidepressants someplace where they say if there's life's people with chronic pain so they couldn't live without them I I think that that's wonderful."
"Chronic pain is not simply prolonged persistent acute pain."
"Movement doesn't have to be vigorous; any form of movement is better than no form of movement when it comes to chronic pain."
"There is no cure for human pain. Pain-free is a real catchphrase in this work and I like to say I am chronic pain free because chronic pain is an epidemic of fear."
"So if I have CRPS in my left leg, it doesn't live in my left leg; it lives in my brain."
"Evaluating patients with fibromyalgia and chronic widespread pain syndrome for presence of a small fiber neuropathy open avenues for treatments."
"I've seen patients in our clinic that had been suffering for this for 20 plus years."
"We generally don't do a very good job of teaching people with chronic pain some of the things that they can do on their own."
"The most effective treatments for chronic pain are not drugs or procedures, but instead, things that you can do on your own."
"It's really important for people with chronic pain to embrace the use of these non-drug therapies because if the drugs alone aren't effective enough to manage the pain, then you're going to have to move over to some of these non-drug therapies."
"We simply don't have effective enough drugs. Most people with chronic pain are not going to get really good improvement of their pain if they rely on drug therapy alone."
"As someone who also deals with skin flare-ups and has seen so many specialists, I sympathize with all of this. Chronic pain sucks."
"Bossy had hopes of finding relief from his chronic back pain and knee problems but unfortunately despite his efforts, he couldn't find anything to alleviate the pain."
"You're inspirational. CPT is chronic pain talk for some people, Elena, they have something called chronic pain, some of us do have that, yes."
"Chronic pain is a thief. It takes our patience, our joy, our goodwill, and often our friends and family. Try not to let it completely steal your relationship with your sister. Neither of you are at fault for the situation you have to endure. Good luck."
"The emotional response we can do a huge amount with, with chronic pain."
"For those who don't know, Curable develops an app that delivers therapy for chronic pain."
"Chronic pain is a very lonely existence, and people who have it feel like they're the only ones."
"Nerve pain... has different kinds."
"If you're in chronic pain... it's time to figure out why."
"B12 deficiency by itself can cause chronic pain. It's actually one of the causes of chronic pain. So you treat chronic pain with a drug that can cause chronic pain, and you end up chasing your tail."
"Chronic pain is a disorder that destroys the lives of millions of people."
"It's not just chronic pain; it has changed my life."
"Hurting all the goddamn time is bad; it eats you alive."
"Chronic pelvic pain syndrome is used to emphasize that the prostate may not be to blame."
"She was a little girl in chronic pain, but only a handful of people believed her."
"I can't remember what it feels like to have a pain-free day."
"If you have provided the statements necessary to show what pain is like on flare-up, the 20 is very attainable."
"Over 80% of people at some point will struggle with chronic low back pain."
"I treat a subset of these patients... we have one philosophical viewpoint on how to treat patients with chronic pain."
"As part of my basic knowledge of chronic pain, we always know that there's a psychological stress that probably needs support with counseling."
"This can offer patients substantial relief and long-lasting relief for their chronic pain."
"People with chronic pain will tell you the hardest part isn't the pain itself; it's the way the pain steals your joy."
"I have such admiration for people who have lived in debilitating pain for a whole life, and you just don't know it."
"It's not normal to be completely crippled by pain, which I am each month."
"Chronic pain is complicated; it's constructed and modulated by a constellation of interactions between sensory, cognitive, and emotional factors."
"Chronic pain shows up in chronic health conditions that cause pain, such as autoimmune disease, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, scleroderma, multiple sclerosis, and so on."
"Those patients of mine who developed chronic pain after relatively mild accidents, they had histories of childhood trauma."
"At this point in time, my chronic pain had gone down dramatically, my skin issues were better, and my gut stuff was healing."
"I'm doing extremely well; it's been almost eight years since I've had chronic pain."
"When you suffer with chronic neuropathic pain, any help to reduce that pain could help to improve the quality of your life."
"The biggest problem I see with people that are in chronic pain is that they have a lot of tension within their body and they have a very sympathetic nervous system."
"Thank you so much, having a chronic pain day, your live is my day love."
"Chronic pain Anonymous is a worldwide fellowship of individuals that understand the isolation, fear, and despair many have experienced when living with unpredictable and life-changing chronic illness and chronic pain."
"I've been having this kind of chronic back pain... and then I started to do direct hip flexor work."
"Imagine you live in chronic pain every day... it affects your mental health obviously, and you can't live life the way you want."
"The book is called 'The Way Out'. It's actually got a practical method for you to deal with your chronic pain."
"The chronic stage of pain is what we're all trying to avoid. This is the type of pain that you can feel years after your initial injury."
"I feel like it's pretty rare for me to find books that are about characters that experience chronic pain."
"The significant pain associated with lumbar spinal stenosis can have a negative impact on individuals, causing inactivity, disability, functional impairment, and potentially loss of independence."
"We define chronic pain as pain that's persistent for six months or more."
"If you're in pain from moving every day, that's going to take a toll on your mental health."
"Chronic pain can be completely debilitating and can really take its toll on your life."
"There's just no worse pain than adhesive arachnoiditis."
"This mass is actually a clump of entrapped nerves and that's where the disability and the terrible pain comes from."
"Engaging in a variety of exercises is more effective than one single type of exercise for chronic pain, arthritis, back pain, as well as osteoporosis."
"Chronic pain and chronic illness affect a lot of different people across the age spectrum."
"The skeletal remains showed severe degeneration to the man's back and neck, indicative of someone suffering from severe back pain during their life."
"Anyone who suffers from chronic pain will know how desperate you can become to alleviate the pain you're in."
"There's a big connection between suffering chronic pain and suicide; it's a really significant risk factor."
"They're facing the prospect of a life in pain which is connected to general pessimism and negative thoughts about the future, including hopelessness."
"People can develop mental illness for a variety of different reasons: financial, marital problems, the sudden death of a loved one, chronic pain, trauma, unemployment amongst many others."
"I knew at that point that I was onto something when it came to clients and dealing with chronic pain."