
Horror Quotes

There are 6887 quotes

"I'm going to tell you a story. It's a uniquely American story... it's an American horror story."
"You're seeing a pack of no fewer than four... they're all pale, maggoty flesh, mouth full of sharp, jagged teeth, black gums, and long claws growing out of their hands."
"After the last pockets of resistance are finally neutralized, the most horrifying part of the attack begins: the consumption phase."
"John R. Dilworth... would be responsible for one of the most beloved horror cartoons of the new millennium."
"The horror that we consume is reflective of our fears as a society."
"Pets have very little to do with the storyline of Pet Scop, and the storyline is where shit gets really strange and really scary."
"This is one of the most horrifying scenarios imaginable, and there's an unbelievable twist at the end that will leave your jaw on the floor."
"In the face of such horrors, we must hold to our path."
"Assuming that he is a spring-lock victim, that's brutally scary. Being thrown into an animatronic's mouth and crying so much that you make the jaw snap onto your own skull, killing you instantly. Holy crap, that is nightmare fuel."
"The house is pitch black, but Sophie keeps hearing noises on the other side of the doors."
"Something dark, whatever it is, it's trying to get through the door."
"He's blind and hunts by sound, so Erica has to control her breathing."
"I was lying in bed and I felt something staring at me from the corner of the bedroom."
"I knew there was something there, something very real, but I didn't dare turn on the light because I didn't want to see whatever it was."
"The presence then appears in the room with them as Daniel screams and is dragged into the other world."
"That's the true spirit of a Lovecraftian game: they traditionally have a grim outcome for the protagonist, who usually succumbs to madness or death at some point."
"Every single person in this house is actually becoming possessed; I'm the only one that's normal that's left."
"The fact that David set up a bunch of knives as a date gift for this weird girl monster is weird enough."
"I'm glad that's over with, but you literally wanted to go on a date with a girl version of Michael Myers."
"The blood evoker is real, and he's really freaking terrifying."
"It is relevant that much of the horror in 'It' is perpetuated by human beings rather than the titular interdimensional monster."
"The series hits us with some pretty unique versions of classic horror foundations: paranoia and the fear of being watched, isolation, and the biggest—shattering your sense of perceived safety."
"It's amazing but it's so horrific but if folks have the opportunity, please help."
"Gradually I came to find Herbert West himself more horrible than anything he did."
"What genres are more political than horror and science fiction, both are two sides of the same coin measuring the fears and hopes of the human race."
"Baldi's Basics is a meta horror experience disguised as a 90s styled educational game."
"Wes Craven was the legendary horror director who brought us everything from Last House on the Left, to The Hills Have Eyes, to A Nightmare on Elm Street."
"Horror stories are romance stories if you just change the lighting and the background music."
"Silent Hill... drawing inspiration from the works of David Lynch, Dario Argento, and even Francis Bacon."
"Undoubtedly the scariest webcomic to ever gain widespread popularity."
"This notorious South Korean webcomic...still manages to be unexpectedly chilling."
"I’ve seen the worst of humanity as a cop. But this town made me see, that there are horrors beyond what humans can dream up."
"What better place to start than with the king of horror manga himself, Junji Ito."
"Step right up and gaze upon tales of horror and wonder, of urban legends and terrifying mysteries alike."
"It really is a great way to put it, a house of horrors."
"Silent Hill is the most disturbing and terrifying horror franchise that has ever lived and died."
"The horrendous, horrendous, horrific nature of this crime."
"It's not the horror that defines you; it's how well you fought it."
"The rain is red... it's blood. Blood rain, it's actually blood rain right now, guys."
"It's ugly and beautiful. It's melancholy and horrific. It's a game of contrast that manages to create one of my favorite horror experiences of all time."
"The horror comes from it being jank and also the information being presented to you that there is an entity that looks just like you that is trying to take over you."
"Horror and comedy are very hand-in-hand. They're both ridiculous."
"The terror the audience imagines from the tiny hints of danger and the overwhelming power of the unknown is always scarier than whatever the special effects department could rustle up."
"The trusty pause button has come to our aid in the quest to scope out all of the juicy background details, head-scratching puzzles, or Easter eggs horror directors have left around the screen for us."
"Ridley Scott's Alien broke conventions by bringing viewers into unfamiliar territory, emphasizing concepts that are largely known to us: space exploration, along with the mystery that comes with it."
"Designer Gary Napper noted that 'we needed something that would look very different every time you played it. You're gonna die a lot, which means restarting a lot. If the alien was scripted, you'd see the same behavior that makes the alien become predictable and a lot less scary.'"
"This remains one of my favorite games of the generation, a perfect blend of exploration, horror, action, and resource management."
"Alien Isolation is one of my favorite horror action games of this generation, released back in 2014 on both current and last generation consoles."
"The more you let in, the worse it gets. Please, you have to help us."
"1408 portrays its isolating horror in both a distinctly terrifying and surprisingly timeless fashion."
"Adro...abducts people and feasts on them in front of one another."
"It just makes you shudder to think of what the people went through back then. It was just horrific."
"A few things in Warhammer are worse than being covered in Hell Canon ectoplasm, screaming your name with the voices of damned souls as you burn alive."
"The moment that to me felt the closest to what these creators have done, it's literal horror."
"For five years, the horror of what was happening was suspected, and yet time and time again, nothing was done."
"This is a great plot for like a horror thriller."
"The more detectives tucked into this case, the more horrific it became."
"Like a scene out of a horror movie, Perska walks into the kitchen and captures the figure of a little girl."
"I'm not usually one to get all bandwagony, but Slenderman is honestly one of the most inspiring and sinister things I've seen lately."
"Even though Slenderman himself is a relic of the past now, his influence can still be seen in so much of the internet horror that's popular today."
"SlenderMan was a relic of early Creepypasta, he was there when the genre was forming, he influenced so many stories and characters."
"Genres are always changing and evolving; horror is no different."
"I am Dr. Frankenstein... I have created a monster."
"The condition of the African slave in the American southern colonies during this time period was horrible."
"Psychological horror, not relying on jump scares or super graphic imagery but instead a terrifyingly dark atmosphere and frightening implications."
"A classic that spawned a lot of modern internet horror but some people don't even realize."
"During this stage, Fallout 76 definitely became a pretty frightening game."
"It's interesting to see how real-life events and the horror of what humans can do to each other has inspired and intertwined with what becomes popular in pop culture."
"The people of Andale have a secret which explains why no visitors stay for very long; they are a community of cannibals."
"BioShock is a triumph from start to finish, immersing players in a stunning world full of terrifying characters from the second their bathysphere descends into the ocean."
"The boy's face seemed to go from young and peachy to old and wrinkled like a bag of flesh, this thing's mouth opened unhumanely wide and sprinted towards me."
"Underneath all the tension and pure fear is a story based on real-life events."
"The cabinet of Dr. Caligari, with just one look at this film's striking visuals, it's obvious why it's considered a revolution for Art House horror movies."
"Hereditary is an utterly enthralling deconstruction of grief that just so happens to come with a few jump scares."
"It is really rare to see creature effects that are this upsetting and convincing visually."
"Horror isn't just about violence. Violence is a stylistic way to get across ideas."
"But all in all, I do feel as if this is pretty much the best remake that we could have hoped for out of this era of horror."
"The valley before them was littered with human bones, some still wrapped in tattered shreds of clothing, and others clinging to strips of dried flesh and hair."
"Being encased by a constantly growing skin cocoon, that's creepy."
"Nosferatu was one of the first movies to create the signature of one of the most classic and recognizable horror movie icons of all time: the vampire."
"Horror is not a genre; it's a feeling. I get it."
"This cabin was built on Native American soil, not just any Native American soil, a Native American burial ground."
"This night would be one of the most horrifying nights of our entire lives."
"Horror, in contrast, is all about the experience; everything in a horror game, from its mechanics to sound to presentation, is all about crafting one specific emotion."
"Practically every other genre is named after its mechanics; horror is named after the experience."
"John Carpenter's The Thing is one of my favorite movies of all time."
"Haunted house stories... I never get tired of them."
"Gothic horror doesn't really get a lot of credit; I would love more gothic horror."
"What We Do in the Shadows is bloody good fun."
"Ultimately, what makes What We Do in the Shadows so great is that it was made for us, horror fans, and it isn't pandering to anyone else."
"The Witch is an incredibly effective movie that manages to make twin children and a billy goat some of the most terrifying villains of the movie."
"The Witch relies on unsettling fear to instill dread rather than relying on jump scares or overt scare tactics."
"Symptoms is perhaps the closest that we'll ever come to defining the term forgotten horror cinema."
"This movie is just creepy to watch; it fills you with a weird sense of dread."
"Horror lets us confront and consider them in ways we might not as just a vague feeling."
"The film's opening is a masterclass in tension, withholding the fully formed xenomorph for close to an hour in favor of teasing out small details about the creature."
"The chestburster scene...we have spent the entirety of the film waiting patiently for the creature to arrive, and when it does, it doesn't just appear; it explodes onto our screens."
"Each scene is designed to emphasize the xenomorph's effect on our crew, confining the creature to the corners of our imagination for the majority of the film's runtime."
"It's distinctly a horror film and a science-fiction film."
"It carries on the tradition of exploring the subconscious, the surreal, and the effects of trauma in a way that is unique to horror."
"I actually think that the horror genre is the most important genre when it comes to film; however, it's just vastly underappreciated."
"Horror and comedy are just the juxtaposition; they take a situation and push it to absurdity."
"Creepypastas...a community of horror writers creating and sharing their own little urban legends."
"Just because it isn't considered the scariest, it doesn't mean that it can't be considered the greatest, and vice versa."
"The achievements of 'The Exorcist' cannot be understated as they represented a significant historical victory for horror."
"The Exorcist uses horror to explore the human condition and our relationship with the world."
"The work of Japanese horror manga artist Junji Ito exists at the intersection of all our greatest fears. His tales capture primal anxieties so expertly they can seem truly mysterious."
"The violent collision of realms creates a tangible helplessness, a certainty of extinction central to Junji Ito's style of horror."
"There are some things humans are not meant to witness. Things our mind cannot fathom, that defy all reason."
"Without a clear sense of how a threat functions, your rational mind goes blank, letting you experience terrors on a primal level."
"To me, this is Ito reminding us that the absurdity of his horror is a feature, not a bug — an essential part of what makes his work so consistently unpredictable."
"The artist has been quoted as saying that he'll spend multiple days refining a single panel, making sure the image perfectly captures the terror of what he’s trying to convey."
"The baby opened its eyes, blood-red, just red, no whites, no blacks, and screamed."
"More hands erupted from the leaf mold, and red eyes glinted in the dark."
"The thing in the woods was screaming too. It sounded, strangely enough, exactly like a human."
"It's a kind of psychological, cosmic horror; it's about trauma, it's about facing your past."
"Until Dawn, one of my favorite games. Horror games, at least."
"The sukuyant appears as an old woman who strips off her skin at night, transforming into a ball of light, which then enters the home of a victim and drinks their blood while they sleep."
"Bendy and the Ink Machine is my favorite horror game of all time. It may not be a perfect game by any means, but Bendy is a game and franchise that I hold very near and dear to my heart."
"The horror of this game, to me, is easily the second biggest improvement it has to offer over the original Bendy and the Ink Machine."
"The dead body's long dark hair with the crimson dress created a very frightening scene."
"Jordan Peele's 'Get Out' is more than a horror movie."
"And Get Out beautifully updates Ira Levin's tradition."
"Horror has a great possibility to show just how merciless toxic masculinity can be and just how resilient women are."
"This game I consider a horror game just because of this scene right here. There's a scary skeleton. This is enough. If anybody wants to argue with me, @ me on Twitter. We'll fight."
"Knowing that in the place you feel safest, there's something lurking."
"It's like I talked about earlier, with the grand setup of a town with this ancient curse and all the terrifying things it can create, but we still get these moments of very real, very brutal shots that stick with you."
"The flesh that hates suggests a dark and ominous concept...where the malevolent force exhibits a profound aversion to organic life."
"PT received critical acclaim for its direction, visuals, story complexity, and supernatural horror tension build."
"The increasingly horrifying narrative will keep you well and truly spooked due to its sheer bizarreness."
"This idea of a universal human experience...as long as it's rooted in like, if it's a horror movie, we want to see what they do to survive and get out alive. How do they use their wits, their strength, how do they survive this ordeal?"
"This is the intimate horror of having a monster in my family."
"The loved ones unsurprisingly is a movie that deals with the concept of love while simultaneously teaching us the horrors of what can happen if you don't."
"It's about the horror simultaneously balanced against, of course, the glorious iconic vision of the Imperial Astartes."
"Over the past 10 years, we've seen this re-emergence of the horror genre into something prestigious."
"It's a testament to the skill of a filmmaker to be able to find that depth of darkness in blistering sunlight."
"Doki Doki Literature Club throws some twists at you, where you feel less like you're playing a visual novel and more like you're being led through a horror story."
"What's watching you you ask? The pman, Minecraft's newest scariest dweller."
"It's a horror game, yes, but the horror doesn't come from jump scares or creepy imagery."
"The themes of her story are laid out in abstract and frightening ways."
"One of the most, if not the most, realistic game that we have probably played here on the channel as far as horror goes."
"This is the most realistic horror game I've played ever."
"They did such a phenomenal job with the atmosphere."
"In the world of the SCP Foundation, it’s entirely possible you might wake up and find that everyone around you has died, or that the world’s been consumed by an evil, unseen force."
"Ghetto's Uzumaki technique is a direct reference to Junji Ito's most popular horror manga Uzumaki."
"Sitting in the armchair was little more than rotten flesh and Bone."
"An entirely different beast, something ancient, eldritch, and haunting."
"Goya was not one to shy from painting horrors, or hide his most twisted work from the public."
"This is very horrific and very traumatizing."
"There's one thing you need to know before you pick up this book because I'm raving about it, and that is that it is an absurd satire with horror elements."
"Agony is an ingredient to remnant; it's the origins of William Afton's experiments."
"The theme of Jennifer's Body... is about the horror of being a teenager."
"Vlad's victims didn't always know they were about to meet their deaths."
"The rise of the horror genre in entertainment."
"I've gone insane. I have seen things that no man should ever see."
"It was horrifying, it was unnerving, it was foul, and quite literally, it was against the laws of nature."
"Entire world now learns of the unspeakable horror of concentration camps."
"Little old lady got mutilated late last night."
"None are as terrifying or as famous as Charman."
"I think existential horror and cosmic horror is what really gets under my skin."
"Are five nights at freddy's games dumb as hell? Yes undeniably."
"Animatronics are scarier I think to me than mascots and people have a fear of mascots clowns everything else."
"It's almost like a cartoon or comedy film, except it's real and that makes it horrifying."
"The fact that she remained alive for eight hours after he tore her scalp off is nothing short of nightmare inducing."
"Sometimes the scariest thing of all is finding out that the people we trust can create the worst horrors."
"When you have the core of such a great idea, like the Lovecraftian concept, focus on the cosmic horror of it all."
"Adapting Lovecraft is possible if you stay true to the heart of the horror and expand upon those ideas."
"The idea of that is scary, right? The idea like, 'Oh, they're just horror stories, but no, actually, this is real and he was warning us.'"
"There is horror in 'Wheel of Time' just come to life."
"I'd want to make a modern take on a slasher."
"I kind of feel like I would want to do some sort of religious horror."
"Whistleblower: Even more horrifying, intense, and disturbing than the original game." - Outlast: Whistleblower DLC
"The sense of adventure and horror as well as the blurred lines between reality and fiction make these adventures a new form of entertainment in their own right."
"I was hypnotized by this simple twisted story of terror."
"All horror is inherently informed by the social climate it's created in, and vampires are an especially poignant litmus test for society's fears."
"Being horrified is something completely different. It's something that sticks with you."
"People love to be scared, horror films have been a constant fixture in cinema."
"Blumhouse changed horror by redefining the haunted house and home invasion genres."
"Blumhouse has captured the American home like no other."
"The Cenobites in this film were actually scary to me."
"Dance, fun, celebration, murder, darkness, horror—totally can't marry the two."
"The horror comes from the impossibility of the human form being broken down."
"First of all, you'll need to traverse a decent chunk of spooky omelette mine which is scary enough on its own before you stumble across a desiccated corpse dressed in a chalk stripe suit and hat."
"The expectation of the genre keeps you on the edge of your seat, filling you with tension as you wait for a jump scare that never comes."
"Horror tends to be most popular in times of chaos and national crisis."
"Horror shows you that any control was an illusion in the first place."
"Marvel Zombies: A violent and bloody adaptation of the Marvel Zombies comic line."
"The jump scare sound almost sounds like a child crying."
"The score of this film is incredible, the best since the original."
"Oh my god, it is so beautiful but it's so horrifying at the same time!"
"There doesn't need to be distorted music or glitch levels or creepypasta mario sometimes all it needs to be is a simple era screen and that's scary enough."
"I just thought that was a very poignant emotional and horrifying end to a story."
"Doom-inducing that it would inspire a design for one of the most terrifying movie monsters in pop culture."
"It's a film that perfectly defines the splatterpunk movement..."
"Ari Aster's feature debut crawls under your skin making the audience question everything that's happening on screen."
"Alien: Isolation is creepy, makes you feel vulnerable."
"There is always hope hidden in the horror that defines Re:Zero, even if it's not always easy to see, even if it can take everything just to reach blindly for it."
"Wholly original and terrifying in the most unexpected of ways."
"Horror in Japan actually has a very interesting relationship that dates way way back."
"Spooky girls in horror anime make my heart go doki-doki."