
Scientific Accuracy Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"The scientists behind this mission were exceptionally surprised by the fact that all the theoretical predictions of how the helicopter is going to fly have so far been basically 100% correct."
"Perceiving gender, gender traits, sex, and sexuality as spectrums instead of binaries is both scientifically correct and liberating."
"Either the astrophysics we have today is wrong, or perhaps the cosmology is not completely right."
"An important fact has been overlooked: that scientific studies in this field have a very good track record in getting their projections right."
"If Einstein's relativity had not yet been discovered and we launched these satellites... we would first assume that there was some mechanical problem with it."
"Evolution is consistently demonstrably correct and has never been disproved."
"The broader predictive models that scientists have been looking at and refining have been correct. They have been on point."
"The Quran accurately describes the water cycle and the origin of underground springs."
"Remarkably, this test boasted a 70% accuracy rate when put to the scientific test in 1963, showing that ancient wisdom sometimes surpassed expectations."
"I wasn't joking. There was no joke about it. It was very clear that there were things that were said that really was uncomfortable because they were not based on scientific fact."
"It's not a coin flip, it's a scientific process."
"When the pandemic started, a lot of our work became about challenging vaccine pseudoscience."
"It's completely wrong, scientifically and historically."
"Science describes things as they are, constructs predictive models, not absolute claims of truth."
"As I've gotten older, I've cared less about whether someone's opinion is scientifically accurate and more about whether it's damaging to the world."
"The Quran is scientifically accurate, describing phenomena no one could have known 1400 years ago."
"Comparing the number of deaths from COVID-19 at the start of an epidemic after just one month with the total annual number of deaths from flu is not comparing like with like. That means it's not science and it's misleading."
"The visual representations of the wormhole and black hole in Interstellar was literally done as scientifically as possible."
"It's not just that the Quran is wrong about practically everything it says about science, it's so wrong that it would still be morally wrong even if it was factually accurate."
"Selection bias is the bias introduced by selecting individuals that aren't necessarily representative of the entire population. This can often lead to false conclusions being drawn."
"AlphaFold 2 got an error of 0.96 angstroms which was three times more accurate than the next best system."
"To suggest that flow-mediated dilatation is any sort of metric that correlates to heart attacks or really tells us about endothelial function is pretty false."
"Parasaurolophus is one of my favorite dinosaur designs in this game because it's really been updated to reflect our modern understanding of what the animal looked like."
"The science needs to be right, or the dinosaurs will be wrong."
"I found it amazing... the accuracy was astounding."
"It gives the correct answer to hundreds of thousands of experiments, in some cases with an accuracy that is unprecedented in science."
"The study finds that Einstein's 100 year old theory predicted the team's observations with near perfect accuracy."
"The expanse avoids pretty much every major unscientific trope of science fiction."
"What we want is to make sure that... the information given to parents is correct about what is scientifically proven to be safe and effective."
"Getting the science right in movies is so important; it can enlighten somebody's mind and inspire an interest that can change somebody's life."
"2001: A Space Odyssey: scientifically accurate down to the smallest details."
"Deep Impact: tops lists for most accurate scientific movies."
"Any suggestion that male DNA is routinely retained from sexual partners has no support from any scientific study."
"Math can describe what is happening exactly and provide proofs."
"The utility of models is that once you have reason to believe that they are accurate, you can extrapolate from them."
"It is scientifically impossible for the earth to only be six thousand years old and for the entire universe to have been made in six days."
"Nobody's ever found a transitional fossil? That's just not true."
"Science is the one place we have where the map may be the territory."
"You can determine the biological sex of an adult skeleton by measuring their hips with 95% accuracy."
"It's sort of like the polygraph test there's there's plenty of people who have careers based on the fact that they are lie detectors well these things don't work science has demonstrated polygraphs are not accurate they're not reliable at all."
"The book does not pull punches about the climate crisis facing the world. I very intentionally included a three-page overview of the indisputable science around climate change."
"If Finding Nemo had to be scientifically accurate, Nemo's dad would have switched sexes with Nemo's mom after Nemo's mom died and mated with his son."
"The Quran has no scientific errors."
"For every single one of these formulas that includes temperature, you have to make sure that the units are going to be in Kelvin for every single gas law."
"Your comp controls exactly match the fluorochrome that you use in the experiment."
"We know the age of the universe to within 1% accuracy."
"Quantum mechanics works... it's confirmed to thirteen decimal places, so it's awfully good."
"...a model that's so good, a fundamental theory that's so good that not only can we use it to calculate certain processes to 14 decimal places of accuracy and compare them to experiment, but it's also withstood the test of time for over 50 years."
"...one thing that I really appreciate about it that is permits the entire movie is how grounded in science this science fiction is."
"Campbell insisted on scientific rigor in the stories he published; he was an optimist who believed in the power of science and technology to do good for humanity and the world."
"24-bit 48k is the way to go. That's going to give you the best and the most scientifically accurate results."
"It allowed them to be able to really craft a pretty accurate representation of what that plant would have been in seed form at that time."
"This looks super cool, this looks like the coloring, the kind of light floofiness to the feathers, and even kind of the more recent thoughts about the crest on the head have been taken into account here."
"When things are published in peer-reviewed journals, we tend to think of them as being the best science at least the most accurate science of the time."
"The eclipse predictor can predict the location and the time of an eclipse, and that’s purely astronomical."
"They reproduce what they see so that from a scientific point of view it is indisputable."
"We are very pro-scientific but we are anti-establishment science when the establishment science can be shown to be wrong."
"It is incredibly accurate, and allows us to very, very quickly predict what the electron configuration of molecules are going to be."
"Big trees are often probably wrong, but a lot of conclusions that we can make from trees are nicely robust to these small errors."
"The local spin density approximation, when used to optimize molecular geometries, gives bond lengths and hence geometries of molecules and solids typically to an astonishing accuracy of about 1%."
"We are trying to be as scientifically accurate as reasonable for our cinematic level of visualization."
"The laboratory should ensure reporting of uncertainty does not give the wrong impression of the measurement's accuracy."
"I'm excited, the author is actually a neuroscientist, and I think she might be researching Alzheimer's, so it should be very accurate."
"Molecular orbital theory gets the structure of O2 right, its paramagnetism right."
"To the best of our knowledge, when we wrote some of those scenes, the science was accurate."
"He determined that the elementary charge was of the order of 1.59 by 10 to the power of negative 19 Coulomb, which is surprisingly close to our now accepted value."
"This treatment yields better agreement with experiment."